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Originally posted by rigel4
Thats scary..............
But only you Americans can change your own
Originally posted by rigel4
I hope Americans take their country back to the golden Era of "The American Dream".
In a leaked letter sent to Spain’s outgoing President, the US ambassador to the country warned that as punishment for not passing a SOPA-style file-sharing site blocking law, Spain risked being put on a United States trade blacklist . Inclusion would have left Spain open to a range of “retaliatory options” but already the US was working with the incoming government to reach its goals.
United States government interference in Spain’s intellectual property laws had long been suspected, but it was revelations from Wikileaks that finally confirmed the depth of its involvement. More than 100 leaked cables showed that the US had helped draft new Spanish copyright legislation and had heavily influenced the decisions of both the government and opposition. Now, another diplomatic leak has revealed how the US voiced its anger towards outgoing President Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero last month upon realizing that his government was unlikely to pass the US-drafted Sinde (site blocking) Law before leaving office. In a letter dated December 12th and sent by US Ambassador Alan D. Solomont to the Spanish Prime Minister’s office, the US expressed “deep concern” over the failure to implement the SOPA-style censorship law. “The government has unfortunately failed to finish the job for political reasons, to the detriment of the reputation and economy of Spain,” read the letter obtained by El Pais. Racing against the clock in the final days of the government, Solomont had one last push. “I encourage the Government of Spain to implement the Sinde Law immediately to safeguard the reputation of Spain as an innovative country that does what it says it will, and as a country that breeds confidence,” he wrote. But along with the pleas came the stick. In the letter, which was also sent to Minister of Culture Ángeles González-Sinde after whom the law is named, Solomont noted that Spain is already on the Special 301, the annual report prepared by the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) detailing ‘trade barriers’ based on intellectual property issues. Solomont’s threat was that should Spain not pass the Sinde Law (described by some as the Spanish SOPA) then the country would be degraded further and placed on the Priority Watch List. This serious step would mean that Spain was in breach of trade agreements and could be subjected to a range of “retaliatory actions”. In the event Zapatero’s government left office without passing the law, but the incoming Partido Popular (People’s Party) were quickly pressured by the US to take the necessary action. In another media leak it’s now been revealed that American Chamber of Commerce in Spain chief Jaime Malet wrote a cautionary letter to incoming Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy. He warned of the potential flight of foreign investment from Spain and urged him to take action on the protection of intellectual property once in office. “[The law's] lack of approval before the elections has been a blow to the country’s seriousness in this matter of such importance,” said Malet, while urging Rajoy to “to retrieve the consensus reached.” Rajoy’s government quickly responded and fully implemented the legislation within 10 days of taking office.
"My administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens," Obama said in the signing statement. "Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a nation."
Online forums, and social networking freedoms in general, help to spread disent and opposition to overt control by the MSM and the government.
SOPA is the most dangerous threat to free speech ever proposed by the US government.
Originally posted by Stormdancer777
Originally posted by rigel4
Thats scary..............
But only you Americans can change your own
Yes, my grandparents came here to escape, and now it has caught up to us. there is nowhere left to run nowhere left to hide,
Our leaders all betray us, where are the great warriors whose cry was freedom?
Who is willing to make the sacrifice?
Slowly but surely our rights have been taken from us,
They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!
Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
Originally posted by beezzer
What would the internet look like if this were to pass?
We're going to be running a "semi-dark" site-wide protest soon. That will help you visually understand what much of the Internet would look like.