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The Devil's Chord: The conspiracy to open the portal of consciousness and mystery of the octave

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posted on May, 31 2012 @ 06:29 PM

This is a great playlist for trance music listening.


posted on May, 31 2012 @ 07:06 PM

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by DenyObfuscation
post removed by staff.


this was an unmarked quote take from a forum where audio afficionados are sharing opinions and experience on subwoofers. It wasn't a phrase created by the full of lotus.

This said, I'm taking the 3Hz with a huge grain of salt. Intense infrasound (created by a kW energy source) will create some sensation -- probably -- but sure as hell this won't be sound. The data on hearing range has been checked and re-checked, and this would be an unusual anomaly.

But I digress. Let me just reiterate that this is of zero relevance, and the whole concept of 1,000,000 different drums around the world being magically tuned to 7Hz is beyond laughable. It's bullsh!t.

edit on Fri Jun 1 2012 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

Par for the course here I guess. What do you make of this mess that begins on the middle of page 10?

The answer is de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony -- when time slows down due to relativity it's when energy as frequency speeds up. De Broglie then figured out that when time expands as infinite phase amplitude then frequency as the consciousness pilot wave goes to zero.

Infinite phase amplitude? I can't get past that. There's plenty more back where that came from too.

posted on May, 31 2012 @ 10:56 PM
I said the "secret of the song" about Tool.

I never said the song literally had 7 hertz frequency but rather I said it was the secret of the song.

Whether Tool uses a subharmonic synthesizer on their kick drum -- even if they did it wouldn't be picked up by computer speakers. haha.

Yes subwoofers can make 7 hertz and lower even.

But again my point was that it was the secret of the song.

Of course all the "skeptics" who are so literally minded took my bait on that and so unfolded the great display of 7 hertz frequency drum heads.


I realize you may never "get over" it just like if I write a phrase you can not accept like "infinite phase amplitude."

This is no different than when I wrote "amplitude intensity" in the other thread.

O.K. quantum relativity is unresolved in physics -- so you'll have to accept that.

I use the phase "infinite phase amplitude" precisely to emphasize this point.

This describes a wave of infinite wavelength and infinite phase velocity

O.K. that's a quote of an equation from de Broglie's Hypothesis

Infinite wavelength = infinite amplitude so you have infinite phase amplitude

Science is just a model of reality -- while nonwestern music provides the experience or gateway into consciousness as true reality.

So obviously I will continue to make fun of science along the way -- and it's not my fault that science can not model reality. haha.

I mean it is not proven by science that these huge tribal drums make 7 hertz frequency but to think they don't would be silly.

So does the Tool song evoke this secret? Yes indeed. In other words the Tool song gives a hint of this deeper truth. How much of a hint is difficult to say.

Dub-step music takes the subharmonics more seriously -- with c.d.s of Dub-step named Subharmonics, etc. and the subharmonic strong bass is considered healing for Dub-step listeners.

So if you want to question my intentions -- yes I am making fun of science. Hello? Science does not really understand 98% of the universe.

Go ahead and bicker over the terms I use not being "literally" scientific. I do that on purpose precisely to make fun of science.

edit on 31-5-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by DenyObfuscation
reply to post by buddhasystem

Par for the course here I guess. What do you make of this mess that begins on the middle of page 10?

The answer is de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony -- when time slows down due to relativity it's when energy as frequency speeds up. De Broglie then figured out that when time expands as infinite phase amplitude then frequency as the consciousness pilot wave goes to zero.

Infinite phase amplitude? I can't get past that. There's plenty more back where that came from too.

It's not just you, my bet is that NOBODY can get past that. While reading the full of lotus threads, I've seen "quantum frequencies", "ionized neurohormones" etc, along with invitation to engage in "internal ejaculation" and description of "laser love" projected by older men onto young boys. Help me out with that, cuz I have no clue. And of course,

That is the secret of the Pythagorean Tetrad of 1:2:3:4 which is a triangle as the side of a tetrahedron pyramid and One is not a number in Pythagorean philosophy which also means the capstone of the pyramid as the All Seeing Eye will never be finished. It means that the source of the I-thought is the Cosmic Mother as Apeiron in Greece or Nuit in Egypt -- the Goddess of Nothingness.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

And here we go again.

I said the "secret of the song" about Tool.
I never said the song literally had 7 hertz frequency but rather I said it was the secret of the song.

Not that I would doubt you but let's check that.

Nice -- I would say the secret of that song is that the drum frequency is 7 hertz

Yes you did say the "secret of the song" but you did say that secret is that the drum frequency is 7 hertz. Lie much?

TF asked

show us all how you arrived at the conclusion that the drums are of a frequency of 7hz.
and in which contest - e.g. pitch, rhythm...what... ?

You've danced around the question ever since.

Yes subwoofers can make 7 hertz and lower even.

Can't hear that. I can feel that beat but I still can't dance to it.

But again my point was that it was the secret of the song.

My point is you're being dishonest and evasive. You said the secret is the 7 Hz frequency, not us. You were simply asked how you reached that conclusion. Rather than admit a mistake you venture on a journey of irrelevant fact finding. Common practice I've seen from you.

Of course all the "skeptics" who are so literally minded took my bait on that and so unfolded the great display of 7 hertz frequency drum heads.

So literally minded? Words have meanings and if used correctly facilitate communication. You use them to cause confusion.

I realize you may never "get over" it just like if I write a phrase you can not accept like "infinite phase amplitude."

It's pure nonsense like a wave of zero frequency. Aren't you dizzy from all of your spin?

This is no different than when I wrote "amplitude intensity" in the other thread.

It is different.Amplitude intensity is basically redundant. At one time the term was used but is deprecated. Didn't your source indicate that? Infinite phase amplitude never has and never will make sense.

Go ahead and bicker over the terms I use not being "literally" scientific. I do that on purpose precisely to make fun of science.

Cop out?

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by DenyObfuscation
Can't hear that. I can feel that beat but I still can't dance to it.

Maybe if you feel it you can dance to it.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Mary Rose

Originally posted by DenyObfuscation
Can't hear that. I can feel that beat but I still can't dance to it.

Maybe if you feel it you can dance to it.

Have a few beers. You'll feel the buzz. Next, try to dance to it.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by DenyObfuscation

Yes that's what I said -- the secret is that the drum.

I didn't say TOOL's drum has a 7 hertz frequency. haha.

I know that is difficult for you to accept but I am the son of a lawyer.

Logic trumps science.

And yes I have now demonstrated the secret that 7 hertz drums exist.


You say that infinite phase amplitude will never make sense. I agree -- from the standpoint of science I don't think there will be a unified field theory that succeeds. Just read Not Even Wrong by Peter Woit -- Not Even Wrong blog

I quote Woit in my book. Science is used by me as intellectual defense.

So I just discovered brand new quantum biology research on radical ions -- here is Kominis' pdf on quantum biology of radical ions

So it's not just for bird migration -- but all animals have this connection to quantum entanglement through ionization or neutralization of radical ions from electrons.

So magnesium is a photoreceptor along with various pigments and cryptochrome.

In other words we take in photons and convert it into electrons to neutralize radical ions but also to use for quantum entangled information healing and various paranormal abilities.

When the photons accumulate through this natural resonance then there is levitation as antigravity.

So again quantum relativity will never be proven but we get hints from science as to how paranormal reality actually works.

But it's from the nonwestern energy masters that we turn for the real results.

So just give Chunyi Lin a call or Jim Nance or Leslie Vincent or Effie P. Chow -- they're all qigong masters that do long distance healing. or

edit on 1-6-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 02:28 PM
Slow music gives the brain an opportunity to process the stimulating sounds more easily.

Is that really the only reason for 60 beats per minute?

However, Baroque music, such as that of Bach, Handel, Hayden, Vivaldi, tends to have movements which flow in the 60‐80‐beats per minute realm, and generally does not include massive orchestrations. Piano solo music is especially recommended, and solo works of Chopin, such as the Noctures and Waltzes, or early piano works of Mozart are desirable. Recordings of Flute Music of the American Indians is especially soothing and interesting as are some of the works of Hayden and Mozart, written for String Quartets.

When in tachycardia - heart rate that exceeds the normal range for a resting heart rate -cardiac patients were able to reduce their heart rates to 50-60 beats per minute when listening to music that was exactly 50-60 beats a minute.

O.K. so it is the heart beat -- that's the same as pulse right -- yeah so that's what I was thinking.

J Nurs Educ. 1990 Feb;29(2):66-70. The effects of 60 beats per minute music on test taking anxiety among nursing students. Summers S, Hoffman J, Neff JA, Hanson S, Pierce K. Source School of Nursing, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City 66103.

Anyway the other thing is how music is tied to memory. Now the adrenaline increase is activated in the brain from the increased dopamine and also this is what causes a person to experience time slowing down -- because all the adrenaline means that the amgydala as the fear center is being challenged. It's actually the epinephrine in the kidneys -- as fear -- that then kicks in the adrenaline in the brain. You can see this in animals -- like if a cat or dog is cornered by the owner and forced into something -- at first the animal is really afraid but then all the fear kicks into adrenaline and the cat/dog attacks the owner out of self defense in blind rage.

So then for PTSD -- we can see how this happens -- time slows down when we face a death-defying situation that relies on increased adrenaline and then the hippocampus is storing more information based on the stronger emotional or electrochemical energy of the information. But if it is really strong the person "blacks out."

Literally if a person is so anger -- but it is repressed anger -- like actually holding the breath until blacking out! Normal medicine says this is impossible because the anterior cingulate gyrus over-rides the prefrontal cortex but with repressed anger this is possible. The Sherpas had to hold their breath till they passed out to prove they could lead the first expedition up Everest. So that is the stored power of electrochemical energy as dopamine adrenaline.

When taking a plant with the spirit molecule that kicks out the stored serotonin energy of the vagus nerve as the love energy -- turning into melatonin and then into the spirit molecule. haha. So then we hear the spontaneous OHM of the heart with the rainbow vortex.

This happens all the time we are just not aware of it -- our eyes express our light spirit energy and inversely the light we take in is then stored in our bodies as electrochemical emotional energy.

So for example eating lots of chlorophyll greens increases magnesium which is a photoreceptor that enables our eyes and body to take in photons and convert the photons to electromagnetic energy for healing. That's also why eating lots of greens will cut down on UV damage.

So that is the liver energy turned into wisdom as chi electromagnetic energy! We think of the liver as based on electrochemical energy as meat energy but really ideally it should be stored electromagnetic energy as green light energy.

So wavelength is light color -- as the inverse of frequency. This is classical physics. So red is a lower frequency and longer wavelength -- so it is the lower chakra of the body while blue is the higher frequency and short wavelength so it is the brain color. Monochromatic light therapy with blue light then increases serotonin.

Blues music as slow rhythm -- then slows down the heart beat and increases the vagus nerve which then activates serotonin.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
The Sherpas had to hold their breath till they passed out to prove they could lead the first expedition up Everest. So that is the stored power of electrochemical energy as dopamine adrenaline.

This is downright stupid. What is the ability to hold breath until you drop have to do with fitness to climb? At high altitude, you brain and its centers that regulate breathing are acting differently anyhow, I know from experience.

When taking a plant with the spirit molecule that kicks out the stored serotonin energy of the vagus nerve as the love energy

Oh no... Not love energy again! Is it same energy that you yourself accumulate while sitting in lotus and imagining that you ej4culate inside yourself? Yikes!

-- turning into melatonin and then into the spirit molecule.

First there were "quantum frequencies" and now we have "molecular spirits". Verily, silliness begets silliness.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

I am having a very difficult time understanding why you're on this thread, when all you do is ridicule it.

Either contribute to it, or stop tearing it down. You're more than welcome to leave, if it causes you that much disgust.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

I didn't say TOOL's drum has a 7 hertz frequency. haha.

YES you did.

Nice -- I would say the secret of that song is that the drum frequency is 7 hertz

I know that is difficult for you to accept but I am the son of a lawyer.

Even lawyers have been known to tell the truth occasionally. You should learn how also.

So just give Chunyi Lin a call or Jim Nance or Leslie Vincent or Effie P. Chow -- they're all qigong masters that do long distance healing.

No offense, but to quote Alan Parsons " I wouldn't wanna be like you".

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

O.K. so it is the heart beat -- that's the same as pulse right -- yeah so that's what I was thinking.

Are you still trying to validate your mistake? So you were thinking the secret of the Tool song is a pulse rate of 420?

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
You're more than welcome to leave, if it causes you that much disgust.

Joyfully ignored.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 05:40 PM
Biophany -- the natural blending of sounds in ecology is destroyed by technology

I was just thinking about this yesterday -- and it was in the news....

He now has an archive of more than 4,500 separate soundscapes collected from all over the world since 1968. More than half of the soundscapes he recorded have since disappeared from nature.

In his book The Great Animal Orchestra, Krause uses the evidence of 'biophany' degradation to demonstrate how even healthy-looking ecosystems can sound damaged. Krause argues that in a pristine place, animals, insects, birds and reptiles have each found a niche - their own frequency in which they can communicate to each other and be heard above everything else. "It's taken quite a while for all those critters to figure out where their voices should be," he says. By creating a spectrogram - a graph of the soundscape created by plotting time against frequency - he's able to see the patterns that natural sound forms. "When it looks very structured and you can see the discrimination between those voices, you know it's healthy habitat." A spectrogram can also instantly show if certain frequencies are missing.

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by DenyObfuscation

It's pure nonsense like a wave of zero frequency. Aren't you dizzy from all of your spin?

its phase rotates with a frequency determined by the energy of η. When η has zero energy, like the infinite wavelength wave, it doesn't change at all.

see Gaussian wavepackets in quantum mechanics

Note that a very narrow initial wavepacket instantly becomes infinitely wide, but with a phase which is more rapidly oscillatory at large values of x. This might seem strange—the solution goes from being localized at one point to being "everywhere" at all later times, but it is a reflection of the enormous momentum uncertainty of a localized particle. Also note that the norm of the wavefunction is infinite, but this is also correct, since the square of a delta function is divergent in the same way.

This might seem strange

Wave-Particle Duality: de Broglie Waves and Uncertainty pdf by H. Vic Dannon

But then, the electron at rest will have infinite wavelength, and infinite wave phase velocity.

edit on 1-6-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 09:12 PM
This thread is still kicking???? Bet no one, including the OP can explain the original concept laid out in the first post is ONE CLEAR CONCISE sentence. All this thread has ever been was a mish mash of words, endless quotes and random videos. I've begged for simple answers to simple questions, never happened. Not once. I stand by the thought that if you can't explain it to your grandma in a couple of sentences, then you really don't know what you're talking about.

By the way, being the son of a lawyer means what? If I was the son of an astronaut does that mean I've been on the moon?


posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

You're skirting the issue.

I didn't say TOOL's drum has a 7 hertz frequency. haha.

Nice -- I would say the secret of that song is that the drum frequency is 7 hertz

Those statements are glaring contradictions.

And for some context

Nice -- I would say the secret of that song is that the drum frequency is 7 hertz -- the low frequency then resonates with the heart mind of a person - using the syncopated rhythm. Then with the power chords of the guitar and strong bass emphasis -- so it achieves amplification not through decibels but through the low frequency resonance.

You're ensnared by your own web. Are you going to retract it?

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