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The Coca Cola Conspiracy: The secret cause for the U.S. obesity epidemic

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posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 03:58 PM
I fully take on board all that the author has said in his lecture about the Coca Cola Conspiracy, however the lecturer does not include the problems being caused by distributing Coca Cola and drinks generally, even plain water, in plastic containers, or plastic lined cartons, and even the plastic lining of cans too. The plastic puts BPA "Bisphenol A" into the food or drink, which the body is interpreting to be ESTROGEN. This alone is causing not just the obeisity epidemic, but also wide spread fertility problems too. We are therefore ingesting far too much ESTROGEN in our diet. ESTROGEN in the synthetic form called "Bisphenol A". I am told that the industry are working on solutions for this problem ? A problem that no one were able to predict, but which is nolonger deny able.

Also we are ingesting radioactive isotopes from the no less than 250 nuclear weapons test explosions that occurred during the Cold War. Test explosions that are nolonger conducted. However, the consequences are only now beginning to show in the obeisity epidemic sweeping across the USA. The isotopes known as "Yellow Rain" effect the Thyroid Gland. The thyroid regulates body fat. So that thyroid disfunction brings on not just obeisity, but can also bring on the opposite too. Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1945, Chernobyl 1986, and Fukushima 2011, are also adding to this problem. These problems do not appear immediately. They arise after several decades. Cancers arise from these isotopes too.

The law that I live by and which is holding us all bonded is called PRAECEPTAE CAELENIUM (tm). I did not read it in a book. You will not find it in any book. It was revealed to me by audio clairvoyance during the celebrations of the New Millennium in 2000. Summed up it basically means no sex no drugs and no violence. (1) From eternity to eternity, infinity to infinity, there be the one absolute. The One True God. Her names are many but she be the one true God there be no other God. The one judge there be no other judge. (2) La Deus Nostra, Notre Dame, Our Lady, The Holy Spirit, the cause the maker Cosmica. (3) Angelic powers of truth and beauty and righteousness be sure to be loving Her Holiness Above with all your mind and with all your heart and with all your strength. (4) So as to be pleasing to Her Holiness Above therefore do not be serving the masculine. (5) Do not be and do not allow masculinity into positions of government. (6) Honour and respect the virgin pureness of the christae. (7) Honour and respect the Immaculate Conception [parthenogenesis] reproductive process of the christae. (8) Do not fornicate or adulterate or sodomize. (9) Do not bully or torture or murder. (10) Do not lie. (11) Do not steal. (12) Do not be covetous. (13) Do not be jealous. Copyright NGL(c)2000.

He who trusts in violence to be his security cannot speak that he trusts in God to be his security.

edit on 29/1/2012 by CAELENIUM because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 04:01 PM
I drink coca cola daily and isn't fat.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by CAELENIUM
I fully take on board all that the author has said in his lecture about the Coca Cola Conspiracy, however the lecturer does not include the problems being caused by distributing Coca Cola and drinks generally, even plain water, in plastic containers, or plastic lined cartons, and even the plastic lining of cans too. The plastic puts BPA "Bisphenol A" into the food or drink, which the body is interpreting to be ESTROGEN. This alone is causing not just the obeisity epidemic, but also wide spread fertility problems too. We are therefore ingesting far too much ESTROGEN in our diet. ESTROGEN in the synthetic form called "Bisphenol A". I am told that the industry are working on solutions for this problem ? A problem that no one were able to predict, but which is nolonger deny able.

Great point -- it leaches out of the cans as well

The test results indicated that an average soft drink has concentrations of BPA around half a part per billion, or 500 times more than the level of the female hormone in people.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by CAELENIUM

The Galactic Police will not save you CAELENIUM !! God has no influence on this horrible experiment !!

God IS THE PROBLEM , and has withdrawn in shame, Divine Mother has lost all POWER...

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by ShockTruther
I work in the food industry and I can tell you what the main problem is: Corn subsidies.

Simply stated - when corn started to be subsidized every farmer planted it. It was a guaranteed paycheck from the government. Soon there was an overabundance of the stuff and food companies were tasked with figuring out what to do with it.

That's how it works. University programs get funding from USDA and corporations like Cargill to figure out how to make useful products from corn. Why? Because they have a s$%* load of extra corn and they need some way to push it. This is why there are literally hundreds of products and food ingredients that never existed until corn subsidies were introduced.

Did you say KargILL?

——— Cargill: Our taxes, global destruction Minnetonka-based Cargill is often noted as the world’s largest private corporation, with reported annual sales of over $50 billion and operations at any given time in an average of 70 countries. The “Lake Office” of Cargill is a 63-room replica of a French chateau; the chairman’s office is part of what was once the chateau’s master-bedroom suite. A family empire, the Cargills and the MacMillans control about 85 percent of the stock. Not only the largest grain trader in the world, with over 20 percent of the market, Cargill dominates another 12 sectors, including destructive speculative finance, according to “Invisible Giant: Cargill and its Transnational Strategies,” by Brewster Kneen. Taking advantage of the capitalist speculative collapse of 1873, Cargill quickly bought up grain elevators. After vast cooperation with the state-sponsored railroad robber barons, central grain terminals averaged extremely high annual returns on investments of 30 to 40 percent between 1883 and 1889. Cargill hired a Chase Bank vice president to secretly help the corporation through the Depression, writes Dan Morgan in “Merchants of Grain.” “There are only a few processing firms,” and “these firms receive a disproportionate share of the economic benefits from the food system,” states William D. Heffernan, professor of rural sociology at the University of Missouri. Details of Cargill’s price manipulations at the expense of farmers worldwide was documented in the classic study, “Food First: Beyond the Myth of Scarcity” by Frances Moore Lappe and Joseph Collins. They report that Cargill has had a history of receiving elite government price information that should be told to U.S. farmers. That secrecy, along with tax-subsidized market control, enables Cargill to buy from U.S. farmers at extremely low prices and then sell abroad to nations pressured under the same destructive elite corporate control. See the Institute for Food and Development Policy’s Web Site at Between 1985 and 1992, the legal entity called Cargill received $800.4 million in tax subsidies via the Export Enhancement Program, a continuation of the infamous “Food for Peace” policy, writes Kneen. Promoted by Hubert H. Humphrey and instituted as PL 480, food became a Cold War tool, i.e. “for Peace.” If we can induce people to “become dependent on us for food,” then “what is a more powerful weapon than food and fiber?” Humphrey declared, according to “Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies” by Noam Chomsky. Actually, most of the nation recipients of tax-subsidized Cargill food dumping were, and are, net exporters of food already — policies imposed by colonial trading patterns. The food (for Peace) has been bought cheaply by neocolonial regimes, and then sold at a huge discount on the local market — in Somalia, for example, at one-sixth of the local prices. Many examples of these misguided policies can be found in “Betraying the National Interest: How US Foreign AID Threatens Global Security by Undermining the Political and Economic Stability of the Third World,” by Frances Moore Lappe, et al. Cargill’s undercutting wipes out the local farmers’ self-reliance, while the revenues (going to the elite) are tied to required purchases of U.S. weapons, writes Chomsky, citing “The Soft War” by Tom Barry, 1988. But the main beneficiary of “Food for Peace” has been Cargill. Keen writes, “From 1954 to 1963, just for storing and transporting P.L. 480 commodities, the heavily subsidized giant Cargill made $1 billion.” Indian lawyer N.J. Nanjundaswamy reports that a Cargill motto is, “One who controls the seed, controls the farmer, and one who controls the food trade, controls the nation.” Yudof’s recently stated support of federal foreign policy Title XII is another public promotion of the University of Minnesota-Cargill partnership’s raiding of sustainable agricultural cultures. Cargill is such a damaging threat that in Dec. 1992, 500,000 peasants marched against corporate-controlled trade, and the irate farmers ransacked Cargill’s operations. Fifty people were arrested at the partially completed — and subseq
edit on 29-1-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: added quote

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
reply to post by daskakik

Wow selective quoting again? haha.

Has to be done when you do the same. Why leave out the bits of info that show that unless your consuming HFCS 24 hours a day there is little difference when compared to other sugars and even plain water.

edit on 29-1-2012 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by lonegurkha
I discovered the truth about high fructose corn syrup back a while ag and was starting to gather research to do a thread just like this. You have done a wonderful presentation here and what your post says is the truth. A richly deserved star and flag for you. Thanks for posting this. Here are some links that I collected.

Princton reasearch


well sphere

another health site

NPR healthblog

These are a few of the links I was putting together for the thread I was going to do. My contribution to your well done thread. Thanks for the great work.

Great links!
So this is a nice summary of why fructose is a poison

However, there’s a limit to how much and how quickly sugar gets repackaged as fat – a rate-limiting step. An analogy: Imagine a FedEx shipping plant with a huge fleet of trucks and piles and piles of boxes to be shipped. How quickly can you ship the packages? The number of workers packing the trucks would be your rate-limiting step. The boxes can only be delivered as quickly as the trucks are filled. It doesn’t matter how large a fleet you have to deliver boxes with, without workers to pack them, the packages can only drip-drip-drip out of the plant. The rate of sugar metabolism (see above complicated diagram) is bottlenecked by the regulatory enzyme phosphofructokinase . Consume a ton of glucose, and what will eventually happen is that insulin rates rise, causing levels of leptin to rise, which limits your appetite. No appetite = you stop flooding the system with sugar (but not before the damage is done ). Not so with fructose. Fructose, that lucky dog, gets to skip that step. Instead of having to be shuttled via the insulin pathway, fructose directly enters the liver and gets metabolized without this rate-limiting step. So if you consume a lot of excess fructose, your liver synthesizes a lot of triglyceride (fat). In fact, there’s practically no limit since insulin isn’t involved and thus your appetite won’t be blunted (recent research indicates that fructose effectively “shuts off” your appetite regulation ). So what happens? Fatty deposits begin to show up in the liver (undelivered “packages” sitting around in the plant warehouse) – and over time, inflammation and liver cell damage occurs. Continue this over time, and you’ve got the fertile breeding grounds for obesity and diabetes .

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by UnlimitedSky
That was the most productive 58 seconds of my life,I don't consume coke at all nor it's buddies.I grew up in a time where everything we ate as children was home made.The only time we had soda was when we went on outings at the lakes.None of the six of us was ever in the hospital,for anything,none of us were overwieght and let me tell ya when called for dinner if you were late you got scraps,ha ha.but anyway my point is getting back to the basics is what we all need to do and,non compliance.If I don't agree with ingredients in a product I don't buy it,which I must say is getting harder to do,but I do see the tide changing in the stores.I do a lot of label reading and takes time but well worth it....These companies cannot survive without us,refuse until they can meet our standards of safety,period

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by GrinchNoMore
reply to post by CAELENIUM

The Galactic Police will not save you CAELENIUM !! God has no influence on this horrible experiment !!

God IS THE PROBLEM , and has withdrawn in shame, Divine Mother has lost all POWER...

PEACE ! God is not the problem. However, mans interpretation of God is the problem. Our ignorance about God is the problem. Our material existence is just one step removed from Heaven. We are not in absolute Hell either. Our material existence is simply a "purgatory" until such time as God figures out wether to put us into full Hell or full Heaven. As Jesus said "You cannot be serving two masters, you will love the one and will hate the other". I believe that only by living the PRAECEPTAE CAELENIUM will we find the solutions to all the problems that are confronting us. Celibacy is the mark of the true convert. Over population being the major problem in the world. Anyway we all need to realize that life is not material. Life is spiritual. The only time that we are awake is when we are asleep, and the only time that we are alive is when we are dead. These are metaphysical matters that do not belong in this section in this thread, but since you raised these controversy I am responding, but only in brief. I have written in other threads about these metaphysical matters. PEACE is a gift of God to whom so ever she please to give it, or not as the case may be.

The law that I live by and which is holding us all bonded is called PRAECEPTAE CAELENIUM (tm). I did not read it in a book. You will not find it in any book. It was revealed to me by audio clairvoyance during the celebrations of the New Millennium in 2000. Summed up it basically means no sex no drugs and no violence. (1) From eternity to eternity, infinity to infinity, there be the one absolute. The One True God. Her names are many but she be the one true God there be no other God. The one judge there be no other judge. (2) La Deus Nostra, Notre Dame, Our Lady, The Holy Spirit, the cause the maker Cosmica. (3) Angelic powers of truth and beauty and righteousness be sure to be loving Her Holiness Above with all your mind and with all your heart and with all your strength. (4) So as to be pleasing to Her Holiness Above therefore do not be serving the masculine. (5) Do not be and do not allow masculinity into positions of government. (6) Honour and respect the virgin pureness of the christae. (7) Honour and respect the Immaculate Conception [parthenogenesis] reproductive process of the christae. (8) Do not fornicate or adulterate or sodomize. (9) Do not bully or torture or murder. (10) Do not lie. (11) Do not steal. (12) Do not be covetous. (13) Do not be jealous. Copyright NGL(c)2000.

He who trusts in violence to be his security cannot speak that he trusts in God to be his security.


posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by k1k1to
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

what about all the fat people that arent "genetically" pre disposed to be fat...and they dont drink any sodas and are still fat?

i know a couple of people who are about 50-70 lbs overweight, and theyve never touched a soda in their lives..

i dont thing sugar is the only culprit for obesity

Like most chronic diseases, obesity is multi-factorial (multiple factors can contribute to its cause). But there is a fundamental biochemical process that is driving it. Diet plays the biggest role in influencing that process.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 04:32 PM
It is interesting that fructose does not increase leptin as would normally happen when food is absorbed.

I remember the action of leptin by thinking of how small leprechauns are. Leprechaun derives from the Old Irish luchorpan (“little body”). More leptin equates with more thinness.

On another point some doctors believe that obesity is an immunological disease and that something triggers the person to continue eating excessively combined with lying to themselves how much they have eaten.

The abnormal immune response could be due to excessive amounts of a substance in the body e.g. sugar, salt, fat. There are several immune markers which are increased in obesity.

At a recent lecture on gastric bypass surgery the lecturer said that they are starting to find abnormalities in the front of the brain or frontal lobes on head scans of obese people. The frontal lobes are who we are and tend to put the brakes on obessional behavior i.e. overeating.

Also noted in the lecture was the observation that patients who had lost significant weight after gastric bypass told their doctor that they had lied about their food intake although they believed their lies at the time.

It could be that the fructose in Coca-Cola is causing an abnormal immune reaction in the brain combined with a lack of a leptin response.

Perhaps it is time that Coca-Cola returned to their original recipe which would probably lead to weight loss.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 04:33 PM
The reason people are fat is because they don't exercise, end of story. Eat too much.. don't exercise.. fat. Simple scientific fact: if you burn more calories than you take in, you lose weight. Even if you eat crap, as long as you burn more calories with exercise than you take in, you will lose weight.

People are not forced to eat fast food 5 times a week, or suck down soda. If people didn't drink and eat the stuff, McDonalds and Coke Cola would not be in business. The biggest problem is not Coke.. nor McDondalds or KFC.. it's lack of discipline and accountability. Blame everyone but yourself for your state. I have a bad back, so much so that sometimes, my spine is bent very noticeably to one side. I still go to the gym and hit at least something low impact, like an elliptical, for an hour or more, 6 days a week.

Even though I don't eat great, AND I drink, more than I should, I lose weight, and my kidney, my blood, all my vitals are in good shape. Exercise is the great equalizer.

The problem isn't Coke. It's LAZINESS.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd

Originally posted by k1k1to
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

what about all the fat people that arent "genetically" pre disposed to be fat...and they dont drink any sodas and are still fat?

i know a couple of people who are about 50-70 lbs overweight, and theyve never touched a soda in their lives..

i dont thing sugar is the only culprit for obesity

Like most chronic diseases, obesity is multi-factorial (multiple factors can contribute to its cause). But there is a fundamental biochemical process that is driving it. Diet plays the biggest role in influencing that process.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Thank you so much for your response. I may still do a thread about high fructose corn syrup. If so I will u2u you and let you know.

Back a while ago my doctor found that I had high triglycerides. Since I love soda, I was consuming the source of my problem. I cut back and my number fell like a rock from orbit. Go figure. I still love soda though I just take it easy on it now. Everything in moderation.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by RightWingAvenger
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

You don't have to twist my arm to believe that Coca Cola is an evil company. It's not just Coke but the entire corn industry. The sugar industry/ the soy industry, the palm industry. Sadly the water wasted to produce soda could probably save a lot of people.

Yeah a great expose documentary on the Corn Industry is King Corn

Watch it here: King Corn doc

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by daskakik

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
reply to post by daskakik

Wow selective quoting again? haha.

Has to be done when you do the same. Why leave out the bits of info that show that unless your consuming HFCS 24 hours a day there is little difference when compared to other sugars and even plain water.

edit on 29-1-2012 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

The difference is HFCS is a liquid and so more of it can be used -- it blends easier and it's way cheaper than sugar.

There are 40.5 grams of sugar in a 12 oz can of Coke. Forty grams of sugar is the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar. 10 teaspoons of sugar is the equivalent of 20 sugar cubes.

How many people put 20 sugar cubes in their drink?

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by CAELENIUM

Originally posted by GrinchNoMore
reply to post by CAELENIUM

The Galactic Police will not save you CAELENIUM !! God has no influence on this horrible experiment !!

God IS THE PROBLEM , and has withdrawn in shame, Divine Mother has lost all POWER...

PEACE ! God is not the problem. However, mans interpretation of God is the problem. Our ignorance about God is the problem. Our material existence is just one step removed from Heaven. We are not in absolute Hell either. Our material existence is simply a "purgatory" until such time as God figures out wether to put us into full Hell or full Heaven. As Jesus said "You cannot be serving two masters, you will love the one and will hate the other". I believe that only by living the PRAECEPTAE CAELENIUM will we find the solutions to all the problems that are confronting us. Celibacy is the mark of the true convert. Over population being the major problem in the world. Anyway we all need to realize that life is not material. Life is spiritual. The only time that we are awake is when we are asleep, and the only time that we are alive is when we are dead. These are metaphysical matters that do not belong in this section in this thread, but since you raised these controversy I am responding, but only in brief. I have written in other threads about these metaphysical matters. PEACE is a gift of God to whom so ever she please to give it, or not as the case may be.

The law that I live by and which is holding us all bonded is called PRAECEPTAE CAELENIUM (tm). I did not read it in a book. You will not find it in any book. It was revealed to me by audio clairvoyance during the celebrations of the New Millennium in 2000. Summed up it basically means no sex no drugs and no violence. (1) From eternity to eternity, infinity to infinity, there be the one absolute. The One True God. Her names are many but she be the one true God there be no other God. The one judge there be no other judge. (2) La Deus Nostra, Notre Dame, Our Lady, The Holy Spirit, the cause the maker Cosmica. (3) Angelic powers of truth and beauty and righteousness be sure to be loving Her Holiness Above with all your mind and with all your heart and with all your strength. (4) So as to be pleasing to Her Holiness Above therefore do not be serving the masculine. (5) Do not be and do not allow masculinity into positions of government. (6) Honour and respect the virgin pureness of the christae. (7) Honour and respect the Immaculate Conception [parthenogenesis] reproductive process of the christae. (8) Do not fornicate or adulterate or sodomize. (9) Do not bully or torture or murder. (10) Do not lie. (11) Do not steal. (12) Do not be covetous. (13) Do not be jealous. Copyright NGL(c)2000.

He who trusts in violence to be his security cannot speak that he trusts in God to be his security.


So lets get this right then...

you've had a "special" message from the Gods, and your response to that is....

to claim a trademark on it?

Is it the case that you got this "special" message because you're "special" too, or that you actually think you're God since you're claiming ownership of HIS word?

EDIT - now I get it, here's something you wrote about your message from God on another site ( :

In the year 2000 Anno Dominae, at the beginning of the Third Millennium Reign of Christ, it was whilst I was in the process of transmitting via shortwave radio my dayly education service "AlphaKuomi" that my schizophrenia returned, but in a more angellic form. I recieved the audio clairvoyant revelation of ...

Schizophrenia - sorry to tell you, but God isn't talking to you.

Forgive my prior sarcasm, I didn't realise you were ill.
edit on 29-1-2012 by Power_Semi because: recently discovered info

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by dr treg
It is interesting that fructose does not increase leptin as would normally happen when food is absorbed.

I remember the action of leptin by thinking of how small leprechauns are. Leprechaun derives from the Old Irish luchorpan (“little body”). More leptin equates with more thinness.

On another point some doctors believe that obesity is an immunological disease and that something triggers the person to continue eating excessively combined with lying to themselves how much they have eaten.

The abnormal immune response could be due to excessive amounts of a substance in the body e.g. sugar, salt, fat. There are several immune markers which are increased in obesity.

At a recent lecture on gastric bypass surgery the lecturer said that they are starting to find abnormalities in the front of the brain or frontal lobes on head scans of obese people. The frontal lobes are who we are and tend to put the brakes on obessional behavior i.e. overeating.

Also noted in the lecture was the observation that patients who had lost significant weight after gastric bypass told their doctor that they had lied about their food intake although they believed their lies at the time.

It could be that the fructose in Coca-Cola is causing an abnormal immune reaction in the brain combined with a lack of a leptin response.

Perhaps it is time that Coca-Cola returned to their original recipe which would probably lead to weight loss.

Right coc aine.

Coca-Cola is closely tied to the CIA and it's coc aine import business

Early on in their history, The Coca-Cola Company assisted the U.S. in espionage. When the company set up bottling plants and distribution facilities in a new country, sent in were spy operatives. The place to hang their hat was the offices and plants, worldwide, of the much ballyhooed drink. The coc aine trace made it addictive. So did the sugar content, according to some nutritionist. With the U.S. Senate subcommittee hearings on Iran-Contra late in the 1980,s, the CIA-Coca-Cola link was dealt with. In Nicaragua, for example, those with CIA, when the Senate subcommittee asked, where with local offices of The Coca-Cola Company. By the end of the 20th Century, Coke bought about a billion dollars a year in advertisements in the monopoly press, even more when you add up their so-called "independent" subsidiaries. Coke reportedly uses worldwide, mafia-type strong-arms to assure distribution and wreck competitors. Such as making soda pop competitors' refrigerator units in stores to over-night, disappear. In some places it is the traditional Sicilian and Italian mafia. In other places, former Soviet Secret Police agents the KGB, like in the U.S. and current Russia, called the mafiya. Elsewhere used reportedly are the numerous Japanese underworld, the Yakuza. Feeding on lush revenue of Coke ads, the press whores are not about to run news items or documentaries pointing out the reportedly close link between The Coca-Cola Company, covert operations of the American CIA, and the criminal cartel.

Yep, Coke, CIA and Cocaine

Our group did much of the investigations and research that on September 22, 2003, was filed as Motion to Investigate Fraud Upon the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, Perpetrated by the Judges Themselves. As shown in the de tailed document, among other things, I was a key sworn witness in the matter. I obtained the confession of a local attorney who was apparently a spy in the camp of the one who sued Coca-Cola. He admitted his sister was "media buyer for Coca-Cola". Among the details was the matter of coc aine, a by-product of the massive processing in the U.S. of coca leaves for the secret base of Coca-Cola. Some of the coc aine in the U.S. actually is NOT smuggled in but is created within the U.S. There is "leakage" int o non-legal channels of coc aine and implicated in the same has been George Herbert Walker Bush, a director of a pharmaceutical firm, and a federal appeals judge, later chief Judge, installed on the bench by Bush in Chicago.!

edit on 29-1-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: added quote

So the supplier of secret Coke formula supplied George Bush's CIA-connected Big Pharm

But 1989 was a turning point. As we have pointed out earlier in this series, the secret base for Coca-Cola is made by Stepan Chemical Company, of Northfield, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, through their Maywood Chemical Division in New Jersey. I once interviewed, on tape, a top official of Stepan, who admitted that coc aine was a by-product of their processing of coca leaves for the secret Coca-Cola base, They supply, he added, coc aine for the pharmaceutical trade. And that is where George Herbert Walker Bush has to be inserted into the picture. After eleven and a half months in 1976 as Director of Central Intelligence, he became a Director of Eli Lilly Company, which reportedly gets their coc aine from Stepan. Somewhere, somehow, coc aine "leaks out" into the dope underground. Whether between Stepan and Coke's bottlers or otherwise. Daddy Bush's power and fortune, in greater part, is based from the beginning on dope and espionage. He was with the American CIA since 1959. As shown, by the way, by an FBI document, he helped cover up some of the post-assassination details as to the wipe-out of President John F. Kennedy. (The document is attached to our website series "Greenspan Aids and Bribes Bush".) His firm, which the British royals helped found, was Zapata Petroleum, later called Zapata Offshore. They had branches around the world. Among other things, they did offshore drilling for oil, beyond the U.S. and other nation's jurisdiction. So dope production centers, like Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and others could have helicopters fly to the Zapata offshore drilling platforms, supposedly to bring routine supples. Actually, according to Reuters News items some years ago, the helicopters landed there as a transit point for the dope trafficking. And thus some dope ended up in the U.S. An easier way, of course, was through "leakage" in the processing and handling of Coca-Cola's secret base. But by 1989, blackmailers, among the top officials of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, began poking around Coca-Cola and asking sticky questions. So Coke, in the dark brown beverage for the U.S., lessened the coc aine content in the secret base.

edit on 29-1-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: quote

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 05:08 PM
Blame the poison rather than blaming ourselves for willingly ingesting it?

We are all personally responsible for what we do to ourselves. Blaming anyone but ourselves is denial of the same sort Alcoholics use.

Business only provides what consumers will buy. We stop buying, they stop producing and selling the product. Honesty demands that people take personal responsibility for what they do to themselves.

The so called Food Police are just people in denial or control freaks who get off on controlling others behavior. To date every person I've met that are one of the Food Police supporters, are control freaks about everything and so narcissistic they drive people away from them. It seems to be a pattern.

Stop buying Coke and the company will stop making it. If others wish to use their product, it's their own business and nobody elses. The Food Police are becoming one of the most laughed at and hated classes in society. They seem to not even be aware that other people don't appreciate total strangers telling them what to do or trying to control them.

Education is the answer, not a Dictatorial society ruled by control freaks.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by henryleo

Originally posted by Infrasilent
Fact: You are free to abstain from Coke.

You are exactly right! This is a huge point - all we have to do is STOP DRINKING IT!

I think informed and concerned citizens should stand up and help educate our friends and neighbors!

Ya...that should work
-lights up a cigarette-

What people listen to overall is cost. Something gets pricy, they consider stopping it. If you go to your neighbor and breathlessly exclaim you just learned coke is really freaking bad for your health..they will wonder if you have been living under a rock. Of course its bad for you..
Other things bad for you:
Watching endless hours of television
eating chocolates/cakes/snacks in general
deep fried foods
not exercising daily
etc etc etc.
People don't make bad choices because they think its good choices..its because its cheap, pleasurable, easily attainable, and ultimately we accept our mortality, therefore will partake in the pleasures that may one day kill us..because something is going to kill us even if we eat nothing but sprouts our entire life.

And, of course, you're right. It's a choice that everyone is free to make.

Your body is quite good at dealing with toxins. You could eat a diet of Twinkies washed down with buckets of Coke for probably a long time before so many of your beta cells were killed that you developed diabetes. I've heard the tipping point is about 20 years before abuse catches up with you. It's not a fast kill. It's slow.

But look at statistics, and you can easily see the results of this grand experiment in diet we have going here.

It isn't just Coke, or soda, or HFCS, or sugar or wheat or starches in the diet. It's a combination. And the LIE about 'whole grain goodness' is just that. A lie. What is happening is that the body is being inundated with glucose responses as well as fructose, which is turned in to triglycerides. Glucose is used as fuel, but excess is stored as fat. If there is too much glucose flooding the body, insulin resistance is likely to eventually develop due to too much of it being released all the time to deal with the glucose. Diabetes is next.

A calorie is NOT a calorie! That is so old school, it isn't funny. And insultingly simple-minded. Yes, eating too much will make you gain weight. But anyone who thinks that the body deals with all calories the same way needs to read the research.

Lots of people who follow the low fat, whole grain carb-centric diet develop diabetes, despite eating reasonable calories.

It certainly is a choice, though, how you decide to feed yourself.

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