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'US deploys troops in Israel for Iran war'

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posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 01:30 PM
Well something is afoot in Israel. While job searching, I came across a job opening (Satellite Communications Systems Specialist) with ITT Exelis supporting the US Army in Israel. I applied for it to see what happens.
edit on 6-1-2012 by bg_socalif because: fat fingers

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 01:46 PM
It is the duty of every soldier to not obey illegal orders.

If "he" had real guts he would have opted for prison rather than fight in a war that had no consitutional authority behind it.

The president, for your information, can not declare war.

Read the constitution and this is not your thread but I see you have an issue with the First Amendment.

Here is what a true patriot looks like for your reference.

US Soldiers rape Iraqi girl of 14 murder infant sister

Then the Army and Bush administration lie about it like the whole war was al lie and you defend "following orders?"

Originally posted by Jerisa
reply to post by BRAVO949

He was sent there by his commander in Chief. He was doing his job, how dare you be so critical of someone who was putting his life on the line, so YOU didn't have to? Get out of my Thread.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 01:48 PM
Just a small update (DEBKA, but this time is reliable), US will send 9,000 troops, missile specialists, etc. for the exercise.

9,000...this won't be an exercise.You don't need 9,000 troops for a missile exercise.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 02:03 PM
Here is another soldier who kills innocent people just because he's told to. He also talks about knocking out 60 year old Jesse Ventura.

Fighting for your country only existed before the Rothschilds.

Now you're fighting for corporations.

If the commander and chief sent you, flip him the bird and tell him to go fight instead

I have had a brother of mine wounded fighting these stupid wars. My brother lived but his blood was spilled and I don't try and pretend it was for a good cause

I can't believe people still believe this stuff.

Now your brothers and Sisters are stationed in and around Israel about to fight another Zionist war and you people are so proud

I'm mad as hell my brother was over there fighting your wars, not proud.
edit on 6-1-2012 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Sorry but...I've never heard of a sniper taking out "innocent people"

That's not exactly what they do...

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 03:31 PM
Deleted by user

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 03:39 PM
It's called sabre-rattling. The world has been doing it since WW2 ended. Nothing will happen. USA has 20,000 troops in S Korea for god knows how many years - nothings happened. Just one of the long list of US military presences. Maybe something will happen if the nut job government of Iran threaten to blow Israel off the map or close the worlds jugular oil vein, like they have so threatened.

OR Iran could just quit their nuke program and stop dishing out threats left, right and centre. So stupid that they think they could win a war against the USA and its allies.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 03:49 PM
Roger - I read you.

That is left to helicopter gunships.

These people who don't understand how the military works, I tell you!

You are obviously and expert and know about every aspect of Iraq and know that no American has ever in the history of the US miltary ever committed a war crime, right?

Originally posted by apodictic
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Sorry but...I've never heard of a sniper taking out "innocent people"

That's not exactly what they do...

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

First I'd like to say that's a good first video. I admire that guy.

Second, you are aware that a lot of people don't think "OMG CONSPIRACY" about everything, right? There are actually people who believe what they are doing is about 9/11 and haven't even heard of ATS.

Third, yeah, we get it, sometimes soldiers do bad things. War has a way of #ing with your head and emotions. The way you put that together with the quote, shows your intentions are advertising that someone "doing their job" is raping innocent people. What concerns me, however, is how you in all your "patriotic" glory, don't seem to be giving any attention to the rapes and murders that are going on in your own country who have NOT been mentally affected by combat.

Instead, why not show videos like this?

Or this?

Of course not, you enjoy only showing the negative slant of things.

Not to mention YOU don't know the personal reasons these soldiers joined. Maybe some of them had a brother or sister who died in Iraq, and then they enlisted because they were angry. Or like in the first video you posted, they're doing the job that pays the most that they can get at the moment to support their family. Or maybe they are trying to use the GI Bill to put themselves or their kid through school.

Your propaganda is just as slanted as the MSM propaganda is. You're just demonizing soldiers and associating anyone in the war as rapists and civilian murderers. Give me a break.

There's bad people in EVERY part of society. You're not showing the soldiers who follow the Rules of Engagement. Only what you want people to see so you can get your little stars. I hope they make you feel real special, because you're sure as hell not doing anything worth while here.

Edit to add: No need to be condescending because someone who's been there disagrees with your view point.
edit on 6-1-2012 by apodictic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

Would you pick up det cords or ammunition if you saw it?

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 04:18 PM
Thousands of US troops land in Israel. Aircraft carrier coming soon

According to Debka some 9000 troops have arrived, along with an Aircraft Carrier some time later. Looks like there getting geared up to take Iran, possibly NK too.


Thousands of US troops began descending on Israel this week. Senior US military sources told debkafile Friday, Jan. 6 that many would be staying up to the end of the year as part of the US-IDF deployment in readiness for a military engagement with Iran and its possible escalation into a regional conflict. They will be joined by a US aircraft carrier. The warplanes on its decks will fly missions with Israeli Air Force jets. The 9,000 US servicemen gathering in Israel in the coming weeks are mostly airmen, missile interceptor teams, marines, seamen, technicians and intelligence officers.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Recollector
Just a small update (DEBKA, but this time is reliable), US will send 9,000 troops, missile specialists, etc. for the exercise.

9,000...this won't be an exercise.You don't need 9,000 troops for a missile exercise.

Then maybe you should research exactly how many personnel are attached to support units.

Secondly, link to source please.

Third, simply stating something from Debka is reliable doesnt work. Whats makes this article more reliable than the other lies they push?

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by I AM LEGION

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
In the Middle East....American troops will not try to harm a child.

Oh look someone forgot about the Abu Gharib and the numerous assassinations, raping of underage girls by US armed forced in Iraq and Afghanistan so soon. Do you want me to post the link? Quite frankly it'll be a waste of time why dont you just google it.
edit on 6-1-2012 by I AM LEGION because: Removed US approved BS and propaganda by SplitInfinity

There is always going to be a certain level of abuses in ANY group of people of certain numbers. This is true for every group or country in the world. As far as your concentration on U.S. act as if the Leadership and Religious Leadership of Middle Eastern Nations are not highly abusive to their people and especially women and anyone who does not agree to their Stoneage adherence to Islamic law.

I have been to the Middle East....HAVE YOU? I think not because if you had then you would have a totally different opinion and perspective on these issues. Leadership there is based on an ancient Religious/Feudal tribal system where in the case that one ancient tribes member has come to a possition of power....they slaughter the other ancient tribal rival members.

Education is the key and not a Madrassa terorist creating system. U.S. Soldiers are not all perfect...but I don't see any other group of soldiers from any other nation...helping build schools or handing out toys , candy and medical supplies.

The fact is that the U.S. puts up with alot of crap...if someone pushes hard enough...we push back...and all watch as the original agressor CRIES. Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 05:04 PM
I'm sure its already been posted but to lazy to say but its for a massive drill planned in the gulf but i wonder if this would lead to the war

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 05:28 PM
As I have previously posted...there is a large influx of Americans into Israel right now....but these are hired x-Military personel as I know some people going and I was asked as well even though I am not Military. The reasons for this is two fold.

1. To use these highly trained Combat Vets....and as far as I am aware....everyone who is going or has been asked has been in the thick of shore up any possible holes in defense as although the IDF is a highly effective force....they need consultants to tell them what would be an American Response if we did this or that....or what can you tell us that we...the IDF don't know about Iran.

2. To give the appearence that the U.S. is covertly preparing for an immenent invasion of IRAN. This will actually happen if either of these next two scenarios occur. A. Iran actually attempt to close the straight and uses Naval power against any shipping .....B. Iran develops a Nuclear Weapon and openly declares as much.

If A. or B. happen....Israel will want to attack immediatly. The only thing that has prevented an Israeli attack so far....because if it was just up to them....they would have already done the U.S. threats to cut off aid to Israel if they do not follow the U.S. lead and process of dealing with Iran.

Lastly...for those of you who continually boast that Iran will kick or Butts....STOP DREAMING! These kinds of statements are not only illogical and militarily impossible from an Iranian veiwpoint....but they make this type of poster look really uninformed and stupid. You cannot compare the Iranian Military to even one sub-group...the USN's Fifth Fleet. The Fifth Fleet is just one tiny portion of the entirety of the U.S. Navy...never mind all the other branches of U.S. Military Forces....that's it! Just one little carrier group...with the capability to defeat an entire country. So....PLEASE...stop with warping your own sense of reality....have a beer instead. Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 06:03 PM
APOD - I am not just addressing this to you but to the entire segment of American society that think and acts the way you do.

People from all around the world are reading this and many of them are thinking, "Wow, Americans just don't get it!"

You don't get it.

The OP is about US troops deployed to the Apartheid state of Israel to advance the ideology of hate called Zionism that the whole world rejects because it is built on a foundation of pure racism and Isreal has been murdering innocent people for 60 years.

But, you don't get that because you have either never picked up a book in your life or you are so deeply sucked into the propaganda vortex of American Exceptionalism that you can not grasp reality.

You should print out this post and a couple of your posts and keep them so when you are 80 years old you can read them and tell yourself, "My God, I can not believe I wrote that and that I felt that way 50 years ago."

Iraq and Afghanistan were complete and total lies from A to Z. Do you not actually know that?

No American soldier or marine had any right to be anywhere near those countries and any good you did has to be subtracted from the 1.5 million lives you were part of ending and the billions of dollars of value you destroyed.

We are not talking about you cheering for the Cowboys and me cheering for the Raiders. We are talking about Americans kiling people and destroying a whole region of the world and the United States along with it.

Now, the misguided want to help the hell-hole state of Israel in an attack on Iran and you are ready to go!

I am not going to pretend that represents anything patriotic. It is either ignorant or psychotic and nothing to be proud of.

Just like you would fight to the death and use any means possible to defend your country an Iraqi or Afghan has the right to use sticks, stones and det-cord to kill Americans or any other people that are ruining their country and culture.

I am sure you don't feel bad if a home invader is killed in San Diego while breaking into someone's house so why should anyone feel bad about an American soldier or marine getting killed who does not have the sense to know that they are participating in an illegal war.

But, I do feel sorry for all of you men and women who have been sucked into thinking you are fighting for your country and I actually don't want you to even get shot at let alone killed.

If instead of spending one trillion dollars on military crap and intel BS we spent it on education we would not have to explain to a 25 year old why siding with Israel and attacking Iran is an immoral, unwise and the exact opposite of what Christianity is all about.

Originally posted by apodictic
reply to post by BRAVO949

Would you pick up det cords or ammunition if you saw it?

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

You're assuming I don't get it. I'm just tired of the hatred for people who join the military with nothing but good intentions in mind, and then get sent off to do things they had no idea they would be sent off to do.

To be honest, I don't give a flyyyyying # about Israel. I AM worried about Iran's nuclear capabilities and their willingness to use them because I know they would use them against Israel, and then our idiotic government would retaliate for them. I'm worried about MY country, MY well being, and my family's well being in the event of a very likely global nuclear conflict. I can see it panning out already.

If Iran manages to get a nuke developed before a war starts, I hope then you'll see what I've been trying to say. This is no longer just about our corrupt government, it's about the repercussions against my home - not to mention the rest of the world - if nuclear weapons are utilized. Really, think about the situation.
edit on 6-1-2012 by apodictic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 06:38 PM
Okay, maybe I was wrong maybe you do get it or part of it.

Whatever the number of intel agencies we have all got togehter a few years ago and said flatly Iran had no n-weapons program - period.

This latest BS about Iran is just that - BS.

Israel is the problem and can not have a successful Muslim nation anywhere near it and the moment any nation does pop up Israel pounds them down.

Iran with a nuke is a hell of a lot less of a worry than Israel with 400 of them.

Since you do get it then you must know about Israel's "Samson Option" in which they have targetted all of Southern Europe so if Israel goes everyone goes.

Now, if that is not the product of a sick ideology I don't what is.

And yes I have lived in the Middle East so you can not say I don't know what I am talking about.

President Kennedy tried to prevent Israel from ever getting nukes and if you read about the sneaky, lying, cheating things they did to us to get them and the participation of Jewish organized crime in that process you would be convinced that Israel is the problem.

And, yes I do have an agenda and I don't think I have ever tried to hide it. My agenda is to warn everyone that Zionism and its sister ideology Communism started both WWI and WWII which led to the death of over 100,000,000 people and now they are sharping the knives for WWIII.

Originally posted by apodictic
reply to post by BRAVO949

You're assuming I don't get it. I'm just tired of the hatred for people who join the military with nothing but good intentions in mind, and then get sent off to do things they had no idea they would be sent off to do.

To be honest, I don't give a flyyyyying # about Israel. I AM worried about Iran's nuclear capabilities and their willingness to use them because I know they would use them against Israel, and then our idiotic government would retaliate for them. I'm worried about MY country, MY well being, and my family's well being in the event of a very likely global nuclear conflict. I can see it panning out already.

If Iran manages to get a nuke developed before a war starts, I hope then you'll see what I've been trying to say. This is no longer just about our corrupt government, it's about the repercussions against my home - not to mention the rest of the world - if nuclear weapons are utilized. Really, think about the situation.
edit on 6-1-2012 by apodictic because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-1-2012 by BRAVO949 because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-1-2012 by BRAVO949 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

Now I have heard of the Samson Option but I will also say that I haven't seen evidence that it's true. As far as I know it's alleged and most likely seems like a scare tactic to keep people thinking twice.

I'm not doubting that Zionist Israel is a big part of the problem, but so is Iran. Both of them have been at it for years and personally I think we'd be better off without both of them. Islamic extremism is not an ideology that I'm too fond of, and either is Jewish extremism. They are basing all of their moves off of their belief systems and what their holy book is telling them to do. That kind of backwards thinking along with weapons of mass destruction is a seriously messed up combination. I understand what Mossad and the CIA have worked together to do, and I understand about the Israeli spies in the US. I also suspect there was a hidden motive behind Iraq, but I'm not sure what. Possibly a breach of government and control of state.

I don't understand what outcome is supposed to be achieved by doing all of this, though.

PS If Iran gained the ability to create nuclear weapons, I can assure you it wouldn't be only one.
edit on 6-1-2012 by apodictic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:29 PM
Hmmm, contrary to what my air force friends say maybe there are a few smart marines!

A couple of points.

Iran scary - scores about 1.

Israel scary - scores 11 on the ten point scale.

The word Israel means "struggles with God."

Islam means "peace."

I am not religious but I think those two words tell us a lot

There are millions and millions of peaceful Muslim but there is only one kind of Zionist and that is radical Zionist. Just like we don't normally say cold ice we usually just say Zionist, the radical being implied.

There are Jews who love peace but no Zionist who do.

Gilad Atzmon - Jew, genius, jazz master, comedian and hero.

Originally posted by apodictic
reply to post by BRAVO949

Now I have heard of the Samson Option but I will also say that I haven't seen evidence that it's true. As far as I know it's alleged and most likely seems like a scare tactic to keep people thinking twice.

I'm not doubting that Zionist Israel is a big part of the problem, but so is Iran. Both of them have been at it for years and personally I think we'd be better off without both of them. Islamic extremism is not an ideology that I'm too fond of, and either is Jewish extremism. They are basing all of their moves off of their belief systems and what their holy book is telling them to do. That kind of backwards thinking along with weapons of mass destruction is a seriously messed up combination. I understand what Mossad and the CIA have worked together to do, and I understand about the Israeli spies in the US. I also suspect there was a hidden motive behind Iraq, but I'm not sure what. Possibly a breach of government and control of state.

I don't understand what outcome is supposed to be achieved by doing all of this, though.

PS If Iran gained the ability to create nuclear weapons, I can assure you it wouldn't be only one.
edit on 6-1-2012 by apodictic because: (no reason given)

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