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9/11: A Boeing 757 Struck the Pentagon

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posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 07:11 PM
Enough of the of the why this side of building. Here is a flight simulation of Hani's flight path. The sim was done by a newbie to this sim. Said they hit it every time they tried. Pretty F'ing Cool! Sorry Vushta you are on dial-up ain't cha! Get some popcorn sit back and watch the nitemare. Read the comment section under the Vid.

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Kellter Wow Cathearder, Outstanding research and your post is laid out perferct. You've convinced me a 757 hit the Pentagon, now you just have to convince me that someone who learned how to fly by Microsoft Flight Simulator managed to pull off such a precise hit. I believe the pilot did spend time in a professional flight simulator but theres two problems with that. 1. His instructor didn't have high marks for him. 2. He couldn't practice the approach to the Pentagon on the professional software as it would have really raised some flags. Again, outstanding job Cathearder, my other issues are for another thread, thanks for all your woek.
Hello Kellter I dont think there was any Pilot driving the plane i think it was a remote control plane controlled by this man Larry Silverstein. More information about - Larry Silverstein I think this Larry guy had this whole thing planned out from the beginning. Weeks before the attacks on september, 11th, 2001 Larry Silverstein & Company where designing new buildings and admitted on a television inteview that he "pulled" the world trade centres down or building 7 because it was badly damaged. I think Larry made a deal with American Airlines to turn flight 757 into a remote control plane with bombs planted inside. One thing that got me was that on the news they wouldnt talk about Building 7 which collapsed again by Larry Silverstein who "pulled" the building down and was kept a secret and the government wouldnt mention this here is some links about building 7. 1. 2. 3. Sorry if you know this already, but this Larry guy controlled flight 757 into the pentagon just to make it look all innocent for Larry Silverstein.

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 11:18 AM
This is a reply to Keltar, not the fiction in that last post. As for the low marks, he was bad at landings and takeoff. The instructor, and pilots believe flying is the easy part.That is all he neede to do. As for practice, you should watch the Sim link in my previous post. They had a practice cockpit,simulator, and software found. Sounds pretty simple.Yet , I am sure someone will try to make it way more complicated( see Occams Razor) IMHO. Happy Hunting. [edit on 1-8-2006 by Duhh] [edit on 1-8-2006 by Duhh]

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

Originally posted by tuccy Not every angle around but every angle inside - that's the difference. The cameras were set up to guard top-secret departments, safes and so on. The only two external threats perceived as real prior to 0911 were truckbomb and nuke missile. For a truckbomb a camera with 2fps speed is enough and for nuke anything is useless.
Don't you think that they had cameras focused on the helipad just in case some wayward general absconded with a briefcase full of classified documents?
Ok so you have this heliport control tower, which just happens to have a visual line of sight with the heliport. And you don't think that is worth monitoring with high resolution security cameras? And this line of sight between the heliport and the control tower just happens to be directly in the flight path of this (757?).
This picture is at the wrong angle, but you can see the heliport on the top right of the pentagon. Project Info: Control Tower/Heliport
Description: Fast-track Design/Build services for a 1,950 sf building with control tower as well as airfield lighting. Project encompassed demolishing existing control tower and fire house. Constructed pre-engineered metal building with structural steel framed upper level for helicopter controllers and office space. Lower level accommodates fire equipment, VIP room, lounge area, kitchen, and bathrooms. Building hardened to withstand 100 mph winds. Located about 40 feet from the September 11th impact site but suffered only minimal damage enabling fire equipment to respond to the emergency.
[edit on 2-8-2006 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 03:41 AM

Originally posted by Kellter Wow Cathearder, Outstanding research and your post is laid out perferct. You've convinced me a 757 hit the Pentagon, now you just have to convince me that someone who learned how to fly by Microsoft Flight Simulator managed to pull off such a precise hit. I believe the pilot did spend time in a professional flight simulator but theres two problems with that. 1. His instructor didn't have high marks for him. 2. He couldn't practice the approach to the Pentagon on the professional software as it would have really raised some flags. Again, outstanding job Cathearder, my other issues are for another thread, thanks for all your woek.
im 14 and i have my own "profesinal" flight simulator ther exspensiv but not hard to come by

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 08:05 AM
damn.. what a mess they left at the pentagon. You know, all the feds have to do is release the video of the plane hitting the pentagon and we could end all this discussion on whether or not a plane hit the pentagon, but they havent, so they obviously are hiding something. The two official pentagon vids are a joke, 5 frames that don't really prove anything except there was an explosion at the pentagon. There are security cameras all the way along the top of the pentagon, and for not one of them to capture a clear image of the plane that is viable for public viewing is absurd.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 01:56 PM
wow really , , alot of hard worky . . . sounds almost as convincing as the majic bullet theory. if there was any plane debris at the pentagon it was planted. .and the witnesses as well. . . here sum eveidence talkin' about 77 havin' vanished. . nice try though .. but your 'facts' seem alot harder, too believe ,why would the illuminati risk a plane , even a remote controlled one at that , when they could cut the damage risk with a carefully aimed missle. . .so do you work for the gov , or sumptin'' . . . there seems to be a real wave of govt. employed conspiracy buffs, ( like that' screw loosechange' guy, ) you sell out biatchs. . . should be pooped on fer treason. . . 9/11 & 7/7 Conspiracies » EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY... ALL MEMBERS PLEASE READ – Please Review This Link. [edit on 3/8/2006 by Umbrax]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 03:33 PM
Interesting to note that the side of the pentagon which was hit faces Arlington National Cemetary. Also interesting to note that, the pilot of flight 77 which supposedly hit the Pentagon, was an ex-navy F4 pilot who, less than one year prior, participated in an exercise in the Pentagon, in which it gets attacked by a commercial airliner. Project MASCAL. 1) In October 2000, Government Simulates Exercises of a 757 hitting the Pentagon. 2) Charles Burlingame, Navy F4 pilot participates in this exercise. 3) Burlingame retires, gets a job flying commercial jet-liners. 4) Less than 12 months after MASCAL, its' HIS flight allegedly crashes into the Pentagon! Charles Burlingame is also buried in Arlington National Cemetary. He was among the navy's best pilots and a graduate of the Navy’s Top Gun fighter pilot school in Miramir, CA. Navy Vice Adm. Timothy Keating said Burlingame, who trained many pilots, "could make the jets talk. He could fly."
I don't know much about aircraft navigation, but wouldn't there be some kind of directional beacon, used to direct incomming helicopters in, eminating from the heliport control tower? [edit on 3-8-2006 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 05:01 PM
This is an amazing thread.Has any one gone back to it's first page? There sure looks like alot....of evidence to me. WoW, that is really great research CatH.Great JOB. People should read it. Doesn't sound like they have,reading the last hundred or so posts.Go back to the source!

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 05:24 PM
lies to bad people cant think for them selfs were is the wing damage on the biulding were is the holes for the engiens wiitch is made of titanium an hardinsteel. you did a good job with B.S width="90%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0" bgcolor="#f0f0f0" align="center">> style="color: ; font-size: 10px; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;">ATS ADMIN NOTE: Nearly five years after the catastrophic events of 9/11/2001, many questions still surround this defining moment of the post-cold-war world. Among the many questions are the various speculations that the Pentagon attack was by some other means than a hijacked passenger airliner. This thread has become the single-most popular piece of content on, sparking inspired debate and research throughout the Internet. However, the volume of material and issues on this subject (and in this thread alone) is overwhelming, making specific conclusions difficult, and evolution beyond the issue of what hit the Pentagon impossible. In an effort to bring new clarity to this important aspect of the 9/11 conspiracy debate, we're beginning the "9/11 Fine Focus Initiative" that zeros in on five key attributes of this debate. If you're not a member of ATS and believe you have important contributions to this debate, please Join ATS and contribute to this initiative. Also, if you've authored a scholarly analysis of this issue, please Contact Us about promoting your work, or becoming an ATS Conspiracy Master and adding your material to our upcoming website for experts only. class="mediumtxt">I've decided the best way to do this is to state the evidence, and facts, and come to a conclusion. Everything I list here as evidence includes links to sources, names of individuals, and notes if I have added any comments or visual aids to any photos. I may repeat some information and images in this post (from images and information previously posted), and I apologize for the length of the information, and for the size of some of the photos, but I can see no other way to provide the information without losing clarity and quality and most importantly accuracy. It is apparent that without the entire collection of evidence people quickly forget something outlined on a previous post. I will freely admit in this post that I was incorrect on some facts in my previous posts, and I will correct these mistakes here. I will also try to link every image to its original source, unless it is an image I have added comments or visual aids to. size="5">Did a 757 hit the Pentagon on 9-11 First let�s start with the factual information available on hand. size="4">The 757-200 As we can see from the freely available information for the Boeing 757 (from the Boeing website). The 757 is a midsized commercial airliner designed for short haul and medium haul routes (Medium Range Transport (MR-TR)), although since its release, and the subsequent discovery of the Wake Vortex it leaves behind the FAA has classified the 757 as a "Heav

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust Interesting to note that the side of the pentagon which was hit faces Arlington National Cemetary. Also interesting to note that, the pilot of flight 77 which supposedly hit the Pentagon, was an ex-navy F4 pilot who, less than one year prior, participated in an exercise in the Pentagon, in which it gets attacked by a commercial airliner. Project MASCAL. 1) In October 2000, Government Simulates Exercises of a 757 hitting the Pentagon. 2) Charles Burlingame, Navy F4 pilot participates in this exercise. 3) Burlingame retires, gets a job flying commercial jet-liners. 4) Less than 12 months after MASCAL, its' HIS flight allegedly crashes into the Pentagon! Charles Burlingame is also buried in Arlington National Cemetary. He was among the navy's best pilots and a graduate of the Navy’s Top Gun fighter pilot school in Miramir, CA. Navy Vice Adm. Timothy Keating said Burlingame, who trained many pilots, "could make the jets talk. He could fly."
I don't know much about aircraft navigation, but wouldn't there be some kind of directional beacon, used to direct incomming helicopters in, eminating from the heliport control tower? [edit on 3-8-2006 by In nothing we trust]
Uhm, no. The information about Burlingame and MASCAL is flat out wrong. He retired from the Navy Reserve in 1996 and had been working for American Airlines since 1979. In fact it's not even known WHICH MASCAL exercise he participated in. The Mascal exercise is NOT specifically a 757 into the Pentagon. It was a commercial plane having an ACCIDENT on landing and impacting the building.

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 11:47 AM
good in depth research. But, i still am not convinced. First, the so called Royles Royce engines weighing in at about 6tons each weres the impact holes for these two. And if you look at a schematic for the Royles Royce it has oval bezels not round, and the so called APU isn't from a boeng plan its from an outdated military aircraft fighter from the mid sixties, sorry not sure of the name, but only three are known to exist and are based in California. Which happens to be owned by Ratheon which also makes the Global Hawke. If a 757 did hit were is the ground skid which occurs on almost every plane crash? There is none. Also, the pilot who flew flight 77 also participated in study with the Pentagon about the possibilities of a 757 hitting the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and then less a year later he retires and takes a job with American Airlines and it happens to be his plane that hits the Pentagon. Also, numerous people at the scene, military people mind you, could smell the overwhelming aroma of Cordite, which you may know is one of the main components in explosives, and not Jet fuel which is primarily ether. Also, how did the terrorist who piloted the plane when the flight training school he attended said he was a below average or at best average student on a single engine plane fly a commercial jet liner? Also, how did he bank this plane 30 degrees at about 540miles an hour without stalling the engines. According to some pilots this is impossible. And finally, i know it would be hard to disprove some evidence that is laid down by experts from Purdue University but all in all i just don't believe this was a 757. There is a documentary out there from the guys of and the evidence provided there is pretty convincing that they say was not a Jet but suggest it could have been a cruise missle. Sorry, for the long rant.

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 12:03 PM
I see someone has been watching Loose Change again. For the umpteenth millionth time, THE COMBINED WEIGHT OF THE TWO RB211 ENGINES IS 6.4 TONS. EACH ENGINE WEIGHS 3.2 TONS. THEY ARE NOT 6 TONS EACH. The Oval Bezels you're talking about are the COWLING. ALL jet engines HAVE TO BE round inside, or the centripital forces would destroy them as they spun. The MASCAL exercise that Charles Burlingame participated in was NOT in 2000. He retired from the Navy Reserve in 1996. He went to work for American Airlines in 1979, and retired from the Navy completely in 1996. MASCAL wasn't even a 757 OR a terrorist attack. It was a COMMERCIAL PLANE HAVING AN ACCIDENT ON LANDING. In case you haven't noticed the approach for a runway goes almost directly over the corner of the building. It would be very easy to have an accident on landing. As for Hani Hanjour, he was able to fly well enough to pass his Commercial Pilots License exam. He WAS rated by the FAA. And as was stated many times, his problems were on take off and landing. What if he didn't want to land? I suggest you study some of these things, instead of just using Loose Change, who can't even get basic facts right.

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 12:39 PM
come on!! i know what i'm about to say may seemed far fetched but look were we are posting for crying out loud. Lets step aside for a minute... who thinks that the american government is monitoring this site or any other site out there involving conspiracy theories just like they monitor libraries for people who check out books on the Klu Klux Klan or Mein Kampf they got your number whether you want to believe it or not. So, whos not to say that some people here who let you believe that all the info they present is also the truth. Charles Burlingham could have worked for American Airlines years before they say he did or worked on an undisclosed project for the Pentagon. You think the Government didn't relise this oversite on there part and change this profile on google or his service record for American Airlines or his Military service record...the government can do anything they want. Especially when you think of the repercussions for the people who planned this whole thing. So anyone on this site could be a plant making up information to discredit the people trying to get the truth out. Just think about it people.

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 12:45 PM
Ohhh right. They changed his records, and his family NEVER NOTICED that he wasn't working for the airlines and was still working for the Navy. And the airline NEVER NOTICED he was taking big chunks of time off.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 09:59 AM
I have two more higher blur quality pictures.. I took these using Counter Strike: Source spray key (to place pictures on walls, doors, etc.) and I used the flashlight in a dark area to brighten it up and get a good shot of the photos up close. Surprisingly, the quality stayed higher than what the (PrintScreen) button pictures did. The above is just the printscreen from the video and zoomed in. This next one is the same printscreen zoomed in from the counter strike: Source game. Well, its a video to show the difference in the quality. Pentagon picture difference The only thing that gets to me, and any video experts that can help me, why does it seem like half a plane going into pentagon? *take note of the dirt spots on the camera, the white spots that are still there between the two frames, and they intersect on top of the plane model [edit on 9-8-2006 by BigMoser]

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 01:36 AM
Its like it only shows half of the plane, the back side, and nothing else. I dont understand what I'm looking at.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 09:34 AM
More evidence that the 757 at the Pentagon would have caused big turbulence. Aside from the pilots, flight engineers, and others who have said that the 757 flying at 500 mph and feet off the ground would have caused major turbulence which would have made it almost impossible to control but also would have blown people around and may have moved vehicles here is a video simulation of a 757 at high speed causing turbulence, if the model was real size the turbulence would have been very large.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 12:49 PM
Look, until the videos from the Hotel and Gasstation are released and thus provide actual proof of a visible 757, a 757 did not hit the Pentagon. They dont release the videos, why? That alone should say enough. [edit on 13-8-2006 by zren]

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 01:21 PM
and once again, you assume that a company would waste money to set up cameras to cover someone else's property. Yes the FBI came and got the tapes (supposedly since i have never seen an official source stating that) Of course, thats what you do in a crime investigation, you get everything that may be evidence and sift through it, discarding anything that doesnt shine any light on the crime. Those tapes most likely show NOTHING other than the parking lots they are aimed at. So, why keep tapes that show a parking lot, let alone release them????

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