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Kentucky Church bans interracial couples

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posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by abeverage
But do you really want to force them to be tolerant or learn to ignore them and teach the difference to your children

Once again, obviously people are not reading the OP or the core of the thread. Nobody is questioning the rights of this church to do what they did. As a private religious organisation, they have the right to ban certain groups, nobody stated otherwise. As for ignoring, why must I ignore them? I have every right to criticize them and call them out on their actions as they have the right to hate certain groups of people or marriages. If you are so ready to protect and their respect their right to hate, or not approve, then sure, it shouldn't be hard for you to respect my right to criticize.

Now you by all means can ignore what they're doing, I'm certainly not.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by PrimalRed
reply to post by Southern Guardian

I fully support what the church is doing, they have the right to have their own rules within reason

Rules that involve hatred are gonna have to hit the road. This is 2011, time for humans to put on their big boy pants.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:18 PM
You are getting a little overboard with the whole "rights" thing, the irony is that you keep trying to tell people what to talk about and how you have the "right" to say what you want but quickly jump on others for doing the same thing.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by L00kingGlass

Originally posted by PrimalRed
reply to post by Southern Guardian

I fully support what the church is doing, they have the right to have their own rules within reason

Rules that involve hatred are gonna have to hit the road. This is 2011, time for humans to put on their big boy pants.

Hate has nothing to do with it, that is their belief and their rules. All of the worst crimes against humanity have been a result of one group restricting another, to censor the beliefs and practices of one group is to open the door for the same to be done to us all.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by PrimalRed

Originally posted by L00kingGlass

Originally posted by PrimalRed
reply to post by Southern Guardian

I fully support what the church is doing, they have the right to have their own rules within reason

Rules that involve hatred are gonna have to hit the road. This is 2011, time for humans to put on their big boy pants.

Hate has nothing to do with it, that is their belief and their rules. All of the worst crimes against humanity have been a result of one group restricting another, to censor the beliefs and practices of one group is to open the door for the same to be done to us all.

If I lived near this church, I'd pay them a visit and slap the devil out of them.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by Misoir

Hey just wanted to say i support most of your argument, i too will not date or marry outside of my race. Quiet frankly i dont think logically we can broad brush a whole race and stick sterio types on them, but on the other hand sterio type's wouldnt exist if there wasnt some truth in them. I dont belive in instituionilized rasicm and i think that people should be given equal oppurtunity including my white brothers and sisters which in this day and age we dont. Anyway keep fighting the good fight, dont let the nay sayers get you down.
edit on 1-12-2011 by TechniXcality because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by L00kingGlass

Originally posted by PrimalRed

Originally posted by L00kingGlass

Originally posted by PrimalRed
reply to post by Southern Guardian

I fully support what the church is doing, they have the right to have their own rules within reason

Rules that involve hatred are gonna have to hit the road. This is 2011, time for humans to put on their big boy pants.

Hate has nothing to do with it, that is their belief and their rules. All of the worst crimes against humanity have been a result of one group restricting another, to censor the beliefs and practices of one group is to open the door for the same to be done to us all.

If I lived near this church, I'd pay them a visit and slap the devil out of them.

edit on 1-12-2011 by PrimalRed because: (no reason given)

That is a hate crime
edit on 1-12-2011 by PrimalRed because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by PrimalRed

Thankyou for your response Primal, this is all I wanted in the first place. There was never a question of whether they had the right to do what they did, I'm not sure where in the OP you got the idea that I stated this. It is rather sad and backward in my opinion that you believe that interracial marriage is wrong, but ah well, that's where you stand. I'd also give God more credit, considering that the different races can and do mix very often, and considering that man has been doing so for millenia, crossing oceans upon oceans. I also believe it it's alittle silly where you stand, considering that by your logic, Europeans, white folks, are the largest contributors to racial mixing, considering they crossed oceans, taking foreign lands, mixing with the natives, and in turn growing this mix. Technically, you should go back to Europe (are you in Europe already?).

Also, regarding the Bible. The bible has been changed and rewritten for centuries. You know that in the bible jesus also tolerates slavery, and believes it to be wrong for somebody not to return a slave to his master, the bible also teaches that non-virgin women should be killed if they were not married before they became such, the bible also states that a raped women should marry her rapist. The bible says alot of things, it's been modified for years upon years by human beings like you or me, so I would not so readily reference it at every chance. And regarding interracial marriage in the bible, you should read the part about Moses and his Ethopian wife, and how God punished Moses those who criticized him for doing so.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by PrimalRed

Originally posted by L00kingGlass

Originally posted by PrimalRed

Originally posted by L00kingGlass

Originally posted by PrimalRed
reply to post by Southern Guardian

I fully support what the church is doing, they have the right to have their own rules within reason

Rules that involve hatred are gonna have to hit the road. This is 2011, time for humans to put on their big boy pants.

Hate has nothing to do with it, that is their belief and their rules. All of the worst crimes against humanity have been a result of one group restricting another, to censor the beliefs and practices of one group is to open the door for the same to be done to us all.

If I lived near this church, I'd pay them a visit and slap the devil out of them.

edit on 1-12-2011 by PrimalRed because: (no reason given)

That is a hate crime
edit on 1-12-2011 by PrimalRed because: (no reason given)

Edit: Racists are cruel people with cold hearts. Bad people deserve to be slapped around a little bit.
edit on 1-12-2011 by L00kingGlass because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by PrimalRed
You are getting a little overboard with the whole "rights" thing, the irony is that you keep trying to tell people what to talk about

No, I'm telling people to stick to the OP. The thread was never about questioning the rights of this church to do as they please, yet people like you continually bring this up. It only serves to derail from the topic of the thread. This is a forum where there are rules, I can't come onto a thread of yours and totally derail it by stating something that was never the topic of the thread in the first place, it's not hard to understand.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by TechniXcality

reply to post by BlesUTP

reply to post by Primal Scream

reply to post by silent thunder

Thank all of you for having the courage to voice your opinion on this thread and on this forum. We do not have a popular view, not by far, but we do not believe them because they make us popular we believe them because deep down in our hearts we know it is right. We will be slandered and called all the names in the book by the ‘tolerant’ ones but this should not stop us from making our opinions clear without a shaky voice or sweaty palms. Remember, no matter what they say to you it is not bad as you lying to yourself.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by PrimalRed

Originally posted by PrimalRed
I fully support what the church is doing, they have the right to have their own rules within reason

Interesting phrase: "within reason". So, banning interracial couples is "reasonable" to you? Would banning young men be reasonable? Would banning black people be "reasonable" to you?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:47 PM
meh if they dont want to allow them whatevs, they can kiss there non profit status goodbye and then they are just a standard business do as they please.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Would banning opinions that are different than yours be reasonable to you?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Misoir
We will be slandered and called all the names

I'm not sure what you expect. When you choose to discrimminate or make ones racial make up a factor to who they first before anything else, you cannot expect to get respect back from everybody. You want States to have the right to go ahead and establish racial segregation, force americans to marry certain folks, you want the government to have the ability to tell folks where they can and can't go in public, you want State governments to have the right to seperate americans by force. This isn't the America I want, this isn't the power I want to give government, State or Federal.

Tolerance does not automatically equate to having to agree with everything and anything, this was never the basis for it. Because I'm tolerant, must I be tolerant of pedophiles? Or bestiality? I think not. Neither do I have sympathy for racists.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by TechniXcality

Of course not. Where would you get that idea? Have I suggested someone shouldn't have an opinion?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by TechniXcality
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Would banning opinions that are different than yours be reasonable to you?

Where did BH say any of the sort? Nobody is stopping you from holding your 'opinions'. You can support the right of this church to do what they want, and likewise, people will practice their rights criticizing you for this. Liberty, freedom, it's a two way street. The thread never made an issue of this in first place.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

you've suggested that the church is not within it's rights to ban such a thing, its conjecture but it seems that you would rather the church be banned for exercising it's rights.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 05:02 PM
well hey, at least they won't be putting their sons under possibility of molestation. Maybe they'll get lucky and reaccess what Religion even means to them altogether!

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by TechniXcality
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

you've suggested that the church is not within it's rights to ban such a thing, its conjecture but it seems that you would rather the church be banned for exercising it's rights.

Where did I suggest this? Can you quote the suggestive portion of my post? I have no interest in banning any church. You are fabricating my position from nothing. In other words, you're making it up. I support FREEDOM, religious and otherwise.

Now, where did I suggest the opposite?

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