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MY Experiences & Perspective From 50 Years of Studying the UFO Phenomena

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posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

That's a puzzling question as to why they are doing the hybridization.

They're trying to blend in with us or replace us all together.

Some say they are building a thoroughly fallen angel controlled army of hybrids with which to fight the saints and God's angels at Armageddon.
This is a very good way of looking at it. Your whole post puts it into full view. They are not as nicey nicey as you have said.

Fallen Angels/Spiritual Battle. Motherships Arriving/ Tribulation-org

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
I think satan is the author of confusion so he's very good at that.
The simplist I can come to is
They are up to NO GOOD.

Now, are you talking about an actual specific entity, such as a Saklas or Yaldabaoth, that is creating the scenario and then letting it play out? Or are you talking about ancient, human organizations using such a construct as a symbol for control of society and technology?

My simplest take on the subject -- at the moment -- is that as weak, organic beings (overly-smart monkeys) we have a poor and limited understanding of time and reality, and that the difference between what we experience/perceive and what we imagine is not as clear-cut as we are generally taught to believe.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by DaphneApollo

Originally posted by andersensrm
reply to post by DaphneApollo

Can someone please enlighten me as to why Satan is at all relevent to this thread? How does satan relate to UFO's, E.T.'s and other phenomena? And how do we know that these just arent interdimensionsal life forms?

What I have stated is very relevant. All the Love and Light and the Pleiadians/Andromedans are our friends are going to be in a heap of hurt. My opinion. We are in the End Times sorry. When you look at it and see that these interdimensional life forms aka our Brothers as the Vatican likes to say, abduct women and take out the fetus at 3 months, I don't really think they are so friendly. IMO.

Sure, but when we are helping wild animals, do you think they feel the same way towards us? Probably. See we have no way of communicating to the animal we may be helping, and so a lot of the times we do it by force, the same thing may be happening to us. Just a thought, anyhow, I still don't understand where "satan" comes in, I mean this has to do with religion, this implies that there is a god, and jesuse christ, and heaven and hell, or am I wrong?

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by DaphneApollo
I've never seen one or God for that matter but I believe both exist.

I always like to point out that except for a few blurry photos and dubious traces, real UFOs are very similar to dreams. We have no hard evidence at all that dreams exist, only anecdotal evidence, which is even worse than the evidence for UFOs. Yet we accept that dreams are real and debate the reality of true UFOs. Why? Consensus. We pretty much all dream, yet only a relative few of us have had a real UFO experience.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by Sorgmodig

I would much rather it were not true. The UFO/ET phenomena would be MUCH LESS threatening then.

Alas, your perspective does not match the greatest number of data points by a huge margin.

The fallen angels of the Book of Enoch fit the picture very well.

I hope you don't think that the looming tyrannical global government is going to be all sweetness and light.

Given your study of UFO's etc. . . . I'm curious

do you think that anal probes, rapes of men and women by machines critters and forced by other humans under ET manipulative control . . .

do you think that such goings on are wonderful, nice, polite, moral, . . . anything . . . good?

What about mutilating people exactly the same as they mutilate cows? . . . without anesthetic . . .

What do you think about the critters purportedly using fear in humans to cause humans brains to create a chemical that's a huge thrill of an illegal drug for some ET's?

Would you offer your brain to the ET diplomatic corps in the interest of interspecies harmony and pleasure?

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by Blue Shift

Great point.

Thankfully, there are now 3,000-4,000 trace evidence landing cases documented after scientific investigation . . . proving to the fair-minded and even less than fair-minded that such craft do dink with our reality.

Of course, none are so blind as those who WILL NOT see.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by DaphneApollo
I feel that the Governments have cozied up with Satan and his menions for 50 years or more trading technology for hush/hush abductions, human and animals. And funny it would really ramp up after Israel becomes a Nation in 1947-48. Roswell was 1947. Hmmm.

I can see where you're defining this within a Christian framework, which is fine because I suppose it's as good as any. My only question is that if the parties involved are so powerful, within the realms of what we would consider supernatural superbeings, don't you think they would be more obvious? After all, the bigger something is, the harder it is to keep a secret. After a while, even the symbolic representations (Satan, Christ, etc.) would break down into something a bit more acceptable to a secularly oriented mind.

So to translate: Certain elements within the global power structure are dealing with entities (alien or transdimensional, or whatever) to slowly modify and (further?) control the human population. And this is because...? I can't imagine what we have that a superbeing would need or be interested in, other than perhaps our ability to create reality from perception and imagination. Maybe that's worth something. I don't know. From my perspective, maybe these superbeings can't exist in our reality without our help, so they would like to control us as much as possible to ensure their existence.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Like I was explaining earliar though, although these things seem to be bad, think about when we are helping out animals in the wild. We are providing healthcare to some, but there is no way in communicating with them, that we are helping them, and so we have to force it. We may have to inject them with something, or cut them open, or make them wear some kind of device, or whatever it is, the animal to itself probably thinks that we are horrible, this thing that is forcing them beyond its will. But in reality we are lengthening there lifespan for their own good. The same thing could be happening to us. And although whats happening to us, seems bad, it may not be, due to the fact we cannot understand what is really being done to us. Surely cutting an animal open with a scalpel, the animal would react in a negative way, even though this may save its life, but it does not understand this, and this is the reason we use force, and sedate them and what not. Just a thought but the same kind of concept could be applied to us, but it is hard for us to think about that, because we are not used to something that we don't understand. We've come to the misconception, that if we can't figure out how, or why something would work, then it just doesn't exist at all.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by andersensrm

Originally posted by DaphneApollo

Originally posted by andersensrm
reply to post by DaphneApollo

Can someone please enlighten me as to why Satan is at all relevent to this thread? How does satan relate to UFO's, E.T.'s and other phenomena? And how do we know that these just arent interdimensionsal life forms?

What I have stated is very relevant. All the Love and Light and the Pleiadians/Andromedans are our friends are going to be in a heap of hurt. My opinion. We are in the End Times sorry. When you look at it and see that these interdimensional life forms aka our Brothers as the Vatican likes to say, abduct women and take out the fetus at 3 months, I don't really think they are so friendly. IMO.

Sure, but when we are helping wild animals, do you think they feel the same way towards us? Probably. See we have no way of communicating to the animal we may be helping, and so a lot of the times we do it by force, the same thing may be happening to us. Just a thought, anyhow, I still don't understand where "satan" comes in, I mean this has to do with religion, this implies that there is a god, and jesuse christ, and heaven and hell, or am I wrong?

You know, the poor animals probably do see us as sinister and I don't blame them one bit. But, do we take their fetus and blend it with our own human dna? In labs lately they are doing just this. What is the purpose of putting women and men for that matter through such terrible encounters. I still know where you are coming from here though. I have a thread on just this same thing. And it goes all over the place.

Satan has been trying to trip Gods plan up from the very beginning and he still thinks he's going to win any way he can. It's the only thing that makes sense in my opinion. I was a nut job over the UFO phenomenon. They are here to help us, they created us, Jesus was half alien, I believed all of this at one time, but I also compared it all to the Bible. You can even call the Bible a History book, because it is, but also look at the book of Jasher, the book of Enoch (Watchers) Genesis 6 (Nephilim) and compare. Look at these as History books and you just may see a different story unfold.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by DaphneApollo

The point is, is that we literally can't conceive as to why they are doing such things, which is why they do it forcefully without our permission. But this is just a possiblity, and not the only one, just something to think about, there are many possible answers as to why.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Blue Shift

Originally posted by DaphneApollo
I've never seen one or God for that matter but I believe both exist.

I always like to point out that except for a few blurry photos and dubious traces, real UFOs are very similar to dreams. We have no hard evidence at all that dreams exist, only anecdotal evidence, which is even worse than the evidence for UFOs. Yet we accept that dreams are real and debate the reality of true UFOs. Why? Consensus. We pretty much all dream, yet only a relative few of us have had a real UFO experience.

I can tell you this I don't debate the reality of UFOs, dreams. But, what is their purpose?

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by andersensrm

I still don't understand where "satan" comes in, I mean this has to do with religion, this implies that there is a god, and jesuse christ, and heaven and hell, or am I wrong?

I don't understand your not understanding.

I gave a brief outline above. What part do you not understand? Which phrase or sentence?

I suppose I could try again.

1. John in Revelation described an era . . . which other Biblical prophecies also help identify as occurring AFTER Israel is formed as a Nation again in the Holy land after they were to be scattered to the 4 windsl--which latter happened in 70AD.

2. An era in which a list of things would happen . . . among them . . .

A) a tyrannical satanic world government
B) Vastly increased knowledge

C) Vastly and quick travel over the whole planet
D) a Mark without which, it would not be POSSIBLE to buy or sell and refusal of which will = execution

E) many vastly different and dramatic signs in the skies
F) Massively devastating quakes

G) Massively devastating deaths in the seas
H) Massive die-offs of trees and grasslands

I) 1/3 of mankind being killed early in the Great Tribulation. followed later by another 1/3 dying of what's left.
J) There's also the verse about though mankind "builds his nest among the stars, yet will I bring them down."

3. Evidently you are not aware of or unbelieving that

4. the global government elites worship satan and are definitely planning to force the world to worship him as God.

5. That's simply a fact. Acknowledging facts helps deny ignorance.

6. A number of other features of the globalists plans and methods, strategies fit hand in glove to the Biblical outline of these END TIMES.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by andersensrm

I don't understand your not understanding.

I gave a brief outline above. What part do you not understand? Which phrase or sentence?

I suppose I could try again.

1. John in Revelation described an era . . . which other Biblical prophecies also help identify as occurring AFTER Israel is formed as a Nation again in the Holy land after they were to be scattered to the 4 windsl--which latter happened in 70AD.

2. An era in which a list of things would happen . . . among them . . .

A) a tyrannical satanic world government
B) Vastly increased knowledge

C) Vastly and quick travel over the whole planet
D) a Mark without which, it would not be POSSIBLE to buy or sell and refusal of which will = execution

E) many vastly different and dramatic signs in the skies
F) Massively devastating quakes

G) Massively devastating deaths in the seas
H) Massive die-offs of trees and grasslands

I) 1/3 of mankind being killed early in the Great Tribulation. followed later by another 1/3 dying of what's left.
J) There's also the verse about though mankind "builds his nest among the stars, yet will I bring them down."

3. Evidently you are not aware of or unbelieving that

4. the global government elites worship satan and are definitely planning to force the world to worship him as God.

5. That's simply a fact. Acknowledging facts helps deny ignorance.

6. A number of other features of the globalists plans and methods, strategies fit hand in glove to the Biblical outline of these END TIMES.

Okay, but is this really the satan we all know of? Or is it some type of E.T. or interdimensional being?

I just have a hard time believing that the bible got everything right, but it is not outside the realm of possiblity I guess.

I guess I see the bible, and teachings of most of all other religions to be metaphorical, and not literal, but even in this sense, I would be suspicious if they just figured it all out, and all of their predictions are right.

Could you also explain this quote "builds his nest among the stars, yet will I bring them down."
I dont think I understand this verse, maybe because it is out of context, if you could I would like you to explain it.
If you haven't already guessed, I've never read the entire bible, just excerpts, and its been awhile, Im sorry if I offend you in any way due to my lack of knowledge in the religious area.

Dont know how my post got part of the quote, sorry about that
edit on 26-1-2012 by andersensrm because: Problem with quote

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by andersensrm

Sure, but when we are helping wild animals, do you think they feel the same way towards us?

Another quick reply before I go to dinner . . .

That's an interesting hypothesis.

However, EXCEPT for the critters' capacities to manipulate our emotions . . . causing us to feel warmth, love, affection etc. from and toward them

literally at the flick of a switch . . .

apart from that,

the most reliable description of their attitude, spirit, demeanor etc. frequently is

calculating, ruthless, blood-spewing coldness.

And, some report intense sensations of evil and heartlessness.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by andersensrm

Lack of knowledge does not offend me.

Folks can even cuss me out and I'm not offended.

Knee jerk, automatic, blackwashing ignorant hostility can be annoying. Not accusing you of that. Just letting you know my sensibilities on such scores.

I'll try to look the verse up after dinner or you can at

From the perspective of the scribes of that book of the Bible at that time, the moon, satelites, etc. would have all been in THE REALM OF the stars.

Could that verse mean that if we really have a moon base or a Mars base . . . and maybe even 'merely' the space station . . . that God will be dealing with our folks in such places rather interestingly? I wonder.

Certainly a major meteor storm in our neck of the woods could cause some problems . . . not to mention some heavy duty cosmic radiation 'cloud' of some sort.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 07:03 PM
Yep! You are totally correct in your thinking about your thinking.
'I constantly have the same problem.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 07:27 PM
Hi BO XIAN, thanks for sharing.

I was surprised (like many others I imagine) that you're going with a more biblical perspective on UFOs rather than the traditional nuts & bolts version after 50 years of study. In a way it's kinda refreshing since I think the UFO phenomenon goes beyond the physical. However, I find the traditional Christian interpretations of reality a bit too narrow. I think clues to answering our questions can be found in both the bible and in the tabloids, it just takes a discerning mind to connect the archetypes and see past the veil of prescribed reality.

As far as the Greys go, I can imagine how a race with little or no emotion may not understand (or care) that they're hurting us. Also what if they think like a collective? Communication between a race like that and humans may be as challenging as communicating between our conscious and unconscious minds. Just something to consider.

What do you think of the evolution of the UFO phenomenon? After 50 years you must've noticed how the designs of the ships have evolved along with us. To me this implies human involvement, whether they are physical craft or our perception of them is somehow linked to our growing awareness. I can also see how this may give more weight to the angels & demons theory on aliens for those with Christian leanings.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by DaphneApollo

Thanks for your kind words.

Thanks for the interesting links. I hope to get to them tomorrow. They look plenty meaty and fitting.

They're trying to blend in with us or replace us all together.

Certainly plausible.

It may well be that . . . they are assuming that they will

SUCCEED at killing off all the Christians and all other religionists and have only the fallen angel contaminated hybrid folks as their ID chipped and controlled slaves.

Tyranny loves tyranny and !!!!CONTROL!!!!

That's one of the reasons Christianity has been an affront to dictators the last 2000 years. Those willing to die for and serve only Christ are not so easily manipulated and controlled into the Dictator's exclusive schemes and priorities.

Certainly a hybrid population of chipped and controlled organic robots would be right up their alley.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Wow this should make for a weekends worth of reading, Thanks!

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by Blue Shift

Now, are you talking about an actual specific entity, such as a Saklas or Yaldabaoth, that is creating the scenario and then letting it play out? Or are you talking about ancient, human organizations using such a construct as a symbol for control of society and technology?

My simplest take on the subject -- at the moment -- is that as weak, organic beings (overly-smart monkeys) we have a poor and limited understanding of time and reality, and that the difference between what we experience/perceive and what we imagine is not as clear-cut as we are generally taught to believe.

I'm talking about Lucifer--the chief fallen angel who used to be so close to God.


I'm talking about Luciferian Illuminati human organizations of variouis names over the centuries.

I consider these folks and personages to be literally what Enoch and The Bible describe them as. I do not consider them to be metaphors.

I certainly don't think we understand well much of anything about time and the expansive full realities of the multiverse.

I consider this BOOT-CAMP rearing and training folks to rule and reign with Christ over countless ages and countless planets and multiverses . . . according to God's standard of LOVE AND HUMILITY as well as Holiness before Him through His Spirit and Christ's Blood enablements.

THAT'S the priority and sufficient explanation for all I observe.

All the other stuff is so much detail and far lesser a priority.

I believe that this era is culminating--by design--in a





Wherein God will be vividly highlighting the consequences of trying to do anything apart from an intimate RELATIONSHIP with HIM.


He will be revealing some big hints of the glories and FUN and JOY of living life in an intimate dance WITH HIM according to His priorities, standards etc.

I believe that the critters and all the UFO phenomena fit the Biblical GREAT DECEPTION of the END TIMES warned about here:

MAT 24:24

New International Version (©1984)
For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible.

New Living Translation (©2007)
For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God's chosen ones.

Young's Literal Translation
for there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and they shall give great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, also the chosen.

The bit about "and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible."

is a very sobering verse that I believe applies to the signs and wonders effected by the critters and their UFO technologies and demonic powers.

Particularly given their claim to have created all the religious leaders of history--including Jesus--and to have performed even His miracles with their technologies. They will likely purport to have 3D holographic videos to "prove" such.

God is determined to have a tried people . . . as His leaders--people who 'loved not their mortal lives even unto death.'.

Evidently that's one way to help prevent another Heavenly rebellion a la satan.

At the same time, He will likely use the dramatic stuff from the UFO technologies and critters to show that even dramatic stuff apart from Him--even supernatural looking stuff apart from Him--can be deadly--deceptively deadly.

. . .

on to next msg.

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