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9/11: A Boeing 757 Struck the Pentagon

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posted on Jul, 16 2006 @ 08:21 PM
Um i just happened to notice taking a close look at the rims in the intial post here that are pictured. If all those pictures are from boeing 757's...then the one probem with the one in the wreckage is the discrepancy int he number of tear drop shaped holes punched in the rims. That rim has 8 holes....while the ones pictured below have 10 holes. As an engineer, there's only so many of those holes you can put in that wheel and maintain its structual integrity. Common sense tells me that the wheel pictured in the wreckage was a smaller wheel with a lower weight limit and possibly from a different type of aircraft. Has this been noted yet, i dont have time to read through all 3k posts, so i figured id just throw it up there.

posted on Jul, 16 2006 @ 08:37 PM
There are two Main Landing Gear rims available for the 757. There are pictures of both of them somewhere in the thread. One has 8 holes, one has 10 holes. I don't know why they are different, but they are.

posted on Jul, 16 2006 @ 10:08 PM
FWIW here is a picture I took that shows the 10 holed rim.

posted on Jul, 16 2006 @ 11:21 PM
Show me the rest of the wreckage. Show me definitve proof, and I will believe. What you have shown me are pieces and parts. When it comes right down to it, if this is a conspiracy either view will be hard to prove. That is the trouble with a good conspiracy. The thing that bugs me is "OUR" government seems to always have the answers. It bothers me that the rest of the world looks at Americans and says how can they be so stupid as to believe what their government says, when they have been lied to so many times in the past. How many years did the government deny that there was an area 51? Any person in the world that would like to see where this place is I would be glad to show you. If you want to look it up, it is actually called the Groom Lake Facility, and it's located just north of Las Vegas. It bothers me that we are depending on people to tell us the truth, when the Government of Corporate America tried to lie to the UN to get backing to go after Saddam, "OUR" Government lied to us saying that they went after the Taliban because the Taliban were harboring Bin Laden. All of this is nothing more than an attempt to finesse people into this New World Order. Bush senior talked about it and his son is trying to keep it up. Speaking of his sons, who was head of security for the world trade center prior to 9/11? All I am saying is people need to wake up. Haven't we been lied to long enough?

posted on Jul, 16 2006 @ 11:25 PM
I have to make one change to my last statement I shouldn't have said "finesse" it should have been "terrorized".

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by TruthSeeker68854 Show me the rest of the wreckage. Show me definitve proof, and I will believe. What you have shown me are pieces and parts.
I wonder WHAT do you expect to remain after such a crash other than pieces and parts?

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58 There are two Main Landing Gear rims available for the 757. There are pictures of both of them somewhere in the thread. One has 8 holes, one has 10 holes. I don't know why they are different, but they are.
Probly for the different versions. 757-200 or 757-300. ALso i am sure that other aircraft can use those types of rims too. Like a 737 or 767.

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 05:01 PM
Actually no. I've seen 757-200s that use both of them. A 737 uses a cover over the MLG hub because it doesn't have landing gear doors, and the 767 uses a different rim as well.

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 05:08 PM
Speaking of his sons, who was head of security for the world trade center prior to 9/11? If you had said his son Marvin was on the Securacom board of directors,you would be correct.To state that that made him head of security,is a head scratcher.Prior to 911 is somewhat missleading as well,considering Marvin left in June of 2000.These are not hidden facts.It is interesting the way in which you portray them. [edit on 17-7-2006 by Duhh] [edit on 17-7-2006 by Duhh]

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 09:04 PM
Well being on the board of directors and being the Presidents brother I would assume he had a lot of power within that company, no? IMO he didn't need to be head of the company, his position was enough.

posted on Jul, 17 2006 @ 09:15 PM
Well being on the board of directors and being the Presidents brother I would assume he had a lot of power within that company, no? NO! Not in the way you seem to think.All I can say to that is check into the work most people do,that are on the board of directors for companies.In the upper tier of these folks,Marvin included,sit on numerous boards.Hands on is quite rare,indeed.Hey Wait ! An insurance company, that Marv was on the board sold 2.4 mllion worth of the insurance.I think he got screwed on that deal.Think he would have found a away, to bet more on that darn hand? [edit on 17-7-2006 by Duhh]

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58 Actually no. I've seen 757-200s that use both of them. A 737 uses a cover over the MLG hub because it doesn't have landing gear doors, and the 767 uses a different rim as well.
Also i believe if you look at what else uses those dunlop or goodrich wheels there are a couple of older civilian and military planes that use them. I will see if i can find some pics. [edit on 18-7-2006 by ULTIMA1] [edit on 18-7-2006 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 12:05 AM
This is going off topic, but isn't there just too many coincidences with this whole Bush administration. It just seemes to me that no matter where you look you find some part of the Bush family with their hand on or near freak things that have happened. This is all I am saying. Even getting elected there was problems from a state that is governed by his brother. In his second election they pulled Ohio into it along with Florida. Tell me this is not strange. Are we just watching their family closer because he is in the public eye? Probably. But I think that we have a right to know how and why these things happen. To put things straight to the point: You have a father that in a well known speech brought forth the idea of a New World Order(his exact words). Then you have an elcection that, most of America knows, was fixed. We have a president with the lowest approval ratings of any president in the history of America. During his administration he has made it tougher for Americans to file bankruptcy. He has made policy for the irradication of undesirables(The Patriot Act). All in the name of security. Here is my point: We talk about terrorism and the lives that have been destroyed, this I do not deny is a tragedy. Fear is the main goal of terrorism, more to the point fear of what will happen if they don't do something about it.(Homeland Security) So if a body of people wanted to usher in something such as the New World Order, fear of what might happen if, we the people, don't go along, might be a good way to keep the sheeple moving in tha same direction. I will say it again "9/11 Was a TERRORIST attack planned and executed by the government of coporate America in an attempt to control the minds of the people of the United States to help usher in a one world goverment where people will be bought, sold and traded just as a commodity." So I guess if there are those out there that wish to became slaves then go along with everything. For those that don't, it is time to wake up and see what is actually happening. If you think what I am saying is UN American, your wrong. I am proud to wake up every morning and help build the dreams of others. I thank the people that stay up at night and keep this country moving. I care about those that have lost their lives defending the freedom of this country. I chastise the people that have had the nerve to picket funerals of loved ones lost over seas. These people have died over there under the assumption that they are defending freedom, when they are really just following the orders of a corrupt government. This administration has used 9/11 to launch its most controversial undertakings, and "WE THE PEOPLE" have followed along because we are scared. Isn't that the desired response of TERRORISM. "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." The Declaration of Independence This is all I have for now, I hope that I have maybe opened someones eyes.

posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 12:13 AM
You don't have to explain your politics"Mr Off Topic".They are quite transparent.That can be the only thing feeding this hysteria over the pentagone.Real objective,explains alot about the thoughts on understanding the truth.Thanks for just getting it off your chest.Feel better? Good!Now go watch DA and get some rest.Lots of conspiracies left on the 757's

posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 12:52 PM
here's proof for you: i saw the plane. my middle school was incredibly close to the pentagon (like less than .5 a mile... i was in eighth grade), and i was late for school that day. i saw how close that plane was to the ground and saw where it was headed.... and felt the vibration when it hit the pentagon why is this being debated, anyway??? why do people search for conspiracy so much??? it really cheapens the entire event, and i find it incredibly disrespectful to the many people that died that day, including many people that i happened to know.

posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by strictmachine31 why is this being debated, anyway??? why do people search for conspiracy so much???
Because this is a conspiracy website maybe? Because there are soooo many unanswered questions? Even if it was an actual 757, which it quite possibly was, does not mean it was a 757 flown by Muslims who could barely fly a Cessna. If you take the time to go through and read this long thread you will see there are a lot of oddities, like the passenger list, flight path, lack of debris, photoshoped pictures, confiscated video evidence, moved taxis, etc...etc...etc... If you don't like conspiracies try a different forum.

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by ANOK Even if it was an actual 757, which it quite possibly was, does not mean it was a 757 flown by Muslims who could barely fly a Cessna.
Ever heard that landing is the hardest part of the flight? (Landing in one piece that is) The hijackers (some of them) had problems learning how to land. Guess why they weren't interested? Ever heard that modern control systems enable easier steering of the aircraft? Ever heard of professional simulators? Ever thought about the fact every one of the hijackers who made the pilot training received more flight and simulated flight hours than most of late-war German and Japanese pilots? Ever heard of Kamikaze? Many of them received as little as ONE (1) flight hour training before the mission. Just takeoff, flight in straight line, dive to the target (much smaller than WTC or Pentagon and bristling with AAA fire, not to mention CAP Hellcats)... And guess what? The hijackers didn't even need how to takeoff.

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 02:43 PM
your flight sim remarks gave me another idea. I already explained that I think it will be a very strange feature of a modern onboard flight assistance program, to actually program the west wall of the Pentagon in, as the landing zone. Thus I started to think about one other possibility. Those bad pilots (no doubt about that fact) programmed the normal north bound approach path in the plane's computer, and only took over in the last minute, to force the plane manually down to the first floor entrance hole. That would explain the strange nicely executed circling down to the most uninteresting part of the Pentagon. Perhaps there was no other Reagan Airport approach path, which (nearly) overflew the Pentagon, and which the flight computer allowed to be programmed in. And that's why they could not fly into the main entrance, that laid behind any airport approach path. Ofcourse the chance that the plane was remotely steered into its target by a virtual pilot aboard that C130 "cargo" plane is still heading my list of probabilities, since that couples much better with the serious lying capabilities of the present and past administrations. And its constant presence at all three 9/11 disaster sites. (C130)

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 02:49 PM
Wow that's some C-130 then, since we have a VERIFIED take off time of just minutes before the Pentagon was hit. It somehow took off just before the Pentagon was hit, from WASHINGTON, but yet made it to NY too? Wow, the USAF needs more C-130s like that.

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58 Wow that's some C-130 then, since we have a VERIFIED take off time of just minutes before the Pentagon was hit. It somehow took off just before the Pentagon was hit, from WASHINGTON, but yet made it to NY too? Wow, the USAF needs more C-130s like that.
I think its a little strange about witnesses seeing a small jet and a C-130 at the Penatgon and flight 93 crash site. Seems a little strange, witnesses near flight 93 crash site said thier lights flickered on and off which is a sign that 1 of the planes might have been using a jammer.

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