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The Devil's Chord: The conspiracy to open the portal of consciousness and mystery of the octave

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posted on May, 20 2012 @ 10:26 PM


posted on May, 20 2012 @ 10:27 PM


posted on May, 21 2012 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
thks-- I downloaded the book -- Richard says the "gap" was a "major embarrassment" to the Pythagoreans. He's just repeated the standard lies about Pythagoreans without really having studied Pythagorean philosophy. He should read first.

But does that graphic on the right showing a dotted line that lines up with the pentagon on the right and bottom but starts to veer off on the left have anything to to with:

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
Actually the simpler is the more powerful and so the 2/3 harmonic as non-commutative can be considered part of the Fibonacci series but it's not necessary -- the real meaning is that the sound does not line up with the symmetric geometry using left-brain phonetic symbols.

Actually, I had in mind the Pythagorean comma in reference to "the sound does not line up with symmetric geometry."

I'm probably just confusing things.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by Mary Rose

yeah the image is just five Perfect Fifths but the Pythagorean Comma is after 12 perfect Fifths and 7 octaves.

So the deal about not lining up exactly with the Pentagram is only due to the difference between a Perfect Fifth as 1.5 and the Golden Ratio angle of the pentagram as 1.618.

The proof to solve the Golden Ratio relies on "reversing the order" of infinity since the original Golden Ratio formula is A is to B as B is to A plus B. This got changed so that it's A is to B as B is to A - B. This is the same "bait and switch" I showed that has to happen to make the Perfect fourth commutative -- as the subharmonic of the Perfect Fifth of the harmonic series. So the time of the Perfect Fifth has to be reversed and then the phonetic symbol value is changed. Otherwise the Golden Ratio is an "open solution" not solved using a quadratic equation.

Kepler was against the "closed solution" of the Golden Ratio even though he recognized the sacred geometry of the Golden Ratio. Kepler emphasized that the Fibonacci Sequence is made up of "Male" and "female" numbers just as the original Pythagorean philosophy maintains. So the numbers go on infinitely and never are contained by the sacred geometry. The sacred geometry can not be contained as an irrational number so there is no closed proof.

What this means esoterically is that the triangles resonate or collapse as they flip their values -- because of the non-commutative geometry -- and so this is how the yin-yang Tai Chi symbol is constructed from Kepler's secret symbol of an equilateral triangle circumscribed and circumscribing by circles. So the equilateral triangle also can not be contained as an irrational number but instead the circles demonstrate the non-commutative movement of the triangle as it flips and expands in value. This then creates the six sided triangle with the yin-yang symbol or Tai Chi symbol.

If we visualize light -- as the Schumann Resonance thread posted the biophoton research -- then it's proven our brains actually emit that light -- so visualizing light as color then heals the body. So reality though is quantum which is non-commutative while the Golden Ratio is limited to classical math relying on symmetric or commutative relations with the phonetic symbols for the geometry. By keeping the Spiral of Fifths non-commutative then it is not contained by the Golden Ratio but instead resonates infinitely into the formless awareness as the empty spacetime consciousness that can not be visualized. So we can listen to consciousness and from this listening then biophoton laser light is created.

Sitting in full lotus is then the tetrahedron as the simplest three dimensional sacred geometry form from the equilateral triangles -- and so the Fibonacci Sequence as a continued fraction is actually 1 plus 1 divided by 1 -- infinitely -- and so this is the All Seeing Eye secret of the pyramid power full lotus position. As I mentioned before the logarithmic math then goes into a "phase singularity" but only the quantum singularity is continuous as consciousness while the logarithmic phase singularity is just contained space that does not continue to create energy. This is why a black hole has to have quantum dissipation of energy that goes against the spacetime entropy.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 08:42 PM
Arabic Zaffa (rhythmic hand clapping) music for weddings and protests.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 08:44 PM
Excellent thread!

Marked for further investigations.


posted on May, 23 2012 @ 03:18 PM


posted on May, 23 2012 @ 07:12 PM


posted on May, 23 2012 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

I believe the six-sided triangle is actually the tetrahedron, otherwise known as the Merkahbah of ancient times.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by Starchild23
reply to post by buddhasystem

I believe the six-sided triangle is actually the tetrahedron, otherwise known as the Merkahbah of ancient times.


These are not triangles. Giving up the ability to stick with common vocabulary is a sure fire way to descend into idiocy.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 09:11 AM

Discuss the TOPIC, not each other.

Furthermore, you do not have the right to tell members where they can, and cannot post. Members may post in any forum, in any thread so long as they are doing so on-topic and within the T&C.

A difference of opinion, non-belief, criticism etc, is NOT a T&C violation, do not treat it as such.

Further disruptions in this thread, or continued violations of the T&C will result in posting bans and warnings being handed out.

Thank You.

ATS Moderator

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by Starchild23

I embrace your use of non-common vocabulary despite the verbal abuse you are experiencing!

Keep up the original thinking and thanks for your contribution to my thread.

We need more imaginative thinkers in this world and less control freaks anally retentive about grammar and semantics due to their inability to conjure up meaningful substance.

Long live the revolution of freedom and love!

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
We need more imaginative thinkers in this world and less control freaks anally retentive about grammar and semantics due to their inability to conjure up meaningful substance.

Indeed, we are in dire need of people capable of deciphering something like this:

As I mentioned before the logarithmic math then goes into a "phase singularity" but only the quantum singularity is continuous as consciousness while the logarithmic phase singularity is just contained space that does not continue to create energy

The above apparently required a lot of conjuration. As to the meaningful substance, my math opinion is this -- it's equal to logarithmic function of 1.0.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
We need more imaginative thinkers in this world and less control freaks anally retentive about grammar and semantics


Semantics (from Greek: sēmantiká, neuter plural of sēmantikós)is the study of meaning. It focuses on the relation between signifiers, such as words, phrases, signs and symbols, and what they stand for, their denotata.

Linguistic semantics is the study of meaning that is used to understand human expression through language

So as long as one is not interested in actual meaning and using human language to communicate, it's probably OK to express open disdain for semantics (well, that and grammar to boot). "Quantum frequency" forever.

edit on 24-5-2012 by buddhasystem because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by Mary Rose has a new blog post by Richard Merrick.

I posted my above critique of Interference Theory as the second comment. I'm a regular poster of comments on that site. Realitysandwich not only removed my long comment of Richard but also closed off the comments section. haha. Hilariously blatant censorship. I guess I hit a little too close to home for Richard. Too bad he has to hide from the truth. haha.

Realitysandwich censored one of my comments before but they've never closed off the whole comments section of one of their blogposts after they had to censore me. haha. Ah but they're trying to run some New Age spiritual website based on promoting lies so it's par for the course.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

You're talking about "Uncovering the Ancient Science of Sacred Spaces" posted 5-23-12? I see that it doesn't even say "Comments Closed." If you didn't check another article you wouldn't even know there are Comments for the articles.

You think that Merrick had control over this?

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by Mary Rose

Well I know one of the "moderators" -- it's not a forum but they have some paid staff -- she censored one of my previous comments after saying there had been several complaints about me. haha. That was not too surprising though because I was being very - - hmm -- extreme let's say. Anyway so then they allowed me to keep commenting on the site and I just posted another comment so they haven't blocked me. But I think this is their way of "covering up" what I wrote. I edited my two comments above on Richard -- edited it for my realitysandwich comment. It could be argued it wasn't directly applicable since I didn't mention the Rosslyn Chapel or Venus but I did discuss the pentagram and golden ratio bit and I am critiquing Richard's model as a whole. So yeah my guess is Richard had a hissy-fit and demanded to have my comment removed and instead of the website "moderators" making any statement they just decided to cover the whole thing up. haha. It is pretty obvious though when you consider all the other columns aka blog posts on their site have a comments section.

Still for a site called "reality" sandwich to so blatantly censor information is kind of tragic. The site presents itself as some sort of portal to a deeper truth but I am a common critic of the information they present. For example I just critiqued Richard Dolan's interview with Daniel Pinchbeck -- and my comment was something I had previously written to Richard Dolan and he had responded in a way that I thought was disingenius. So I just repeated my comment on Realitysandwich to Richard -- and they did not censor my comment that time. haha.

Anyway I guess I am probably their main commenter now on that website and they're probably getting tired of me knocking down their New Age propaganda. haha. Of course the main focus of that site can not even be discussed on abovetopsecret -- if a person discusses it here they'll get banned.

So I guess it's all a matter of what the owners of a site can handle in terms of discussion material, etc. The other option is that the moderators didn't understand my comment in regards to Richard's column because I was addressing the foundations of his model directly based on his Interference Book -- so unless they had studied his book they would not have understood my comment. But how messed up is that if someone censors a comment because they don't understand it? haha. Yet that is the type of limitation put by publishers, etc. -- if a person doesn't understand something then they don't want to hear about it, etc.

Anyway so I blogged my critique of Richard Merrick with my blog title being that Reality Sandwich censored my critique of Richard. I definitely think Richard read my comment though because some of the material Reality Sandwich posts the author never responds since RS is just reprinting material but for Richard he has thanked Daniel in his book and referred to Breaking Open the Head -- the first book of Daniel's and Richard responded to previous comments on RS. So clearly Richard and Daniel go back awhile. I have been critiquing Daniel since about 2006 -- and I also took up Daniel's subject in Breaking Open the Head to test my own qigong training. I discuss this in my book -- again I'm not allowed to talk about it here on abovetopsecret since it's a taboo topic. haha.

Stuart Kauffman's pdf on quantum chaos consciousness

Then IF the quantum to classical conversion is reversible, it is logically possible that a physical system can remain in the Poised Realm for a long time. I explore next what this might mean, for it is an entirely unexplored area of physics, with possible implications for consciousness.

edit on 24-5-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
A difference of opinion, non-belief, criticism etc, is NOT a T&C violation, do not treat it as such.

I started a thread on the Board Business & Questions forum several months back entitled "Sarcasm, Ridicule, Obfuscation, and Ad Hominems on Threads." On that thread I posted my opinion that members using sarcasm and ridicule to discuss the material associated with a public figure is, in effect, sarcasm and ridicule directed at the member who posted that material, by proxy.

I know this is not the stance taken by ATS, but I think it should be. There are ways of disagreeing without being obnoxious about it.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
A difference of opinion, non-belief, criticism etc, is NOT a T&C violation, do not treat it as such.

I started a thread on the Board Business & Questions forum several months back entitled "Sarcasm, Ridicule, Obfuscation, and Ad Hominems on Threads." On that thread I posted my opinion that members using sarcasm and ridicule to discuss the material associated with a public figure is, in effect, sarcasm and ridicule directed at the member who posted that material, by proxy.

I know this is not the stance taken by ATS, but I think it should be. There are ways of disagreeing without being obnoxious about it.

Well, for a person who likes to link to sites and videos which call Einstein a moron, and equate "mainstream" science with a nefarious plot to deceive people, this post of yours seems a little hypocritical, don't you think?

Oh, and when it comes to ridicule... If a person stares into camera with a very important look on his face, and says "I have created a black hole in my lab", without providing a hint of a shred of evidence, I would consider any reaction outside of ridicule unhealthy.

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