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The Secret of Freemasonry Seen in the Reflection of a Mirror - What do you see?

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posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:46 AM
If truth comes to this place to free you from Masonry, is it your friend or enemy? Truth comes in reflection of light. What do you see in the reflection about your craft?

Verify the truth by comparison to the ritual of Freemasonic initiation. Let me give you an example before listening to the video. I present the mirroring tactic that the ritual uses to deceive you into believing a lie. See it in a simple example:

Aliester Crowley (Freemason) said, ""Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law"

Jesus said, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." Matt 7:12

To know the truth, check the intent. If the intent is to take for self, the truth you follow is the lie from a deception. If the intent is to give from love, the truth you follow is from God. See it in the mirror. What do you see if you look in the mirror? Yourself. What are you seeing? Check again:

edit on 13-2-2012 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

+37 more 
posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by SuperiorEd
Aliester Crowley (Freemason)...

...of an irregualr lodge, who, upon trying to join the United Grand Lodge of England was denied membership and consequently did not become a recognized Mason. Try sticking to the facts when you launch into one of your religious sermons because liars and deceivers need to be saved before I do. Look in your own mirror and see that your unfettered zealotry has caused you to be duplicitous and perfidious.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by SuperiorEd

And bat spit crazy thread number two has reared it's head folks.

Wanna see how an ATS punch in and punch out post is done?

At the tone the time will be 7:52.

This thread will reach critical, Bravo Sierra mass at exactly 7:55.

That is all.

PS. Try search function before you start cluttering the place up with even more crap.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by SuperiorEd
Aliester Crowley (Freemason)...

...of an irregualr lodge, who, upon trying to join the United Grand Lodge of England was denied membership and consequently did not become a recognized Mason. Try sticking to the facts when you launch into one of your religious sermons because liars and deceivers need to be saved before I do. Look in your own mirror and see that your unfettered zealotry has caused you to be duplicitous and perfidious.

I am not hiding behind my belief. Come into the light and reveal the secrets if they are true. Why put your light under a bushel? What is there to hide? I am merely showing you a mirror to look at. I am not coming to take anything from you. All the good that is done by way of giving can be easily achieved apart from private associations behind closed doors. I say come out of Egypt and roll the stone away. Reveal the truth instead of hiding it in a tomb.

edit on 13-2-2012 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by W3RLIED2
reply to post by SuperiorEd

And bat spit crazy thread number two has reared it's head folks.

Wanna see how an ATS punch in and punch out post is done?

At the tone the time will be 7:52.

This thread will reach critical, Bravo Sierra mass at exactly 7:55.

That is all.

PS. Try search function before you start cluttering the place up with even more crap.

Incredulity is bias. I have not stood against anyone in my posts. On the contrary, I am trying to show you the way to true freedom. The path is narrow. Exoteric materialism is not the way. Essoteric mysticism is another broad path. The narrow path is between with truth.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:59 AM
I've not even bothered to watch the clip, because your own comments in the OP uses flawed logic.

The tenet of Crowley's quoted was not one linked to Freemasonary. It was linked to black magic.

Also, many witches live by the tenet, "Do as thou will, so long as it harms none".

edit on 13-2-2012 by Toffeeapple because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by SuperiorEd


This bait has been bandied about more times than I care to count and is no more true now than the last time it was plopped down. Or the time before that. Or the time before that.

Freemasons do their level best to adhere to the ATS maxim of "Deny Ignorance". Do not follow this OP down the rabbit hole of hatred of all who are no in lock step with his views.


posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 10:06 AM
I've heard similar accounts on freemasonry, and I must say, this video seems to point out rather clearly that there is little difference ceremonial wise, to freemasonry and witchcraft. I never liked the idea of people keeping secret knowledge from one another in the pursuit of power. If we are to work together, to live in a utopia, then, all secrets, if truly important, should be revealed.

Who knows, maybe freemasonry is just another good 'Ol boys club that practice group sex or other strange/'deviant' sexual acts together and they don't want everyone joining because of this.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by SuperiorEd

Why would I need to be freed from a group I freely joined, and if I so choose, can leave at any time? From the sounds of it, you are implying I am incapable without the help external forces of leaving Freemasonry. I see no just cause why I should break my bond with my Brothers.

The reflection of my craft is one of greatness; great deeds, great men.

Aleister Crowley isn't really a great example I'd use when wanting to describe a Freemason as he was irregular and was even rejected from entering Lodges in England.

I always love videos that start out with some eerie music and darkened theme. Now unless they gave him instruction before going into the room, we wouldn't just leave a candidate in the room without first telling him what needs to be done. I realize this was trying to show the Chamber of Reflection which not too many Lodges actually practice.

When the video says that you are recommended, it means two men must sign off on your petition, but just because both of these groups used "recommended" means very little. Lots of groups require recommendation for entry or advancement, it's not an exclusive use. Nor are either of these groups the only ones who have initiatory rites or that use blindfolds. So mote it be? This just means "So may it be", which means you agree with. It's a term often used when our rituals were written. The symbolism and the reasons for certain usages in each degree is told to the candidate, but they must listen and not just hear.

Now I have some serious doubts on this video for what is said around 1:50, "Up front in the Eastern end of the building is a person who is the Worshipful Master and you kneel down before him as if he were a god." No part of this statement is any way accurate or true in the symbolic sense. The word "worshipful" does not imply that we worship the Master of the Lodge, the origin of the word takes us to mean "one of great respect or worth".

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by SuperiorEd
I am not hiding behind my belief.

No, you use it as a front to be intellectually dishonest as I pointed out above. You behave in a manner which is decidely un-Christian and display similar traits to other religious zealots, that of overlooking the facts to try and support their misguided viewpoint.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Fitzgibbon
reply to post by SuperiorEd


This bait has been bandied about more times than I care to count and is no more true now than the last time it was plopped down. Or the time before that. Or the time before that.

Freemasons do their level best to adhere to the ATS maxim of "Deny Ignorance". Do not follow this OP down the rabbit hole of hatred of all who are no in lock step with his views.


I would appreciate it if you deny my ignorance with truth. Please present a platform that you can stand on that denies my ignorance and sets the record straight. I think my platform is sold as Petra. Petros can be moved, so if you can convince me that I am following a movable stone, then have at it. The foundation of Petra is the capstone (cornerstone). Can you deny this logic?

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by SuperiorEd
I am not hiding behind my belief.

No, you use it as a front to be intellectually dishonest as I pointed out above. You behave in a manner which is decidely un-Christian and display similar traits to other religious zealots, that of overlooking the facts to try and support their misguided viewpoint.

Simply saying it is so provides no context for your argument. My context is laid out here. LINK Show me where I go wrong by mirroring this to a higher truth. Truth is by degree. If a higher degree is found, it will reveal my error. Bring the Masons out of the Lodge and meet me at the doors of the temple for some discussion.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by SuperiorEd

We're not hiding nor are we in the dark. When we speak of coming from "darkness to light" we're speaking one gaining knowledge in something he didn't previously have.

We're a private organization, we are not hiding "in a tomb". You're standing from the outside trying to look into something with little knowledge and making assumptions based on little fact. It would be like somebody reading about the Eucharist and calling Christians cannibals.

Just because you hear hoof-beats it doesn't mean its a zebra.

Originally posted by SuperiorEd
On the contrary, I am trying to show you the way to true freedom.

Through submission to your beliefs? Am I not a man who can think for myself and am I not capable of holding my own personal relationship with God?

Originally posted by SuperiorEd
Exoteric materialism is not the way.

How can you say in another post that we are hiding then say we are exoteric?

Originally posted by SuperiorEd
Esoteric mysticism is another broad path. The narrow path is between with truth.

Truth is the foundation of Freemasonry.

Originally posted by leira7
Who knows, maybe freemasonry is just another good 'Ol boys club that practice group sex or other strange/'deviant' sexual acts together and they don't want everyone joining because of this.

This Friday is Orgy Friday if you wanna come (giggidy) down. Then its Sacrificial Saturday where it's my turn to bring a victim.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 10:23 AM

I am not hiding behind my belief. Come into the light and reveal the secrets if they are true. Why put your light under a bushel? What is there to hide? I am merely showing you a mirror to look at. I am not coming to take anything from you. All the good that is done by way of giving can be easily achieved apart from private associations behind closed doors. I say come out of Egypt and roll the stone away. Reveal the truth instead of hiding it in a tomb.

Reveal what secrets?

Ask anything, and you'll likely get an open and honest answer, but that is never enough for people like you is it?

Why don't you tell us all your secrets first? I mean, the only secrets Masons have are personal to us as modes of recognition and entry, so how about you tell us where you hide your spare key, and what your PIN numbers are, and then we'll tell you how to get into a Lodge, and how to recognize a brother. Fair enough?

Other than that, we don't have any secrets, so what is that you are asking? If you have a question, ask it, don't just say "reveal your secrets." That is too vague and meaningless to even be worth saying.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 10:41 AM
Textreply to post by SuperiorEd

Oh dear, oh dear ... I am really fed up with people with lack of general knowledge of mysticism, which by the way is public knowledge and can be researched on the internet and every public library. If you take your time to research and read serious scholars literature, you probably would be able to have freely available to you ALL knowledge and explanations needed to understand the so called "occult" aspects of not only Freemasonry but also several other cultures including the ones using the Bible. By the time I finished public grammar school (age 19), I even understood the past centuries role of the secrecy aspect of these societies...guess what, it always goes back to the very desire of these people not to be burnt on the stake by zealots, that have not done their research properly.
edit on 13-2-2012 by starseedflower because: spelling error,sorry

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by Toffeeapple
I've not even bothered to watch the clip, because your own comments in the OP uses flawed logic.

The tenet of Crowley's quoted was not one linked to Freemasonary. It was linked to black magic.

Also, many witches live by the tenet, "Do as thou will, so long as it harms none".

edit on 13-2-2012 by Toffeeapple because: (no reason given)

There is no doubt that many of the Masons have dragged the name into the mud. LINK This is the trouble with pledging an association to an overall fraternity. The private association is a web to the overall leadership. The same holds true for a church. If a person is a Catholic, the get the entire ball of was down to the inquisition. There are reformed lodges if I were guessing. All Lodges practice different aspects of the Craft. Each has an interest and this is not hard to verify. Obedience to the top is required as I understand. Am I incorrect on this?

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by KSigMason

We're not hiding nor are we in the dark. When we speak of coming from "darkness to light" we're speaking one gaining knowledge in something he didn't previously have.

We're a private organization, we are not hiding "in a tomb". You're standing from the outside trying to look into something with little knowledge and making assumptions based on little fact. It would be like somebody reading about the Eucharist and calling Christians cannibals.

Just because you hear hoof-beats it doesn't mean its a zebra.

The world outside of Masonry seems clear on one fact. The world is being built by the Masons. We are a product of your work, whether we like it; agree with it or not. We have no choice, as manipulation of the laws are in your hands. Where do we see a revelation of this fact? Are there sources that told us this would happen?

Law is a guardian against those who do not follow it. It protects those who follow. When objectivism replaces altruism, the laws are transmuted to selfish gain. Tyranny follows. Why? Those who do not follow the law are now the lawgivers by their own designs.

Do you deny that the Masons "Great Work" is to build the society of the NWO?

edit on 13-2-2012 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by SuperiorEd

The world has been influenced by Masons, but its not a grand scheme as there is no single authority of all Freemasonry to do so. Every man goes out into the world to better it. There is no manipulation, that is your opinion.

Freemasonry would be the antithesis of tyranny as well as ignorance and fanaticism.

Do you deny that the Masons "Great Work" is to build the society of the NWO?


posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by SuperiorEd

Originally posted by Toffeeapple
I've not even bothered to watch the clip, because your own comments in the OP uses flawed logic.

The tenet of Crowley's quoted was not one linked to Freemasonary. It was linked to black magic.

Also, many witches live by the tenet, "Do as thou will, so long as it harms none".

edit on 13-2-2012 by Toffeeapple because: (no reason given)

There is no doubt that many of the Masons have dragged the name into the mud. LINK This is the trouble with pledging an association to an overall fraternity. The private association is a web to the overall leadership. The same holds true for a church. If a person is a Catholic, the get the entire ball of was down to the inquisition. There are reformed lodges if I were guessing. All Lodges practice different aspects of the Craft. Each has an interest and this is not hard to verify. Obedience to the top is required as I understand. Am I incorrect on this?

I'm not going to pretend to know what the heck you're talking about. There's plenty of documentation regarding Crowley's life and practices. If you can find any reference to the tenet you quoted being linked to any of the Masonic Lodges, I suggest you post it to prove your point. If not, the honest thing would be to retract it.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by starseedflower
Textreply to post by SuperiorEd

Oh dear, oh dear ... I am really fed up with people with lack of general knowledge of mysticism, which by the way is public knowledge and can be researched on the internet and every public library. If you take your time to research and read serious scholars literature, you probably would be able to have freely available to you ALL knowledge and explanations needed to understand the so called "occult" aspects of not only Freemasonry but also several other cultures including the ones using the Bible. By the time I finished public grammar school (age 19), I even understood the past centuries role of the secrecy aspect of these societies...guess what, it always goes back to the very desire of these people not to be burnt on the stake by zealots, that have not done their research properly.
edit on 13-2-2012 by starseedflower because: spelling error,sorry

You won't find a person on this board more versed in the subject than myself. I am surround by a library of reference to the subject. My intent is not to use, but to know by perspective. My root knowledge is the Word of God. You say "Fundie." By doing so, you reveal the side you stand on. The truth is the fruit it produces. My family will live in the world produced by the Masons and secret societies. Own your badge of honor or dishonor by the actions you take to give or take. As an aggregate of production, what is the Masonic tradition doing to build America? A debt of 15 Trillion represent magic applied to law. Debt is created by taking a reward that was not earned. It is then transferred to the American people. Not only do my kids suffer in the future, so do yours.

How much of the NWO is produced by the Masons and secret societies? You can't back out of a corner you created by association to the leaders you support.

edit on 13-2-2012 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

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