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Jesus is NOT a copy from Pagan religions! Those are lies! Do research and do not believe!

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posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by Zeer0

theres no point even trying mate, these people would blindly follow that dusty old story book even if they found a missing page that read 'all characters and situations in this book are fictional and any resembles to peoples living or dead is pure coincidance'.

anyways, if god does exist as they say then he knows everything that will ever happen, yet he sent his son to die, which (apparantly) started christianity which in turn caused a sh*t load of wars and killed a sh*t load of people. he continuasly lets bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people, but its ok because he has a plan........ in conclusion, if god exists hes a sadisctic b******d who i wouldnt worship even if my eternal soul depended on it.

so i suppose its a good thing that he doesnt

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by Zeer0
reply to post by WarminIndy

All you have to do is read the book then look at the world for what it really is. What is said to be true in the Bible has been disproven by Logic and Science.

Examples ? Should be easy enough.

Dave Norris

anyways, if god does exist as they say then he knows everything that will ever happen, yet he sent his son to die, which (apparantly) started christianity which in turn caused a sh*t load of wars and killed a sh*t load of people. he continuasly lets bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people, but its ok because he has a plan........ in conclusion, if god exists hes a sadisctic b******d who i wouldnt worship even if my eternal soul depended on it.

The ultimate in narcisissim ( Even if God does exist ? He isn't good enough for me.) You poor lost people.
edit on 14-12-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by WarminIndy

Those people also worshiped Moleck when they gave their children to the fire to be consumed. Moleck and Yaweh are not the same.

Greetings, WarminIndy, thank you for that...let me see you tell that to these people that says "all Gods are One." Be aware, the following is not aimed at you, but at Yahweh followers who think he is God Almighty.

First, Moleck:
Some say Moleck is still today worshiped by the Rich Elite at Bilderburg gatherings, he is the Owl God. The giant statue of him can be seen in the Alex Jones Film, during the "Cremation of Care Ritual."

I have done some heavy research on Yahweh, and he is one cruel and bloodthirsty fellow who likes virgins. There is also plenty of evidence that shows Yahweh to be a Feathered, Fire Breathing Dragon. And further, Yahweh is the Leviathan spoken of in the OT. Now I know Yahweh followers will dispute this, so I will use the KJV Bible as a reference here.

Here is a description of the Leviathan:

"Out of his [Leviathan] nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron.21 His breath kindleth coals, and a flame goeth out of his mouth." (Job 41:20)

And here is description of Yahweh, the God of the OT:

"There went up a smoke out of his [Yahweh] nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it." (Psalm 18:8, 2 Samuel 22:9)

Now I ask the reader to differentiate between the two?

And further,

"Leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; the dragon that is in the sea." (Isaiah 27:1)

"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world [through Christianity]: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." (Revelation 12:9)

Now friends, I don't know about you, but from reading the King James Bible alone, I can most easily tell that Yahweh is your Devil!
Now, if Jesus is in fact the son of Yahweh, what does that make him? The Anti-Christ? Please, Bible scholars, clue me in there!
Yahweh is not the prime creator he wants us to believe that he would be, even though he has also produced certain creations. We can easily see a noticeable parallel to the Sumerian creation story Enûma Elish in the Old Testament, which was obviously heavily edited. "Word of God?" I don't think so.

The deluded religious belief that any people or nation or church is a "chosen" people is the root of almost all our troubles, and of most of our wars.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Autowrench when you show those verses side by side, yikes! That is pretty scary stuff. I always read your posts and just try to absorb cause you always have good information and lots of links and things.

As an aside, this is silly... I play Wizard101 as stress relief and one of the spells I cast on the enemies is a Leviathan. Its a real killer lol. Boy, I'm never gonna look at that in game the same way again now I read this, hahaha

Ok back to reading along...

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 02:11 PM
Always a pleasure, LunaKat, to show the truth, and who was it said that? "The Truth Shall Set You Free."
If your run of the mill Christians would study what is really in those Bibles they carry around...
edit on 12/14/11 by autowrench because: for content

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by autowrench

"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world [through Christianity]: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." (Revelation 12:9)

Alright Wrench. First off, just because you can make good sense of some points and let some simalarities be your guide to the conclusions you may or may not desire ? Doesn't mean you can change the message or the hero of the Bible.

"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent,
( cast out by who ?) If God is this serpent who is casting God out? God who is the same, one God. who is capable of getting a message to us that is the one he wants us to have. Is The Heavenly Father.

called the Devil, and Satan,
(not Yahweh)

which deceiveth the whole world
[through lies about fake aliens from outer space that are really just demons from hell and that Christ foretold when he spoke of a great delusion that people would rather believe than the truth. Of the Bible )

There is no other book on the planet like the Bible. I'm positive that you are spreading lies that you hopefully believe to be truth. I mean, I hope for your own sake as a fellow human being you at least believe these things

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 03:13 PM

"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, ( cast out by who ?) If God is this serpent who is casting God out? God who is the same, one God. who is capable of getting a message to us that is the one he wants us to have. Is The Heavenly Father. called the Devil, and Satan, (not Yahweh)

Just a little more to the growing body of evidence that the stories in the Bible were taken from many sources, and is in no way the word of God. The tale of the Devil being thrown from "Heaven" was ripped off from the Sumerian stories of the Annunaki, when Enki threw Marduk off Nibiru and down to Earth. More proof that the Gods of the Bible, and there are many, are actually ET Beings who came here posing as Gods.

I would say that the Real Creators do not wish to "send us a message" of any kind, and why would they? We are on our own, to see if we can learn to live, and work together, and to love each other, no matter the color of skin, gender, or sexual orientation may be. Has Humanity learned these lessons? I would say no, they have not. So, we all have to do this over again, and again, until we get it right. There have been four worlds before this one, and they all fell.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by randyvs

Unfortunately the message in the Bible isn't a good one. I don't like coming down on someone's religion just because I don't agree with it. But when the words are there ..and you're right that can't be changed... you can't just shove them under the rug. Have you read the Bible or the OT? If you think thats the story of a hero I really wonder about your standards. Anything that involves raping women, dividing up women and children as spoils of war or listing them as property, and all kinds of atrocities you find in the OT... please. The New Testament hero you talk of what he is really a hero of? Thats no different than a son today who defends his murderous or thief of a father out of family obligation. Wrong is wrong. Jesus for all he did still has this Father who isn't very nice and wants us to accept. It wouldn't hold up in a court today, the average man could not get away with the things God did to people. We find most of those things to be crimes. We put people in jail for far less.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by LunaKat

Have you read the Bible or the OT? If you think thats the story of a hero I really wonder about your standards.

Yes, actually, three times altogether, plus a research project of about 8 years in total. So who is the hero of the OT? May I ask? Sampson? Agreed. I agree with the rest of what you said too, people just do not know how altered the original message is, and there is not way to retrieve the originals either. I am beginning to suspect this is what the Templars were hiding, and why the Church tortured and burned them at the stake.

As I have said before, the message of the NT is a good message, but the man in the story is just a man, not a God, and no amount of belief makes him such. We are supposed to read, and listen to the message, instead of letting someone else do it for you. We are supposed to find the Christ within, and follow the ways of the Christ, not make the Christ into the Creators of all things. There is no hero here, only a good path to follow. Love everyone. Disregard established religion. suffer the little children, love each other, honor our Divine Father and our Divine Mother, heal the sick. I can see it, can anyone else see it?

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by LunaKat
reply to post by WarminIndy

WarminIndy, I know not all Christians are mean -- no worries
I'm just in a really good place with my spirituality and not looking to change it. I found so much healing in it and it really relates to my life as a woman and more. I'm Irish and so I have only to look to my own roots where my Grandparents came from to find a wonderful Goddess history right there in Ireland. I also love nature and my animals so I lean towards Goddesses and even Pan the God for inspiration and help there. And I really love some of the Hindu Goddesses like Tara which is known in Ireland as well, She is a Mother Goddess there. I just don't have to look far to find a real vein of rich and beautiful spirituality. To go back to what I grew up with seems so foreign to me now. Its not the land of my ancestors, their ways aren't our ways, I'd even look towards the Gods and Goddess of North America before choosing from Israel or that part of the world cause I have no connection to it. I'd choose from the land I walk on or where my ancestors walked first. Thats just me. That in no way means I expect anyone else to do that.

I have a great-grandfather who was born in Ireland. My dad's older cousins said he used to tell them to watch out for the little people. This great-grandfather came from Ireland as a devout Roman Catholic. He found work in the mines in West Virginia and raised his family there.

He converted to Pentecostal at the healing of his daughter during a church service. The story goes like this, his daughter was born with Spina Bifida and was blind. One week, a preacher was holding a revival and the men he worked with asked him to take his daughter there because they felt she would be healed.

According to everyone, my great-grandfather was a very strict man and always bound to his promises and he kept telling the men no, that the people at the revival were all crazy, devil-worshipers who would work witchcraft. That seems to be the prevailing idea about Pentecostals, but anyway, one day he decided it could not hurt, so he went home and told my great-grandmother to get the children ready, they were going to church. This was something so unusual for him to do, but she did it and off they went to church. During the church service, the preacher asked him to bring the little girl forward, that they would be praying for it to be healed and it would be. So with some trepidation, they took her forward and the preacher prayed for her. She was immediately healed of blindness and the first words she spoke to her mother was "I can see you mommy, and you are beautiful". This was the miracle that converted my great-grandparents and we have been Pentecostal ever since.

My brother decided that the miracle was nothing important and chose to walk away, simply because in his own life, he had done serious things and felt God had left him. He tells me he wants God, but how could God do anything for him and that God does not love him and does not really love anyone. He had started in satan worship and attempted to raise demons through Ouija and seances. Yes, for those who don't agree, he wanted to harness the power of demons. He felt he needed to find some sort of revenge against people. He did raise a demon, and as he tells it, that demon was outside his window one night and kept saying "God does not love you" until my brother believed it. He was trying to find protection against those forces that he was playing with without realizing the ultimate power behind it. Now he practices Wicca, because he is running away from the problems in his life.

When anyone asks him why he left Christianity, he always says because God does not love him. He listened to a demon and believed it, to this day. He follows Wicca because he does not have to deal with evil or good, this is something he tells me. There is good and evil in this world, but some people have been so hurt they can't see the good.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 04:05 PM
I believe you. How about this? My son is a natural healer, and a Wiccan. I have seen him lay his hands on many people and heal them, including myself. He does not call on any God, or Goddess, but he does say that it seems like hands reach though his, and he does it.

I have a step son who was born with Spina Bifida. He is 10 years old. He often tells us that his "people" are very ancient, and that he is from another world. The boy has a 160 IQ, and speaks like an adult.

He thinks Christians are crazy, and he has been to church. As for healing his condition and making him taller? Not my son's purpose, the boy has a mission here, and he must do it.

I have seen a lot of faith healers in my time, it is not the man, nor the God, it is the combined energy of the believers that does it.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by LunaKat

Have you read the Bible or the OT? If you think thats the story of a hero I really wonder about your standards.

Yes, actually, three times altogether, plus a research project of about 8 years in total. So who is the hero of the OT? May I ask? Sampson? Agreed. I agree with the rest of what you said too, people just do not know how altered the original message is, and there is not way to retrieve the originals either. I am beginning to suspect this is what the Templars were hiding, and why the Church tortured and burned them at the stake.

As I have said before, the message of the NT is a good message, but the man in the story is just a man, not a God, and no amount of belief makes him such. We are supposed to read, and listen to the message, instead of letting someone else do it for you. We are supposed to find the Christ within, and follow the ways of the Christ, not make the Christ into the Creators of all things. There is no hero here, only a good path to follow. Love everyone. Disregard established religion. suffer the little children, love each other, honor our Divine Father and our Divine Mother, heal the sick. I can see it, can anyone else see it?

Hi Autowrench, yeah I was writing that to randyvs. I got huge problems accepting the NT because of the OT. And its not just that either...its a whole range of reasons that I don't want to go into on a public forum. But I can't get away from knowing that Jesus came here to lead people to that God. I don't want to be led to that God. But I know it means a lot to other people and thats ok. I"m gonna take a break from it all here cause this has just gotten to be way out of hand and I don't know if anyone is paying attention to what anyone writes anymore with just a few exceptions. But I did enjoy your posts. Thanks!

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by WarminIndy

Hi WarminIndy, I'm really glad for the healing that took place in your family and yeah I can see why they would convert to that church right away. I do have to say though that people of great Christian faith have also prayed for miracles and they were good people and never got them. They saw their children die in front of their eyes or parents or brothers/sisters. So when it happens I'm glad it did cause it rarely does.

About your brother, sounds like he's trying to work some stuff out. I never got into demons or anything like that. He'll find his way. He's young right? About not having to worry about whats right or wrong...thats not really true. He is supposed to watch what he sends out cause its gonna come back to him. I just hope he works out whatever is bothering him cause it sounds like something must be.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 09:42 PM
It has been very interesting reading the posts from both LunaKat and Autowrench. I tend to read your posts every other day. I myself am not very knowledgeable on about Christianity per se however through this form I have learned quite a few things I've never heard before. I myself am not religious though I am spiritual in a sense.

Autowrench brought up something I found very interesting and I may just go look it up myself although I don't have a Bible in the house. I think he said there are 12 or 13 God's in the Bible I have to say that is something the church has kept secret for good reason when it totally goes against their main message.

A couple years ago I was going through a really bad time and wound up going to a church near me it wasn't such a bad experience and most of the time I liked it. We call that surfers church I live at the beach and the pastor was a surfer we would get together after Sunday and we would all go out surfing. I was pretty lost and wanted to be around good people.

To make a long story short things were going all right until he made a sermon on Father's Day. He spoke about how in the Old Testament that if the child was disobedient that it was acceptable to stone him. That left a really bad taste in my mouth. There were some other things that didn't sit right with me either and I have never gone back.

Not too long after that I came across a book called conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsh and it doesn't matter to me if it's real or not but I really like how he puts God into context. Autowrench you say you read a lot of books I hope you find the time to read that one. I would really like to see what you think about it.

Anyway Autowrench and LunaKat I want you to know at least I am paying attention and I am learning a lot. The two of you seem to know more about the Bible than anyone I have ever met. So I would like to say thank you.
edit on 14-12-2011 by Grimpachi because: corrections

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 05:36 AM
The Roman Catholic Church canonized Scripture, Pentecostalism didn't, it came
along centuries later. Read the quotes of the men taught by the Apostles. Their
belief is Catholic. That would be Matthew, Mark , Luke, John, Paul and dear Paul. They all believe in Christ's presence in the most Holy Eucharist.

Remember what Paul said, unless you discern it is the "BODY" of Our Lord,
you bring judgment on yourself.

You accept a Catholic Bible. Yes you do, so don't protest against the Church,
join her. How wonderful that would be. The Remnant is Roman Catholic.

All books that were considered for the Cannon, but not included were called Apocrypha, and thus declared not inspired.

362 A.D. Catholic Church's Council of Rome defines the Canon of Holy Scripture.
382 Pope Damasus issues a listing of the present OT and NT Canon of 73 books
383 Saint Jerome translates the Latin Vulgate from Greek & Hebrew
393 Council of Hippo (North Africa) approves the present Canon of 73 books
397 Council of Constantinople produces first bound Bible (the Vulgate: previously, all
were separate books)
397 Council of Carthage (North Africa) approves the same OT and NT canon
405 Pope Saint Innocent I approves the Canon again and closes it (with 73 books)

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by randyvs

Where do i start??

1. The world is not 6000 years old.

2. Snakes cant talk

3. The first people were born in Africa

4. The story of Noah arc is not even possible because it would be impossible to get every species on the Planet on a boat and if such a feat were possible the animals would have been eating eachother....Simple Logic

5. You cant live in a fish belly for 3 days. You will be dissolved by stomach acids.

Etc, etc..

Please provide me some Evidence that points to a God.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by autowrench

Morning Autowrench, I very much enjoyed reading about your son and his healing work and your step son. With your son is it kind of along the lines of TT (Therapeutic Touch)? I also think what you said at the end is right..and it goes along with what came out of at least one prayer study I heard of...where a lot of people prayed for those that were ill..there was a control group that had no idea they were being prayed for...and another group that did know. The combined prayer of many people seemed to help both groups recover faster. Pretty sure they were all from various religions doing the praying. Yeah its gotta be the energy of that belief combined.

Have been enjoying what you and WarminIndy have written about the healings. I don't work too much with healing except on my own self or try with my pets. But I really do appreciate what you both have written. Very happy when these things happen

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

Grimpachi thank you for what you said although most of that goes to Autowrench. I'm not very good with all the links and stuff. And I don't have things real organized. I mainly respond emotionally or with the heart to spirituality so I'm a bit scattered when it comes to putting my finger on informational things right away. I read things but I forget to save stuff, lol. But I do appreciate what you wrote.

I read Conversations with God years back. I think after it first came out. What I did like about the book is that it does show we can all talk to God (or Goddess or the Divine) ourselves and get our own answers. And I think he succeeds at showing people everyone can do that.

About the stoning..yeah
Thats not too cool. Coupled with the honor thy mother and father commandment there has been a whole lot of harm done to kids when its been misused.

Wish we had your weather..its cold here, surfing sounds nice

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by Zeer0
reply to post by randyvs

Where do i start??

1. The world is not 6000 years old.

2. Snakes cant talk

3. The first people were born in Africa

4. The story of Noah arc is not even possible because it would be impossible to get every species on the Planet on a boat and if such a feat were possible the animals would have been eating eachother....Simple Logic

5. You cant live in a fish belly for 3 days. You will be dissolved by stomach acids.

Etc, etc..

Please provide me some Evidence that points to a God.

The fabulations of some middle-age scriptures and/or the Bible have really nothing to do with God.
The bible was written with an intention and many things were added, modified or left out. But this is really nothing new. If you make your belief depend on whether what is in the bible is "correct" you might have a problem.
edit on 15-12-2011 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by Zeer0

Please provide me some Evidence that points to a God.

Hi Zeer0, I know you wrote to another member and yeah the things you said were true. But this last keeps nagging at me. I respect atheists a lot...heck, I straddle the line a lot of times myself and almost have taken that stance a number of times as my view. So its not like I don't understand about not seeing hard evidence for a God. I do understand that.

The only reason I've never taken up atheism is I still know that somehow all this came into being. And in a really beautiful way. I mean look at what we got..this world is still in a lot of places magnificent. And yeah there is a lot wrong too. But wow... I also know I didn't create it. I can't hang planets in the sky, I can't put the atoms and the molecules in the correct order to make anything other than other disaster most likely, I can't create an old forest or even a new one... somehow it happened and I think something is behind it.

I love science and I feel kind of that "God" or Design or the Universe (whatever you call it) uses science to make these things happen. I don't picture a God or Goddess that sits there and from moment to moment is making individual decisions on each of our lives. I think She or He created this, got the science of it up and running and the science lets it all run. The systems are in place. But I think there was a Source of all that. Oh well, just my own *opinion* and not proof... can't prove it. Just feel it. Respect if you feel otherwise

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