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Kentucky Church bans interracial couples

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posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 05:13 PM
I agree with pretty much everything Misoir has said.

We are different and we are all treated differently(by law,government or society),obviously our IQ's are all different,obviously races are different,otherwise we wouldn't call them races..

In the Western world,they are trying to strategically immigrate large amounts of people to "dilute" the population,and i can vouch for that first hand where i live,its happening.

And it probably isn't the only reason either,more taxes,more crime,more diversity.

Practically,Multiculturalism,which doesn't work for the greater deal of things,unless there is space for the different cultures to "breath".In which,for where i live,this Multiculturalism IS NOT spread or spaced out,which is why violence happens and then the country as a whole gets called a "racist".

Caucasians cannot be discriminated against because we do not originate from a specific known location.
Why do you think its treated harshly when a Caucasian calls a African "black",but is looked past when the opposite happens...Again,i know first hand that this is true.

I agree,protect our race and our culture,because once its gone,its gone.

I am a proud Caucasian and i'm not ashamed of saying what i just said.

Call me a racist all you like,it wont do a thing.Besides,you only call people a racist when you have been indoctrinated into believing that everyone is equal and is treated equal in this perfect day of age...which is BS.

If everyone's equal guys,then whats the problem with two gays getting married...?

Have a nice day.


edit on 1-12-2011 by BillyBoBBizWorth because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

That was actually not addressed to you. I should have done a reply to post. I agree bring it to light or give them no power either way. I sometimes think though that they want even this kind of publicity regardless so I choose to ignore the flying gnats, now fly’s and mosquitoes (Like Fred Phelps) yeah they need to be dealt with!

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by iamconcerned
reply to post by Misoir

After horrendous experiences with white women all my life, I am strongly looking into other cultures that want to keep their family intact as a first instinct, instead of listening to all their non-hetero friends tell them to reach for a lawyer.

Sadly it's not just White Women, which btw I do have my own personal negative experiences with.

Asian Women, Chinese in particular (though I'm sure some others could vouch for the issues with other Asian Women) come from families that are exceedingly racist.

If you think you're lucky, because you've found a Chinese Woman who was raised with American (or Western for that matter) ideals, you're in for a big shock. They will turn out just as bad or worse than the typical White Woman. (ie; selfish, unfaithful, "entitled", chronic liar etc")

If you can separate your beautiful, young Asian Woman from her families very evil influence, you might just be able to create a solid loving marriage. Short of that, expect her family to continually be a thorn in your ass, and her Mother to repeatedly insist that her daughter leave you for an Asian male.

25+ years experience in this subject, forgive me for being very general, but this is what I've found to be true.

Remember guys, divorce rates here in the USA are STAGGERING. Not kidding. If you ever plan on getting married and don't fancy the idea of losing everything you own to an unscrupulous Woman, heed my warning.

Starting your life over is not a pleasant thing.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by TechniXcality

Basically we're arguing about "How It Should Be". Some think that races should remain segregated and others think that individuals should be free to choose whether they want to remain segregated or not.

There's nothing wrong with having the opinion that people should segregate. You are free to have that opinion. And I don't have an issue with the right of the church. I support their right to operate their church as they see fit. I just don't AGREE with their opinion. Or yours.

What I wonder is whether you think interracial marriage should be illegal...

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

no it shouldn't as i dont belive in the gov dictating personal choice at any level, I just don't belive whites should date or marry outside of our race. Many do and i feel that alot of them do it for some typ of "different" experince or to rebel against ther pious parents and i think even more do it because they feel some sort of white guilt and self loathing wishing they were more tan, i've formed these opinions through experince i didnt just make this up and i wasnt taught rasicm and im nor racist. But i refuse to go outside of my race also i dont find other races to be attractive even to the slightest.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

I rarely say this, but string the pastor up. Just kill him. The fact that some were even undecided is disgusting enough. When problems like these arise, their very nature go against the spirit of the law of God, man, and decency, and examples must be made to promote the destruction of such things.

"It sure ain't Christian. It ain't nothing but the old devil working," Harville said.

Damn right Harville

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

Kill him, are you kidding me? your calling for a mans death on ATS good luck and if i was arguing on your side i would distance my self from you.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by TechniXcality

I can never understand this belief in not wanting to date out of ones race. Most guys I know care little about a women's racial heritage and are more concerned with attractiveness followed by personality. I mean where does one draw the line.
As an English man would dating a Spanish woman or Italian woman be dating out of my race? How about a latino?

I like all women all colors all creeds (whether they like me is another matter). I certainly don't want to restrict myself to English women only, not when there are so many other beautiful women on the planet. That in my opinion would be madness.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 06:04 PM

If every child was mixed they would all be of the same race thus unique would be gone in that sense.Text

This is what I don't get, as a mixed bred Canadian. Many of us, like myself would be classified as 'white', that would be as in my case a MIXTURE of English, French, Scottish, German and Native American. Now when I have gone to a large Island not far from here which is predominantly inhabited by pretty much pure Scottish descendents, they, many of them, look down on me because I am not of pure Scottish descent. As for the English, I have recieved insults because of my German blood. The Native Indigenous, some of them have let me know that as I am not pure blood native, then I am somehow of less value. 'Whites' have looked down on me because I am part native cree. Germans, one could say strangely enough I've never had a problem with.

Us so-called white people are a mixture of different cultures and ethnicities, or alot of us are. I can't say I even thought about these things until I was amongst people of 'pure blood'. Then I was made to feel bad about myself.
What about my pride? the pride I have in being a mixed mutt. I value all the different cultures and bloodlines that I come from because it is what makes me who I am. Us mixed breds are unique, we are unique in our DNA and we were uniquely created by our Creator. We are of no less value than pure bred people.

This church may have the right to decide by law that they will not allow this interracial couple to attend their church. But there is a higher law, call it a moral law. We are all created equal. Who are the members of this church that they feel they have the right, some of them, to make this couple feel badly about themselves because of who they are and their decision to possibly mix their bloodlines. Will their children be of any less value? This is a Baptist church, what bible are they reading? we are to love our neighbors as ourselves and treat others like we want to be treated.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 06:06 PM
... segregation is unbiblical... Mose's wife was dark skinned... she was possibly black.. we read in Deuteronomy how Mose's sister made a big deal out of them being together with reference to her color.. This could suggest that he wasn't black... later on we read that she (mose's sister) ended up with leprosy for her making a big deal out of them being together.. and upon further study, we learn that it was actually really really bad flaky white dandruff!! from head to toe!!, not necessarily leprosy...
God, if anything, is not without a sense of humor... mose's sister liked being white to the point that she hated her brother's wife for not being white, so EL SHADDI
made her as white as he possibly could... nice flaky white dandruff from head to toe.... but... actually it was probably due to the radiation poisoning coming from the ark and whatever it was inside... maybe she had a reaction to it after not being given her daily dose of monotomic gold /mana... Either way....... For this church in particular to not allow people to like people of whatever color they like, is wrong; and If any of them decided to read the bible for themselves and not listen to the idiot on the pulpit, they would realize that too =)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by TechniXcality
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

you've suggested that the church is not within it's rights to ban such a thing,

I never suggested such a thing, and I've made it clear on numerous occasions on this thread, had you actually paid attention, that this church is within their right to bar certain groups. But please, but all means, bring a post back up where I said this, thanks.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by batgirl

I have enough native american in me to qualify for indian benifits im the last in my blood line that can, regardless i am white everyone knows it, i have Irish and Sicilian in me. Who am i fooling though do you think im actually going to go live on a reseveration and claim that, absolutly not i would be shunned mocked and the likes, my appearance alone prove what i am. I am white to you and everyone around me therefor i will wear it proudly end of story.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
Well considering it's been alittle under 50 years since State and Federal racial segregation and anti-interracial marriage laws were abolished thanks to the ruling of the Supreme court and the Federal government, we still have some time to go before one's skin or racial make up becomes irrelevant in society in general. This kind of mentality is still around, especially in the South. Some folks just want to continue stubbornly living backwards.

You display as much bigotry as you quote. Note that the people in this town have condemned this action. And don't say "especially in the south." That's absurd. I've lived in the south and in the north and I have to tell you, people get along better in the south than in the north where minorities are often ghettoized.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by Misoir
reply to post by BohemianBrim

Last time I checked George Jefferson was a racialist, a black man proud of his own heritage. I would gladly embrace him, all races need to be preserved as they are all threatened by the PC Left. Please, bring George Jefferson here.

There is only one race of humans.
So where are you getting this term "races" from?
"Black" & "white" are not races, they are colors.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

It's completely ridiculous and un-American to advocate the death of somebody just because you don't agree with their views.

This is the kind of hysteria that political correctness can result in. When discourse is suppressed to a certain point, it bubbles forth irrationally. When certain lines of inquiry are a priori rejected, dark flowers blossom.

In the Victorian era, they used to drape cloth around the bottom portions of pianos to hide the piano legs. Why? Because they feared that if somebody saw the piano legs, they might be "inappropriately" reminded of a woman's legs and become aroused. This is completely insane to modern ears, but at the time it made sense to a lot of people because honest discourse about sexuality was so repressed that it could only find expression in such warped, irrational outbursts. When I see people advocating the death of others whose opinions on race they disagree with, I think a similar mecahanism of psychological repression is at work.

edit on 12/1/11 by silent thunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 06:28 PM
People from Kentucky, BELONG in Kentucky. Understand. They play with rattle snakes and drink stricnine in those Kentucky churches. Believers babble incoherently. Non-sense from the pie hole's of the spiritualy severely retarded. Do you see why I can't condone christianity? All those slaughtered in Jesus's name. Little boy's raped in the monsignor's chamber. Abraham can keep his bloodthirsty, vengefull god. Hypocrit's and jackel's.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by TechniXcality
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

no it shouldn't as i dont belive in the gov dictating personal choice at any level, I just don't belive whites should date or marry outside of our race. Many do and i feel that alot of them do it for some typ of "different" experince or to rebel against ther pious parents and i think even more do it because they feel some sort of white guilt and self loathing wishing they were more tan, i've formed these opinions through experince i didnt just make this up and i wasnt taught rasicm and im nor racist. But i refuse to go outside of my race also i dont find other races to be attractive even to the slightest.

Yes you were taught racism because you live in a racist society.
Just like men are taught sexism.
The fact you dont want to acknowledge it simply means you want to live in your own ignorance.

Do you realize that the church, one point in history, actually outlawed marriage?
Would you support that? Because you know, men and women are different. Physically and mentally.
They tend to have difficulty communicating with each other, they tend to think differently, have different interests. No wonder there are so many fights between them. Men and women are just not compatible.
And some women go out and date men just as a rebellious act against their parents.
Makes more sense for men to marry men, and women to marry women, right?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by BillyBoBBizWorth
I agree with pretty much everything Misoir has said.

So you're a racist, ok. And I'd assume you also support the idea of letting State governments establish jim crow laws by force over American citizens again as well, since this is where Misoir stands as well. Right.

In the Western world,they are trying to strategically immigrate large amounts of people to "dilute" the population,and i can vouch for that first hand where i live,its happening.

That is very funny you know? Because as I recalled, it was the Europeans who, more than any other group, decided to migrate around the world, invading foreign lands, mixing with the natives, establishing countries. Are you American? What the hell are you doing in America? Why are you not back in Europe? If you well and truly believe that people should not be mixing, racial groups should not be mixing, then you shouldn't be out of Europe in the first place, I mean this would make sense given your logic over this matter.

Practically,Multiculturalism,which doesn't work

What is this about mutliculturalism not working? What does this mean? I never understood this argument. Multiculturalism simply stands for a diversity of people living and working together. Multiculturalism has been apart of human civilization for centuries. Multiculturalism doesn't require acceptance of ones culture, it doesn't require equality, all it requires is the right of people of different cultures to live, work and mix among eachother freely. What does it mean that it's not working? Does this mean that because different people of races and cultures, like you, disagree with diversity, we should 'stop' multiculuralism?

How do you intend we 'stop' multiculturalism? Seriously?

Do we deport all the immigrants back to where they came from!? Since you, it ain't working!? Do we segregate all the different cultures? I mean multiculturalism isn't working right? So because it's not working in your eyes what do you suggest?

Caucasians cannot be discriminated against because we do not originate from a specific known location.

Are you kidding me? So have caucasians been in North America since before anybody else? Have caucasians always been in Australia? What about the caucasians in South Africa? Are they native there? The caucasians in Brazil!? Have they always been in Brazil and Argentina as well? Are you serious?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by FoosM

i dont care if men marry men and women marry women my sisters a lesbian quiet frankly i dont care if white marry black, but im not going to period thats all i was saying. Just as much as i wont marry a man i wont marry a black girl are you with me so far?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
You display as much bigotry as you quote. Note that the people in this town have condemned this action.

Where was the bigotry? I never stated that all people in that community were racists or the same, never generalized Kentuckyians, didn't targest any specific group. I did say this issue is especially prevenlant in the South, which is true, it is, I know the south through in through, and I've lived all over. This is pritty much common knowledge. That doesn't mean that I generalized an entire peoples. So please, if you're going to accuse me of bigotry, put the evidence where your mouth is, thanks.

And yes, this kinds of incidences are more prevelant in the South, this doesn't mean believe all Southerners are racist, that's absurd, and hypocritical to myself included. But this is your supposed personal experience I guess.

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