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Muslim girl gang who kicked young woman in the head while yelling 'kill the white slag' escape jai

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posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by zerbot565
im Finnish

does that mean that if i get in to a car accident sober
the judge can lighten the sentence for me not being drunk ?

No..any drink related crime clearly only has mitigating circumstances if your a muslim.
So change your religon, buy youself a couple of bottles of wine and the go and rape,burn and pillage.
As a muslim you'll walk scott free, and with an apology from the justice system for wasting your time by foolishly arresting you, knowing full well your a muslim and the same laws that apply to everyone else in England dont apply to you or your kind.

God bless our justice system, it makes me just soooooo proud to be British.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by JessopJessopJessop

Originally posted by kerazeesicko
Another thread for the racists to meet at.

Remember Rodney King, he got his ass beat by 5 or 6 white cops and they all walked it happens.

There will always be injustice in the courts because of idiot judges...but your not angry with the judge..your making this a racial issue. Grow Up and stop crying poor white man...they have being doing this to colored people for centuries it's just payback.

Stupid people will continue to do stupid things.

Your post is stupid. Suggesting people are racists for supposing that were the roles reversed a group of white racists would go to jail, that makes someone racist?

Rodney King isn't even relevant to the discussion as it involves police. Police on civilian crime is far removed from this crime.

You are as racist as anyone in here. How can you say "they have been doing this to colored people for centuries it's just payback"? What a disgusting, racist thing to say. So because of institutional racism in the past non-whites are justified in beating up and trying to kill any white person they come across. That's basically what you're saying. Unless you have some evidence that the girl in this video has spent her life beating up black people, do you?

Where do you get the nerve to call other people racist. You're the only member in this thread advocating violence based on ethnicity.

It just goes to show you: in many cases, "anti-racism" has become a codeword for "anti-white."

Look how anti-white behavior is justified with appeals to the past. But you cannot blame a child for the sins of his father. Doing so only perpetuates the hate.
edit on 12/7/11 by silent thunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by andy1972

Exactly, in the Police I've seen countless fights and assaults get twisted in to racially motivated crimes when there has been no evidence, yet this as massive evidence and nothing gets said? Once again, as I have stated, until we take to the streets this will continue and increase, simply becuase it's already at massive levels, its just you don't know about it, the vast majority of people haven't a clue about how bad this country really is! Far Right support hasn't trippled, it's gone far higher than that, I have not met and spoken to one person who hasn't displayed far right views because of experiences similar to this. Ten years ago, hardly anyone would openly display such views. However this is what happens when you become so alienated in your own country. Honestly, white English in particular, but I will say White British have been kicked down repeatedly for the last 20 years simply to pave the way for this single Euro state agenda, lowering of wages and basic destruction of this country and pretty much every country, so that nationalism is destroyed and there is no counter-culture to the Euro state. This is what its all about. It's become so bad that even countless black and Asian people who have lived in this country for years and/or were born in this country have started saying that this country is out of control in terms of overpopulation and handouts to non-British nationals and thats because these are people that come here years ago and had to work and work hard to get what they got!

However, it's only now, as people start to take note, as the crimes and policies become public knowledge, that people are starting to see exactly what goes on in this country. I for one feel it's too late, I do honestly believe that severe civil unrest is just around the corner and honestly believe that this country is finished with regards to life for the average person. I hope all you far left liberal deluded fools realise what you have supported, but you won't, you won't until it's outside your front door, instead of being outside my front door for the last 30 years! However, don't think it's not going to happen, in the last few years I've seen the most liberal of people turn in an instant as they themselves become exposed to this mess and the falacy of their former belief.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by EvanB

Someone should kick him in the head while screaming racial hate terminology.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by silent thunder

Originally posted by JessopJessopJessop

Originally posted by kerazeesicko
Another thread for the racists to meet at.

Remember Rodney King, he got his ass beat by 5 or 6 white cops and they all walked it happens.

There will always be injustice in the courts because of idiot judges...but your not angry with the judge..your making this a racial issue. Grow Up and stop crying poor white man...they have being doing this to colored people for centuries it's just payback.

Stupid people will continue to do stupid things.

Your post is stupid. Suggesting people are racists for supposing that were the roles reversed a group of white racists would go to jail, that makes someone racist?

Rodney King isn't even relevant to the discussion as it involves police. Police on civilian crime is far removed from this crime.

You are as racist as anyone in here. How can you say "they have been doing this to colored people for centuries it's just payback"? What a disgusting, racist thing to say. So because of institutional racism in the past non-whites are justified in beating up and trying to kill any white person they come across. That's basically what you're saying. Unless you have some evidence that the girl in this video has spent her life beating up black people, do you?

Where do you get the nerve to call other people racist. You're the only member in this thread advocating violence based on ethnicity.

It just goes to show you: in many cases, "anti-racism" has become a codeword for "anti-white."

Look how anti-white behavior is justified with appeals to the past. But you cannot blame a child for the sins of his father. Doing so only perpetuates the hate.
edit on 12/7/11 by silent thunder because: (no reason given)

Absolutely, it's like my Great Grandfather murdering someone and me getting put in prison for it. Some people can't see it that way as it exposes what they have more than likely been brainwashed with since birth and so are simply enslaved by their own mind set and as such are doomed to repeat history. It says a lot about the wisdom of those people, but their arguments are always flawed from the moment they open their mouths or in this instance, type their words, so at least its easy pickings to rip their argument apart and then wait for the abuse in return!

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 01:44 AM
I wanted to say something so disgusting and nasty, but it will get removed. You can't imagine how angry this makes me when I read these crappy stories. We need to send people to prison. There's always some human rights protection that is being abused.

If the white girl was my daughter, all hell would break loose.

BTW The mosque being built by me has all its windows smashed, I know that will make some people on here smile.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 01:53 AM
Intriguing thread and some really great comments.
Facts are - these people committed a horrific gang assault on a woman and should be punished to the severest level by the law. For the judge to dismiss that punishment based on the fact their religion means they don't drink alchohol is beyond my understanding.
They drank and attacked someone of their own free will, and need to pay the price,
My view - that religion is seemingly once again used as a defence in these criminals actions is what makes me so angry. How long will they keep doing it? It's almost like the establishment WANT to get the White English riled up and cause some sort of action...because they won't take it for much has been said if that was my daughter I would not let it lie - whether through my own means or dragging it to another court and making them pay their dues like the criminal, violent scum they are.....

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 01:58 AM
I think it's insane that , they were let off becuase they are not used to alcohol !
hahaha thats a laugh ,

if only the judge used that in prettty much every case in Britian , but they wouldnt because most
of the crimes in britian are done by british people who drink!

Still no reason to let them off they chose to drink alcohol , and being adult they know the full extent of its effects and the consequences and so should face the full extent of the law and its punishment.

on a side note

"bacon tastes good , pork chops taste good "

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by rich76
I wanted to say something so disgusting and nasty, but it will get removed. You can't imagine how angry this makes me when I read these crappy stories. We need to send people to prison. There's always some human rights protection that is being abused.

If the white girl was my daughter, all hell would break loose.

BTW The mosque being built by me has all its windows smashed, I know that will make some people on here smile.

It's a real shame that actually its getting to that stage (same happened around my way, but was actually done by a mob of Indians), it always amazes me how there are Muslims across Asia and the Arab world that are very peaceful and would do anything for you, yet in my experience, so many in the Western world just simply want to take over and do what they want to do with no respect for the land where they are living, which I do believe in a contradiction to what the Qur'an states! However, we have to look at this incident and single out Somalia as in fairness, even Africans I know from Ghana, Nigeria, Ethiopia, they all hate Somalians! In fact one friend from Ghana actually questioned why would any country allow those people in, let alone encourage them! I think there is a very brutal tribal mentality in Somalia (which possibly could be linked to warped Islamic teachings), that may even dwarf all other Afican countries, even though tribal mentality in consistent throughout Africa, I think Somalia seems to take it to another level. As I have said, this is not and far from an isolated incident with Somalians. I even lived next to one that would constantly call me a White b*****d and a few of them down the road where I used to live that I knew would throw rubbish out in to the street, even other Africans would come out and have arguments with them, in which they would go inside their house and come back out with a knife and don't even get me started on what I've experienced through work!

The problem with this country, well the problems are many, but the biggest in terms of community is that for some reason the deluded white liberals thought it would be a good idea to have these areas filled with people from all walks of life, not thinking that most don't get on with others and so honestly its daily the amount of violent clashes there are in these areas. As I have said, if it's not brought under control and I honestly do believe now immigration needs to stop, just to sort out the mess, then as I said I think East London in particular will become a prelude to the rest of this country's future.

As always, the only people I blame is the Government of past and present! They can only be the ones to blame as they are the ones in control!

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by rich76
I wanted to say something so disgusting and nasty, but it will get removed. You can't imagine how angry this makes me when I read these crappy stories. We need to send people to prison. There's always some human rights protection that is being abused.

If the white girl was my daughter, all hell would break loose.

BTW The mosque being built by me has all its windows smashed, I know that will make some people on here smile.

Absolutely not. Our economy is already struggling, and we don't need to be paying more to support these disgusting animals in our prisons. They are Somalian, the only place they should be going is back to Somalia. It's high time foreigners in this country were brought into line.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 02:00 AM

This is shocking on many levels.

Firstly - gangs where the mob mentality always takes over, and the most violent always prevails.

Secondly - these girls should have been punished in order to teach them a lesson.

Thirdly - what do the beaten girl's parents think? I would be there kicking those girls' arses myself.

Fourthly- I have ranted about immigration on many threads. If you allow so much immigration, don't turn around and complain when the immigrants do things you don't like.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by purplemer

Originally posted by Aeons
reply to post by purplemer

Immigration that is increasing over time, and pays no attention to cultural details is ridiculous....regardless of where you are from.

The UK is multicultural. In my eyes that gives us strength. I was bought up in a school with peeps from all cultures and we a shared common culture.

So what culture are you talking about that we have to be sensitive too... I think it is you that needs to learn a little sensitivity. It is your culture that is out of touched with the shared culture I experienced growing up in London..

To be honest I find your comment offensive. Please dont take it personally theres peeps like you out there. I find it offensive because I have friends that are Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Christian etc.. and I dont take well to people making others not feel welcome in their own country.

People are people the world over and I have at times been shown tremendous acts of kindness from people of all different cultures, I have also been shown indifference and hate. The difference between you and me I can see that all these cultures have their good and their bad and I dont choose to jump on the anti islam bandwagon because that is the flavor of the day..

You are the reason why this country is in the state that it is. You, and every other left winger should be looked on as traitors. You would sacrifice your own culture in favour of foreign cultures, that is unforgivable.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 02:05 AM
Basically i feel sorry for the communities that came over to England in the 50's and have struggled so hard to intergrate themselves, and be respected and accepted within the communities where they chose to live.

The generation of today have all but destroyed the hard work of the community leaders of yesteryear.

They fought for equal rights and to be looked upon and be treated as an equal by your average "Alf Garnett" in the street.

Nowadays your average bloke in the street looks upon an immigrant with the same hatred, distain, loathing and fear as the first immigrants from the West Indies, Jamaica and Pakistanis recieved in the 1950's.

We have a justice system that does'nt apply the law equally to one man as to another regardless of race, nationality or faith but applies the law depending on his faith or culture or race.

The system of social security is abused and bled dry by a generation of youths without work and by a generation of immigrants who have never contributed to the system in the first place yet live from the state.

Everyday England is closer to collpase, social issues abound yet are conveniently swept under the rug of Olympic London 2012.

What can be done to right the wrongs we know are dragging a once great nation ever more rapidly towards a point of no return, dragging her towards a political and financial abismo from which she may never fully recover.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 02:08 AM
I think what this case highlights is just how one sided the law is and I think that will be people's biggest problem, the crime itself shouldn't be a shock really. If the colours were reverse this would be front page news everywhere, BBC would have a full hour long news with contributions from Liberty and various other waste of space organisations and we wouldn't hear the end of it for at least 20 years!

As it stands, it's hardly been reported by the main news agencies, BBC and SKy News, from what I can tell, have nothing on it and the judge himself seems to have been questioned, but it seems that it's on with life as usual.

This is what will get people's backs up and have old Nick Griffin smiling all the way to the elections. It's how this crime can be just seen as trivial, when not only was it an assault by a group (which is what the law it wants to clamp down on) its also racially aggrevated! This should've been 5 years each, minimum! Had this been reversed, it would've been! This is what will get people's backs up! One rule for one, one for another!

I've already emailed this to a whole load of people and believe me, I honestly can't repeat what they are saying!

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by SecretFace

the crime itself shouldn't be a shock really.

As it stands, it's hardly been reported by the main news agencies, BBC and SKy News, from what I can tell, have nothing on it and the judge himself seems to have been questioned, but it seems that it's on with life as usual.

Thats what the goverment wants, that things like this dont shock you anymore, because as things get worse, and they WILL get worse, this will be an everyday occurance. Systematic desensitization.

And we all know that the MSM only puts on what its told to put on.

While the sheeple are busy with Emerdale and Hollyoaks and the like, they're not busy asking whats happening in the real world.
Or worse,they dont want to know.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by Twiptwop

Originally posted by purplemer

Originally posted by Aeons
reply to post by purplemer

Immigration that is increasing over time, and pays no attention to cultural details is ridiculous....regardless of where you are from.

The UK is multicultural. In my eyes that gives us strength. I was bought up in a school with peeps from all cultures and we a shared common culture.

So what culture are you talking about that we have to be sensitive too... I think it is you that needs to learn a little sensitivity. It is your culture that is out of touched with the shared culture I experienced growing up in London..

To be honest I find your comment offensive. Please dont take it personally theres peeps like you out there. I find it offensive because I have friends that are Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Christian etc.. and I dont take well to people making others not feel welcome in their own country.

People are people the world over and I have at times been shown tremendous acts of kindness from people of all different cultures, I have also been shown indifference and hate. The difference between you and me I can see that all these cultures have their good and their bad and I dont choose to jump on the anti islam bandwagon because that is the flavor of the day..

You are the reason why this country is in the state that it is. You, and every other left winger should be looked on as traitors. You would sacrifice your own culture in favour of foreign cultures, that is unforgivable.

Absolutely, there is no integration to other cultures, one culture must always dominate, historically, there has never been a case of several cultures living alongside one another and working/living to their own cultural belief without conflict somewhere down the road. What this guy seems to fail in understanding is that this is not a multicultural country, multicultural would indicate equal in all ways and numbers, last I looked over 80% of this country was still White English/British and the vast majority either Christian, Catholic, COE or Atheist. The culture that this country was built on and exists from, is it's own culture with morality and law from Christianity. The problem is when this country does become as he puts it, multicultural, that's when you will know how bad it is. I don't know where in London he is from, but my experiences and experiences from others I know to have grown up in London, was not that of harmony, but of Hell. When the numbers are right, we'll see just how tolerent these cultures really are or if you want to see it sooner, go to Tower Hamlets!

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 02:27 AM
This is terrible,

We in England, and elsewhere, have long been aware of the hatred emanating from certain sections of the Muslim community, towards whites and our "customs".

Don't like it here?

Don't like us?

You don't have to stay here.

I loved watching the video, the Muslim girls didn't expect the boyfriend to fight back like that!!

If that had of been me and my lovely Fiancée, I would have pulled those little girls heads off their shoulders.

When are people going to learn, integration with war afflicted country's does not work.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes
Suspended sentences are regularly handed out to those convicted of assault, regardless of their race or country of origin.

Where do you get off making excuses for a bunch of racist Somalis raining in kicks to a motionless body on the ground screaming "Kill the white slag"?

What would of happened to a gang of white girls raining in kicks to a motionless body on the ground screaming "Kill the Muslim slag"?

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 02:27 AM
The Eurocrats profit from unchecked immigration and un-assimilated people.

They need to keep these people in a state of dependence.

Consider a case where a Somalian is perfectly integrated into society, can speak the language, and is treated to the same level of expectations of everyone else. There is no work for the Eurocrats to do, because this person has integrated into society.

Now consider a case where that same Somalian is encouraged not to integrate into society: to live in a segregated community, keep his or her culture and language, and held to different standards. This person needs mediators to make it in society: They need special counselors to "help them cope," they need "diversity advocates," they need translations of basic documents into their own language, and so on. Meanwhile the rest of society needs more lawyers to cope with cases like this, they need "sensitivity training," school textbooks need to be revised to make them more "diverse," there need to be public campaigns to "fight hate," and so on. All that costs a lot of taxayer money...and creates jobs and busiwork for the Eurocrats. The system is perpetuated because it provides job and budgetary justification for armies of government workers, teachers, concellors, "experts," sensitivit-trainers, and so on.

Want real change? Change the incentives to the eurocrat class.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by andy1972
Basically i feel sorry for the communities that came over to England in the 50's and have struggled so hard to intergrate themselves, and be respected and accepted within the communities where they chose to live.

The generation of today have all but destroyed the hard work of the community leaders of yesteryear.

They fought for equal rights and to be looked upon and be treated as an equal by your average "Alf Garnett" in the street.

Nowadays your average bloke in the street looks upon an immigrant with the same hatred, distain, loathing and fear as the first immigrants from the West Indies, Jamaica and Pakistanis recieved in the 1950's.

We have a justice system that does'nt apply the law equally to one man as to another regardless of race, nationality or faith but applies the law depending on his faith or culture or race.

The system of social security is abused and bled dry by a generation of youths without work and by a generation of immigrants who have never contributed to the system in the first place yet live from the state.

Everyday England is closer to collpase, social issues abound yet are conveniently swept under the rug of Olympic London 2012.

What can be done to right the wrongs we know are dragging a once great nation ever more rapidly towards a point of no return, dragging her towards a political and financial abismo from which she may never fully recover.

I feel sorry for the people that come here in the 50's too, the West Indians and the Indian people in particular worked so hard to get what they got! There was a Senior Officer I knew at Brixton, really fantastic copper, his parents were from St Lucia and he joined the force in the 70's, had to work his backside off to get where he got to, he never moaned, he just did his job and some. That guy would've made a fantastic Commissioner! However, he spoke up against residents who accussed the force of always stop and searching blacks, he said while young black males are doing the crimes in this area, I will order my officers to pull over and stop and search young black males. Nevermind that crime was hitting its lowest, he actually following that got pretty much overlooked for every promotion, then got moved and as such recently retired and I spoke to him recently and he said that he knows it was those words that cost him promotion, but he never regrets them, because they were factual words regardless of the fantasy world that people want to live in.

I think that is the biggest problem, it doesn't matter what facts we have, we want to keep everyone's emotions intact and so even if a policy makes no sense, if it keeps people from screaming and shouting about an emotionally fuelled subject, that is the way to go. The only time they don't do that is with white people because they don't moan about anything, except in their front room, down the pub or at work and this apathy to not upset or put people out of shape, is what's caused this. I think the fantasy world that many of us seem to live in is slowly fading away, but it should've faded long ago!

In other parts of the world, this country would've been in flames long before now!

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