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why don't you jew haters at least have the decency to just come clean and admit - you just hate jews and want to exterminate every last one of them.
Are Palestinians anti-Semitic?
The word "Semite" refers to a language and cultural group made up of ancient and modern people. Semitic languages include: Akkadian, Arabic, Aramaic, Moabite, Hebrew, Phonecian, Assyrian, and Babylonian. (Biblically they are considered the descendants of Shem, son of Noah.) According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first usage of anti-Semitic for a person who discriminates against or is prejudiced against Jews, was in the 1880s (about the same time as the rise of Zionism).
If we return to the original meaning of Semitic, it is difficult to call Palestinians and other Arabs anti-Semitic, since they are themselves Semites. Palestinian Arabs are opposed to the state policies of Israel that deny them legitimate human and civil rights and the right to a State. They are not against the religion of Judaism except as it is used as the rationale for actions against them.
why don't you jew haters at least have the decency to just come clean and admit - you just hate jews and want to exterminate every last one of them.
So a people were invented as "only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity." And now that this is clear, what does this do to the continued babble about peace between Israel and some sort of "Palestine" bordering Israel where the two states are supposed to "exist side by side in peace" after they get to Leon Panetta's damned peace table to sign a worthless peace treaty paper?
Exactly. No peace with Israel. Certainly the rulers of the independent Hashemite kingdom of Jordan, whose population is majority artificial, invented Palestinians, have noted Mohsen's future goal for Jordan--"the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan." So, the artificial Palestinians will not only not live side by side in peace with Israel; on their other side they will not live side by side in peace with their fellow Muslim country, Jordan.
In other words, not only do the invented, artificial Palestinians intend to eliminate Jewish Israel they also hope to wipe out Muslim Jordan, all replaced with an elusive pan Arab invented, artificial country of Palestine. Read more:
Originally posted by isaac7777
You realize that after the romans took over and renamed Israel* to Palestine to basically mock them? So, actually, the Jews and Israel were there before* Palestine. For the most part, Palestinians are just Arabs, and theyre manipulated by their brothers. But yes, they are basically invented to help the Arabs in their efforts to push Israel into the sea. I give Newt Gingrich props for saying what everyone else was too afraid and too politically correct to say.
We don't bring up the question of borders. We don't speak of borders in our constitution because those who set up borders were the Western colonialists who invaded us after the Turks. From the Arab point of view, one doesn't speak of borders; Palestine is a small drop in the great Arab ocean. And our nation is an Arab one, it is a nation extending from the Atlantic to the Red Sea and beyond. What we want, ever since the catastrophe exploded in 1947, is to free our land and reconstruct the democratic Palestinian state.
[Oriana's Question] I see. But this also includes a good piece of land that today is part of Jordan, I mean the whole region west of Jordan. Cisjordania.
[Arafat's response] What you call Cisjordania is Palestine."
The name Palestine, as a geographical term, is of later origin and is derived from the Philistines (peleste) who settled in large numbers along the southern coast (of modern day Israel) in the twefth century BC. The area where they settled became known as Philisita (Joel 3:4), from which, in turn, the Greek name (he palestine) was derived (interesting note: in Hebrew, Palestinians, for instance as in Palestianian Liberation Organization, is called a philisti. This term appears in the Bible and is translated there as Philistine.