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The Coca Cola Conspiracy: The secret cause for the U.S. obesity epidemic

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posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by fleabit
People have the time - they just don't want to do it. This thread and most of the posts are ridiculous. Coke is bad for you. So is Pepsi, Shasta, root beer, grape soda, and anything else that has loads of sugar in it. DON'T DRINK IT! See.. not hard. Don't let your kids drink it! Educate them.

It's not crack.. what a laugh. If you eat out of habit, and stop eating insanely, you don't get the shakes. You don't have a horrible reaction. It's not addictive in the same sense of drugs whose chemicals actually affect your brain, and it's ridiculous to act like they do. No one goes to detox for fast food. The only ill effect from cutting back on horrible amounts of horrible food, is your body's assumption you are starving. You get "hungry." You get some pangs. Deal with it. The current generation is so unable to deal with pain, suffering, and hunger, it's laughable. They freak out and angst over the stupidest things. In our past, people had to deal with real issues. Now, people invent issues just to put excitement into their lives.

Aside from exceptional cases, EVERYONE has the ability to eat better, and exercise, and lose weight. It's a choice. But people want miracle cures. They want a pill to drop weight. They want rewards with no work. And when they don't get it, they complain that the establishment is to blame.

You can safely lose about 3 pounds a week, with solid exercise (i.e. 5 or 6 days a week), and eating just REASONABLY better. Not even going nuts. Just being careful, and avoiding excess of bad food. But most people refuse to do it. It requires sacrifice. Effort. Diligence. Things that these days, is sadly lost and forgotten. No... it's much easier to blame a soda company for your obesity.

O.K. if you watch the science lecture by Dr. Lustig he is focusing on the childhood obesity epidemic -- at six months old! Baby formula is full of sugar!!

The six month old is the exception that proves the rule....It's not diet and exercise....It's not a calorie is a calorie.

Now turns out many of the "science" studies claiming corn syrup is the same as sugar are...funded by the corn syrup industry!

Out of the six studies on the Corn Refiners Association’s Web site that “Confirm High Fructose Corn Syrup [is] No Different From Sugar,” three were sponsored by groups that stand to profit from research that promotes HFCS. Two were never published, so their funding sources are unclear. And one was sponsored by a Dutch foundation that represents the interests of the sugar industry. Pepsi funded one study. So did a D.C. based lobbying group that gets their money from food, chemical and drug companies. And the American Beverage Association gave a grant for another.

So we are talking about a real conspiracy here

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by curious7

Can I say it since I'm a fat guy? Cause it's true, laziness is the cause.

I went up and down as far as weight throughout childhood but since I stopped being active in my late teens and started eating more, I've piled on weight.

You can say whatever you want. Once again, anecdotes don't hold much weight.

You're confusing cause and effect.

When researchers look at childhood obesity, a surprising observation is made. Kids become fat and then become ravenous and lazy; then they stay inside all day and play video games. It's not the other way around. Obesity causes lethargy and hyperphagia.

Physiologic processes are driving how lazy and hungry people are. Trying to consciously effect energy balance will, almost always, end in failure.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 11:47 PM
Nonsense - many parents feed their children formula. Are all kids as obese as that one? No. How ludicrous. You don't see 9 out of 10 kids being hugely overweight due to formula. My brother and his wife fed their son formula. He is now just past that stage, and he is a perfectly healthy size and weight. If there were sinister amounts of sugar or crap in formula, ALL kids would be near the same weight. It's pure science. Calories and how much you burn. There are special cases, but in general, most bodies are the same - you burn X amount of calories, you take in X amount, and if your input is greater, you gain weight. If not, you lose weight or remain stable.

All adults have the ability to control their own weight and their children's weight as well. You can buy even from your "evil" normal supermarket, and maintain a VERY healthy lifestyle. It's a pity people have lost the ability to use common sense, combined with actual exercise and actually pay attention to what their children are eating (and doing).

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 11:53 PM

When researchers look at childhood obesity, a surprising observation is made. Kids become fat and then become ravenous and lazy; then they stay inside all day and play video games. It's not the other way around. Obesity causes lethargy and hyperphagia.

They didn't magically get obese. They got obese because their caloric input was greater than what they burned. Very simple science here. They ate badly, and were not active enough to burn the weight they were gaining. It's the parents fault, I guarantee it. They are so caught up in their own lives, they don't give a crap what their kids are doing - it's true, and it's sad. It's also sad there are things like the "play 60" program by the NFL are being created. They are trying to convince kids to do 60 minutes of activity a day. Omg.. seriously? I remember my mom.. she'd just about beat me over the head to force me to go do things. She did not allow me nor my brother to get fat just lazing around the house. We were quite active, and we were never fat. Activity = healthy. Sitting on your butt = fat. It's quite simple, and has nothing to do with evil corporations trying to kill you. It has to do with lazy adults being obese, and inattentive adults allowing their prodigy to become obese.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by fleabit

When researchers look at childhood obesity, a surprising observation is made. Kids become fat and then become ravenous and lazy; then they stay inside all day and play video games. It's not the other way around. Obesity causes lethargy and hyperphagia.

They didn't magically get obese. They got obese because their caloric input was greater than what they burned. Very simple science here. They ate badly, and were not active enough to burn the weight they were gaining. It's the parents fault, I guarantee it. They are so caught up in their own lives, they don't give a crap what their kids are doing - it's true, and it's sad. It's also sad there are things like the "play 60" program by the NFL are being created. They are trying to convince kids to do 60 minutes of activity a day. Omg.. seriously? I remember my mom.. she'd just about beat me over the head to force me to go do things. She did not allow me nor my brother to get fat just lazing around the house. We were quite active, and we were never fat. Activity = healthy. Sitting on your butt = fat. It's quite simple, and has nothing to do with evil corporations trying to kill you. It has to do with lazy adults being obese, and inattentive adults allowing their prodigy to become obese.

Truth About Sugar: The Bitter Truth This video shows clearly that obesity is not caused by lack of willpower. We are finding rates of obese six month old babies rising dramatically. How can that be willpower? We are all eating more, but why? Maybe your leptin is not working. How do you get it to work? It's not the fat. It's the carbohydrates. Sugary drinks are a leading cause. The salt in Coke is hidden by lots of sugar. What about high fructose corn syrup? Fats go down and sugar goes up. This is making us sick. For further reading get the book Pure, White, and Deadly. It's a true prophecy.

Yeah nothing to do with megacorporations putting HFCS in everything

For example: Mead Johnson (the company that makes Enfamil) recently stopped production of it’s Chocolate flavored Enfagrow Follow Up formula, after health care professionals criticized it for contributing to child obesity. Dr. Robert Lustig, a pediatric obesity expert, called it a “baby”milkshake”, and says “We have an epidemic of obesity in six months olds in this country”. Enough said about Follow Up formula, except that I want to personally thank Mead Johnson for thoughtfully mailing me free samples of Enfagrow that I didn’t ask for. I guess they figured out that I like babies or something. The packaging is so cute (a little box with cute little cartoons and slogans like “Mooove over milk”) that I’d almost be tempted to give it to my baby if I had one. Formula and baby food companies will go to great lengths to convince you to buy stuff that your baby really doesn’t need.

The Baby milkshake -- mega-promoted formula
edit on 30-1-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: quote

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 12:14 AM
I dont have a dog in the fight because mostly I am a meat eater.I have heard this kind of thing before, Seems everybody has an argument...this guy Dr. Lustig has us looking at a Disco Ball and the lights are low and a strobe light is on.

Now you want me to qualify my words

I live in So. Cal. east of Riverside. I see 80% of the population is obese. So work took me to a different part of the country, North Dakota. I notice very little Obesity. I notice something else. Everybody is walking out of the Mega-Mart with cases of Regular not Diet Mtn Dew and Dr.Pepper. I thought, "thats odd".
I remember a guy on the radio or something and he is talking about Sugar, Flour, nobody eating it and yet we are an obese nation....Well in my time I see a lot of people eating sugar and flour and getting fat.....

here is my point....He was on a lecture circuit....Dr.Lustig, on a lecture circuit. They get paid to talk and promote someones idea. a new way.

Moderation always regular exercise and an irregular diet, or the body will get used to it. that will be $25 please here is my pay pal thankyou!!
edit on 30-1-2012 by rebellender because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by rebellender
I dont have a dog in the fight because mostly I am a meat eater.I have heard this kind of thing before, Seems everybody has an argument...this guy Dr. Lustig has us looking at a Disco Ball and the lights are low and a strobe light is on.

No you want me to qualify my words

I live in So. Cal. east of Riverside. I see 80% of the population is obese. So work took me to a different part of the country, North Dakota. I notice very little Obesity. I notice something else. Everybody is walking out of the Mega-Mart with cases of Regular not Diet Mtn Dew and Dr.Pepper. I thought, "thats odd".
I remember a guy on the radio or something and he is talking about Sugar, Flour, nobody eating it and yet we are an obese nation....Well in my time I see a lot of people eating sugar and flour and getting fat.....

here is my point....He was on a lecture circuit....Dr.Lustig, on a lecture circuit. They get paid to talk and promote someones idea. a new way.

Moderation always regular exercise and an irregular diet, or the body will get used to it. the will be $25 please here is my pay pal thankyou!!

Actually the lecture by Dr. Lustig was at his own University and it just got posted on youtube by the University's youtube channel and it went viral via youtube. No lecture circuit.

Junk Food by Design -- the conspiracy

Here's Dr. Lustig's latest on the interventions needed to combat obesity
edit on 30-1-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: link

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 12:25 AM
Yea.. ok.. they are loading baby stuff with fattening ingredients because of some sinister agenda.. however, it doesn't affect the majority of babies and young children. How odd!

If you went into the households of obese children, you would find amazing similarities. Parents who are too busy or too removed from their kids lives to care. Kids who get home, do a half hour or less of homework, and then plant themselves in front of their computers or console game systems until bed time. Their parents who are too "busy" to cook, buy them fast food or frozen crap 5 or 6 days out of the week. And you honestly wonder why are they are overweight? Yea. ok. Keep blaming everyone except who is really to blame.

Let's ignore children for a moment. A huge % of adults are obese. Care to explain how they are being duped? Who is forcing them to eat crappy food and convincing them to not exercise?

There is no doubt there are a lot of junky foods out there. But it can all be avoided. People are fat because it's easier than trying to not be fat.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by fleabit
Yea.. ok.. they are loading baby stuff with fattening ingredients because of some sinister agenda.. however, it doesn't affect the majority of babies and young children. How odd!

If you went into the households of obese children, you would find amazing similarities. Parents who are too busy or too removed from their kids lives to care. Kids who get home, do a half hour or less of homework, and then plant themselves in front of their computers or console game systems until bed time. Their parents who are too "busy" to cook, buy them fast food or frozen crap 5 or 6 days out of the week. And you honestly wonder why are they are overweight? Yea. ok. Keep blaming everyone except who is really to blame.

Let's ignore children for a moment. A huge % of adults are obese. Care to explain how they are being duped? Who is forcing them to eat crappy food and convincing them to not exercise?

There is no doubt there are a lot of junky foods out there. But it can all be avoided. People are fat because it's easier than trying to not be fat.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by fleabit

They didn't magically get obese. They got obese because their caloric input was greater than what they burned. Very simple science here. They ate badly, and were not active enough to burn the weight they were gaining. It's the parents fault, I guarantee it. They are so caught up in their own lives, they don't give a crap what their kids are doing - it's true, and it's sad.


Activity = healthy. Sitting on your butt = fat. It's quite simple, and has nothing to do with evil corporations trying to kill you. It has to do with lazy adults being obese, and inattentive adults allowing their prodigy to become obese.

Look. I know this seems like a very simple problem. And I can understand why it's so hard for you to comprehend.

You actually had one piece of truth in your post.

They ate badly

Saying that obesity is caused by consuming more than you expend is like saying an alcoholic is an alcoholic because he drinks too much. No sh*t. That doesn't address the "why" and it doesn't address what the problem is.

Once again, kids are becoming fat and then they're becoming lazy and hyperphagic. It's the same with adults. Lab research from over 40 years ago was clear on this as well. They show that physiological conditions will drive hunger, craving, energy (lazy or active) and body temperature in order to unconsciously control energy balance. Lowering caloric intake and exercising doesn't work by causing a caloric deficit; if it works at all (most the time it doesnt), it's by reversing the physiology that's driving obesity...not by the purposeful adjustment of energy in/out.

The simplest analogy is this: Growing kids sleep more and eat a ton because they're growing. Their sleeping and eating is not driving the's the other way around. This, essentially, is the same thing we see in the growth of fat mass. And much like a growing kid, it's hormonally driven.
edit on 30-1-2012 by DevolutionEvolvd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 12:40 AM
Nevermind obesity.

I'd like someone to explain why there's such a thing as childhood diabetes (obese or not), childhood asthma, childhood heart conditions, childhood cancers, etc etc... when 70 years ago these things were basically unheard of.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by CranialSponge
Nevermind obesity.

I'd like someone to explain why there's such a thing as childhood diabetes (obese or not), childhood asthma, childhood heart conditions, childhood cancers, etc etc... when 70 years ago these things were basically unheard of.

This lecture is excellent -- and is all about the treatment of childhood diseases

one third of children hospitals have fast food restaurants.
edit on 30-1-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: correction

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Yeah Ok, Opra sure made a bunch of money off of the subject. Now look at her. I see a beautiful woman, what do you see.

People get lazy. Eat more and exercise less. You want to turn Coca-cola into another Phillip Morris Lawsuit, be my guest.

Last on the list will be Jehovah, he is really Lucifer. Can't wait for that lawsuit.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 01:30 AM
aye have done my best ta stay away from pop fer some time.
working around it and pizza
i have seen my body droop comparably.

i am fortunate to not weigh much so i will be fine
but have seen the effects everywhere
and can especially see how pop contributes to ones feeling hunger

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 01:31 AM

Look. I know this seems like a very simple problem. And I can understand why it's so hard for you to comprehend.

You actually had one piece of truth in your post.

They ate badly

Saying that obesity is caused by consuming more than you expend is like saying an alcoholic is an alcoholic because he drinks too much. No sh*t. That doesn't address the "why" and it doesn't address what the problem is.

Um.. the problem, at least in regards to children, is that their parents are FEEDING THEM CRAP! And letting them veg on the couch playing games all night. It's pretty obvious that many foods both in the store and from fast food joints are crap. If parents purchased say.. meats and veggies and fruits and pasta and 2% milk and so on.. and made meals for their kids, instead of say, buying them frozen McNuggets made of who knows what the hell what, they would be a lot healthier. It's not rocket science, like I said.

Make meals for your children you know.. like the "old fashioned" way. Force them to be more active than a lethargic potato. And voila.. they are healthy and at a reasonable weight. Companies are going to continue to peddle their boxed and canned crap as long as there are buyers. The buyers are LAZY PARENTS. Do you notice how there is a correlation between fat parents and obese kids? How many very healthy parents do you see with fats kids? And how many huge adults have equally huge kids? You blame the people making the junk, but if they didn't have buyers, they wouldn't be in business. It's not DRUGS. There is not a chemical dependency. You don't go into fits from stopping eating like crap. In fact, you feel better almost immediately!

Educate adults - not much else you can do. You can't go all draconian on the corporate world. That leads to bad things. But the fact remains.. far, FAR too many parents are incredibly negligent of their children, the food angle is just one of many. People are not forcing this food down kids throats. Parents are buying it for them. And there is plenty of healthy food even in your most common grocery store to keep adults and kids healthy. It's not as if they have no other choices.
edit on 30-1-2012 by fleabit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by rebellender
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Yeah Ok, Opra sure made a bunch of money off of the subject. Now look at her. I see a beautiful woman, what do you see.

People get lazy. Eat more and exercise less. You want to turn Coca-cola into another Phillip Morris Lawsuit, be my guest.

Last on the list will be Jehovah, he is really Lucifer. Can't wait for that lawsuit.

Dr. Steve Ponder says the real cause of the childhood obesity epidemic is insulin resistance so that it takes more fat intake to kick in the leptin response. Insulin competes with leptin in the brain so that the sugar intake from HFCS at first doesn't cause any leptin reaction but then later there is an increase in fat and then insulin resistance which causes feedback for more insulin and less leptin. That's from the triglycerides.

So that's the conspiracy -- a nonlinear feedback of lack of leptin from eating too much corn syrup.

The other big issue is that the FDA only considers sucrose as technically sugar so food is marketed as "sugar-free" and so people buy it thinking it's healthy -- when it's full of HFCS.

Sugar-Free Food means secret HFCS

Ventura, E.E., Davis, J.N., Goran, M.I. (2010) Sugar Content of Popular Sweetened Beverages Based on Objective Laboratory Analysis: Focus on Fructose Content. Obesity, Epub ahead of print. 23 sugar-sweetened beverages along with four reference solutions were analyzed for sugar profiles using high-performance liquid chromatography. Total sugar content was calculated as well as percent fructose in the beverages that use HFCS as the sole source of fructose. The results showed that the total sugar content of the beverages ranged from 85-128% of what was listed on the food label. The mean fructose content in the HFCS used was 59% (range 47-65%) and several major brands seemed to be produced with HFCS that was 65% fructose. The analyses also showed forms of sugar that were inconsistent with what was listed on the food labels. In other words, big difference between the actual sugar amount and type as compared to disclosures from producers. In addition, the tendency for use of HFCS that is higher in fructose could be contributing to higher fructose consumption than would otherwise be assumed.

edit on 30-1-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: added link

Shapiro, A., Mu, W., Roncal, C., Cheng, K.Y., Johnson, R.J., Scarpace, P.J. (2008) Fructose-induced leptin resistance exacerbates weight gain in response to subsequent high-fat feeding. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 295(5):R1270-5. They hypothesized that chronic fructose consumption causes leptin resistance which may promote the development of obesity in response to a high-fat diet. Rats were fed a fructose free or 60% fructose diet for 6 months and then tested for leptin resistance. Half of the rats in each group were switched to high-fat diets for 2 weeks while the other half continued on their respective diets. Chronic fructose consumption caused leptin resistance, while serum leptin levels, weight, and adiposity were the same as in control rats that were leptin responsive. Extra leptin injections made the rats that had eaten fructose free chow reduce their food intake. However the extra leptin had no effect in fructose-fed rats. Exposure of the fructose-eating, leptin-resistance rats to a high-fat diet led to significant weight gain -> 50.2 vs 30.4g. Their data indicates that chronic fructose consumption induces leptin resistance prior to body weight, adiposity, serum leptin, insulin, or glucose increases. And this leptin resistance accelerates high-fat induced obesity.

edit on 30-1-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: quote

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by fleabit

Look. I know this seems like a very simple problem. And I can understand why it's so hard for you to comprehend.

You actually had one piece of truth in your post.

They ate badly

Saying that obesity is caused by consuming more than you expend is like saying an alcoholic is an alcoholic because he drinks too much. No sh*t. That doesn't address the "why" and it doesn't address what the problem is.

And there is plenty of healthy food even in your most common grocery store to keep adults and kids healthy. It's not as if they have no other choices.
edit on 30-1-2012 by fleabit because: (no reason given)

8 ‘Health’ Foods That Contain High Fructose Corn Syrup!

FDA Sugar Free means secret HFCS

edit on 30-1-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: vid

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by rebellender

yeah, i guess if einstein, or any other scientist was on a lecture circuit that would render them irrelevant....great!
very open minded.
its what the professor says that counts.
it is science.
it is the truth, wether you care to admit it or not.

btw, and this is for all: calories bear no meaning on getting fat. this has been disproved so many times, I am not even going to post the latest (2011) harvard study. find it yourselves!
what matters is the mix of carbs, proteins and fat. and also processed, synthetic carbs (empty and no nutritional value) vs normal carbs.
if you are still unaware of this....oh well.

now, I am unsure if this is a conspiracy or not. however it is pure and utter arrogance and ignorance on part of the collusion of state and large cooperations to poison the public, and make then unaware. now again, this may not be planned (probably isn't), but it is still wrong and evil.
edit on 30-1-2012 by BBalazs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 02:09 AM
Sorry your barking up the wrong tree in the food industry is a hint to a true conspiracy ..look into the cattle/beef and genetic seed companys, that make seeds for items like soy, and corn. You ever wonder why it costs more to make a burger from scratch from the market rather than go buy a double for a buck at BK? The system is designed this way.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by TheMur
Sorry your barking up the wrong tree in the food industry is a hint to a true conspiracy ..look into the cattle/beef and genetic seed companys, that make seeds for items like soy, and corn. You ever wonder why it costs more to make a burger from scratch from the market rather than go buy a double for a buck at BK? The system is designed this way.

Check out 10:50 -- a chart of the U.S. showing per capita soda consumption and per capita obesity, diabetes, etc.


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