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The Devil's Chord: The conspiracy to open the portal of consciousness and mystery of the octave

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posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by rwfresh
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

The Holographic reality is a reflection of Reality in a holographic mirror. It is not actual. Truth is not a hologram.

Do you believe that time is both infinite and definite?

The Devil is that good. And guess who he is?


Sean Penn?

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by truthseeker84

Originally posted by rwfresh
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

The Holographic reality is a reflection of Reality in a holographic mirror. It is not actual. Truth is not a hologram.

Do you believe that time is both infinite and definite?

The Devil is that good. And guess who he is?


Sean Penn?

In a sense.. for me! yeah! Spicoli might be more accurate.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by rwfresh

Originally posted by truthseeker84

Originally posted by rwfresh
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

The Holographic reality is a reflection of Reality in a holographic mirror. It is not actual. Truth is not a hologram.

Do you believe that time is both infinite and definite?

The Devil is that good. And guess who he is?


Sean Penn?

In a sense.. for me! yeah! Spicoli might be more accurate.

I'm laughing my ass off right now... that's a good one dude...

S.. Sp.. Spicoli?? Yes!!! SPICOLI!!

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

3/2 is C to G and 2/3 is F to C.

Why is F to C 2/3? Isn't it a 5th also? Do different 5ths have different ratios?

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by truthseeker84

In this clip we see spicoli's(the devil) defiance to God's(Mr Hand) authority. Of special note is Spicoli's declaration that God's time is in fact HIS time because he is there co-existing with God. Futile though as Spicoli is vanquished, his card is torn up (his connection to God's love) and banished into the lower hells (the front office).

you did notice my pic is Spicoli right?

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by rwfresh
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

The Holographic reality is a reflection of Reality in a holographic mirror. It is not actual. Truth is not a hologram.

Do you believe that time is both infinite and definite?

The Devil is that good. And guess who he is?

Yeah consciousness creates the light holograph -- and this is an infinite process that is not in space -- it is quantum entanglement of everything -- so no one can say "you" or "me" when experiencing consciousness.

The process "breaths" consciousness -- just as the heart "breaths" love. So when the brain slows down through slow down of breathing then it synchronizes with the heart which then creates the holographic love light -- called the rainbow vortex.

This is the spontaneous OHM sound heard from the heart when the brain love consciousness quantum diffraction rainbow light is experienced -- from the Mind of Nature.

So basically, as Louis de Broglie figured out -- there is an "internal clock" that is the Self -- as I mentioned before -- the internal clock of deep dreamless sleep where we don't experience time or space -- and this is the "hole" in the Heart that connects to consciousness that reverses time to restore our physical body. This process creates light consciousness energy to heal the body.

So matter is then expanded through the "external clock" by what we see externally and measure -- using classical symmetric commutative math.

Because of relativity as the measurement of the external logarithmic clock approaches the same light consciousness of the internal clock -- then space contracts back into the internal clock and time expands or slows down. This is a paradox since the light energy means an increase in frequency which means time should contract as wavelength -- as inversion to frequency.

Since this is a contradiction it is solved by the internal clock of consciousness having a "superliminal" pilot wave or phase velocity -- that is not the "group" wave of the particle that is measured externally -- so the internal consciousness that goes faster than the speed of light which means it reverses the contraction of space and the slowing down of time. So it speeds up time in the opposite direction and then through precognition as consciousness secretly pilots or guides the coherence of the internal and external clocks -- the internal observer as real consciousness that creates light then sees the external object moving in light.

The key secret here is that a photon is massless but has momentum and so matter is actually not mass which is based on a squared or logarithmic value -- instead matter is actually massless with momentum as speed that is non-commutative or complementary opposites.

So de Broglie states for the internal clock - at zero frequency then time goes to infinity -- and this is the secret conversion of our "mass" into light consciousness as death -- with the zero frequency of the heart beat and brain waves. In reality the infinite time is the phase velocity as the pilot wave while matter as time slows down -- so externally we appear to slow down as time expands but internally we convert back to our original Self as light consciousness.

Since this happens through the "hole" or singularity in the Heart then it is experienced as the brightest light and strongest love ever felt.

Due to light becoming a rainbow vortex then the phase frequency creates matter through the imaginary or virtual photons - reverse time and space contracting.

So the external observer or external clock due to being tied to mass as a squared measurement - can never measure, with technology, the inherent zero frequency, infinite time paradox when time goes in reverse to frequency increasing towards the speed of light.

This means that external reality is just a temporary play of light -- like the rainbow -- it is the refraction and reflection of wavelengths -- and eventually it creates mass that bends in on itself as a black hole -- whether a massive one as the whole universe or a micro one as the proton.

The zero frequency infinite time -- then is inherently unknown as someone internally becomes one with it then this is an asymmetric process -- a process of complementary opposites -- so it is going into the Absolute Void or the Cosmic Mother -- which then creates light as consciousness.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by DenyObfuscation
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

3/2 is C to G and 2/3 is F to C.

Why is F to C 2/3? Isn't it a 5th also? Do different 5ths have different ratios?

O.k. so you're asking me? haha.

See that is exactly the contradiction I am pointing out. The Perfect Fifth has to be doubled as an octave to become a Perfect Fourth. But the subharmonic of C to G as 3/2 is F to C as 2/3 -- they are both Perfect Fifths but the geometric symbol is non-commutative as the inversion of the fraction.

O.k. so frequency is inversion to wavelength but this is contradicted when applied as commutative geometry.

If the frequency is 2/3 as the Perfect Fifth -- C to G of a wavelength that is 0 to 1 value -- so that the wavelength is one and the frequency is one and half the wavelength is 1/2 and the frequency is 2 as the octave -- o.k. so if the frequency is 2/3 this is not allowed because the wavelength is 3/2 which is greater than the total wavelength allowed. It is non-commutative.

O.K. so the subharmonic of C to G as 3/2 frequency is F to C as 2/3 frequency. But if the frequency is 2/3 then the wavelength is 3/2 which is C to G. So it is non-commutative.

So then question remains -- what is "zero" frequency -- or a frequency 2/3 when the wavelength is greater than the total of 1 wavelength? In other words the Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth are "superparticular" so they can not rationally be divided into the octave.

So we can do what Western science did -- we can ignore the empirical truth of the natural rational pitch inversions -- the empirical truth of reverse time and wavelength -- and we can attempt to "contain" time as materialistic geometry. So then we get Western science.

Or we can do what the shamans did - -by listening to the subharmonics and overtones there is a nonlinear relationship of resonance that accesses zero frequency and infinite time as the true source of sound -- as consciousness. The Harmonic Series as rational numbers and their inverse diverges -- it is not contained by geometry. It is therefore the "invention of the Devil."

The answer is that when frequency is zero then the wavelength as time is infinite and this is non-commutative which means it's inherently uncertain. We can not measure it as a material wavelength -- but it exists as the subharmonic demonstrates -- the reverse time direction shows that even though the frequency increases the time also increases or slows down.

Why is this true? Because as the frequency increases due to relativity then the wavelength also increases. The only way this is possible is that there is a reverse time from the future that also reverses space -- this is done through light consciousness as the secret source of listening to sound.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

See that is exactly the contradiction I am pointing out. The Perfect Fifth has to be doubled as an octave to become a Perfect Fourth.

Doesn't have to be. A P4 can be simply derived from the Octave by dividing the Octave by the P5 and vice versa.
2/1 divided by 3/2 is 4/3. 2/1 divided by 4/3 is 3/2. Simple math, no inversion doubling or divide and average, just like Snakemaster did it. 1:2:3:4 without the 7-10 split. Is bowling the symbolic destruction of the Babylonian Tetrad?

As for the Archytas Addendum, a whole tone can be derived from dividing P5 as 3/2 by P4 as4/3 to get 9/8. This can all be done without resorting to squaring, halving or cubing to the indefinite value for the square root of two. However, Freemasonry continues to subvert my attempts to produce an abacus with a USB built in.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by rwfresh

That clip reminded me of my first epiphany, Phoebe Cates was The Truth!

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by DenyObfuscation
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

See that is exactly the contradiction I am pointing out. The Perfect Fifth has to be doubled as an octave to become a Perfect Fourth.

Doesn't have to be. A P4 can be simply derived from the Octave by dividing the Octave by the P5 and vice versa.
2/1 divided by 3/2 is 4/3. 2/1 divided by 4/3 is 3/2. Simple math, no inversion doubling or divide and average, just like Snakemaster did it. 1:2:3:4 without the 7-10 split. Is bowling the symbolic destruction of the Babylonian Tetrad?

As for the Archytas Addendum, a whole tone can be derived from dividing P5 as 3/2 by P4 as4/3 to get 9/8. This can all be done without resorting to squaring, halving or cubing to the indefinite value for the square root of two. However, Freemasonry continues to subvert my attempts to produce an abacus with a USB built in.

O.K. if you want to continue to ignore the geometry aspect of Archytas using the "means" go ahead. haha.

I will once again point out -- that the Perfect Fifth is not just a fraction number. It is assigned to a geometric symbol as part of the wavelength. That is why frequency is inverse to wavelength.

2/3 frequency has to be used to get 4/3 frequency so there has to be a "bait and switch" reversal of time that is non-commutative and then covered-up. When 2/3 frequency is used that means time is going in the reverse direction. Since it is going in the reverse direction then a different geometric symbol is used. O.K. so I explained it without using any geometric symbols since obviously to say "derived" from the octave is a loaded term.

The perfect fourth may be derived from the harmonic series as the interval between the third and fourth harmonics.

O.K. that's Wiki using the same term you have used "derived" -- but what it really means, as you have neglected to mention, that time has to be reversed. The Harmonic Series diverges infinitely as pure number and listening to the source of sound. Infinity has to be reversed by assuming it can be geometrically contained. So it was agreed earlier that the Perfect Fourth is not part of the Harmonic Series because it goes in one direction in time as the overtones -- so 1:2:3:4 means that 2:3 is C to G as the Perfect Fifth and 3:4 is G to C as the Perfect Fourth. But that is not allowed because the "three" is not an octave value since the octave is squared. So then the Perfect Fifth is actually 3/2 as C to G because as the harmonic it is 3/1 but then 1 can be doubled to 2. So then the subharmonic of 3/1 is taken as 1/3 but it is F to C -- because time is going in the opposite direction. So the wavelength is the inverse of the frequency. The frequency is 1/3 and the wavelength is 3/1. So it is the inversion as the subharmonic of C to G but the geometry is reversed as a different value -- F to C.

That's the difference with time versus spatial geometry -- the inversion is frequency and wavelength but it is non-commutative. So the inversion of the Fifth and Fourth intervals are superparticular which means that the Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth do not divide evenly in the octave because they have different geometry values. Not arithmetic values but geometric values. The arithmetic diverges as infinity but Western science is materialistic and says -- we visually see a wavelength as a string moving so we need to "contain" the measurement geometrically. Therefore the empirical harmonics are wrong and the superparticular ratios as commutative value are correct.

Therefore 2/3 as a frequency is not allowed because it is the same "C" octave inverted with a different geometric value -- F to C is 2/3 frequency and C to G is 3/2 frequency. So then F to C is doubled as 4/3 so that it is C to F as the Perfect Fourth and no longer the Perfect Fifth. Now with 4/3 and 3/2 as the frequency then you get the octave and you can maintain the commutative value by stating C to G is 3/2 and G to C' is 4/3 so then the G cancels out in the multiplication with the value as the octave frequency 2/1 as C to C'. But if you use the frequency 2/3 as F to C then you have to use the frequency 3/4 as G to C because the starting value of the frequency is zero if the wavelength value is one. So what is the fraction of zero frequency? There is no way to get a subharmonic to double the frequency for a commutative value. In other words it's impossible to have a commutative equation with 2/3 as F to C and 3/4 as C to F as the frequency. So the subharmonic of C to G 3/2 frequency is 2/3 frequency F to C but this can not be used for the commutative math of logarithmics as squaring so it has to be doubled as 4/3. This operation then "hides" or is a "bait and switch" to hide the non-commutative value that is infinite.

Zero frequency is infinite time as consciousness.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

F to C is 2/3 frequency and C to G is 3/2 frequency.

Aren't F-C, C-G and G-D all P5's with 3/2 frequency?

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by DenyObfuscation
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

F to C is 2/3 frequency and C to G is 3/2 frequency.

Aren't F-C, C-G and G-D all P5's with 3/2 frequency?

No. haha. O.K. maybe you're just really not listening.

UncleV was listening. haha.

F to C as the Perfect Fourth is created from the subharmonic of G to C as 3/2. So F to C is 2/3.

O.K. if you google the "Doe a Deer" scale image that I previously posted showing F to C as 2/3 -- then you get this thread with all my previous responses to you about this question! haha.

So instead of linking my previous responses -- I'll just cut and paste.

Archytas had to convert 2/3 into 3/2 or else the commutative equation does not work:

Any who doubt that the musical ratios are all of greater inequality, i.e., that the antecedent or first term in each is greater than the consequent or second term, should consult Archytas DK 47 B 2. This Fragment requires that the ratios be of this form if the assertions about the three means [arithmetic, harmonic and geometric] are to be true. Accordingly, the ratios assigned to the octave, fifth, fourth and minor sixth, must be 2:1, 3:2, 4:3 and 8:5, and not 1:2, 2:3, 3:4 and 5:8, respectively, as Mosshammer and others would have them. Indeed, there is early proof deriving from the Pythagorean school that intervals, such as the fifths, which are represented by superparticular [n + 1 : n] ratios cannot be partitioned into any number of equal subintervals because the terms of these ratios admit no number of geometric means….There is reason to believe that these were supplied by Archytas in the early fourth century B.C.233

233 Alan C. Bowen, "The Minor Sixth (8:5) in Early Greek Harmonic Science," The American Journal of
Philology, 1978.

O.K. I already posted that as a response to you.

Then you said -- yeah but you can get 9/8 from the Perfect Fourth without needing to square or use logarithms. But I already responded to that:

Although the later Pythagoreans used the ratio 9/8 for tuning it must be emphasized the Orthodox Pythagoreans did not use 9/8, not in the sense of Archytas. Why? Because the ratio 9/4, reduced to 9/8, is not of the Pythagorean Tetrad based on the “orthodox” perfect fifth “Great Dragon Tuning.” As Professor Andre Barbera exposes: Orthodox Pythagorean theory recognizes five consonances: fourth, fifth, octave, twelfth, and double octave; and these are represented by the multiple and superparticular ratios [n + 1 : n] from the tetrad. The number 8 obviously does not belong to the tetrad.235

235 André Barbera, "The Consonant Eleventh and the Expansion of the Musical Tetractys: A Study of
Ancient Pythagoreanism," Journal of Music Theory, 1984.

So the real Pythagoreans were using the 1-4-5 music intervals just like the intuitive nonwestern audio samples for the trance music I have posted from the "Sounding the Depths" blog.

So why did Archytas have to convert 2/3 frequency as the subharmonic of 3/2 C to G into F to C?

As I already responded to you -- because the Harmonic Mean enables conversion to the Geometric Mean squared logarithmic equation:

Barbera does note that Archytas used the Babylonian tetrachord, an extension of the tetrad, 6:8::9:12 whereby 8 is the harmonic mean and 9 is the arithmetic mean between 6 and 12 with the above changed meanings as discussed.236 So 1, 4/3, 3/2, 2 were converted to 6:8:9:12. So 8 x 9 = 72 (harmonic mean x arithmetic mean = geometric mean squared) and the square root of 72 in simplified radical form is 6 times the square root of 2 – or the equal-tempered logarithmic tritone music interval, the 6th semitone of the 12 note scale aka the Devil’s Interval. In other words 9/8, the major 2nd music interval, cubed, is the square root of two as the most dissonant music interval of the Western logarithmic scale.

Those quotes are all from my book.


posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
Then I discovered the Actual Matrix Plan conspiracy based on the same conspiracy -- corroborating my discovery -- only supporting it.

You are already in the MATRIX, as i know God created with the Goddess and they had a PERFECT SON called the CHRIST!.

I am going to do a forum about this world the matrix it is created by the christ, soon (sometime in the following years either 2012 or later) he will program the sun to turn black and the moon to turn blood red! which will change this earth! called re-programming i think, so far though very basic matrix forum haha i will post some of it on ats as well
edit on 15-3-2012 by Jn because: (no reason given)


posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

the matrix is not a conspiracy, like i said you are already in the matrix, haha, you are inside your soul, where else would you be?, or anyone else for that matter?, everything else is part of the program of this earth are in at the moment.

this is why your qigong masters experience the world as holographic hehe


posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by Jn

so i was posting this in the other thread on ats matrix travellers thread

"Your own little body too is full of mysteries and dangers, yet you are not afraid of it, for you take it as your own. What you do not know is that the entire universe is your body, and you need not be afraid of it. You may say you have two bodies: the personal and the universal. The personal comes and goes, the universal is always with you. The entire creation is your universal body. You are so blinded by what is personal, that you do not see the universal. This blindness will not end by itself - it must be undone skilfully and deliberately. When all illusions are understood and abandoned, you reach the error-free and perfect state in which all distinctions between the personal and the universal are no more. (308)".

but i will tell you a second spiritual lesson, from the above, so easy but still to keep aware and not be complacent when truths like above make it easy.


posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by Jn

thirdly it is perfect as amazing when you find yourself leave this world and escape what trapped you here, so who can tell YOU anything? really at the end of the day.

what they say in the matrix is they have eternity YOU HAVE ETERNITY to decide when you are ready for the SON OF GOD upload/download and leave this world and other illusion worlds to be perfected.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by Jn

Talking is not practice. The practice to escape from the Matrix is the complementary opposites resonance.

So left-brain is phonetic language which then uses right hand technology to "contain" infinity.

Listening to non-western music is based on trance that has subharmonics and harmonics which resonate together to create healing electromagnetic light energy as consciousness.

So this has to be practiced.

Get the "small universe" music meditation c.d. from to practice it and then get a phone healing from the qigong masters to feel the laser love healing energy transmission.

To transmit the energy means to go into the Emptiness -- this is done through silence which is right brain dominant.

The heart as the "hole" to the universe then is created when the right brain electromagnetic energy energy is built up from the lower body kidney energy -- through the right side vagus nerve -- as internal bliss energy.

So then the left side vagus nerve goes to the right side of the heart to open up the hole to the universe as consciousness.

This is called the 8th level of consciousness in Mahayana Buddhism -- the body must be transformed and the energy then must be stored in the lower tan tien - below and behind the navel -- and this electromagnetic energy then powers the holographic spirit travel.

This process is eternal as mind-body-spirit transformation. Yes it is an impersonal process but relies on the complementary opposites of the body-mind -- so it is a particular practice based on non-western trance music philosophy that does not use phonetic left brain dominant language to "contain" infinity in a materialist geometry.

It is the left-brain dominant phonetic language and right-hand technology that attempts to "contain" infinity that is the Matrix which then expands through the logarithmic math.

So any "talking" about the Matrix in no way enables escape from the Matrix. Consciousness on its own then creates light that is outside the Matrix because it is created the complementary opposites not contained by the irrational symmetric mathematics of right-hand technology and left-brain phonetic language.


posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong
Yeah, your RIGHT, but i have been trashed by vampiric ghosts, so would not have much left anyway, so anyway, like i said, though I KNOW, you do NOT WANT to KNOW at the moment you are already in the MATRIX, as a soul experiencing.

so we know the goddess was the void or perfect nothingness and she created with he, so god and goddess created and had a perfect son called the christ.

understand god and goddess was not perfect as such in there expression together, to create perefection when they came together hence there perfect son the christ, this is all matrix based.

goddess is the whole, her contents god,

I AM NOT SURE, her daughter was 6 pointed star hexagram, which was tempted and had faults, the perfection was the son as 8 pointed star or octagon.

so you are already in the matrix, this world and games are illusion, but, you teach healing and we need healing right?.

ask yourself why your Qigong masters see the world as hologram hehe???.


posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

anyway, you are really good with your information i really learned a lot reading your meditation and qigong information, but i know you are afraid of the matrix.

you see a lot of so called "spiritual" people try and run from the truth!!!, but what is the truth???.

yeah, your in the matrix, but what does that mean, where do you think you are?, who do you think your are?.

you are INSIDE your soul, which is basically a matrix partition, with about as MANY partitions as the matrix traveller said it is impossible to count how many.

do you understand what impossible to count means? haha


posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
reply to post by Jn

Talking is not practice. The practice to escape from the Matrix is the complementary opposites resonance.

you cannot escape the matrix though, here is a example for you, what do you see??? and what do you see with?.

now do you see you do not escape, this world is a program a experience.

but, do not let me spoil your training qigong etc anything that is good for health is good that is a obvious, i like you, you cannot run from the truth, but if you learn how to EMBRACE the TRUTH you will be more POWERFUL for it and others!, especially i think healers are good, more healing programmers excellent

i think qigong and spiritual practices have a unseen element working, qigong masters see the world as a hologram you said, because you are already in the matrix.

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