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Muslim girl gang who kicked young woman in the head while yelling 'kill the white slag' escape jai

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posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by SecretFace
I think that is the biggest problem, it doesn't matter what facts we have, we want to keep everyone's emotions intact and so even if a policy makes no sense, if it keeps people from screaming and shouting about an emotionally fuelled subject, that is the way to go.

On everything else you are correct my friend, but not here.

The system isn't designed to spare feelings, it is the result of a very real agenda called Cultural Marxism. In short, certain hidden forces want to turn our world upside down. They want to make right seem wrong, wrong seem right, justice seem unjust, violence seem peaceful, peace seem violent, self-defence seem unjustified... and so on.

Only by completely subverting our sense of reality and what's right can our traditional values be discarded for good and a new post-traditional, post-democratic, post-sanity system be put in place. It is subversion on a massive scale. The hidden hands behind this don't care one jot for the feelings of the non-whites they appear to be fawning over. That's an illusion.

Wherever this subversion takes place it is the indigenous people who are the overall target and the immigrants and minorities who are the battering ram to be used against the indigenous. The same forces will probably one day import whites (if there are any of us left) into Muslim and African nations en masse to use us as a battering ram against the indigenous people there... or did that already happen?! hmmm

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 05:39 AM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes

Originally posted by Twiptwop
Is that why a white English woman who was speaking for the majority on a tram is being held until January? She didn't cause harm to anyone, yet she is in jail.

Explain that...

It's pretty easy to explain.

She has been arrested on suspicion of a racially-aggravated breach of the peace, and has been remanded in custody, awaiting psychological assessment, for her own safety. The notoriety of her outburst, caused following the video going viral, has led to some idiots making death threats towards her.

So why haven't the dogs who attacked the girl been held in custody then? Since they physically assaulted a girl with the openly stated motive being to kill her, combined with explicit racist attacks, you would think that they would be in jail.

Your argument = BS.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 05:41 AM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes
their religion is irrelevant.

You mean their race. The house of Lords has held that Muslims are a race.

But that as it may, in what sort of la la world do you live in where a gang of Muslims kick a motionless body on the ground shouting "Kill the white slag!" and you try to pretend their religion (race) was irrelevant?

If a gang of whites were kicking a motionless Muslim on the ground shouting "Kill the Muslim slag!" would you come on here pretending that race was irrelevant?

I would bet my last dollar that you wouldn't

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes
Can you link to a case showing a group of white people kicking a motionless Muslim on the ground shouting "Kill the Muslim slag!" escaping a custodial sentence because the were drunk?

I think you meant to say, "even though they were drunk".

But anyway. Basically you can't prove your point but you want your point to stand while I am supposed to find a link to prove a point that you can't?

Heads you win, tails I lose?

edit on 7-12-2011 by ollncasino because: spelling

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by McGinty
Pity the botfriend wasn't a kick-boxing expert - if these animals carried permanent scars from this incident it may deter them from doing it again.

Pity they aren't given 48 hours to pack up and leave the country or face immediate deportation. Why should we harbour people who hate our country, hate the native population and express themselves violently towards us? It makes no sense whatsoever.

Furthermore, why are Muslims even eligible for immigration? Their belief system has continually shown itself to be incompatible with our way of life. It is deeply offensive to our values. Truth be told, it should be outlawed. Their thuggery belongs in the desert not in the streets of Europe.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by Cythraul
TPTB are trying to foment a race-war! It's been obvious for a long time.

They aren't very good at it, are they?

- Emma West (tram lady), who is going to spend Xmas in jail and had her children stolen by the State for speaking mere words in public.

Rightly so.

- These 4 Somali women who brutally beat an innocent person because of their race in public, who will probably walk free.

They've been convicted, it just wasn't a nearly harsh enough sentence.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by ollncasino
So a gang of Muslims rained kicks at a motionless body on the ground while shouting "Kill the white slag" yet you come to the conclusion being Muslim was irrelevant?

Of course it's irrelevant.

White = race. Muslim = religion.

It was a group of black Somalis launching a racially charged attack on a white woman. They didn't say ''kill the infidel slag'' or ''kill the kuffar'', did they ?

If a group of white Christians attacked a black woman shouting ''kill the black slag'', then would their Christianity have been a relevant factor in the racial assault ?

Behave yourself.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by Twiptwop
So why haven't the dogs who attacked the girl been held in custody then? Since they physically assaulted a girl with the openly stated motive being to kill her, combined with explicit racist attacks, you would think that they would be in jail.

As I've previously stated, assault is not a mandatory custodial sentence. It is very common for someone convicted of assault to escape jail. This is no different to the thousands of other cases where that has happened.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes
Of course it's irrelevant.

It was a group of black Somalis launching a racially charged attack on a white woman. They didn't say ''kill the infidel slag'' or ''kill the kuffar'', did they ?

If a group of white Christians attacked a black woman shouting ''kill the black slag'', then would their Christianity have been a relevant factor in the racial assault ?

So you are

(1) Choosing to ignore that the house of Lords has stated that Islam is a race.

(2) The attackers were all Somali Muslims who shouted "kill the white slag!", while kicking the motionless white person on the ground.

And to answer your question, if a group of WHITE Christians attacked a somali woman shouting ''kill the Somali (or Black or Muslim) slag'', then their RACE would have been a relevant factor in the racial assault!

Are you so blinded by your inverted racism that you can't see that?

Are you so politcally correct that the penny hasn't even dropped why people are so angry?

If the roles were reversed, a group of white people in the UK would get crucifed for such an offence!

And you know it. Everyone knows it.

edit on 7-12-2011 by ollncasino because: grammar

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

hahahah its funny

white = race , well thats wrong

white skin is a pigmentation
black skin is a pigmentation
yellow skin is a pigmentation
brown skin a pigmentation
all of the above are characteristics , phenotypes of human skin colour
all are characterisitcs of the human race !
Your skin colour is not a race , you are from the human race , we are all the same #ING race

your religion is not your race either

the house of lords are bunch of wanks !

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes

Originally posted by Twiptwop
So why haven't the dogs who attacked the girl been held in custody then? Since they physically assaulted a girl with the openly stated motive being to kill her, combined with explicit racist attacks, you would think that they would be in jail.

As I've previously stated, assault is not a mandatory custodial sentence. It is very common for someone convicted of assault to escape jail. This is no different to the thousands of other cases where that has happened.

It was a race hate crime. Of course, as long as the victim is white there is no victim at all. A policy you seem to support.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes


They said

"kill the WHITE slag"

That is racially motivated

Or do I live in an alternate reality?

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by UngoodWatermelon

Originally posted by Cythraul
TPTB are trying to foment a race-war! It's been obvious for a long time.

They aren't very good at it, are they?

Just wait. It's true that they have found it surprisingly difficult to antagonise the English people (and Europeans in general). They knew our innate tolerance would make us harder to break than, say, an African nation. We bend over backwards to avoid conflict because we are a race deeply committed to civility and peace. But they're starting to turn the heart up. Watch out for regular paired news reports - one featuring a heavily punished white, one featuring illogically let-off non-whites.

Originally posted by UngoodWatermelon

- Emma West (tram lady), who is going to spend Xmas in jail and had her children stolen by the State for speaking mere words in public.

Rightly so.

And I suppose the STASI were "just doing their jobs" right? Only when evil is purged from the World will people like you realise how shameful your previous views were.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 06:01 AM

Originally posted by EvanB
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes


They said

"kill the WHITE slag"

That is racially motivated

Or do I live in an alternate reality?

No but he clearly appears to.

As you say, clearly when a gang of Muslim Somalis carry out an attack shouting "kill the WHITE slag" its a racially motivated attack.

Only a fool would come to the conclusion that the attack wasn't racially motivated.

Only an even bigger fool would try to convince others that the attack wasn't racially motived.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 06:03 AM

Originally posted by EvanB

They said

"kill the WHITE slag"

That is racially motivated

Or do I live in an alternate reality?

I believe that, in the reports, one of the women said that after the attack had commenced. To be charged with a racially aggravated assault, there needs to be strong evidence to suggest that the assault was motivated by racism.

While it's clear that at least one of the attackers let out their racist bile during the course of the attack, whether the initial altercation and motivation for it was racial, only the culprits will know.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by kerazeesicko

So talking about a racist attack is racist?

Yes,we have done wrong in the past but so have you and too be honest,white people have had it worse then some people when it comes to invasion,stealing and slavery,so no,its not payback.......unless you wish to make it a vicious cycle.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes

Originally posted by EvanB

They said

"kill the WHITE slag"

That is racially motivated

Or do I live in an alternate reality?

I believe that, in the reports, one of the women said that after the attack had commenced. To be charged with a racially aggravated assault, there needs to be strong evidence to suggest that the assault was motivated by racism.

While it's clear that at least one of the attackers let out their racist bile during the course of the attack, whether the initial altercation and motivation for it was racial, only the culprits will know.

So, "let's kill the white slag" is not enough evidence to suggest that it was racially motivated?

What colour are the clouds on your planet? You have to be from a different planet, that, or you are genuinely brainwashed into believing that whites can't be victims. I feel it is more likely to be the latter, as insinuating alien lifeforms would be as blind ignorant as you could be seen as an insult contrary to the T&S.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 06:14 AM
This kind of story is the exact reason I walked out of a law degree after 12 months of listening to everything BUT what I thought would be a tool of justice. I am waaay too black and white to be able to do the job and listen to pathetic defenses such as someone stabbing someone to death 78 times being let off because of mitigating circumstances such as "I was drunk"... "I was high"... "I was depressed" ..... "I was forced into it..."

Because none of that matters a damn to the person that the crime has been perpertrated upon does it? All the extenuating circumstances in the world doesn't change the end result does it? A person is dead, or raped, or beaten to the point of death, THAT doesn't change. So why should the criminal be given anything less than a sentence that reflects the end result of the victim. Period. If the jails are full it's because people are doing what they want because they know damn well that they'll get away with it with the right lawyer and the right pathetic 'extenuating circumstances' excuse.

This judge and all like him should be sacked. They are an afront to humanity. These girls should be jailed.

Out of interest, what is the penalty for murder in a muslim country? What 'justice' would these girls face if they committed this crime in Somalia where they came from?

My condolences to this girls family.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by Twiptwop

What many of you are clearly getting confused about is the difference between the legal situation which relates to a crime, and what actually occurred during the crime.

A racially-aggravated assault charge may not have stuck in court, so there is no point wasting the time and money on pressing that charge when they already have a strong case for assault.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes

Originally posted by EvanB

They said

"kill the WHITE slag"

That is racially motivated

Or do I live in an alternate reality?

I believe that, in the reports, one of the women said that after the attack had commenced. To be charged with a racially aggravated assault, there needs to be strong evidence to suggest that the assault was motivated by racism.

While it's clear that at least one of the attackers let out their racist bile during the course of the attack, whether the initial altercation and motivation for it was racial, only the culprits will know.

Whilst you have a valid point, I also know to a large extent that had the position been reversed there would have rightly been a huge outcry from minority communities, leaders, human rights groups, a riot or two and huge political pressure bought to bare resulting in lengthy custodial sentences..

This case has set a dangerous precident in terms that certain minorities already have an untouchable attitude and this will embolden those of that mindset further..

Only true equality in sentencing and implimenting the letter of the law will cure the status quo.

Politics, religion, race need to be kept away from the courtroom.

Lady justice is blind, and does not see race, creed et al.

Lets keep her that way

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes
A racially-aggravated assault charge may not have stuck in court, so there is no point wasting the time and money on pressing that charge when they already have a strong case for assault.

Yet if a gang of whites had assaulted a somali Muslim shouting "Kill the black slag!" the racially-aggravated assault charge would have been pursued with extreme vigour.

And they would have stuck.

And people like you struggle to understand why people are angry.

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