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History of Palestine

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posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by dilly1

But Palestine had an Arab majority, that lived there for more than 1500 years.

That isn't even close to being true.

The Arab invasion into "Palestine" occurred in the late 7th century.

And then there was the brief Persian rule, the conflicts between the Abbasids and Umayyads, the Mongol invasion, the crusades....... The demographics in the holy land were constantly fluctuating, and no one group of people, certainly not Arabs in a nomadic middle east, stayed in one place for 1500 years. It simply did not happen.

And then look at the history just prior to the Zionist emigration to Palestine.

Muhammad Ali of Egypt invaded the Levant in 1834 and during it his armies displaced thousands of native residents and replaced them with fresh Egyptian emigrants (this is a common practice in conquering new lands, where the old inhabitants are removed, and residents from the conquering empire are brought in to settle the land; this prevents any possible rebellion on the part of the native population).

And then there's the much maligned - (although the attacks on the book are entirely unsubstantiated. Calling something a forgery doesn't mean anything without proving it) Joan Peters book "from time immemorial", which cites Syrian documents and Ottoman documents of migrations in and out of the region . One particular Syrian document, I believe from 1931, has 30,000 Syrians illegally entering Palestine in 1 month alone. This is from a Syrian document! Said haphazardly by a Syrian official who obviously wasn't considering the political implications of revealing that.

and yes even Jordanian and Palestinian accents are different to an extent)

Interesting. This despite the fact that Jordan is made up of 70% Palestinian Arabs (Before Jordan became Jordan, it was the Eastern Bank of the British Palestinian Mandate)....

Just to clarify: Canadians in Barrie Ontario speak slightly different from Canadians in Toronto. But this doesn't merit granting them a brand new national identity.

As for the culture; why exactly do so many Arabs say, like Zuheir Mohsen, that the Arab culture of the Levant is more or less identical, from Beirut in Lebanon, to Damascus in Syria, to Nablus in Palestine, to Amman in Jordan.

Are you saying the European post world war I creation of Arab states in the middle east is based on real cultural differences, and not geopolitical considerations, such as resources, strategic location, etc? If that were so, where's the state for the Kurds?
... Surely, speaking a different language (Kurdish), possessing a different culture, would merit a national Kurdish state - which indeed, as far as history goes, was a promise the British made to the Kurds prior to WWI, before political considerations and deals (with rich Arab princes) got in the way. Instead of a Kurdistan - a state for the REAL Kurdish people - , the Arabs got another state, Iraq, led by the brother of King Abdullah of Jordan, Faisal Al Hashemi....

This isn't political cronyism?.
.. Please.....This was the ultimate trifecta. The same family - the hashemites - through their political bargains with the British, got control of Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Iraq, despite the Hashemite's being from one small portion of the middle east, the Hedjaz (this should highlight the complete ruse of Arab claims.....If they don't have a problem with a Hashemite non-palestinian, ruling in Jordan, if of course these regions constitute a COMPLETELY different Arab people - haha, not at all, the modern Jordanian is made up of Arabs from around the middle east and north Africa - then why do they complain about Israel?? Again, the Zuheir Mohsen quote is here so salient. The Arabs want national unity, from Mauritania, to the Gulf states... After Palestine is 'won', they will probably consolidate into one greater, more centralized grand Arab state, or caliphate...

The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct Palestinian people to oppose Zionism.

For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.

Just because the Modern State of Israel, has the same name as Ancient Israel, means nothing. Let's just consider it was called "Euro-Jew land".

Why Euro-Jew land?? You realize, over half the Jews living in Israel today are Mizrachi (meaning "eastern") - from Arab North Africa, the Middle East, Turkey and Persia..

4 million Israeli's are Mizrachi

Just try and absorb that number, and try to count the number of generations that have been living there.

What about the diaspora customs, or rather, religious yearnings, to return to Eretz Yisrael? The very idea of the Jewish estrangement from the land of Israel is called "Galuth" (exile) and for 1800 years, Jews have prayed 3 times a day towards Jerusalem. On Yom Kippur, Jews would finish their dinners with the toast, "Next year in Jerusalem", echoing their ancestral hope to return to Israel, to the land of their national birth..
edit on 26-12-2011 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by dilly1

who pressured the UK to promise them the land in Palestine?

Actually, that was mostly the work of British politicians, such as Loyd George, Winston Churchill, etc.

If you actually study the history of political Zionism, it began as a grassroots movement. The rich Jewish bankers, such as the Rothschilds, and other British and German aristocratic bankers, refused to discuss the topic of a Jewish national home in Palestine. Only few British Jews of wealth were willing to help (like Moses Montefiore) and even then, only for emigration, and not for what Herzl later articulated in his "Jewish state", or what Mizrachi (the religious zionist movement) wanted i.e. a state in Palestine.

Not until Chaim Weizmann came on the scene did their tune change. And ultimately, not until after the holocaust did they have the political clout to get it accomplished.

edit on 26-12-2011 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by ghash

If you believe in a God that actually advocates for stealing another people's country who have lived there for 1400 years or so, generation upon generation, and also the killing of everyone who stands in the way of the Zionists; then by all means, you are simply a fantastic person and the "God" you seem to have formulated in your mind is one which will lead to the peril of everyone.

You know, when you put it that way, it sounds an awful lot like the Islamic Armies that took over Byzantine Syria, the entire Levant, Mesopotamia, Persia, North Africa, al Andalus, and attempted the entire rest of Europe, all in the name of a bloodthirsty god.

Frankly, I believe the Arabs ought to find a better argument than crying that someone took a land and killed the inhabitants.

edit on 2011/12/26 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 02:39 PM
There is no Palestine or Palestinian people.

On March 31, 1977, the Dutch newspaper Trouw published an interview with Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee member Zahir Muhsein. Here's what he said:

"The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism."

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by dontreally

First of all that is not my quote.

You are correct the arab nation invaded the middle east around the 7th century. But that doesn't mean there weren't middle eastern semetic people living in Palestine way before Islam,Romans and the greek invasions.

Then you put another quote ,about jordanians , that is not from me. Are you stupid? Do you even check what you post?

Since your very boring long post is a total screw up. I won't respond into detail what you're trying say. My god what an annoying rant. I couldn't even QUOTE your way too long irrelevant post.

But I will say this . Before WWI there many (real)jewish communities living all over the middle east and north africa. Living peacefully with christians and muslims. The Zionist Ashkenazi Jews screwed everything up . That is a Fact. The Zionist planned/started the Nazi movement to create international hatred towards the German people and create sympathy for the jewish people; at the same time the excuse to create a mass exodus of jews to Palestine could be justified do to the creation of the Nazi's. There was full, half and quarter ashkenazi jews in the Nazi party and SS as soldiers( up to generals). There was never 6million dead jews. That was lie just like all of jewish propaganda.

Your clueless and misinformed about what is practical and realistic.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by ghash

Palestinian is a broad term as irrelevant as "American people".

That is why the Palestinians do not exist.

When the Caliphate came in and took over, they sold the land off to mobile tribes and gave them settling rights.

Practically the only true natives left are a few brown skinned Jews and Christians. But you're all quick to forget this.

Fact: Palestinian is an invented term from Rome for the Philistines, whom the Romans wished to rewrite history to look like the Jews loss to.

FACT: As of the Roman diaspora a generation after Christ, the land has had no natives. It has been constantly flushed in and out with people from as far away as Iran to as near as Greece.

Palestine doesn't exist. Palestinian doesn't exist. It's simply an invented term to try and divide Jews and Muslims to fabricate a war that has no reason to exist.
edit on 26-12-2011 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 05:31 PM
So basically what everyone is saying, just because two thousand years ago the Jews were the majority, were kicked out, and then they went to Europe (the majority) and lived there for centuries. Others preferred to settle in other parts of the Middle East, then the entire region actually fluctuated between different people, but the Arab Muslims were the majority in that region ever since the 7th century.

But you are all supporting a state which arose by killing, displacing and threatening the rest with the same thing, and then allowed hundreds of thousands of Jews from all over the world, when it couldn't establish a Jewish majority, it kicked out even more Palestinians.
The Palestinians apologise to the rest of the world because they did not live there since the creation of the Earth, they also apologise for not giving up their land (which they owned 97%) and lived there for dozens of generations.
I say we genetically test every person in this world, and just start overthrowing nations, murdering their people, displacing them and not allow them to ever come back.

The Hashemite might have been given the right to govern all those newly independent states which fought and overthrew the Ottoman Empire, but they were not forced upon the people, there is a Islamic tradition called "mubaya'a" in which the tribes living there negotiated and established allegiance to the rulers.
The Arabs decided that their own interests are deeply rooted with that of the Hashemites, and thus how they came into power.

If you people simply agree that since it once happened in history, its okay to happen again; and I honestly wouldn't wish this on anyone no matter how much I dislike them or disagree with them, but even in a couple thousands of years or less, if anything like that happens to the Israelis or any other nation, where they are displaced simply because someone's ancestors was living there 10,000 years ago, killed, threatened, and attacked by terrorist organizations, then let's see their reaction then.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 05:45 PM
And since some people think that just because I'm an Arab, I support killing and throwing out all the Jews and destroying Israel, I do NOT in anyway support that.
As an Arab, I admit that Israel is way stronger than the entire Arab region's armies together, I also admit that Israel will not perish any time soon.

Simply, all I want of Israel is to negotiate actual peace with those people, two states, with Jerusalem (the most important part) to be governed by the UN, where it is under International control. Those invented people that never existed but somehow seem to be trapped in Gaza and other cities, and are living in refugee camps simply for the fun of it, should be somehow compensated for financially and given full citizenship of the new Palestinian state to be established. (Same as Jews and Israel is for the holocaust -- if you didn't know that)

And all I want of Arabs is to simply admit that Israel will be there for a very long time, and that organizations which attack Israel in retaliation to what they're doing to the Palestinians will not stop them, it will only aggravate them and lead to the demise of us all.

And I admit even this solution is flawed, and this is the sad thing, is that when we have reached the twenty-first century, after two world wars, and hundreds of different wars throughout the world, history repeated every time, and we still haven't learned our lessons. We all need to realise that as a race, the only way we will progress is that we all forgive and forget, almost every group of people have been persecuted at some point in history, let's all just move on.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 06:07 PM
We could go on for ages by my take is this, that those who were before Moses arrived were the Annunaki and Canaanite races which were savage people in which God did not have favour with, the Annunaki were giant races or hybrids in which God wanted destroyed before they consumed the earth and Moses defeated them and took Palestine from them and later on the Bible says some remnants exist there today by the coast. So if these people feel like they are decended from them and they feel proud then they are wrong.

So since Moses had favour from God over these people and land they were allowed to make it theres because they were more civilised and pure bloods from Adam without defect from other angelic breeds.

So they were allowed to keep it as theirs since the were the centre of holiness and the land became covenant land meaning to the Israelites. The actual covenant land of Israel is from the River Nile all the way to Iraq the Euphaties River were Eden is situated but since ancient times Empires have wanted it for them selves and the Israelites had been scatted many time over for various reasons from not losing the battles but straying away to other gods. But with Faith I believe God made them win back their land in 1948 and no one has stopped it since, the Bible tells that the end times involves nations against Israel as a spiritual war because the Messiah/Christ will return there, because of this evil will increase and will bring about the end of days.

Ezekiel 30

4 A sword will come against Egypt,
and anguish will come upon Cush.
When the slain fall in Egypt,
her wealth will be carried away
and her foundations torn down.

5 Cush and Libya, Lydia and all Arabia, Kub and the people of the covenant land will fall by the sword along with Egypt.

6 “‘This is what the LORD says:

“‘The allies of Egypt will fall
and her proud strength will fail.
From Migdol to Aswan
they will fall by the sword within her,
declares the Sovereign LORD.
7 “‘They will be desolate
among desolate lands,
and their cities will lie
among ruined cities.
8 Then they will know that I am the LORD,
when I set fire to Egypt
and all her helpers are crushed.

Because it is covenant land the rulers will always be cursed and treate their people with barbaric laws short of the standard of Canaanite races, their land and people will remain isolated and in the dry dessert heat, it will not rain for them and their laws will make then fight each other and hate their own kind.

Had Israel remained all this would not have happened, it would have been pure Jews vs other Jews, but instead it is Cousin vs Cousin, Isaac vs Ishmael, 1.5 billion Ishmaelites vs Jewish land of a few million, they will kill each other first and then make friends and have a hand in wanted to destroy Israel as a people and when that happens God will use his judgements in a big way.

The future is arriving when man will side with Palestine and their fatal mistake will be no different to how the Nazi's came about as some good idea and then it will be too late.

Ezekiel 20:34

- "I will bring you from the nations and gather you from the countries where you have been scattered -- with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with outpoured wrath."

Isaiah 11:11-12 NIV

- "In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the remnant that is left of his people from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Upper Egypt, from Cush, from Elam, from Babylonia, from Hamath and from the islands of the sea. He will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel; he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four quarters of the earth."

Isaiah 66:8 NIV

- "Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labour than she gives birth to her children."

edit on 26-12-2011 by The time lord because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by dontreally

Muhammad Ali of Egypt invaded the Levant in 1834 and during it his armies displaced thousands of native residents and replaced them with fresh Egyptian emigrants (this is a common practice in conquering new lands, where the old inhabitants are removed, and residents from the conquering empire are brought in to settle the land; this prevents any possible rebellion on the part of the native population).

Kind of reminds you of Israel dosen't it? Just a curious observation. No wonder laws were created against doing so.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 06:53 PM
Reading this post, I just decided I no longer care. I have decided that it does not matter. Why you may ask,,, because soon the surrounding countries, along with others, will attack and attempt to destroy Israel and take her by force. When Israel annihilates all of these aggressors, no ones opinion will be of any importance. The land will be hers, along with lands that comprise an amount many many times her present size. Once again we will see a great lesson in, "Be careful what you wish for!" You want war with Israel, and war with Israel you shall have, at your own peril!

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by SpeachM1litant

Not at all.

No Palestinians were removed from Israel.

The area initially settled by Jews - the north eastern portion (since the rest of Palestine was barred to them for settlement by the British) had 30,000 Arabs. None were deported or displaced. On the contrary, Jewish settlement ENCOURAGED migration, which makes sense, since Jewish monies were pouring into Palestine, building an industrial base, which meant job creation.

The rest of the story is the fault of the Arabs. They could have left the tiny portion to the Jews alone; but nope... they felt the need to attack them, then they lost - and the losers lost land, as war goes, and those residents in the Galilee, west bank etc, who were forced out, can only logically blame the Arab league for rejecting UN dictation(OH NO! Someone such as yourself who champions international law should be aghast at the Arabs for not obeying the UN partition plan of 1947).

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 07:21 PM
more than 9 out of 10 of the so called "jews" in israel today have no ancestral claim to the land

nothing in the bible marks their history to that land nor matches any of their claims

Jesus was NOT jewish, he was a nazarene, a Judean. and today's JEW is NOT a short form of the word Judea

secondly there were 12 tribes of israel, ONE being Judah. as the new word Jew is supposed to be a short form of Judah.. how can JEW account for the rest 11 tribes?

as long as this judeo-christian hypocritic alliance of master and slave continues to be forged, you will have stupid debates like this, arguing about land NEITHER party (current day arab, OR jew) have any ancestral claim to.
but if we were to leave religion and history aside for a few seconds, then the Palestinians of course have a stronger claim to the land.

but historically, none of these european migrants and arab invading settlers are the ancestral owners of the land they fight over today.

Abraham was not jewish, he was an israelite, a Hebrew, Jacob was not Jewish, he was an israelite..a Hebrew, as was Joseph and all the patriarchs these imposters claim were their ancestors.

the lie that has been told to humanity for the last 1000 yrs over these flaim claimants is today responsible for majority of the world's problems and most pertinent problem, because US and EU foreign policy all centres around keeping their "ally" (more like slave master) sweet.

Yet, the people they are so hell bent on starting WW3 for have no right to be there, yet they claim to be biblical, yet they do not see all the evident signs that completely Rule nearly every one in israel today claiming to be 'jewish' or using the bible as proof of their jewry.

"my people die of lack of knowledge".

the Master said it himself
edit on 26-12-2011 by pirell because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by ghash
So basically what everyone is saying, just because two thousand years ago the Jews were the majority, were kicked out, and then they went to Europe (the majority) and lived there for centuries. Others preferred to settle in other parts of the Middle East, then the entire region actually fluctuated between different people, but the Arab Muslims were the majority in that region ever since the 7th century.

But you are all supporting a state which arose by killing, displacing and threatening the rest with the same thing, and then allowed hundreds of thousands of Jews from all over the world, when it couldn't establish a Jewish majority, it kicked out even more Palestinians.
The Palestinians apologise to the rest of the world because they did not live there since the creation of the Earth, they also apologise for not giving up their land (which they owned 97%) and lived there for dozens of generations.
I say we genetically test every person in this world, and just start overthrowing nations, murdering their people, displacing them and not allow them to ever come back.

The Hashemite might have been given the right to govern all those newly independent states which fought and overthrew the Ottoman Empire, but they were not forced upon the people, there is a Islamic tradition called "mubaya'a" in which the tribes living there negotiated and established allegiance to the rulers.
The Arabs decided that their own interests are deeply rooted with that of the Hashemites, and thus how they came into power.

If you people simply agree that since it once happened in history, its okay to happen again; and I honestly wouldn't wish this on anyone no matter how much I dislike them or disagree with them, but even in a couple thousands of years or less, if anything like that happens to the Israelis or any other nation, where they are displaced simply because someone's ancestors was living there 10,000 years ago, killed, threatened, and attacked by terrorist organizations, then let's see their reaction then.

Ok,,, so based on your perceptive of the jews and there land.. You're saying IF Cuba is eventually liberated(whenever that it) ,Cubans from all over can return and reclaim there land they owned back in the 1950's?(Assuming these sporadic cubans have help from the U.N. Off course)

You're not living in a dream, you're soaked in your dream.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by pirell
more than 9 out of 10 of the so called "jews" in israel today have no ancestral claim to the land

nothing in the bible marks their history to that land nor matches any of their claims

Jesus was NOT jewish, he was a nazarene, a Judean. and today's JEW is NOT a short form of the word Judea

secondly there were 12 tribes of israel, ONE being Judah. as the new word Jew is supposed to be a short form of Judah.. how can JEW account for the rest 11 tribes?

as long as this judeo-christian hypocritic alliance of master and slave continues to be forged, you will have stupid debates like this, arguing about land NEITHER party (current day arab, OR jew) have any ancestral claim to.
but if we were to leave religion and history aside for a few seconds, then the Palestinians of course have a stronger claim to the land.

but historically, none of these european migrants and arab invading settlers are the ancestral owners of the land they fight over today.

Abraham was not jewish, he was an israelite, a Hebrew, Jacob was not Jewish, he was an israelite..a Hebrew, as was Joseph and all the patriarchs these imposters claim were their ancestors.

the lie that has been told to humanity for the last 1000 yrs over these flaim claimants is today responsible for majority of the world's problems and most pertinent problem, because US and EU foreign policy all centres around keeping their "ally" (more like slave master) sweet.

Yet, the people they are so hell bent on starting WW3 for have no right to be there, yet they claim to be biblical, yet they do not see all the evident signs that completely Rule nearly every one in israel today claiming to be 'jewish' or using the bible as proof of their jewry.

"my people die of lack of knowledge".

the Master said it himself
edit on 26-12-2011 by pirell because: (no reason given)


posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 10:48 AM
Before people start saying it has nothing to do with the Jews, you can not deny the Romans existed in Isreal the evidence is overwhelming, the Bible states the Romans were there, the Romans wrote about the Christ and quoted from the Bible so much that it creates a second reference outside the Jewish history as evidence.
The Romans have Menorahs carved in their stone, Menorahs are found in ancient Israel's buildings, biblical buildings and places and ruins match the Bible from the time of Christ.

Then you have the ancient Tombs of the patriachs and other Biblical prophet tombs around the Middle East aswell like Ezekiel Tomb with Jewish writing on it.

Just look at the acheology and its all Biblical related with no sign of Islam anywhere before 650AD.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 10:49 AM
Before people start saying it has nothing to do with the Jews, you can not deny the Romans existed in Isreal the evidence is overwhelming, the Bible states the Romans were there, the Romans wrote about the Christ and quoted from the Bible so much that it creates a second reference outside the Jewish history as evidence.
The Romans have Menorahs carved in their stone, Menorahs are found in ancient Israel's buildings, biblical buildings and places and ruins match the Bible from the time of Christ.

Then you have the ancient Tombs of the patriachs and other Biblical prophet tombs around the Middle East aswell like Ezekiel Tomb with Jewish writing on it.

Just look at the acheology and its all Biblical related with no sign of Islam anywhere before 650AD.

Though well over 100,000 Jews lived in Iraq a few decades ago, this number has now been decimated to no more than eight, Prof. Moreh said. “There are others,” he added, “but they barely know that they are Jews; in many cases, their parents did not tell them.”

Alfassa concludes: “Iraq - the Biblical Mesopotamia -is almost as rich in Jewish history as the Land of Israel. The tomb of the prophet Ezekiel dates back to the Babylonian exile in the sixth century BCE. It was there in Iraq that Abraham discovered monotheism, and it is where the prophets Ezra, Nehemiah, Nahum, Jonah and Daniel are all buried.”

Early reports that Iraq plans to retain the Jewish nature of the Tomb of the Prophet Ezekiel are apparently false. Sources in Baghdad say that the government plans to turn it into a mosque and erase all Jewish markings.

Iraq announced earlier this year that it would revamp the ancient burial site, which is located in Al-Kifl, a small town south of Baghdad. The U.S.-backed government announcement implied that its Jewish nature would continue to be emphasized.

The fact is that the whole Middle East a conspiracy against telling the truth to the world, it lies to its own people and bands and erases any evidence so they claim they are right over any previous religious revelation, if there is a devil he has many followers doing his work in not telling the world the truth by the evidence they all cover up out of spiritual jealousy and this will bring their own end as the Bible predicts those nations.
edit on 27-12-2011 by The time lord because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-12-2011 by The time lord because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by The time lord
Before people start saying it has nothing to do with the Jews, you can not deny the Romans existed in Isreal the evidence is overwhelming, the Bible states the Romans were there, the Romans wrote about the Christ and quoted from the Bible so much that it creates a second reference outside the Jewish history as evidence.
The Romans have Menorahs carved in their stone, Menorahs are found in ancient Israel's buildings, biblical buildings and places and ruins match the Bible from the time of Christ.

Then you have the ancient Tombs of the patriachs and other Biblical prophet tombs around the Middle East aswell like Ezekiel Tomb with Jewish writing on it.

Just look at the acheology and its all Biblical related with no sign of Islam anywhere before 650AD.

You do understand before 1800 jews,christians and muslims lived peacefully ALL over the middle east. Please tell me you understand that .

It wasn't until the "fabricated" and "pointless" WWI ,that all this moronic tension began.

The jews living in the middle east(NOT the freakin euro jews, big freakin difference) denounce an actual state for Israel or palestine.

This land is for no one but for everyone!!!

No one cares about fabricated and manipulated history of romans,jews and muslims. Its not about history,its not about religion. Its about jews from Kazaria who successfully claimed something that is not there's.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by dilly1

Massacres of Jews in Muslim lands


History of Jews under Muslim Rule

Since the 11th century, there have been instances of pogroms against Jews.[12] Examples include the 1066 Granada massacre, the razing of the entire Jewish quarter in the Andalucian city of Granada.[13] In North Africa, there were cases of violence against Jews in the Middle Ages,[14] and in other Arab lands including Egypt,[15] Syria.[16] and Yemen[17] Jewish population was confined to segregated quarters, or mellahs, in Morocco beginning from the 15th century. In cities, a mellah was surrounded by a wall with a fortified gateway. In contrast, rural mellahs were separate villages inhabited solely by the Jews.[18]

Jews and Christians were expelled from Morocco and Islamic Spain.[19] Faced with the choice of either death or conversion, some Jews, such as the family of Maimonides, fled south and east to the more tolerant Muslim lands, while others went northward to settle in the growing Christian kingdoms

In 1400, the Jews of Aleppo were herded into their synagogues and slaughtered to the last man by soldiers of Central Asian Islamic conqueror Tamerlane; the young women were raped.[22] In 1465, Arab mobs in Fez slaughtered thousands of Jews, leaving only 11 alive, after a Jewish deputy vizier treated a Muslim woman in an offensive manner. The killings touched off a wave of similar massacres throughout Morocco.[23][24]


"More than 1,500 Jewish families, numbering 4,000 persons, fell in one day."

And, if you care to base your views on facts, read "In Ishmaels House", by Martin Gilbert, "Dhimmitude", by Bat Ye'or, or "the Legacy of Jihad" by Andrew Bostom, which scours Muslim texts for their own theological understanding of Jews, as well as Greek Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox and Coptic writings which recount the grisly history of Muslim persecution.

edit on 27-12-2011 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by dontreally
reply to post by dilly1

Massacres of Jews in Muslim lands


History of Jews under Muslim Rule

Since the 11th century, there have been instances of pogroms against Jews.[12] Examples include the 1066 Granada massacre, the razing of the entire Jewish quarter in the Andalucian city of Granada.[13] In North Africa, there were cases of violence against Jews in the Middle Ages,[14] and in other Arab lands including Egypt,[15] Syria.[16] and Yemen[17] Jewish population was confined to segregated quarters, or mellahs, in Morocco beginning from the 15th century. In cities, a mellah was surrounded by a wall with a fortified gateway. In contrast, rural mellahs were separate villages inhabited solely by the Jews.[18]

Jews and Christians were expelled from Morocco and Islamic Spain.[19] Faced with the choice of either death or conversion, some Jews, such as the family of Maimonides, fled south and east to the more tolerant Muslim lands, while others went northward to settle in the growing Christian kingdoms

In 1400, the Jews of Aleppo were herded into their synagogues and slaughtered to the last man by soldiers of Central Asian Islamic conqueror Tamerlane; the young women were raped.[22] In 1465, Arab mobs in Fez slaughtered thousands of Jews, leaving only 11 alive, after a Jewish deputy vizier treated a Muslim woman in an offensive manner. The killings touched off a wave of similar massacres throughout Morocco.[23][24]


"More than 1,500 Jewish families, numbering 4,000 persons, fell in one day."

And, if you care to base your views on facts, read "In Ishmaels House", by Martin Gilbert, "Dhimmitude", by Bat Ye'or, or "the Legacy of Jihad" by Andrew Bostom, which scours Muslim texts for their own theological understanding of Jews, as well as Greek Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox and Coptic writings which recount the grisly history of Muslim persecution.

edit on 27-12-2011 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

This is why I am rude when posting. People like yourself assume and don't read carefully. I said "Middle Freakin East"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , not northeast africa ,during a time when christians were literally squeezing out all Moors and jews from spain. That area was crazy back then.

You're desperate and trying to stretch anything just to confirm your WEAK posting agenda.

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