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MY Experiences & Perspective From 50 Years of Studying the UFO Phenomena

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posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by andersensrm

Sure, but when we are helping wild animals, do you think they feel the same way towards us? Probably. See we have no way of communicating to the animal we may be helping, and so a lot of the times we do it by force, the same thing may be happening to us.

Just a thought, anyhow, I still don't understand where "satan" comes in, I mean this has to do with religion, this implies that there is a god, and jesuse christ, and heaven and hell, or am I wrong?

1. Some of the reports of abductees being treated by the critters--healed of illnesses, etc. when questioned by researchers about the demeanor and attitude of the ET's doing the healing . . . the abductees reported that they felt like the ET's were veternarians treating their cattle, their animals. . . . a kind of disinterested self-serving caring for their animals for some unknown future purpose.

2. Yup, I accept the Biblical cosmology. It fits well the broadest number of puzzle pieces, to me.

3. I don't think much of religion. Even Christianity as an extrinsic religion can be deadly.

4. I think a RELATIONSHIP with God through confession, repentance, acceptance of Christ's Blood; belief that He came in the flesh, was crucified in our stead and rose from the dead overcoming death, hell and the grave . . . is crucial for life and particularly for eternal life.

5. Guy Malone


has documented 400 cases where spiritual warfare in the Name and Blood of Jesus has stopped abductions cold.

There is some evidence that the person applying the name and Bllood of Jesus had best have an authentic relationship with Him, though not in 100% of all cases. Said application has worked in some cases where the person had not had a relationship with Christ since childhood Sunday school class.

There's one case where a husband is rudely awakened suddenly realizing that he's hoisted above his bed with a pole up his rear and his yelling doesn't waken his wife. Reaching back to a faint memory from Sunday School he yells, "IN THE NAME OF JESUS GET OUT OF HERE." The pole is removed and the entities disappear so rapidly, he falls to his bed, waking his wife.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Mostly, I think the hybridization program is some very serious evil going on toward our destructiveness.

This is very much a concerning topic, with a lot of people preparing for the next extinction event could it be that the aliens are as well? There have been a lot of sudden shifts in biodiversity over the life of the planet, is this all down to genetic evolution or has there been some help along the way to kick start things at times?

To me, it is rubbish to imagine that there is no satan. Where does human cruelty come from?

Ignorance, survival, free will. The way the brain grows and beliefs develop is governed by reward and punishment. With the human body generally not able to feel the pain it inflicts onto another form of life, it is at a disadvantage in gaining awareness of the environment and their actions. Without having attributes like empathy and compassion for many different reasons, cruelty is one of many results.

There are some individuals around that do value and worship the ideology that satan represents. Even if if this specific entity that came to Earth so many of thousands years ago died long ago, the concept of 'I' and lore that has spawned is still very much around.

Would you offer your brain to the ET diplomatic corps in the interest of interspecies harmony and pleasure?

It does work a lot better when it is still attached to my body. It does sound like a dark, challenging and interesting role considering the current state of affairs. I would remain open towards any invitations.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 09:48 PM
I want to offer encouragement and appreciation. As an admittedly very conservative Christian it is often difficult to reconcile my faith with what others (the secular world view) would call evidence to the contrary, particularly in regards to your extensive subject matter. However, I prefer not to judge another's dissension and/or disagreement because I know that one day each of us will know for certain who was right and who was not. I would not want to be on the other side of the fence and be wrong, but I should add that playing it safe is not the reason I believe in God.

I believe my obligation is to live my belief and faith and if someone else chooses to not agree, that is their choice. Also, I DO NOT HAVE THE WILL, THE WISDOM, OR THE AUTHORITY TO JUDGE someone for opposing views. Unfortunately, I have seen the predictable confrontational attitude towards your experiences and life conclusions on this thread. Honestly, I cannot recall any instance where such condescension ever resulted in anything positive.

Personally, I find it extremely encouraging to see that you have your education, the life experiences, the personal interaction with a large number of witnesses/participants/pioneers, a professional career, etc, and the sum total brought you to a commitment to God and His creation as a fact and not fantasy.

I had about 5.937 more things to say, but I need to leave it here. Again, I commend you for standing by your beliefs which closely mirror my own conclusions. IMHO, that the more you know, the more you can not ignore the presence of God. I just don't see how it could ever have happened without Him. Best wishes.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by DaphneApollo

what is their purpose?


That's one of the big unfinished queries of my study and experiences in this field.


OTHER than to deceive, support the satanic one world government, trash as many humans as possible as their only way to throw sand in God's eyes for getting kicked out of Heaven etc. etc. etc.

Even considering all that . . . what is their route, their major scheme, the outline of their plans to achieve such?

Some claim they are going to offer to take the 'chosen' of them off planet in huge ships while the planet is trashed by whatever galactic cyclical whatever or big meteor crash or whatever . . .

Personally, I wouldn't take a ride anywhere in the fallen angels' ships.

I know that when God is done with them, their ultimate destination is hell and I don't trust any of their intermediate stops.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by andersensrm

RATS, a long post on this got zapped. Will try and recreate it. . . .

Okay, but is this really the satan we all know of? Or is it some type of E.T. or interdimensional being?

Yup . . . the fallen angel, Lucifer of The Bible . . . former chief angel of God who rebelled against God and sought to set himself up as God--he's still pretending he can get away with that . . . determined to force as many END TIMES citizens of the planet to take his mark and worship him as God as possible.

You can see some evidence of that in threads on ATS asserting that Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the bad guy and satan is the good guy. Talk about hideous blasphemy. Sheesh.

Truly, as Scripture predicted, this is the era when good is called evil and evil is called good.

The ruling globalist elites all worship satan at their upper ranks, for sure.

It is rummored that the top rank of elites all have to bugger toddler boys and then murder them in a satanic sacrifice of worship to join the upper rank. I don't think those little boys felt their terrified dying pains were metaphorical.

Their writings are rife with literal satan worship going back hundreds of years.

I just have a hard time believing that the bible got everything right, but it is not outside the realm of possiblity I guess.

I guess I see the bible, and teachings of most of all other religions to be metaphorical, and not literal,

That's still a somewhat possible choice. However, as the END TIMES prophecies continue to pile up LITERALLY FULFILLED, that will be more and more difficult to hold to with any integrity whatsoever. So far, the nephilium/ watchers/ fallen angels/ ET's are filling their role right down the line per the script. Check out the Book of Enoch.

but even in this sense, I would be suspicious if they just figured it all out, and all of their predictions are right.

Hmmmmm . . . so . . . a Manual that describes reality better than any . . . and predicts future realities better than any . . . THEREBY fosters . . . ?suspicion? I'd think it would foster TRUST in the AUTHOR.

Could you also explain this quote "builds his nest among the stars, yet will I bring them down."

I dont think I understand this verse, maybe because it is out of context, if you could I would like you to explain it.
If you haven't already guessed, I've never read the entire bible, just excerpts, and its been awhile, Im sorry if I offend you in any way due to my lack of knowledge in the religious area.

Obadiah 1:2:

"Listen to this, Edom: I'm turning you to a no-account, the runt of the godless nations, despised. You thought you were so great, perched high among the rocks, king of the mountain, Thinking to yourself, 'Nobody can get to me! Nobody can touch me!' Think again. Even if, like an eagle, you hang out on a high cliff-face,

Even if you build your nest in the stars, I'll bring you down to earth." God's sure Word.

IIRC, Edom is Saudi Arabia.

Though I think the verse could apply to arrogant mankind generally.

In those times, the moon and satellites were in the realm of the stars--the somewhat to very distant sky, as it were.

I've often wondered if God would use a massive meteor storm or horrific cosmic ray bombardment or what to deal with off planet habitats . . . such as the rumored bases on the moon or Mars . . . or the space station.

I'm not easily offended by honest earnest folks. Even honest anger is fine with me.

I have no trouble at all with your communciations with me.

Arrogant personally assaultive harshly abusive assaults on personhood, sanity etc. can get wearying but even there, I mostly try to consider the source and go on. I do HATE double standard treatment of stuff, however. LOL.

That's one of the hallmarks of the ET's and of satan--arrogance. They have even been quoted as saying it was THEIR RIGHT to do with abductees as they wished. No one has said exactly why they feel that way.

Wellll, it's not as good as it was before being zapped but it is what it is.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by samstone11

Thanks tons for your kind words.

My understanding has come at very costly tuition and many long very long dark nights of the soul with horrendous angst and emotional agonies.

And, I spent a period wandering through atheism and agnosticism . . . except that deny as I might try, the Scriptures kept PROVING TRUE IN MY DAILY LIFE whether I wanted to admit it, or not.

And, I've tried to walk away from the study of the UFO/ET stuff several times and every time The Lord has made it emphatically clear that I was His watchman and needed to be informed about it to help others who were ignorant sheep without a shepherd about the topic.

God's best to you and yours. Feel free to add whatever comments you care to along the way. We can be mutually respectful even where we differ.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by kwakakev

This is very much a concerning topic, with a lot of people preparing for the next extinction event could it be that the aliens are as well? There have been a lot of sudden shifts in biodiversity over the life of the planet, is this all down to genetic evolution or has there been some help along the way to kick start things at times?

Sounds to me like the critters are determined to be helping out on the EXTINCTION goal as much as they can when it comes to mankind. Reducing the world population from 7 billion to 200 million by force is not a Sunday tea party.


To me, it is rubbish to imagine that there is no satan. Where does human cruelty come from?


Ignorance, survival, free will. The way the brain grows and beliefs develop is governed by reward and punishment. With the human body generally not able to feel the pain it inflicts onto another form of life, it is at a disadvantage in gaining awareness of the environment and their actions. Without having attributes like empathy and compassion for many different reasons, cruelty is one of many results.

Where does ignorance come from?

Have you had young children?

They do NOT need to be TAUGHT rebellion, lying, selfishness, etc.

AS the prison experiment psychologist Dr Phil Zimbardo said so well . . .

It's one thing if the MONSTERS are OUT THERE.

We can gang up on them.

It's a much bigger problem, if the MONSTER is inside each one of us--as his prison experiment demonstrated . . . as

LORD OF THE FLIES illustrates so well.

In my experience, ONLY THE BLOOD OF JESUS willfully applied to one's own sorry mess of a self can deal with the MONSTER WITHIN.

There are some individuals around that do value and worship the ideology that satan represents. Even if if this specific entity that came to Earth so many of thousands years ago died long ago, the concept of 'I' and lore that has spawned is still very much around.

I assure you he did not die. He's not even bound, yet. He will be . . . after Armageddon. Between now and then, the blood flow will be quite extensive and deep. Evidently in Meggido, it will be up to the horses' bridals.

It does work a lot better when it is still attached to my body. It does sound like a dark, challenging and interesting role considering the current state of affairs. I would remain open towards any invitations.

Naw, I like it better on your neck, too. LOL. I'd fight the ET's for it to remain on your neck.

Thanks for your kind reply.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by circlemaker

I was surprised (like many others I imagine) that you're going with a more biblical perspective on UFOs rather than the traditional nuts & bolts version after 50 years of study. In a way it's kinda refreshing since I think the UFO phenomenon goes beyond the physical. However, I find the traditional Christian interpretations of reality a bit too narrow. I think clues to answering our questions can be found in both the bible and in the tabloids, it just takes a discerning mind to connect the archetypes and see past the veil of prescribed reality.


Lots of my RELIGIOUS cohorts go on and on about how the craft are merely bodies of demons pretending to be craft etc.

Some may be. Some reports describe some of the craft as seeming to be alive etc.

I believe most are not. Certainly it is clear to me that some of the craft originate with the fallen angels and now, some are built by our shadow globalist government black ops folks. These craft are manufactured--at least in part . . . some may be grown in vats, . . . or whatever combination is required.

As far as the Greys go, I can imagine how a race with little or no emotion may not understand (or care) that they're hurting us. Also what if they think like a collective? Communication between a race like that and humans may be as challenging as communicating between our conscious and unconscious minds. Just something to consider.

There are certainly many reports of some critters seeming to be or at least convincingly pretending to be part of a hive kind of collective--with some sort of group mind as well as a quasi individual mind that is constantly in touch with the hive mind . . . by some sort of "sub space" or spiritual channel???

What do you think of the evolution of the UFO phenomenon? After 50 years you must've noticed how the designs of the ships have evolved along with us. To me this implies human involvement, whether they are physical craft or our perception of them is somehow linked to our growing awareness. I can also see how this may give more weight to the angels & demons theory on aliens for those with Christian leanings.

Welllllllllll, certainly some of the midevil paintings seem to depict craft much inkeeping with our saucer shapes of our era . . .

The triangle craft may well be our human craft based on components from the UFO critters craft back enginneered or taught to us . . . according to my relative and a number of other sources.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 10:42 PM
Finally some one's telling the truth about ET. I came to the conclusion that they were fallen angels years ago. At the time it seemed like it was a revelation from God(YHVH). They're like locusts.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Well, how fortunate we are to have the real thing. I can't wait to read all your posts and check out your links. Looking forward to some authentic and truthful information.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

I guess what I fear, is that the God and Satan we all know of, are just posing as these beings who created the universe to get our complete compliance. When in reality they are inter dimensional beings, or highly advanced E.T.'s beings we shouldn't worship. So for me it is difficult to determine between the two, and whether both really exist, or its just one. A highly advanced E.T. or interdimensional beings might be able to produce demonstrations that might convince us of their power, and knowledge, that might be associated with a god, when this is just power and knowledge we would obtain through time and technological advancement.

Thank you for adding that bit about the verse, makes more sense. To me the nest in the stars represents a sort of selfishness, holding oneself higher, or greater than anything else, rather than the actual stars, planets, etc.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by alonzo730

Thanks for your kind reply.

Like locusts . . . how so? Not disagreeing . . . just want to understand the fullness of your meaning.

You would likely appreciate Guy Malone's extensive documentation--DVD's full available here:



He has very high quality scholars examine every aspect of the stuff from lots of ancient texts including the Bible and the Book of Enoch and a lot else. Excellent stuff.

He was abducted as a teen then learned that basic Christian spiritual warfare prayers and declarations can stop it all cold--even when it's been following families for generations.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Where does ignorance come from?

An absence of understanding. We all understand and interact with this world through our senses. A blind man has no concept of colour. The culture and education we receive while growing up has a huge impact on how we perceive and understand the world.

Have you had young children? They do NOT need to be TAUGHT rebellion, lying, selfishness, etc.

I have none of my own, but use to be one and meet lots of them. Deception has been around long before Satan and is an important survival technique among many others. It has become part of nature and who we are because it works. I know it has its problems but this is the situation.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by Gridrebel

Well, how fortunate we are to have the real thing. I can't wait to read all your posts and check out your links. Looking forward to some authentic and truthful information.

Am deeply humbled by your kind words.

The links are above.

I do my best to provide as truthful a set of assertions as I can.

Soooooo much is conjecture, impressions, interpretations, sifting and matching puzzle pieces, inferences etc.

I try to word such AS SUCH when it's so.

With so much disinformation in the field . . . it's pretty hard to be very certain about much of anything about UFO's except that they are on the wrong side of good/evil.

And, they are working in behalf of setting up and maintaining the evil global government mentioned in the Bible for the END TIMES.

I don't doubt those points at all. However, I suppose one could say that such convictions are my interpretation and inferences from a mass of puzzle pieces/data.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by andersensrm

I guess what I fear, is that the God and Satan we all know of, are just posing as these beings who created the universe to get our complete compliance. When in reality they are inter dimensional beings, or highly advanced E.T.'s beings we shouldn't worship. So for me it is difficult to determine between the two, and whether both really exist, or its just one.

I have often been a bit . . . frustrated with God and maybe sometimes even angry with Him for insisting on the 'still small voice' RELATIONSHIP stuff to the extremes He does.

HOWEVER, What that teaches those willing to endure and persist in that type of RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM


He REALLY DOES have the hairs of our heads numbered.
He REALLY DOES know when a sparrow falls.
He REALLY DOES KNOW the secrets and intents of our hearts.
He REALLY DOES give us the desires of our hearts when they are instep with His priorities and safety concerns for us. And He shows repeatedly that HE KNOWS what we truly want better than eve we do ourselves.

Imagine as a father . . . that you have a 7 year old little boy or girl . . . their birthday is coming up in 2 months.

You have spent a lot of time with them and you know what their heart's desire is even though they have been very private about it and have not said a single thing to anyone about it. You have watched their eyes light up in certain contexts about certain things . . . and you know how to create just the best personally made object or experience to smack dab thrill them in the depths and middle of their being. And you do it. and they are so thrilled and you are closer than ever as a result.

That's how I know God is who He says He is. He walks the talk. He has proven that He knows me better than I know myself. He has proven repeatedly that He is watching out more for my best interests than I am.

A highly advanced E.T. or interdimensional beings might be able to produce demonstrations that might convince us of their power, and knowledge, that might be associated with a god, when this is just power and knowledge we would obtain through time and technological advancement.

An interesting hypothesis. It can't trump my heart to heart dance with God. He requires certain things for that level of intimacy. However, when one experiences it--there can be NO DOUBT and NOTHING COMES CLOSE to HIS PRESENCE.


Thank you for adding that bit about the verse, makes more sense. To me the nest in the stars represents a sort of selfishness, holding oneself higher, or greater than anything else, rather than the actual stars, planets, etc.

That's an interesting interpretation.

I have a strong bias that the safest Biblical interpretation is firs, foremost and most always . . . the literal one--the face value one. Sometimes there's ALSO a metaphorical meaning . . . but USUALLY there is also a more crucial literal meaning.


posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by kwakakev
reply to post by BO XIAN

Where does ignorance come from?

An absence of understanding. We all understand and interact with this world through our senses. A blind man has no concept of colour. The culture and education we receive while growing up has a huge impact on how we perceive and understand the world.

I agree with your assertions in the abstract . . . not on this issue.

I'd probably say that ignorance is foremost a lack of knowledge. I think it's possible to have knowledge without understanding and certainly without wisdom.

Have you had young children? They do NOT need to be TAUGHT rebellion, lying, selfishness, etc.

I have none of my own, but use to be one and meet lots of them. Deception has been around long before Satan and is an important survival technique among many others. It has become part of nature and who we are because it works. I know it has its problems but this is the situation.

I know of NO evidence at all to suggest that deception was around long before satan. I can't even begin to guess where such a notion would originate. At least I'm not the least bit convinced of that! LOL.

Deception always has negative side effects, imho.

Deception in relationships particularly is borrowing Peter to pay Paul and pretending that Peter won't be upset when he finds out he's not getting paid back ever.

In terms of satan . . . like God . . . his character is revealed in his acts. And I've experienced such plenty, sadly.

And, in terms of the UFO/ET CRITTERS . . . his acts, goals, methods and theirs coincide like a hand in a glove.

edit on 26/1/2012 by BO XIAN because: fix quote parameters.

edit on 26/1/2012 by BO XIAN because: ditto

edit on 26/1/2012 by BO XIAN because: an addition

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 11:41 PM
As much as anybody wants to deny it the elements of ETs does involve a certain amount of spirtuality or some type of religious influence.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by Brandon88

As much as anybody wants to deny it the elements of ETs does involve a certain amount of spirtuality or some type of religious influence.


I want to read Jacque Vallee more closely and learn more about how that hard nosed scientist came to the conviciton that they are evil spiritual creatures from a spiritual dimension--after 10 YEARS of


That's one reason that I'm so . . . wary to skeptical about some of the things most of the more famous folks say. . . . such as one of my favorites--Stanton Friedman. This last time I chatted with him was when I was toughest with him about that issue, HE TOOK MY NAME! LOL. I pray not to turn in somewhere. LOL.

They virtually ALL spew the conventional globalist party line . . . the line that the globalists would logically most want the sheeple/victims/serfs/slaves to buy into.

I like Linda Moulton Howe a lot . . . yet, she often seems off in new agey gah gah land about the critters. Thankfully not fully so. She's still wary enough because she's investigated the cattle mutilatioins AND THE PEOPLE mutilations so she knows they aren't all wonderful critters. But I still think she thinks that "some races" of them are wonderful.

To me--it's just a good-cop/bad-cop charade to squeeze humans in a vice between the two.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

I know of NO evidence at all to suggest that deception was around long before satan.

What about the camouflage of a butterfly? Stealth of a lion? Trap of a spider? Approach of the dragonfly? And the many other interactions of the jungle before the time of man?

Deception always has negative side effects, imho.

Absolutely, but when the main rule of the game is survival of the fittest, it is on the table. I agree that it does waste too much time and resources. There are also issues when you cannot stand behind your actions, are they really the right thing to do?

But just what is there exactly when we do look and try to move towards the stars? If as a species man is too stupid to look past the obvious deceptions going on, we will have no chance with the more subtle variations. It is good to see that most of the planet knows and are waking up to things not right with 9/11. The political pressure to affect change is lacking though as the war machine continues to beat its drums.

There are a lot of answers with the nature of nature in a lot of old texts. Looking back further in time and the evolution of our ancestors with archaeology also helps.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 02:18 AM
Well you may be right, its a sure thing nobody can prove you wrong......
However, there are others who have been down many of the same roads you have, and who have somehow missed the revelation its all about God.....
Satan, by the way, could also be characterised as a psychopathic personality .
The psychopath is pretty well the image of satan in human guise.....

But let me get this straight....
God creates everything....
He/She is all powerful, all knowing and everywhere at the same time.....
Some being which he has created ie satan rebels against God created an imperfect angel? plus 1/3 of heavens host?
What kind of perfect being is that?
By definition then, God is not all powerful.....or no rebellion would have been possible....
The story goes on but the point is made that it contradictss itself in essence many many times.....
Why for instance, does the smell of burning meat please him?
and the smell of burning vegetables doesnt?
God gets abraham to kill his son...but at the last minute he says hes only kidding......Sounds psychopathic to me....
The story is full of all kinds of wierdnesses
If God is all powerfull, and made everything, why does he require ua to worship him and hold him in adoration...(this is a quality of a psychopath)
When we do not, he destroys us
(this is also psychopathic behavior)
ach! it all just makes my head ache.....
Mixing God with UFOs is just icing on the insanity.....

The beings Phil Corso described are not even alive in the real human sense,
They apeared to be some advanced type of biological robots.....
Taht they are trying to interbreed with humans (aparently) could be for a number of reasons...
Some say they are trying to obtain the eternal life which the human soul enjoys.....that by cross breeding, they will be able to eventually obtain souls such as humans have.

some say that they are a dying race,(even if they are robotic clones)and they are trying to regain their ability to reproduce as we do.

some say it is because earth is about to go through such cataclysms as to be destroyed.
Whereupon the genetic materials will be replanted upon a new earth somewhere else in the universe or back on this planet if it actually survives.
These little guys are working to preserve mankinds genetic signature and save the race from certain destruction.

Others claim they devour our emotions, and it is like food or drug to them.
If so it explains the sort of standard mutilations kind we eat stew or spagetti
they eat fear or pain or all of it at once???
The mutilations being kind of ritual because they bring out the most nourishment......

There are many loose ends in the God and Devil scenario just as there are with other hypotheses ive encountered....

The premise may have merit, but i dont absolutely believe it,,,,
as i dont nessessarily they eat our fear and pain.....

Still your 50+yrs of research must have had you thinking other theories at times, i am curious what x ed them out in favour of God and devil theory.

Perhaps you could actually elucidate rather than generalise?

If these are fallen angels, correct me if wrong, but arent these fallen ones bound in chains beneath the earth somewhere?
So are you calling the greys their constructs because they are all tied up down there and cant get here yet?
just wondering about some of the reasons for your conclusions, and what that means explanation wise to the reality of the phenomena.......
No disrespect but a lot of skepticism......
peace ..........s

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