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9/11: A Boeing 757 Struck the Pentagon

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posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 12:24 AM
Just a 'heads-up'. In the March issue of Popular Mechanics there will be a nice graphics lay-out article called ... Debunking the Myths of 9/11...a preview here... A 'debunking' of the PM 'debunking' can be found here... Cheers

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 01:02 AM
A little about Popular Mechanics, food for thought not to mention there 9/11 article is crap

Popular Mechanics' is published by the Hearst Corporation. George R. Hearst chairman of the board. The Hearst Corporation / who owns what President and CEO Victor F. Ganzi Hearst Corporation also officer/ director of the Hearst Foundation Victor F. Ganzi is on the board of directors of The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA), alongside Columba Bush, wife of Jeb Bush, and son of George H.W. Bush, former DG of the CIA. Victor F. Ganzi is a member of B.E.N.S. - "Business Executives for National Security" In October 2002, B.E.N.S. received a "CIA Agency Seal Medallion" for its work on the In-Q-Tel program. In-Q-Tel? It is described as "A new partnership between the CIA and the private sector", making it a classic front for traditional fascism and other American-style old-fashioned family values. A look at the names involved in In-Q-Tel quickly reveals it as a front for Zionism Central. information From Peter Wakefield Sault [email protected]
both articles for the viewer PM examines the evidence and consults the experts to refute the most persistent conspiracy theories of September 11. Jim Hoffman's response to Popular Machanics 9/11 article [edit on 12/2/2005 by Sauron]

posted on Feb, 17 2005 @ 12:40 PM
Really nice work in setting the evidence, that is what is important. The evidence will tell the truth, all others are looking for attention. again really outstanding work

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 11:42 AM
to have a better understanding of these events it helps to understand some of the basic symbology the satanic illuminati use, for example the tesla inspired iran earthquake on the 26th december 2003 tsunami on the 26th december 2004 which where mass ritual sacrafices on the death and rebirth of the sun day i.e. the 26th of december, while also of course being used to bring the satanic nwo further into place. which is happening fast while you people thumb around with illuminati owned press rags and propoganda.

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by CatHerder

Originally posted by johnlear About half way down the presentation there are 2 pictures of the hole in the Pentagon. One shows a policeman and the other shows a sign to the left of the hole that says No Parking. Now in neither of these pictures is the slightest damage, not the slightest charring of the walls next to the wall. How did the wings, which are shown still attached to the aircraft in the simulated video of the penetration get through the wall into the inside without leaving the slightest trace of damage?
Uh, the photo you are referring to is the inside of the 3rd ring - the final point of penetration. The Pentagon wall would be through that hole, through two buildings, and 5 other walls - which is where the plane first impacted. I think a lot of people get confused by that. (Lots of photos to absorb without seeing the other 500 I've waded through while trying to just select 10 or so to post here). Here's a visual aid for you (they're free today only!). This picture here, to which you are reffering: Is in this location shown on this photo. The crash simulation video is by no means perfect - it does not take into account, properly, the effect the wall would have on the tail (only the body and wings are actually mathematically simulated - it says that if you'd read the included links to the website and whitepaper). I guess I could have included that information in my original post - but I assumed people would click all the links provided and read all the information before responding to individual parts of the post (parts that were coverred in the links). Sorry about that.
If the nose "liquified" on impact, how did it make it through the third ring of the Pentagon leaving a perfectly circular "nose-print" hole?

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by SMR Your linking to an html file rather than As for your posts,awesome find! I have tried 3/4 times to point this out,but there are those that chose to ignore or have it stuck in their head that it is what was said it is in the CH post. From the start I could see it was in no way from an APU and even showed proof with images. There are just those who will not realize that it was NOT a 757. Great post
So what is this a picture of? What are you saying?


posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 03:47 AM

Originally posted by Gabrielle

Originally posted by SMR Your linking to an html file rather than As for your posts,awesome find! I have tried 3/4 times to point this out,but there are those that chose to ignore or have it stuck in their head that it is what was said it is in the CH post. From the start I could see it was in no way from an APU and even showed proof with images. There are just those who will not realize that it was NOT a 757. Great post
So what is this a picture of? What are you saying?

Originally posted by Foxx The post-attack cleanup at the Pentagon shed some light on the fact that it was not a 757, but exactly what the part recovered was has not been easy to find or locate. It is not a "turbofan" component, it is in fact a "turbojet" component from an US Air Force/Navy vintage type of jet engine technology that was used on just a limited number of fighters, bombers and reconnaissance planes. This new evidence has been hand-delivered to New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer. Any comments you'd like to make on this article Catherder?

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 05:29 AM
CNN's Jamie McIntyre reports no evidence of a plane hitting the Pentagon

JAMIE MCINTYRE: From my close-up inspection, there's no evidence of a plane having crashed anywhere near the Pentagon. The only site, is the actual side of the building that's crashed in. And as I said, the only pieces left that you can see are small enough that you pick up in your hand. There are no large tail sections, wing sections, fuselage, nothing like that anywhere around which would indicate that the entire plane crashed into the side of the Pentagon and then caused the side to collapse. Even though if you look at the pictures of the Pentagon you see that the floors have all collapsed, that didn't happenm immediately. It wasn't until almost about 45 minutes later that the structure was weakened enough that all of the floors collapsed.
[edit on 25-2-2005 by uknumpty]

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 08:24 AM
So? How close was he? Not to close I'll bet. Did he actually expect to see an intact pleane? Do you think that the plane would have been intact after hitting the building at over 400 MPH? I've see car accidents where the wreckage of a car that crashed going 50 MPH was barely recognizable. The close up pictures do show pictures of plane wreckage. Period. Go live in you fantasy world of NWO Plots and evil secret societies.

posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 09:04 AM

Go live in you fantasy world of NWO Plots and evil secret societies.

posted on Feb, 26 2005 @ 02:38 PM
Note the picture of the firman standing in front of the 12-16 foot diameter hole in the wall. Then note that the tin 'No Parking' sign just to the left of the hole seems to be in perfect condition. Consider that the left wing of an airliner travelling at full throttle smahed into it unable to dent it. Consider as well the thousands of gallons of jet fuel sprayed and ignited over that area not even blackening the paint. Apparently if the plane had hit the sign directly, it would not have penetrated the buliding at all! (sarcasm, folks..) Note the photograph of the Auxiliary Genrator turbine. That turbine fan wheel is about 2 feet in diameter (plus or minus inches) and it seems to have survived. There should be two more similar fans from the jet's engines that would be approximated 6 feet in diameter. My question would be where are the two much larger turbines that were contained in the engines. I hestitate to mention the 114 foot titanium wing spar. Another difficult detail. Was all this evidence made of super-hardened materials burned up in the fuel fire? A fire so short-lived and under-temperatured would not be technically able to accomplish such a feat. Beyond all this, where are the many security camera tapes that were collected. These would show the World what happened. The same goes for a dozen tapes confiscated and never again seen after the Oklahoma City Bombing. The arguement for going easy on the Vicitm's Families seems really quite thin when we know that Courts use similar actualities as evidence in courtcases with the vicitm's family present. I love a Charade!


posted on Feb, 26 2005 @ 03:03 PM
Actually,that sign and hole are of the inner ring.Not the impact hole. What a 'No Parking' sign would be doing in that spot,I havent the slightest idea. I will say that I find it interesting that there is also a light pole there as well.Are we to believe that this propelled 'chunk' took this pole the entire way through the building
I find that hard to believe.Also,the pole is,or looks to be,larger than what would fit through the hole. If not a light pole,what kind of 'pole' is it?It still does not look to be able to fit through the hole.

posted on Feb, 26 2005 @ 03:10 PM
I conceed on your point.... absolutely! Thanks! OK, now destroy the rest of my arguements! So does that mean that there are no Aliens, too??!! DANG!

posted on Feb, 26 2005 @ 03:31 PM
There is an inner service drive. in the middle of the building. Is that a pole or a fire hose? BTW, Do you see the airplane wheel in that picture?

posted on Feb, 26 2005 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by HowardRoark There is an inner service drive. in the middle of the building.
And that is where that photo is taken. It baffles me how many people who claim to have done extensive research in this subject, fail to recognize this, and claim it is where the plane initially hit.

Originally posted by HowardRoark Is that a pole or a fire hose?
I would have to say it is a fire hose.


posted on Feb, 26 2005 @ 06:06 PM
Yeah,I have seen many keep thinking that hole is the impact hole.This is showing that they are coming into this thread withought reading. I did some searching for images of the inner ring after the damage,but not many exist other than what we have already seen. I do see that if indeed it is a fire hose,it had to be one that was available at all times.I have searched Pentagon images,and in every photo taken,that I could find,showed YELLOW hoses being used. But,in the image,does anyone know if it had a time stamp or anything saying when it was taken?Reason I ask is because if it is a fire hose,it seems that since it looks straight,it must have full pressure.If this is the case,why,if taken way later in the day after all fire is put out,would they keep the water going at full pressure? While searching for images,I came upon some new findings ( not to date but to me and I believe for the thread ) on this Pentagon issue. From a reader.... I haven't seen anyone do this on their analysis of the 9-11 Pentagon security camera frames so I did it myself. I'm sending along a .jpg that gives a clearer view of the "mystery" craft entering from the right of frame 1 in the "FBI released" frames of the attack. Of note in some of the analysis done is that some show an actual jet superimposed in the frames but clearly a Boeing is much too big to fit in its proper scale for those experiments to be valid.Full ( short ) story The Pentagon Event Witness observation and available data support the drone argument presenting challenge to the official story. Link here Subjects include A Textbook-like Landing The Incompetence Factor Precise Maneuvering What About the MISSING Frames? A Look at Other Aircraft A few others as well.

posted on Feb, 26 2005 @ 06:53 PM

I have searched Pentagon images,and in every photo taken,that I could find,showed YELLOW hoses being used.
Trust me as a former firefighter, they don't stay yellow for very long and most of the ones I have seen start off white. They turn the color that is shown in the photo rather quickly.

But,in the image,does anyone know if it had a time stamp or anything saying when it was taken?Reason I ask is because if it is a fire hose,it seems that since it looks straight,it must have full pressure.If this is the case,why,if taken way later in the day after all fire is put out,would they keep the water going at full pressure?
Just because the fire is out , doesn't mean you wonk need the hose any more. There were numerous hot spots for several days that had the potential to rekindle. Likely the hose was just charged and not being used at the time, but ready to be used if the need arose. [edit on 26/2/05 by Skibum]


posted on Feb, 26 2005 @ 08:39 PM
Thanks for the 'hose' info.It just seemed that all the hoses in the Pentagon images showed that they were yellow.It may have been,if infact that is a hose,one that was on hand at the Pentagon for emergencies. I tried looking for more images of the area,but seems not many were taken.May never fully know if indeed it is a fire hose as we dont see were it is coming from. A fire hose needs a hydrent no?Other than the fire hoses that are attatched to fixtures. But they seem smaller than that of the image in the inner section no? Oh well,,,,

posted on Feb, 26 2005 @ 08:54 PM
For what it's worth I seem to remember that they couldn't get a fire truck into the service drive, the tunnel undet the buidng was too low. There is another photo of the inner drive that looks down the drive and you can see the punch out and some other debris.


posted on Feb, 26 2005 @ 09:04 PM
So then if it was a hose,then I guess it would have to come from a wall mount fixture
I just cant find any images that support that.Most images are concentrated on that one little area and others are to far away. I hope that it is a fire hose because if it is a 'pole' of some sort,Id like to know how it fit through that hole.

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