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The Devil's Chord: The conspiracy to open the portal of consciousness and mystery of the octave

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posted on May, 25 2012 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem
Well, for a person who likes to link to sites and videos which call Einstein a moron, and equate "mainstream" science with a nefarious plot to deceive people, this post of yours seems a little hypocritical, don't you think?


The video in question was not posted in response to an OP by a member on the topic of Einstein.

Same with my comments about mainstream science.

Context is everything.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose

Originally posted by buddhasystem
Well, for a person who likes to link to sites and videos which call Einstein a moron, and equate "mainstream" science with a nefarious plot to deceive people, this post of yours seems a little hypocritical, don't you think?


The video in question was not posted in response to an OP by a member on the topic of Einstein.

Wait, you started a thread and posted statements to the effect that Einstein was a moron on this page -- while "contributing" to the thread.

So OK, you think it's fine to slander physicists, and that's your right. But to complain to ATS admins that a few people think that claims of a black hole produced in a small electromagnet is cold stupid sh1t?

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem
Wait, you started a thread and posted statements to the effect that Einstein was a moron on this page -- while "contributing" to the thread.

You're not making any sense.

You've linked to a thread I started on vortex math, not a thread someone else started showing enthusiasm for the work of Einstein.

The point I'm making is that criticism of public figures that an OP obviously has an interest in should be done objectively without the use of ridicule.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by Mary Rose

How many threads will hijack with his self-centered whining before the moderators finally get a clue?

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Your post brings to mind another thread, where the member had 5 posts removed on one page, and blamed it on the moderators.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by Mary Rose

Originally posted by pianopraze You have continually harrased posters to my thread. That is why so many of your posts were removed.

Originally posted by Yeah well if ATS admins they decided they wanted to be New Age friendly that's certainly their right. IMHO by removing critique of same they made this presentation more shallow but I can't say I care.

Wow I didn't notice the Mods had stepped in already against back in the earlier days of the Schumann Resonance thread. I mean we were so nice to in that thread it was painful. But at some point there should be no enabling of abusive and delusional behavior. haha.

I can't even joke about Megahertz anymore -- it's just gotten so old but then did insist on getting his goods delivered on his Megahertz whining -- even though he was completely delusional. haha.

Oh did I say delusional? I meant scientific.

And again, I'm waiting to see where the "megahertz" signal is coming from, in this setup.

Classic delusional whining.

you never answered how a 7Hz signal modulated in the MHz range can still be considered a 7 Hz signal. Anyone with basic education can tell you that's horsesh!t.

Someone needs their diaper changed.

In Persinger's paper, it's a classic word soup and not clear at all, perhaps because they wanted to emphasize the 7Hz part. Funny they didn't mention the exact high frequency they used as a carrier.

Wait is that's first use of his infamous "word soup"? He actually thinks he can reuse word soup after his delusions about Persinger's paper? haha.

Yep the Schumann Thread is a classic study of's M.O. as B.S.
edit on 26-5-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
You've linked to a thread I started on vortex math, not a thread someone else started showing enthusiasm for the work of Einstein.

So you knocking Einstein is off-topic? I would agree with that.

The point I'm making is that criticism of public figures that an OP obviously has an interest in should be done objectively without the use of ridicule.

There are cases when this is possible, cf Persinger. There are other cases like Rodin where there is only hand waving and no evidence to support their stupendous claim, and yes, I freely admit that myself (like many others) find this very, very ridiculous. I'll change my opinion when he does have a black hole in his lab which he said he did.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by buddhasystem
So you knocking Einstein is off-topic?

A misstatement of what I said and the topic at hand. But typical of you. Yawn.

Originally posted by buddhasystem
There are other cases like Rodin where there is only hand waving and no evidence to support their stupendous claim . . .

Untrue. There were credible endorsers who you also ridiculed with impunity.

I'm not going to post further about my Board thread or my Rodin thread on this thread.

I've responded to a post on-topic to a post on this thread. Further discussion of other threads is inappropriate at this point as far as I'm concerned.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
Untrue. There were credible endorsers who you also ridiculed with impunity.

I would argue that this "endorsers" were not credible at all, because they didn't point to any fact or observation that would motivate their "endorsement". Saying that "Rodin is doing great work" does not have any more value than saying "buddhasystem has developed a secret nuclear reactor in his garage". Both are nonsense.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by Mary Rose

Mary you're still providing free psychological counseling for the haha.

The hope of music's healing powers March 01, 2010| By Melissa Healy

Yes, yes, it hath charms to soothe a savage breast (or beast, if you prefer to repeat a common mistake). But researchers are finding that music may be an effective balm for many other afflictions: the isolation of conditions such as autism and Alzheimer's disease, the disability that results from stroke, the physical stress of entering the world too early.

I think I found the solution for the

Reading: Research suggests that people with dyslexia, or difficulty reading, also fare poorly on tests of auditory processing. Their timing is also poor. They have difficulty filtering out unwanted background noise and "tuning in" to sounds — such as a teacher's instruction — that they want to hear. Intensive music instruction has been found to improve those skills, and with them, some skills related to reading.

With all due respect music therapy for healing is different than music training.

If you dig into the research on music and dyslexia it's actually music training that heals dyslexia - -not just listening to music or singing along.

So in other words learning to play a music instrument relies on body brain coordination that then re-wires the cerebellum which governs motion and emotion.

The big problem with civilization is dopamine addiction so that people get addicted to the bickering and fighting for the dopamine rush.

Music is the great secret to switch the dopamine over to serotonin and then to increase it to oxytocin for the love feeling.

So secretly people want love because actually it generates strong electromagnetic energy from the heart and this taps into the soul and spirit energy -- to create light holographic information for precognitive visions and telepathy and laser healing.

Sonoluminescence and sonofusion. That's the real secret of nonwestern trance music.

In the West people are stuck in the left brain of language which then competes with music.

But now as Parkinsons and strokes and dementia take over from dopamine addiction damaging the dopamine receptors -- music therapy then will increase the melatonin levels from the increased serotonin.

Altern Ther Health Med. 1999 Nov;5(6):49-57. Music therapy increases serum melatonin levels in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Kumar AM, Tims F, Cruess DG, Mintzer MJ, Ironson G, Loewenstein D, Cattan R, Fernandez JB, Eisdorfer C, Kumar M. Source Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Miami School of Medicine, FL 33101, USA. [email protected] Abstract CONTEXT: Music therapy is known to have healing and relaxing effects. Although these effects appear to be mediated by release of neurotransmitters and neurohormones, the specific neurohormonal systems involved have not been fully investigated.

So that's just Western music

Exposure to some music, in particular classical music, has been reported to produce transient increases in cognitive performance. The authors investigated the effect of listening to an excerpt of Vivaldi's Four Seasons on category fluency in healthy older adult controls and Alzheimer's disease patients. In a counterbalanced repeated-measure design, participants completed two, 1-min category fluency tasks whilst listening to an excerpt of Vivaldi and two, 1-min category fluency tasks without music. The authors report a positive effect of music on category fluency, with performance in the music condition exceeding performance without music in both the healthy older adult control participants and the Alzheimer's disease patients. In keeping with previous reports, the authors conclude that music enhances attentional processes, and that this can be demonstrated in Alzheimer's disease.

Classical music is particularly effective for activating the right brain geometric visualization areas

Then we get into the trance music meditation stuff.

This is beyond normal people who would freak out since normal people are control freaks. haha. People are scared to relax because they're scared of the Emptiness -- to just let go and let reality take over. People think paranormal powers are just hallucinations and signs of illness but sitting in full lotus as mind body transformation is not an illusion! haha. Harmonics of the body-mind.
We are consciousness that can not be seen nor measured but we can listen to consciousness and that process of listening creates sonofusion healing and sonoluminescence.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Dopamine very true...

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

The original dopamine addiction is male ejaculation. This is why the Bushmen shaman males -- all the males of the original human culture -- trained for celibacy to sublimate and ionize their "life force" energy.

So the male triggers to the stress sympathetic nervous system at ejaculation causing the dopamine to switch to cortisol.

The secret is for males to rely on the female vagus nerve internal climax. So this builds up the serotonin and then ionizes the vagus nerve so that it switches to oxytocin to open up the heart.

So Western males are not real males because it relies on yoga or trance dancing and a special culture of celibacy for the males -- for half of the month.

To train to do this the males at puberty go into isolation for a month of fasting and trance dancing and the older males then transmit the laser-love energy into the younger males, thereby sublimating and ionizing their life force neurohormones.

So then when the vagus nerve is ionized through ultrasound from the collagen piezoelectric transduction then the vagus nerve bypasses the blood-brain barrier.

The vagus nerve connects to the inner ear nerves so that when the kidney energy is activated then it sounds like a high ringing but also then when the serotonin rushes to the brain as the N/om or kundalini energy then it makes a roaring OHM sound that comes out of the heart.

So the harmonics of the body are actually based on the harmonics of music -- there are 1-4-5 harmonics applied to the body to transform the body into creating electromagnetic energy from the heart oxytocin love that then opens up the pineal gland to create biophotons as healing light energy.

If a person sits in full lotus then they maintain celibacy by burning off or ionizing the neurohormones as sex emission internally with no ejaculation. So the collagen from the bone pressure creates the piezoelectric energy to ionize and the pressure on the legs creates the sublimation of the neurohormones into the brain to increase the neurotransmitters.

So then the serotonin increase both oxytocin of the heart love and also melatonin and the dreaming chemical of the pineal gland that is not allowed to be discussed on abovetopsecret -- the "spirit molecule" as it's called.

The Tao says: ‘When you go into the dark and this becomes total, the darkness soon turns into light’Every day the body needs tryptophan, an essential amino acid. This is converted into serotonin and melatonin (average 2-5mg./ day). When you are in the dark room the melatonin is able to build up gradually. When this store reaches a sufficient amount (15-20mg.) the body then produces pinoline (a super conductor). It also realizes that it no longer needs any more melatonin.

So this is the secret of cave meditation for yoga practice and shamanism -- to open up the third eye for visions

But the other secret is that the increased electromagnetic energy from the heart then needs to be stored below and behind the navel where the vagus nerve ends to the reproductive organs. So this energy needs to be protected from being deconverted back into male external ejaculation which causes the energy to be lost. That's why celibacy is crucial and not just physical celibacy but also celibacy of the mind -- so that's why monks are not supposed to go to movies or not have physical contact with females, etc.

So the purpose of the Bushmen culture is to heal the females by not storing up the energy but instead using celibacy to convert the neurohormones into electromagnetic energy that is then transmitted out of the body by using a trance stare of the pineal gland third eye or using the hands to transmit the energy. So then the electromagnetic energy transmitted out of the males then activates the vagus nerve of the females for their internal climaxes. Then the males take in the neurohormones as electrochemical energy from the females -- their N/om energy. The females transmit their electrochemical N/om energy by singing all night long -- this electrochemical energy is felt as the tingles from the high frequency female singing creating harmonic beats that create amplified subharmonics of the heart vagus nerve activation to relax and heal the body through love energy. The males then turn the N/om energy back into electromagnetic energy as chi or prana -- called !Kia in the Bushmen culture -- to transmit back to the females. This is how the energy circulates but this process remains entirely unknown in the modern corrupt culture of the West -- except in secret training.

You can find this secret training in action here
edit on 28-5-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
To train to do this the males at puberty go into isolation for a month of fasting and trance dancing and the older males then transmit the laser-love energy into the younger males, thereby sublimating and ionizing their life force neurohormones.

That's some crazy stuff. Old men acting like "LASERS" to ionize "neurohormones" in other people? Yeah, right.

Just another example of New Age fantasy. What wavelength would be required to cause ionization? Oh come on already.

If a person sits in full lotus then they maintain celibacy by burning off or ionizing the neurohormones as sex emission internally with no ejaculation.

I believe that being sexually repressed (and fantasizing about internal ejaculation in the process, and internal "sex emission") can lead to all sort of mental disorders. In full lotus or otherwise.

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by buddhasystem

It's fascinating how you act as though you know everything.

Tell me, does Jesus take you by the hand as well?

Get off your high horse and stop being so arrogant. If you have evidence and arguments to refute the case, then kindly provide them. If not, then stop using your scorn and distaste for "New Age" (which you know NOTHING about) and be respectful of others' opinions.

It is this type of ignorance that annoys me.

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

I would like to respectfully disagree with you here.

Celibacy is by no means a healthy practice. In fact, celibacy is an attempt to resist the animal nature (with which we are all born) in order to benefit your own ideas of perfection and peace.

If you does celibacy benefit the mind? It is clearly shown that sex assist with cardiovascular and abdomenal workouts, not to mention an entire plethora of other benefits. You seem to be under the impression that sex is actually UNHEALTHY...

Could you explain?

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by buddhasystem

It's fascinating how you act as though you know everything.

Me? You are confusing me with someone else. Like the "full of lotus" person who wrote:

This flexing down then pushes up the neurohormones and we have tons of serotonin in the lower body. When their is harmonic pressure on our bones and collagen then this creates ultrasound which then ionizes the neurohormones so they can bypass the blood brain barrier.

or how about this one:

So then when the vagus nerve is ionized through ultrasound from the collagen piezoelectric transduction then the vagus nerve bypasses the blood-brain barrier.

Now, there is some serious know-all attitude right there! Astonishing claims and some impossible physics, all presented with stone-cold certitude!

Tell me, does Jesus take you by the hand as well?

Unfortunately, no. However, it's a natural thing for to not make things up and then present them as some sort of esoteric knowledge. I find this practice (so richly exemplified in this thread) extremely silly.

Get off your high horse and stop being so arrogant. If you have evidence and arguments to refute the case, then kindly provide them.

Oh, but you got it backward. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. I can confess to you that there is a dinosaur living in the woods behind my backyard. Can you refute it?

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Celibacy is by no means a healthy practice. In fact, celibacy is an attempt to resist the animal nature (with which we are all born) in order to benefit your own ideas of perfection and peace.

You are acting like you know everything. You apparently missed that explanation:

So the purpose of the Bushmen culture is to heal the females by not storing up the energy but instead using celibacy to convert the neurohormones into electromagnetic energy

You see? H0rny people acting as transmitters of radio waves! Only a dimwit can't see that! It's as clear as a day!

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

Hmmm...using sexual frustration to create the foundations for a Merkahbah...I am intrigued...

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by buddhasystem

Hmmm...using sexual frustration to create the foundations for a Merkahbah...I am intrigued...

Our interlocutor is saying:

I get brain zaps also

If you put two and two together, you will see that all that frustration is converted to high voltage in the subject's brain! Zap! Zap!

I don't recommend getting too close. Nothing good is going to result from that. You either get zapped, or... I shudder to think...

edit on 29-5-2012 by buddhasystem because: (no reason given)

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