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MY Experiences & Perspective From 50 Years of Studying the UFO Phenomena

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posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
What is with the trying to get humans to teach the hybrids to emote and handle affection and emotions well?

I suspect that, if they don't have then without human help, they would want this to help them blend in, maybe. Disguise themselves as ordinary people. What I really want to know is, how can we spot such? There have to be clues to look for!

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 05:56 AM
Uh oh, you attacked the sacred cow of ATS. People forget that UFOs are unidentifed objects, so it is humurous to watch others attack a theory on what they could possibly be. The OP has posted a ton of information, and lots of research on the subject, but as expected some of the ATSers refuse to do away with their presuppostions that these unidentified objects are "space alien's" craft. Why not click on one of the provided links and do some reading? ATS = Deny ignorance, more like embrace stupidity

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 06:08 AM

edit on 27-1-2012 by DaphneApollo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 06:30 AM
Ha! God's watchman, got tickets on yourself much?

The Satan stuff is hard to swallow but whats even harder to swallow is that despite your 50 years of UFO study you rattle off some of the least credible names in modern UFOlogy, Jaime Maussan, Stan Romanek, and Steven Greer.

All charlatans.
All liars.
And all have set serious UFO study back by decades by clouding the waters with their BS.

You've probably lost all objectivity once you got caught up your self importance.

I recommend you come back down with us little people and try to reconnect with what got you interested in UFO's in the first place.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 06:45 AM
Nice to see so many differing opinions on this topic! Since I asked for the thread, will attempt to address some of the issues that have come up as a result. Note, please, that my responses are coming from a Christian perspective. Note as well, though, that I did not always think my current ideas (which match the OPs pretty well) were the only ones. There was a time I thought they could be from some other planet. I have been a sci fi fan for most of my life, thanks in part to my dad's interests, and in part to things like the moon landing (SAW that!), and Star Trek, on which I pretty much cut teeth. So, I do understand, to a point, where some of you are coming from when you question the "religious" angle. Try, if you can, to set aside the religious part, and consider that, to many of us, the Bible is a real thing, and what we have isn't some set of practices from some organization, but a relationship with God Himself.

Alright, where to start?

1. The potential reality of God, the devil, angels, demons - If you can believe in beings from other planets, is this so much harder? Think about it. Many scientists, that are not Christian, believe that there must be some designer for the world, the stars, all of it. Since the accepted laws of science tell us that something cannot come from nothing, and that things break down, and do not, on their own, become more complex, then logically, a designer, a creator, would be needed. So there you have God.

2. Would God be considered a failure for angels, and later men, to have fallen? No. God created sentient beings because He desired companionship. We don't know much about the nature and make up of the angels, except that they are more powerful that are we. We are told, though, that we are made in His image. In part, this means that we are given the will to decide what we do. God didn't want programmed robots for companionship, as love that is forced, or programmed, would not be real. he wanted people to love Him, though their own choice. He also knew we would screw things up, and made provision for that as well. Don't want to go to far into this, but that should help, I hope.

3. The fallen ones - Take a look at the usual behavior of these "aliens". They are typically not nice at all. people are terrified of them, tortured by them in many ways. They seem to, in MANY cases, come through walls, or from "nowhere", can be unseen to others in the room, and exhibit a lot of behavior that seems supernatural. Most would agree they are not our friends, and seem to hate us. This seems to fit, to a tee, demonic behavior. Now, consider this as well, those that don't like to hear this idea. You call then aliens. beings not of Earth, with higher skills. Fallen angels were, in fact, not of Earth. They were created before we were. "Powers of the air", they are called. In a sense, they ARE "aliens" to us.

The simple fact is that similar things have been seen throughout history. Ancient "gods" mating with people, producing "demigod" offspring. Fairies taking a human spouse, making half-fairy children. Changelings. Vampires, etc. Different faces, much similar activity to what we have with the greys today. Is it really that much of a stretch for a Christian to believe these are demons? We can see many Biblical prophecies that have happened, and more that seem to be. The nephilim mentioned in the Old Testament fit to a tee what we see now, with tales of hybrid children. Even scientists like Vallee believe these are beings from some other dimension. This, too, fits. Perceptions and ideas about religion aside, we have to look at the data logically. Even the seeming corroboration between the governments/shadow organizations and these beings fits. This idea would explain the way these things can seem to defy physics, as well.

A lot to consider. I do not intend, either, to push my beliefs about God at anyone, but I do think we should look at the possibility that the demons mentioned in the Bible and these aliens are one and the same.

Some offered the idea that both could be deceiving us. We can see a difference in how they behave. These beings are evil. God, on the other hand, is not. I could talk for days about things He's done, but suffice it to say that a helping hand, a ministering act, shows good intent. As you would trust a person that gives you and and comfort, always, over one that might at times, and at other times hurt you, so I will trust God, and not the evil ones.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
The Satan stuff is hard to swallow but whats even harder to swallow is that despite your 50 years of UFO study you rattle off some of the least credible names in modern UFOlogy, Jaime Maussan, Stan Romanek, and Steven Greer.

All charlatans.
All liars.
And all have set serious UFO study back by decades by clouding the waters with their BS.

Do you have proof that they are fakes? Not that they disagree with some you like more, bu that they are frauds. Different opinions do not constitute fraud, or lies, after all. I would think that, since most in the field will state they don't KNOW anything for certain, that calling some fakes is a bit too hasty, perhaps. The only way I would call someone a fake is that they were proven to have falsified evidence, etc. Not that they claim things others don't believe. So, on what do you base your claim? Please note, I am not at all familiar with any of those names. Short of people like Friedman and Vallee, I really know very few of the names of people in the field. So, not defending anyone, just curious.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus

The Satan stuff is hard to swallow but whats even harder to swallow is that despite your 50 years of UFO study you rattle off some of the least credible names in modern UFOlogy, Jaime Maussan, Stan Romanek, and Steven Greer.

All charlatans.
All liars.
And all have set serious UFO study back by decades by clouding the waters with their BS.

Exactly man...

I could probably swallow the god crap if there was decent info.... but really??
It's like a who's who of BS'ers

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes
Do you have proof that they are fakes?

Are you serious?

Have you SEEN the Romanek video??? Also, not that it means that much, but he failed the polygraph test too.

There aren't too many of the "Big" names in Ufology that aren't full of crap to be honest.

But I guess it's up to each individual to decide their own truth.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Well a google search or ATS search will yield plenty of information for you, but to quickly summarize for you...

Maussan is a serial hoaxer and supporter of hoaxes, most notably the metapeck creature.

Romaneck released a terrible video of an alien looking through his window.

Greer is involved with the disclosure project, who have become a joke to all but the most die hard fans.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
That is a BELIEF and evidently a rather RELIGIOUSLY HELD


I know of NO evidence that would convincingly PROVE that in any respects.

Mortal humans do NOT have sufficient

reality based tangible PERSPECTIVE

to PROVE that.

For example: What cliff are you standing on that you can SEE that far?

Where did you get eyes to see light years away?

Your assertion, again, only fits the category of


and the intensity evident with your assertion causes it to be reasonably labeled a


I think you just debunked yourself.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
All charlatans.
All liars.
And all have set serious UFO study back by decades by clouding the waters with their BS.

Decades each?

Think about how many times people say such charlatans "set ufology back by decades/years" - if it were true, ufology would be a milion-plus years in the past, which is patently absurd. Anyhow, I forgive you.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 10:08 AM
Thanks so very much for your thread, and I've enjoyed reading all of the posts. I hold somewhat similar beliefs after being a "sit on the fence" person, neither denying or accepting God. Then it all changed.

I used to believe in UFOs, thought they were definitely extraterrestrial. Then my mind switched, I knew instinctively that they were not because as God promises, only those who choose to believe the lies and not seek Him, are blinded. 
Having said all this, I am still on the fence as far as actual physical "critters". Here's my line of thought, and as it's something that you no doubt have thought about, I'd appreciate your viewpoint.

I'll summarise
- Fallen Angels had physical bodies obviously, because they mated with the daughters of men, producing hybrid Nephiliam offspring.
- These were killed in the Flood, but the Bible says that they existed after the flood as well, but not whether this was a physical or spiritual existence.
- The Book of Enoch states that they all died in the flood, but that the Nephiliam lived afterwards as "evil spirits/demons".
- post flood, it is a spiritual war - around and in our physical world causing the conflict and bloodshed that is always present. Christ's redeemed are to preach the gospel to ensure generations of saved individuals for the Kingdom of God.
- Satan knows how it ends, but still never ceases to try and stop humanity from the inheritance given to the redeemed. He keeps the perishing blinded to the gospel through control of their mind (thoughts and beliefs) and he tries to keep the saved from gaining more ground by saving souls for the Kingdom of God. He can't do anything to them except for what God allows.

What I'm getting at is this - no where in scripture does it tell us that there are "critters". We are told that it will be "as the days of Noah", but that could just refer to the level of wickedness. We are told repeatedly throughout the New Testament that it is a spiritual war for the mind, that man's doctrine is used by Satan to blind those who are perishing through beliefs - Atheism, materialism, pleasures, sin, false church doctrines etc etc. Propaganda is effective on the mind. And because the mind craves carnal pleasures, Satan has transformed the USA and other "Christian" countries into a den of pleasures in direct opposition to God. Many today vehemently support pornography and sodomy as perfectly healthy, normal and something to be enjoyed. The 1963 Congressional Record contains a list of 45 steps to communism - and all deal with changing opinion and thoughts....

For example, if you believe in evolution from primordial mud then  you will not seek God because it removes the possibility of creation......If you believe that a foetus is a mass of cells you will not think of it as the intentional murder of a baby...The belief becomes so real that people who insist on calling them babies are now branded as "Fundamentalists", "insensitive" . This is a prime example of the end time caution good will be called evil and evil will be called good.

So this leads me to my current opinion on UFOs/aliens..... The fallen angels and demons lost their physical bodies so these cannot be "critters". To me, the whole alien drama appears to be a belief system set up by the spirits for one purpose - deception. Many dive into this with religious conviction, and afterall, how exciting is it to the mind to believe in ETs visiting us? The imagination runs overtime... What are they like, will I ever see a ship, are they friendly. And there is certainly no shortage of fantastical stories coming out in all forms of media. Problem is, this media is almost entirely owned by the powers who worship these demons. Why wouldn't the whole idea be one fantastical creation to enthral those who are perishing? What better fantasy could keep the mind of man deceived? Is it supplemented by man made craft and holographic technology, no doubt. But I would venture to guess, that we may be looking at a scenario of mind manipulation more than critters in "alien" bodies. Demon possession is real, a psychopathic army could more realistically be created in man through children abducted. Counsellors who deal with Satanic ritual abuse report the fracturing of the mind to gain control. Psychopaths have a similar mind - it's devoid of normal emotion. When you encounter one, it shocks you to the core that something is wrong, very wrong.

I'd appreciate your thoughts on reconciling the spiritual war prevalent in the Bible post flood with your idea of "critters"...?
Many thanks.


posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

Didn't say decades each, it was a generic, accumulative number.

Do you not agree UFOlogy has been stagnated for an awful long time?

You don't need 50 years experience to know the good ol days are long gone.

The youtube generation has made sure of that!

edit on 27/1/12 by Chadwickus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by blupblup

Originally posted by Chadwickus

The Satan stuff is hard to swallow but whats even harder to swallow is that despite your 50 years of UFO study you rattle off some of the least credible names in modern UFOlogy, Jaime Maussan, Stan Romanek, and Steven Greer.

All charlatans.
All liars.
And all have set serious UFO study back by decades by clouding the waters with their BS.

Exactly man...
I could probably swallow the god crap if there was decent info.... but really??
It's like a who's who of BS'ers

Do you not read pros and cons, good and bad, both sides of any story before forming an opinion?
Do enemies not resort to searching through their opponents material to gather pertinent material as to plans etc?
Or do you only read material if it gels with your opinion?
You can appreciate how extensive the ET/Ufology/alien media has become, it's a minefield. But if one limits their search on any subject to a predefined opinion, and refuse to read the opposite, one can miss the truth. If one is going to insist that UFOs are extraterrestrial craft, then one will simply ignore any alternative viewpoint. But is this wise? Can you understand how that mindset could you lead you down a dark road? I rather think that the OP is showing that he doesn't limit what he reads to just the Bible....As a Christian, I'm on that dark road holding up a sign for you, waving frantically that I get your attention to tell you that one of Satan's jobs is to blind people through how they think... Do you see me?

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by WhoKnows100
You can appreciate how extensive the ET/Ufology/alien media has become, it's a minefield. But if one limits their search on any subject to a predefined opinion, and refuse to read the opposite, one can miss the truth.

Of course...a stagnant, poisoned, hoax riddle crap fest.
That's what it's become.

I look at all possibilities and consider most angles and viewpoints.

Inter-Dimensional, Time Travellers, Extra-Terrestrial....

But Fallen Angels made by "God" and god as in the Biblical God..... that's pretty much where my mind closes.

Sorry to not be as amazingly open minded as you.... don't leave your mind too open though, your brain might just fall out.

If one is going to insist that UFOs are extraterrestrial craft, then one will simply ignore any alternative viewpoint. But is this wise?

No... UFOs are objects which at first cannot be identified.

After analysis, most UFOs become IFOs and the very small percentage that don't...are the one's that anyone serious about this stuff should be interested in.
With all the hoaxes and YT vids, it's become nigh on impossible to get decent threads and info.

But yes... I know.... God did it.

As a Christian, I'm on that dark road holding up a sign for you, waving frantically that I get your attention to tell you that one of Satan's jobs is to blind people through how they think... Do you see me?

Hold on... I think I see you there... you're the crazy guy eating his own excrement, praying to your invisible friend and judging people.

I chose the other path.

You looked a bit mental.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
Do you not agree UFOlogy has been stagnated for an awful long time?

Modern ufology, while full of morons, is much more cost efficient than it used to be.

The good old days sucked. Modern ufologists are blessed with the technology needed to expedite and engage in research my generation could only imagine. There's no need to drag the car across the continent to hang out in a smoky room filled with nuts - we have digital ufo forums now. We've come a long way.

edit on 27-1-2012 by Exuberant1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 11:43 AM
I thought this was going to be a good thread. I read to the bottom of page 1.

Devil, God.

Disappointed again.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by flexy123
If you want the "truth" about UFOs i recommend to read the classics by

Jacques Vallee, which IMO is one of the best researchers out there with one of the best theses.

Yeah. It's been a while since I've read him. I need to read him more thoroughly. I have it 'scheduled.' Will see when I get to it.

And it will also help you to make a connection to "Satan" and other deceptions like "religion" - and once you are done THINKING after reading Jacques Vallee, nothing stops you to dig deeper also with the Ancient Aliens Theory and you MIGHT slowly begin to see the pattern and what really is behind the phenomenon.

I think Enoch has it best on the ancient manifestations of such.

Also..i had the impression that after 50 years of study you still are not sure about what to believe or not (ok, me neither)..

I think I'm very settled on the good/bad issue. Certainly 98% or more. LOL.

I still hold a LOT of things loosely for adjustment by further information.

.but your link list is rather...let's put it that way..."unsorted". You basically give everything from Bob Lazar, C2C, Multon Howe etc. as reference... and to be honest if i would make a list of recommended resources i personally would not add C2C or Bob Lazar in my list...just saying..

Yeah . . . It was pretty unsorted except in terms of my having given significant time to reading those folks.

Certainly I'd rate them all differently.

I think Coast to Coast his a mixed bag from poor to excellent in terms of quality of guests and info on the topic.

I have long been a vacuum cleaner on information on a wide variety of topics--from my earliest years. One learns to spit out the bones as well as hold a LOT of things loosely awaiting confirmation or trashing.

Bob Lazar is a character. I still don't know quite what to make of him. I don't think total charlatan fits the evidence. I'm skeptical that total disinfo agent fits the evidence. I think a normally very flawed human fits the evidence best.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:09 PM

edit on 27-1-2012 by ImaFungi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by DaphneApollo

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by DaphneApollo



what is their purpose?

I'm not getting in their ships either, EVER! Or taking thier chips.

imho, If such a thread keeps one person off such ships and avoiding the MARK OF THE BEAST to the point of death,. . . it has been time well spent.

Which brings to mind the metalic objects they implant into thier abductees. Is it a precursor/trial run to the 'chip' they (PTB) plan to initiate and already have/will be with the healthcare bill, you have to take an implantable device to be in their healthcare scheme.

Evidently the critters' implants are more sophisticated than the ones we have . . . though maybe our skills are being improved by their training and technologies.

Certainly Obama and globalist cohorts have done all he can to set up the contingency you describe, re health care. Some insist he's going to out the UFO/ET phenomena. We'll see.

On to William Cooper and Phil Schneider :

"The Demonic Hierarchy
And some of their challenges ...

But then you read "Behold a Pale Horse" by William Cooper. He was a high ranking military officer involved in the U.S. cover-up of this "alien / demon" phenomena (until "they"executed him). Cooper, being on the front lines, was tormented spiritually and even began to question his belief in Christianity. Cooper was a highly credible insider who had access to Top Secret military documentation and insider sources and saw these "things" with his own eyes. He confirmed the unthinkable. He confirmed that, not only had the U.S. government known and consorted with these "alien" entities, but in FACT had actually signed "Treaties" with them. Agreements.

Yeah. I thought a lot of his stuff was more than a little credible.

Or as our Lord, the Most High God, and King Jesus would put it ... they signed OATHS!


These "oaths" of agreement, or treaties, allowed these demonic entities to have a certain amount of freedom and secrecy in exchange for "technological know-how". In exchange for this technology, our government agreed to "allow" these demons free access to "human beings" for their own purposes. We "agreed", (with some rather pathetic restrictions), to allow them to "harvest" human beings and perform abominations on their bodies. The U.S. government told LUCIFER he could have the "bodies" and "souls" of God's greatest creations (in his "own image") to torment, torture, mutilate, and genetically alter."


I hadn't read the detail about LUCIFER and the government but it evidently is as I SUSPECTED. Thanks for that tidbit and source.

And Phil Schneider fighting the 'Greys' in the underground bases. What a story that starts to come together. I read this in the mid 90's. Exciting and interesting times we do live in though.

Yeah, Certainly INTERESTING times in the Chinese sense of the word.

Sometimes . . . when I've waded in the muck about the underground stuff and the more horrific stuff . . . I want to wash my eyes and brain out. I can only handle so much of that before coming up for air.

You're probably better informed on that ilk of stuff than I am. I just scan, get an overview and summarize that stuff as it's so distasteful to me.
edit on 27/1/2012 by BO XIAN because: fix quote parameters

edit on 27/1/2012 by BO XIAN because: (no reason given)

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