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Jesus is NOT a copy from Pagan religions! Those are lies! Do research and do not believe!

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posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by colbe

The KJV is an absolute horrid translation of the Catholic Bible. King James, Mr. Gay, and his translators made 30,000 changes to the KJV. I wonder why, I guess his choice to go with his breaking with the Curch and starting his own sect.

This is simply not true, but is something the corrupt vatican 2 would have people to believe. The KJV is the most accurate non-corrupt bible there is today as is the inspired word of God . The translators of the KJV used the textus receptus Greek texts instead of the nestle texts that the latin vulgate used. The Nestle text are corrupted manuscripts and the Textus receptus is far superior.

I would like to remind you that it was King James who commissioned the KJ Bible was the very same who, 6 years earlier, had been almost assassinated by Catholic Plotters, most famously Guy Fawkes because the vatican didn't want the english people to have a non-corrupt english translation. To this day we celebrate it in England.

God knows what He is doing and despite the persecution of protestant christians by the catholic church the King James Version is one of the popular and best selling bibles there is today. Of course the vatican didn't like this so they started making thousands of other english translation to try and dilute God's inspired word.

Take the NIV's missing 64000 words for example. The New International Version is also based on the same corrupt nestle text as the latin vulgate. Most modern bibles are and that's why we should only trust the KJB.

Christians were even burnt at the stake by the catholic pope in the 16th/17 century. That should be telling.
edit on 4-12-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Darkmask
reply to post by arpgme
Jesus was a mortal man and a cult leader and nothing more.

2nd line

Any evidence to support this or are you just another dishonest atheist making unsubstantiated claims?

Funny how if you don't believe in him that you would go out of your way to attack him isn't it.

edit on 4-12-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by xXxinfidelxXx
reply to post by arpgme

Why are you so desperate to "prove" the origins of your religion. Religion, by definition is only man's attempt at understanding that which is beyond us (and failing miserably). Find your own path man.

"Find your own path man" -

There's only one path to heaven and thats through Jesus Christ my friend.

We are hopeless to save ourselves in our fallen state.

There is only one redeemer and life giver and thats The Messiah.
edit on 4-12-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by g146541

1) If you don't even know the dimensions of the ark how would you know what could have possibly fit in it?
2) It seem's you made up your own personal God in your mind that suits you. This is called idolatry. And It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. I could say I don't believe in pain and then stick my hand in a fire but it wouldn't change the reality of my hand burning apart would it?
3) I wasn't personally there at creation, but I know someone who was.
4) If God can make the universe then I think he is capable of making sure the scriptures do not become corrupted. I believe this is why he chose the King James Version as being the most inspired translation throughout the western world.
5) I don't have control. No your right I don't... I don't have control over sin and nether do you. This is why I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior because he is the only one that could over come it.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by Garkiniss
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

Christ was God?

Sooooo.... he was talking to himself during the crucifiction, asking why he had forsaken himself?
Well that's just silly.

There is only one true and living God, yet He has expressed Himself in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I know this can be a difficult concept to understand, but it is the truth. Although Jesus is divine he was also a man I think we need to remember that. If you think it is silly then that's up to you, but I'd suggest asking him that your self.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by John_Q_Llama

I would tell your wife to be carefull of the Universalism teaching, it is a false belief that undermines the gospal. It is against scripture if you study them carefully. Here is a good article on it that she may be interested in reading.

That makes no sense to me. Why not embrace the idea that a loving God does not punish anyone, regardless of their actions?

Because as christians we need to embrace truth and not what our feelings dictate.

Psalm 5:5, "The boastful shall not stand before Thine eyes; Thou dost hate all who do iniquity,"

God hates sin. But, He does not punish sin. He punishes the sinner.

To sin is to break God's Law and offend His character. To sin means to challenge His character and authority. It means you go against His word. But God is not a liar. His word is true. He has said He will punish the lawbreaker.

The sobering fact is that God is so holy and righteous that He hates the sinner.

An interesting answer. If what you say is true, and that DNA started off pure, wouldn't there be evidence of that found in the remains of people who lived long ago? By the way, this is not an attempt to twist your words, but "genetics are affected by time" seems to be skirting awfully close to the concept of evolution.

Well I don't really have time to get into the specifics but their is evidence in science that genes are having more defects then they did in the past. It however quite hard to get dna from a pile of bones that died a long time ago. My suggestion is if you want to learn why evolution is false from a creationist point of view then the link in my signature will give you all the information you need to make up your own mind which party is right.

First - you didn't answer my question! Not a big deal. I did do a bit of reading on the concept of Young Earth creationism. I had assumed it applied to the entire Universe rather than just Earth. However I get the impression that isn't the case. And as this particular subject is based heavily upon how one interprets the story of Genesis, either literally or not, I am inclined to step away from discussing it.

Sorry, I thought I did answer your question, but maybe it was to metaphorical. And yes I can confirm creationism does apply to the whole universe and not just earth.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration

Originally posted by Darkmask
reply to post by arpgme

Jesus was a mortal man and a cult leader and nothing more.

Any evidence to support this or are you just another dishonest atheist making unsubstantiated claims?

His claims are no more unsubstantial than your own. Your proof of Jesus' divinity is the very evidence that makes the matter questionable. The Bible.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 11:21 PM
And that will be it for my input on this thread. It was a good discussion and I thoroughly enjoyed the debate. I think I've covered enough misconceptions about the Bible that people have, as people are now starting to repeat things other have already said we are going full circle. On that note May Jesus Christ be praised above all hallelujah!

God Bless everyone.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 11:26 PM
Just for fun, it is postulated by some that Francis Bacon is really the one who translated the KJV and also happened to be the real Shakespeare as well(that is, it is postulated).

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

And you end with "Jesus Christ be praised above all"? Really? No conflict of interest there?


We humbly accept your defeat.... as predictable and rediculous as it was.


posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration
reply to post by steveknows

You do realize that Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code is a work of fiction? And, as such, makes a lot of things up and alters facts to suit the plot to keep readers turning the pages.

edit on 4-12-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

Do you realise that though Dan Browns book is a work of fiction the core of the book is scholorary fact. This is the very reason why the authors of the book Holy Blood Holy Grail failed when they tried to sue Dan Brown for copying their work because the court decided that the core of both books, being that Mary was Pregnant to Jesus and that Jesus was just a man, was scholorary fact and recorded in history and that the information was there for anyone who chose to seek it out.

So how about you become learned in something other than the bible and perhaps you'll be able to put forward a real debate or even point something out to people which isn't unresearched. Go to a library and change your life man.
edit on 5-12-2011 by steveknows because: Typo

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 12:26 AM

Mary was Pregnant to Jesus and that Jesus was just a man, was scholorary fact and recorded in history

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
edit on 5-12-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration

Mary was Pregnant to Jesus and that Jesus was just a man, was scholorary fact and recorded in history

Biggest lies ever told right here folks...

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

The biggest liar on ATS need to post some links to back up what he says. But he won't because he can't.

For those of you who do read links here we go.

"The court did not set out any novel legal ideas. Instead, much of the decision was based on the application of established legal principles to the facts at hand"

"A paradox exists in relation to works based on historical facts"

Where's you links showing this to be false RevelationGeneration

And I note that you edited your post and took out the part where you said "Biggest lie ever told right here folks". But it's to late as I already reponded so what you originally said before you edited it is shown in my reply here. I thought you had faith in what you say

edit on 5-12-2011 by steveknows because: Add

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration

This is simply not true, but is something the corrupt vatican 2 would have people to believe. The KJV is the most accurate non-corrupt bible there is today as is the inspired word of God . The translators of the KJV used the textus receptus Greek texts instead of the nestle texts that the latin vulgate used. The Nestle text are corrupted manuscripts and the Textus receptus is far superior.

I would like to remind you that it was King James who commissioned the KJ Bible was the very same who, 6 years earlier, had been almost assassinated by Catholic Plotters, most famously Guy Fawkes because the vatican didn't want the english people to have a non-corrupt english translation. To this day we celebrate it in England.

God knows what He is doing and despite the persecution of protestant christians by the catholic church the King James Version is one of the popular and best selling bibles there is today. Of course the vatican didn't like this so they started making thousands of other english translation to try and dilute God's inspired word.

Take the NIV's missing 64000 words for example. The New International Version is also based on the same corrupt nestle text as the latin vulgate. Most modern bibles are and that's why we should only trust the KJB.

Christians were even burnt at the stake by the catholic pope in the 16th/17 century. That should be telling.
edit on 4-12-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

Revelation, hello,

Friend, you would know nothing of Christ without the RCC. Give me names and dates of the first Protestant Bible? Protestants didn't canonize Scripture. Protestantism came along in the 16th century! The Latin Vulgate is the first Bible, written in the 4th century. So, it's been noticed, there are 30 thousand of changes made to the KJV. Scripture states don't change Scripture.

And if you want to talk atrocities, how about Cromwell and the Protestant Inquisition? Remember Thomas More and other English Catholics murdered and the millions Irish Catholics murdered and starved to death.

Words from Cardinal John Henry Newman who converted to Catholicism from
Protestantism "To be deep in history, is to cease to be Protestant."

Our Lord is NOT returning soon to reveal to the world Protestantism is alright with
Him. How could He, which of the 30,000 Protestant groups (sects) is His Church? You can't keep saying simply Jesus is coming soon. To reveal
what? Jesus' prayer to the Father, that we all believe the same, is going to
happen. A Pentecost for all, there will be no longer a denial of the most
Holy Eucharist. All the world, every soul is going to experience the divine Great
Warning. Part of it, will be an NDE type life review. This "illumination" comes before the appearance of the anti-Christ. To warn of him. The best way to prepare is to make a devout, from the heart confession to God of your serious sins called mortal sins. Catholics must do more, they must go to Confession. You will not feel the anguish, the pain of seeing "CONFESSED" sins in your life review. It is prophesied, some will die at the shock of seeing the state of their soul. Confession and prayer...begin a daily prayer life. Talk to God from your heart.

Examine your life if it's been along time since you confessed your sins.

Almost every sexual sin is denied as even being a sin in these times! I mention them because there are so many. Adultery, fornication, masturbation, sodomy, sterilization, contraception which is approved by Protestantism. The fruit of very evil...abortion. Invitro Fertilization. I'll forget one,
can't list them all. Do you see? God is going to save souls. You

How the Canon of the Bible (the official catalogue of inspired books) was officially declared. All books that were considered for the Cannon, but not included were called Apocrypha, and thus declared not inspired.
362 A.D. Catholic Church's Council of Rome defines the Canon of Holy Scripture.
382 Pope Damasus issues a listing of the present OT and NT Canon of 73 books
383 Saint Jerome translates the Latin Vulgate from Greek & Hebrew
393 Council of Hippo (North Africa) approves the present Canon of 73 books
397 Council of Constantinople produces first bound Bible (the Vulgate: previously, all 397were separate books)
397 Council of Carthage (North Africa) approves the same OT and NT canon
405 Pope Saint Innocent I approves the Canon again and closes it (with 73 book

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by colbe

Oops, pay not attention to that "You" at the end of my words, a typo.



posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by colbe

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration

This is simply not true, but is something the corrupt vatican 2 would have people to believe. The KJV is the most accurate non-corrupt bible there is today as is the inspired word of God . The translators of the KJV used the textus receptus Greek texts instead of the nestle texts that the latin vulgate used. The Nestle text are corrupted manuscripts and the Textus receptus is far superior.

I would like to remind you that it was King James who commissioned the KJ Bible was the very same who, 6 years earlier, had been almost assassinated by Catholic Plotters, most famously Guy Fawkes because the vatican didn't want the english people to have a non-corrupt english translation. To this day we celebrate it in England.

God knows what He is doing and despite the persecution of protestant christians by the catholic church the King James Version is one of the popular and best selling bibles there is today. Of course the vatican didn't like this so they started making thousands of other english translation to try and dilute God's inspired word.

Take the NIV's missing 64000 words for example. The New International Version is also based on the same corrupt nestle text as the latin vulgate. Most modern bibles are and that's why we should only trust the KJB.

Christians were even burnt at the stake by the catholic pope in the 16th/17 century. That should be telling.
edit on 4-12-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

Revelation, hello,

Friend, you would know nothing of Christ without the RCC. Give me names and dates of the first Protestant Bible? Protestants didn't canonize Scripture. Protestantism came along in the 16th century! The Latin Vulgate is the first Bible, written in the 4th century. So, it's been noticed, there are 30 thousand of changes made to the KJV. Scripture states don't change Scripture.

And if you want to talk atrocities, how about Cromwell and the Protestant Inquisition? Remember Thomas More and other English Catholics murdered and the millions Irish Catholics murdered and starved to death.

Words from Cardinal John Henry Newman who converted to Catholicism from
Protestantism "To be deep in history, is to cease to be Protestant."

Our Lord is NOT returning soon to reveal to the world Protestantism is alright with
Him. How could He, which of the 30,000 Protestant groups (sects) is His Church? You can't keep saying simply Jesus is coming soon. To reveal
what? Jesus' prayer to the Father, that we all believe the same, is going to
happen. A Pentecost for all, there will be no longer a denial of the most
Holy Eucharist. All the world, every soul is going to experience the divine Great
Warning. Part of it, will be an NDE type life review. This "illumination" comes before the appearance of the anti-Christ. To warn of him. The best way to prepare is to make a devout, from the heart confession to God of your serious sins called mortal sins. Catholics must do more, they must go to Confession. You will not feel the anguish, the pain of seeing "CONFESSED" sins in your life review. It is prophesied, some will die at the shock of seeing the state of their soul. Confession and prayer...begin a daily prayer life. Talk to God from your heart.

Examine your life if it's been along time since you confessed your sins.

Almost every sexual sin is denied as even being a sin in these times! I mention them because there are so many. Adultery, fornication, masturbation, sodomy, sterilization, contraception which is approved by Protestantism. The fruit of very evil...abortion. Invitro Fertilization. I'll forget one,
can't list them all. Do you see? God is going to save souls. You

How the Canon of the Bible (the official catalogue of inspired books) was officially declared. All books that were considered for the Cannon, but not included were called Apocrypha, and thus declared not inspired.
(with 73 book

You two are arguing over which Bible is correct in listing how many people have died over the same argument can either of you see how sick that this. A all forgiving God has inspired so much death and hatred. Religion is responsible for more murder than anything else throughout history.

The idea that contraception is evil. The very idea of evil is archaic. Putting faith in something that has caused so much death and destruction will be what I call evil. There is a book you should both read it is called Conversations with God it was written by a man named Neil Donald Walsh. It may just open your eyes to what God truly wants for us. I feel sorry for both of you. Be at peace.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by steveknows

I am impressed. I went to the link and read what was in it. You get a star for that. Thank you for the information.

It looks like you're very much correct. Deny ignorance, seems you are doing just that. If only you can silence it.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by Grimpachi
reply to post by steveknows

I am impressed. I went to the link and read what was in it. You get a star for that. Thank you for the information.

It looks like you're very much correct. Deny ignorance, seems you are doing just that. If only you can silence it.

Thank you very much. Just a little win for the side of reason. As for silencing ignorance I think that's never going to happen but it's fun trying

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

Your question was.
1) If you don't even know the dimensions of the ark how would you know what could have possibly fit in it?

Several people have tried to prove the arc was real. The dimensions for it are in the Bible but every attempt at proving that it was possible and met with failure. A ship with those dimensions would easily sink. I am sorry but it is a fairytale. Like unicorns and dragons. I would like to believe in them but they just aren't real.
edit on 5-12-2011 by Grimpachi because: spelling

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

Yes and I guarantee that your "chosen path" is based on man's mainstream attempt at understanding the divine, or better yet, a tainted, misguided faith that has been tampered with so as so bring about it's own end. Remember that in the beginning there was no knowledge of such things. Therefore trying to understand every little nuance will bring you no closer to God. Only to our worldly interpretations, which in essence, draws you further away from Him.

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