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9/11: A Boeing 757 Struck the Pentagon

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posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 05:39 PM
Ah' men! You speak a"TRUTH" that scares the missile laden delusions!They have not one shred of evidence to support the CT.Normal for this strain of people.I wish they really wanted facts.Instead of the plane parts and witnesses and other destruction,that they find a way to cast aside,are lies to them.Remember flight 77,it was a 757 slammed into the Pentagone.It was terrorists of "Radical Islam".Nothing more,nothing less! [edit on 23-7-2006 by Duhh] [edit on 23-7-2006 by Duhh]

posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by ANOK It seems you have a problem with conspiricy sites? Then what are you doing here? Getting in some overtime on a Sunday? I could say the same to you, you like to pick the witnesses that fit your story but ignore the rest. Look at the big picture, it stinks!
This is not a conspiracy site. Not in the same manner. By CT site we generally refer to ones that try to present a conspiracy and the site is dedicated to proving it (or attempting to). The gerneal purpose is to create sensationalism which gives them web hits. This leaders to profits through advertising and video sales. This site however is a discussion forum for people to discuss events and conspiracies in an open manner. You won't see prison planet offering any side of a story that doesn't fit their pre determined outcome. This web site on the other hand is fair and balanced. It is for people who are into conspiracies, but asses them logically. A real conspiracy theorist doesn't just blindly accept things, they look at everything from all angles first. Otherwise you get sucked down by disinformation when you attempt to just accept what you want to hear. If the government was behind something, then all they have to do is feed you what you want to hear to discredit you. But a real theorist has to cut through by questioning everything, including people who want to profit off of it.

posted on Jul, 24 2006 @ 11:58 PM
In your post you keep talking about the tire rims. Is it not true that the part of the pentagon that was hit coincidently was also under construction? that could explain the small hole in the side of the pentagon and if there were some 3/4 ton pickups outside that where blow away by the forgin object, not a plane, that hit it. and the shell of the missle could also be that peice of debris outside. Wasn't there a little calculation done with the amount of fuel that should have been in the plane for the long haul flight and that amount of fuel burning so hot should have completely destroyed that section of the pentagon, were it a missle? just speculation...

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 12:48 PM
Sorry, you call at least 75feet wide hole "small"? And what do you think is the "shell" of the missile? If you mean the pieces of aluminium in AA paintjob, then it would be a helluva missile. Plus how did they get passangers, luggage, 757 undercarrieage and at least one engine into such a missile? I strongly suspect that the missile would have to be of a 757 size

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by snoopy This is not a conspiracy site.A real conspiracy theorist doesn't just blindly accept things
Huh? It's not? That's hilarious, a guy who believes the official story is implying that I accept things blindly
You're a TROLL snoopy, nothing more, nothing less! Edit: Quote tags [edit on 25/7/2006 by ANOK]

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 08:30 PM
Well, they're just gonna wait until July 5th, 2007 to show this footage 7/5/07 - 757 7/7/07 - hits on Saturday the 7th day of the week (ONLY for those who didnt notice)

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by tuccy Not every angle around but every angle inside - that's the difference. The cameras were set up to guard top-secret departments, safes and so on. The only two external threats perceived as real prior to 0911 were truckbomb and nuke missile. For a truckbomb a camera with 2fps speed is enough and for nuke anything is useless.
Don't you think that they had cameras focused on the helipad just in case some wayward general absconded with a briefcase full of classified documents?

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by ANOK

Originally posted by snoopy This is not a conspiracy site.A real conspiracy theorist doesn't just blindly accept things
Huh? It's not? That's hilarious, a guy who believes the official story is implying that I accept things blindly
You're a TROLL snoopy, nothing more, nothing less! Edit: Quote tags [edit on 25/7/2006 by ANOK]
Send my greetings to fantasy land. Once you figure out what I believe let me know. Thanks for the infantile name calling, I hope it makes you feel like a big person.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 05:04 PM
A 757 hit the Pentagon, the media say. So, can anybody come up with theories which contradict this statement, or support it. We painstakingly discussed both sides of the picture for many years now. So it is time to concentrate on the ANOMALIES in the event. One which interests me the most : Why did it hit specifically on the westwall, and, can we find any substantial proof of any other reason then bad luck for supposed hijackers to hit that least interesting wall? Bad luck ofcourse, out of a perspective from a muslim fanatic, who wants to take as many heathens and as important as they can be, with him as possible. Bad luck, since they missed the main entrance with all the top military and political brass on both sides of it. And please, don't come again with that strange remark, that the west wall was the only one which was not obstructed by buildings. Do you really think we don't have access to Google Earth, maps, or just memory from visiting? The heliport building, the trees, the whole bunch of trailers and cars and spools were there. The main entrance route was clean. Just dive in the bullseye. The main entrance was the BEST propaganda hit imaginable, period! And if Al Qaida was behind it, they very well knew that too. Why was the Pentagon hit at all, why not the White House or the Capitol, which were in the direct line of attack during entrance of Washington airspace of the plane spotted by aircontrollers. And since it was making such a perfect downward spiral at the end, described by aircontrollers as looking as a maneuver from a military plane, why didn't they use the same maneuvre to hit the main entrance? If the pilot was that good, why do people say that he probably overshoot his aim, and had to follow another flight path. That contradicts the observed fluent flying skills of the pilot. I found another interesting piece of the puzzle. Public Works Digest is an unofficial publication of the US Army Corps of Engineers. On page 8 we find a few statements from a close ear/eyewitness :

The area of corridors 3 (around the corner to the right of your photos) and 4 had just been renovated and the vast majority of the Navy Staff had very recently relocated to the new “wedge.” The offices occupied by my colleagues in the Plans, Policies and Operations department (about 250 guys) all had offices in this region, including the Navy Command Center in corridor 4, 1st floor, the rest of us (me included) in corridor 3, 4th floor. The area we had just recently moved OUT of was the corridor 5 area, to the left of the impact site, but which clearly has a lot of fire damage on the TV pics. -snip- I was stupefied. I don't know whether any news reports have been this specific, but the plane hit directly in the Navy Command Center. The affected offices were mostly Navy and Marine Corps. -snip- since almost all of the unaccounted for persons' desks were in the Navy Command Center.
As I said before, to me the NAVY, especially ONI, seemed the target of that strike. And those poor civil auditers, who were conducting that famous inquiry about some 8.3 trillion dollars, missing or unaccounted for, from the Pentagon budgets. On page 6 we find an astonishing remark from an into the Navy married woman :

One woman named Isabel described driving down Columbia Pike with her husband who is in the Navy and works in the Pentagon. Isabel related that the plane flew so low overhead she could only see the silver bottom of the plane and immediately told her husband, “It is headed for the Pentagon. It’s going to hit it!” Eleven seconds later it did. Another man said the plane powered up as it passed over the Navy Annex. Nobody heard of any advance warnings, but I saw many police cars rushing at full speed toward the Pentagon and DC prior to the crash. Clearly somebody knew, somebody must know, they must be responding!
Those police cars racing toward the Pentagon PRIOR to the crash, that is damn strange. Were those the people who had to conviscate all those video camera tapes? She must have seen them on Columbia Pike, where else could she have seen them, prior to themselfs driving down that road? Btw, 11 seconds from spotting the plane to impact tells something about the speed of the plane. Especially when you read the very next lines :

Still, I tried to call 911 on two different cell phones, but all circuits were busy. Fire equipment and ambulances started to arrive. Each vehicle visibly paused as crews looked in stunned disbelief before proceeding to their directed positions. -snip- here, in front of me, the Pentagon was burning and collapsing.
Were they moving on in the direction of the Pentagon after the plane past above them? I suppose so, otherwise she could not have observed the firebrigades and ambulances arrive, and see the Pentagon burn and collapse in front of them, in their car. They must have been driving quite fast, to have been able to arrive at a prime spot to observe all this. But those 11 seconds, did she clock it on her watch? That could be an instinctive attitude of a NAVY bride, so quite possible. In that time, if the plane would have flown 500 miles/hr, or 300 miles/hr, what distance would it have covered? Which are the lowest and highest airspeeds reported (calculated? From what? Those pesky 2 video tapes?). Just calculate for the Navy couple, driving at the beginning, or the end, of Columbia Pike, and all other possible airspeeds lay then inbetween for any other position of them on that road. Calculate the length of Columbia Pike from a few maps, not only in miles or yards, but also in kilometers or meters, just to please the European readers and owners here. I think it would have overshoot the Pentagon with 500 miles/hr easily. Those 11 seconds indicate a much lower airspeed of that plane. And in that case, most of the planes heavier/stronger debris should have ricochetted from the just reinforced west wall of the Pentagon. Because it probably impacted under an angle of 36°. That's about the same max. angle under which you can shuffle a flat pebble over a pond, and let it hop multiple times on the surface. PS: I still believe a big plane collided with the Pentagon, but all the rest of the media explanation I dare to question.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 05:41 PM
" Why did it hit specifically on the westwall, and, can we find any substantial proof of any other reason then bad luck for supposed hijackers to hit that least interesting wall "? I am not sure what interesting is , to you? A burning building with a plethora of witnesses, and people that saw a SILVER 757 or similar ! Have you looked at the surrounding area ? Might be a little something to do with ,unobstructed ? Could be wrong ! The rest I'll tackle later !!! Got a gig tonite !! Read Ya !!!!! Supposed hijackers ????? Any evidence to prove Diff?????None !

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 05:55 PM
are you by any chance a former or present day rapper? Since the way you like to present your thoughts, fit into that pattern. It makes my head buzz, but after having looked at it from different angles, I still can't make out why you choose to behave as you do. Why not address the real questions asked? Why not try to do some math, perhaps for the first time. It can be fun, you know.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 06:05 PM
Cuz I don't answer your question I am daft ? There were , and are alot of questions to answer. Most pretaaay easy. Like I said gotta go, just saw this and had to react ! By the way what math , are you talk'en bout ? The plane hit the pentagone. You have shown nothing to refute that ! That is the thread?? Right? If you missed my last post it was a rebuttle to the previous post. Cheers.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 06:25 PM
Do you have an unnoticed aversion against them? I meant the stacatto kind of expressing yourself. Are you gone by now? OK, perhaps then we can in all tranquillity try to calculate what the max. and min. boundaries of the plane's airspeed -could- have been, according to the mentioned 11 seconds, when compared to the length of the Columbia Pike. Are you really gone by now? Have fun.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 06:26 PM
It hit that wall because its the only one not obscured or having a blocked approach. Some one pointed this out several times already.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 08:56 PM
to go have a good look at Google Earth pictures posted here by the dozen, and dozens of maps from the Pentagon area, with terrain height marker lines in them. Then you would see that the west wall was about the most difficult side to impact, there is a damn hill laying in front of it with a graveyard on it, and with the Navy Annex and a lot of other buildings obstructing a wide approach path. The plane had to make a very distinct approach, to not hit a long radio mast in front of the Annex. It had to dive to bridge the gap between the top of the hill and the still quite high situated ring roads where it clipped the light poles. Then it encountered all the trees, construction trailers and spools, and had to avoid the heliport. Yup, easiests approach path. NOT. The main entrance is the waterfront side. Show me the obstructing buildings please. It's also nice to know, that one of the approach flight pathes of planes landing on one of the runways of the airport, leads as good as over the main entrance of the Pentagon. Do you expect there to be obstacles, while every day when the wind was blowing from the right direction, that runway was used.

Let me first orient you. This is the south side of the building directly facing I-395. This is the heliport, the area, the side of the building where the aircraft impacted. This is the Mall Terrace, where we've built the new remote delivery facility, and most of your are familiar with that. On this side is the River Entrance, which faces the Potomac River, and over on this side is the Metro entrance side, where we're building the new Metro entrance facility. [edit on 30/7/06 by LaBTop]

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 09:35 PM
I'm on dial up. Can you post some pics that show what you mean?

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 10:29 PM
This one's for you Vush !!! You can zoom in on this ! Notice the shadows coming from the obstruction, on the " riverside drive" ! The main entrance while not realy obstructed would be a bad place to try to enter from, because of air traffic.Remember the plane that landed in the river years ago? Lots of traffic to avoid ,not to mention the buildings on the otherside of the river, Hope this helps !!! I had thought it had something in the way from memory, haven't been by it in years though.My bad! I think another issue could have been the entrance to the Pentagon is elevated a couple of floors. It would have left less room for error.This is just memory here anyone else?? . [edit on 30-7-2006 by Duhh] [edit on 31-7-2006 by Duhh]

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 04:55 PM
to even read the full content of your own links? From your own linked website, a much clearer and bigger overview of the Pentagon and its surroundings : You even see the Reagan Airport runway in the far left bottom corner. There is only water in front of the main entrance, no huge building like the Navy Annex to avoid. Just straight plunge in it, after you pretended to going to make an emergency landing on Reagan Airport. Or, you just followed the River Corridor route since you were coming from the west, as prescribed by the FAA aviation laws, and then just make a slow right turn and dump the plane on their doorstep. You, as the pilot, would have had the same chance then to impact under a sharp angle, like was effected in real time on the west wall. And you do not believe I hope, that the military and political brass had their offices below entrance level. Because there are reports that Rumsfeld looked out of his Pentagon office's -windows- next to the entrance, while predicting that the Pentagon would be next, and so it happened. Just try to tell us again, that the west wall was the easiest target. Bullocks! The main entrance route was the least obstructed one. Don't tell me that a pilot who could stear a 757 exactly in the ceiling of the first floor of the west wall, without even making a dent in the grass in front, could not have flown into the wide open main entrance. You read it above, from a solid source, your unconditionally trusted military itself : They hit exactly in the Navy Command Center. Where ONI also had their rooms and computers and equipment. The ONI also had the task to inform the President of the USA of any internal complots brewing against him (or her). His personal ONI liaison officer who probably has warned him of the coming events long before, was also killed in those rooms. Oh, dear, forgot that american politics still seem to have an aversion against a woman in that position. EDIT : Everybody with a bit of brain left will ofcourse see, that an unidentified plane heading to Washington DC coming from the west at a high speed of around 500 miles per hour, after both Towers in New York were hit, wasn't up to anything near good intentions. And those aircontrollers at Dulles and Reagan knew that, and the aircontroller below in the White House bunker knew it, and that's why Cheney said that the "orders still stand" to that aid who reported that the plane was 50, 30, 20 miles out. And that's why those Secret Service men on the grass outside the White House didn't fire their shouldered Stingers that day. [edit on 31/7/06 by LaBTop]

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 05:07 PM
I am not tying to tell you anything. Like you would listen anyway.I don't have the time for long winded posts ! I even said this was from memory. The entrance would be harder to hit. My opinion. You have yours . Relax bro this just a post.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 05:24 PM
I don't looks the least obstructed to me but you really can't tell without seeing an eye level approach line of sight. But whats baffleing me is the implied significance. What difference is it supposed to make one way or the other?

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