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Kentucky Church bans interracial couples

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posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 02:43 PM
I am all for preserving cultural heritage and whatnot but how can you call yourself a christian and deny brothers and sisters regardless of ethnicity fellowship with their other brothers and sisters. This is like those all black churches out there who say all white people are going to hell. Argh...hypocrit christians get on my nervessss. Kinda like seeing a white guy calling himself a christian call a black guy a "n*gger", or a black guy saying he's a christian calling a white person a "cracker"

News flash Jesus doesn't recognize race or color or ethnicity or even care about what music you like, or wether or not you have liberty spikes as a hairstyle. All of us are his children regardless of what you've done or what person you married.

Ask yourself, "what would Jesus do?" If he wouldn't do or say something like that you shouldn't either.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 02:57 PM
Nice try to suck a bunch of people into this fray. no thanks. But as long as this is a free country, I will like and dislike whoever I want to. Your assigning a title of bigot will not affect me in any way. I have the right to say or think that inter racial is wrong, and many instances of Biblical history show that to be true.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 03:04 PM
This type of stuff disgusts reason for it, and churches like these are so embarassing...and shake my head at the racist.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I would give up the ghost if i was you geeza.
You cant win an argument with a zealot of any description,they use thier education to build an argument but dont posses the intelligence required to see they have already lost the argument.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 03:09 PM
You know when I saw this story on Yahoo news I went to post a comment...

but comments were closed.

I got through page one of posts on ATS and I knew why.

I will say this, reading the news article made me believe in time travel because some people are still living in their own very special past.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 03:14 PM
No one's talking about having the government force that church to recognize interracial marriage. Just as the Catholic Churches in all of the states that recognize gay marriage will not perform the Sacrament of Marriage for a gay couple (as sad as that is for people who are gay and Catholic.)

That doesn't mean that we have to agree with the church, just because it has the right to do something. It is very un-Christian to say that people of different colors should not mix. "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." - Gal 3:28

So yeah, this is a hypocritical church. Anyone who claims to be a Christian is hypocritical if they think that we are not all one in Jesus Christ. If we are all part of one human family, then there is no logic behind the idea that races should be kept separate. that's like saying, "Well, in our family, cousin Lucy and cousin Joel should be kept separate in order to preserve their personalities..." I mean, it doesn't make sense. Why within our family should we have to be separate? We grow in our own belief and personality by communing with others. That's why only reading sources from one perspective on the issue stagnates our growth - we grow in our beliefs by putting our beliefs to the test, ie, mixing in one way or the other (intellectually or physically) with people who are different.

Misoir, I don't know if you are Christian or not (you posted Bible quotes but you may have just been making a point about Christianity) so I understand, if you are not a Christian, why you do not believe in the concept of "the human family" and why you believe that your isolated life is all you need. I would just encourage you to think about your views on other things than race - do you come up with your views by deciding your opinion is right and never challenging it, or do you learn about multiple points of view in order to challenge yourself? If so, why is mixing with other cultures bad, because in a way, isn't the best of your culture brought out through that understanding of other cultures?

I think your logic is flawed in that you believe that the best way to preserve your culture is to build a fence around yourself and hope no one comes in. The best way to preserve your culture is to intermingle with other cultures and understand them, for in that way, you understand yourself in comparison with the rest of the world, rather than understanding yourself in a vacuum. You can have pride in your culture, but it just looks like stupidity when you don't take the time to understand others and remember that you are not the only person and race in the world. Leibniz (German) invented Calculus through a combination of the abacus (Chinese tool), Arabic numbers, and Latin letters, as well as through his study and critiques of philosophy such as Descartes (French), Plato/Aristotle (Greek), etc. You need to reach outside of your vacuous understanding of people and realize that there is value in other cultures beside your own - if you can't do that, the value in your culture stagnates and is worthless, and you look like an idiot, honestly (which I would hope, based on everyone's surprise at your statements, you are not!). My two cents.

(But on the note of preserving color: the earth will never become a "caramel only" world of all mixed races. The reason we have different skin colors is because of sunlight, therefore those in the middle of the world will always be darker than those on the poles of the world. Racial separation will probably always exist, unless we find some artificial way to protect our cells from the harsh sunlight, which is what melanin, the color in our skin, does.)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 03:26 PM
First of all it's a small church. That says it all. Churches of substance grow.

Secondly, they have no scriptural basis as we are Christians in spirit only, not our bodies that will die and never enter heaven so these guys aren't even real Christians because Christ talkes about marriage to anyone but an unbeliever. He does talk about churches like this one though and how they will suffer greatly for their misleading people

Not everything that has the word 'church' attached to it follows God.

.... and it is from Kentucky.!
edit on 1-12-2011 by daggyz because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Originally posted by PrimalRed
Hey genius, who is not respecting you rights? Did i tell you to shut up or force you to stop talking?

Don't like the topic of this thread? Don't like the criticism of this church? Then you have the right not to participate in discussion. This couple can find another church to go to, and you can find another thread. Simple.

Hello Mr.Strawman my name is logic, have we met?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by nh_ee
reply to post by Southern Guardian

No offense to the people of Pike County KY but one always needs to assess the source of any and all information.

According to Wikipedia Pike county is a "Dry" county, or a "Moist" county in that there exist two town/locals in the entire country that sell alcohol.

So if the local inhabitants haven't progressed beyond the prohibition era as it pertains to the evils of alcohol then the nature of this article doesn't at all surprise me.

Pike County's alcohol prohibition is due to the Bootleggers and Baptists effect.

If we're painting with a broad brush, what does the relgiously motivated prohibition of alcohol in Islam say about Muslims as a group?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by Misoir

You have a lot of courage to say what you just did. I applaud your candor and must say I am happy to see that not everybody is being blinded by PC dogma. I wholeheartedly agree, and could not have said it better myself.

Bravo sir.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
Let me repeat this to you again. I believe that racists are backwards, they disgust me. You disgust me.

fond of yourself, much?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 03:46 PM
That's a terrible thing-The Bible says God made man in his image My best friend who I consider my brother is From India and he considers me his sister doesn't matter to us where we come from I think that's awful that they would be so fascist

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by PrimalRed

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Originally posted by PrimalRed
Hey genius, who is not respecting you rights? Did i tell you to shut up or force you to stop talking?

Don't like the topic of this thread? Don't like the criticism of this church? Then you have the right not to participate in discussion. This couple can find another church to go to, and you can find another thread. Simple.

Hello Mr.Strawman my name is logic, have we met?

Mr Strawman? You were the one arguing over the fact that this church had the right to do what they did and the couple has a choice to move to another choice, even though the OP wasn't questioning the rights of this church. I made it fairly clear, you don't have to participate this thread if you don't like the criticism.

Now do you want to actually contribute to this thread? Do you support what the church is doing? Do you agree with the points made by Misoir?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Misoir

That was a good thing? The Feds had no right to tell a state what they could do with their marriage laws. There is not one amendment in the Constitution that says "everyone has a right to marry who they want", so where did the Feds get the power to enforce this 'equality' on the states? They pulled it out of their rear end, per usual.

You kidding me? The government has no right whatsoever telling me who i can and cannot marry. The less the government interferes in my life the better.

Originally posted by Misoir
Are you an elitist or what? I suppose everyone is equal so long as they agree with you but when they have a dissenting point of view they are "stubbornly living backwards". Everyone should know it is true by now; the most intolerant people are the intellectually liberalized. The multikulti group think has sure done a number on our society.

And everyone is equal to you unless they are a different skin color.

Originally posted by Misoir
I would never date outside my race, I even try and stick to my own ethnicity but there are few Hungarians in America. I am a racialist (not racist, don't know the difference look it up), proud of it and would never change for anything in the world. There are different ethnicities, tribes, races, etc... For a reason, it makes the whole world diverse and unique. But I guess you will only be happy once every race, or more specifically the white race, commits genocide against itself and everyone is brown, uninteresting, un-unique, and all the lowest common denominator.

While i understand you are a racialist and believe you should date and marry only Hungarians, how dare you tell anyone else who they can or cannot date. We are all human and all unique in our own ways. If we are brown we are uninteresting? Huh. I guess by your same logic one white guy is the same as another and therefore we should be "uninteresting" to one another. Sounds like good reason to mingle with those of other races.

Originally posted by Misoir
As for this church, I think it is perfectly fine what they did. It is a private institution and they have the right to make their own choices on who they want in there. If the interracial couple dislike it so much go elsewhere, no one is holding a gun to their head and telling them they have to go to that one specific church. Besides, why would you want to go somewhere you know you are not welcome?

Have to agree with that 100%. They are a private group, they can make whatever rules they want.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by blueorder

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
Let me repeat this to you again. I believe that racists are backwards, they disgust me. You disgust me.

fond of yourself, much?

Does this have anything to do with the thread or the OP? Do you want to actually contribute to the thread, and not derail it? Do you agree with what the church is doing on a personal level? I'm not talking about whether they have the right, I'm talking about whether you agree with how they feel.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

I fully support what the church is doing, they have the right to have their own rules within reason

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by PrimalRed
reply to post by Southern Guardian

I fully support what the church is doing, they have the right to have their own rules within reason

Their rights were never a questioned, but you agree with them banning interracial couples because you believe it's wrong, right. Would you go so further as to agree with Misoir over allowing government to dictate interracial marriages and racial segregation?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:08 PM
I am glad we live in a country where they have the freedom to do this. NOW WAIT A MINUTE!!! Before you jump on me think about it

YES they are stupid!
YES They are bigots!
YES They are not tolerance!

But do you really want to force them to be tolerant or learn to ignore them and teach the difference to your children but live in a FREE society! To restrict them would be wrong to. Let them be a bad seed planted in a salted field of weeds!
edit on 1-12-2011 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:10 PM
I kinda chuckled when I realized the name of the church.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

I believe it is right for them to do it
Ezra 9:1-4
Ezra 10:1-4

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