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Worrying Observation about this generations children

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posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by muse7
While I do agree that everything should tried to be resolved without war, sometimes people don't understand.

Sometimes they need a good carpet bombing to get the point across to them, if that doesn't work then we bring out the Abrams A1M1 and pay a short visit to their neighborhood.

Seriously, these people will stop at nothing to spread the word of "allah". They want to take over the world, its in their holy books, and anyone who opposes them will be beheaded.

I don't see a problem with the extermination of such pieces of scum.
edit on 11/28/2011 by muse7 because: (no reason given)

You are a racist. The post above and the one that preceded it absolutely disgust me; I'm you're age, I'm a white, secular, Australian male and the level at which you appear to have been conditioned is extremely alarming. Most Muslims are people like you and I who wish harm on no-one and would like to be left to live out their lives in peace, perhaps you should do a little bit of research before you sign up and risk your life to murder innocent people in the name of a better world (LOL). Namaste brother.


I don't see a problem with the extermination of such pieces of scum.

Pot. Kettle. Black. Mentioned earlier.
edit on 28-11-2011 by posthuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:18 PM
Just teach them love, and respect, and you all win. That's all you need to really do.
I'm sorry, general statement. I'm not getting into the war on terror, I don't really see how it effects ME, at least.
I worry about the little trashy MTV generation, not a constant holy war. Just make sure they believe in god.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Starwise
OKAY I HAVE NEVER READ 1984.....But in the last 4 days, every where I read or people I speak to, the book keeps coming up! Do you think I should read it?? LOL

Read it my friend. Then read Animal Farm, Same Author. ~SheopleNation

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by Blarghdt
Just teach them love, and respect, and you all win. That's all you need to really do.
I'm sorry, general statement. I'm not getting into the war on terror, I don't really see how it effects ME, at least.
I worry about the little trashy MTV generation, not a constant holy war. Just make sure they believe in god.

I agree with you, although I am probably the trashy MTV generation your referring to, but I still believe in God, love and respect.

This new generation will grow up with the internet, and fortunately it seems on YouTube often the truth really is viral. I hope and believe this next generation will grow up smarter and see the flaws of the past. All I can do is spread hope and good vibes to balance out all of the doom and gloom, all the doom and gloom thinking is the cause of problems imo...

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:28 PM
I am not overly concerned with my 3 wee sons outlook on life...around the dinner table one Sunday my eldest son 11 yrs old brought up the subject of the war on terror...i asked his thoughts on the subject so i could gauge where his head was at... he sat there, looked up and said '' well one mans terrorist is another's freedom fighter''.

I was stunned to say the least at his apparent insight into the world, i advised him that its very important to get as much information as he can so that he could make an informed decision on who was who.

I then went on to explain the world i grew up in..with the cold war and the fear of the bomb being dropped, living with the IRA and their opponents.... then i went on to explain his granddads world, born at the tail end of the 2nd world war...growing up through the cold war...being based in Libya and Cyprus and we went on to his great granddads world..born at the tail end of the 1st world war..serving in Burma and killing and fighting the Japanese and on we went down history as far as we could until pudding came along and a very nice pudding it was too

The general gist my three sons got was war is always with us..started and perpetuated by persons known and unknown.reasons the same...and i gave them the best idea i could of what propaganda was all about.

After all this rather deep and meaningful conversation my wife approached me and asked if i really should of told them so much about how awful the world answer was simple...''look in the back garden dear and see my boys shooting each other with guns made of sticks..swords out of sticks being used to battle the evil away of the their minds they choose to fight its up to them to decide who is good and who is bad, i rather think as they grow up they will discover all is not as it first seems and they will make the choices right for them and their children''.

We can only guide those we borrow for a short time and then hopefully leave the world in a slightly better way i try too ...for me ? well i choose a simple smile and a gentle word and a kind deed and rarely am i forced to punch the nose of someone who threatens my corner of life and existence ... now all my kids have to decide is how big a punch they are prepared to give to make stop this daftness going on that we see around us, but before they do punch...i want them to try a simple smile, a gentle word and a kind deed first.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:40 PM
Want to know why? Visit THIS THREAD if you haven't already, and watch the film.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by muse7

I'm 22, and while I do remember some things about how the world was before 9-11, most of what I can remember has been post 9-11 I guess I should offer my view on things. Well it doesn't feel too bad, I mean we're at war with bad guys who treat women like crap and give them no rights. They are nothing but religious fanatics that believe that they will go to heaven if they kill enough innocent people who don't submit to the will of "allah". I don't really have a problem with it, I already registered for the selective service and most likely will get drafted if things heat up.

This right here is why I'm moving to New York next year and really busting ass to get a journalism job or writing of some sort. I am 23 years of age, and this kind of thinking and the rest of the trash this generation seems to be consumed in completely insults any self aware intelligence. Its that simple, and its also the reason why this generation is the Generation of the Doomed!

If that is any clear indication of The Generation of the Doomed, way of thinking it is nothing more but motivation for any self aware individual. Its this kind of thinking that needs to be stopped in its tracks. While not a personal attack on this fellow but an observation on the mind set of the other youngins' I speak to about world matters on a daily basis. And this is the cusp of terrible things this generation is being raised on, such as: Hollow Sex, TV, Eyes glued desperately locked to game systems (Which I take part in but that's a different story for a different time) and most importantly lack of any critical thinking or observations on the down fall of the "great" US of A... Without anyone who takes anything 'important' seriously, we "the people" will continue to be led by dollar signs and murder. WE is politics! And I am a junkie in the highest decree of the bloodsport!

Now sorry for the rant.
People MUST think!!! Before any more books burned, due to no action and all self absorbed consumption and corruption!!!!

edit on 28-11-2011 by Flesh699 because: Wanted the added quote

edit on 28-11-2011 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by Power_Semi

I'd be fearful if I was a parent of very young children today. On the other side of the coin you have to live your lives and don't let fear overcome you. All you can do is your best and prepare your children with the basics they will need for survival for every day life.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by SheopleNation

Animal farm is fantastic!

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by Thinair1

Thank you my friend! What a great book it really is though. It's so close to what we all are witnessing here in The USA, as well as others abroad in the world who just want to raise their children the same as we all do. We should all stand together for our children. Best wishes my friends, Have a great weekend with your families. ~SheopleNation

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 11:06 PM
I'd argue that the majority of young kids in American don't even know that we are "at war" with anyone. Go ahead and ask some preteen children about Iraq, Afghanistan, terrorists, even 911 and I'd bet you the (vast) majority of them would look at you like you're speaking Klingon. If they have any opinions at all it is what they heard from adults--one's who according to your thesis have not been corrupted by perpetual war, so that is actually a good thing... The truth is young children don't really have political opinions unless they are some gifted autodidact(s) or being indoctrinated by adults simply because they're blissfully unaware--that is indeed one of the definitions of being a kid. I appreciate your attempt at a commentary on our 'damned human race' but the whole kids angle here is a bit shallow IMHO.
edit on 28-11-2011 by Threadfall because: remodilized grammaticafications

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by Power_Semi
I feel the same way. I can remember those few years without the wars! My son asked me why are we called "the land of the free" if we are not free? We need to take our children back!

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by Power_Semi

I don't see the problem.

Why don't you teach your kids perspective? I certainly hope you don't let them watch TV at all.

Even if we weren't at war, television is so filled with violence, that it is equivalent.

Also, many video games are violent too.

Do you see how it takes a strict parent to raise their kids such that they are not numb to violence? Must be careful of the friends they have, too, for obvious reasons. (They can engage with violent content away from home.)

You as a parent are responsible for sheltering your kids from violence and teaching them perspective. I don't see what the issue is. It seems like you're saying that you have no control over how you raise your own kids, but you do. You have the most. Take advantage of it.
edit on 28-11-2011 by daynight42 because: clarification

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by Power_Semi

As a person who was in fourth grade at the time of 9-11, I have to disagree with you. The older generations have no idea just how in tune generation I is with computers. Children and teens still interact with each other, it's just to get drunk and high without parental notice. We as an average are smarter than we are given credit for.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 11:31 PM

It is definitely a worry what our future holds in terms of conditioned behavior in our children but it is solely up to us (the informed) to spread the truth and make sure our kids grow up with family values and the ideas of freedom and liberty.

It is truly sad that children have to grow up with the idea of TSA and control in almost every aspect of our lives, the most important thing though is to teach our children how to think and not what to think, if we do our jobs in teaching them how to think for themselves and be independent, we must let go and let them to grow up and be adults.

The good thing is, these children will be growing up in the information age, we must make sure the internet is not censored.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 11:35 PM
There are many things they won't know, in addition to a world without war.

Many won't know the beauty of nature. Or a world without video games. Or a world without iPhones and instant downloads. A world that was bigger, more mysterious.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by Power_Semi

I think the conditions you mention can be used as an excuse to explain the poor parenting which I have witnessed in the 25-35 parent age range.

What would you say about those who lived in Chicago 20s, 30s and 40s? You never knew whether you were going to be gunned down by a mafioso in a crossfire. Were those people socially crippled? If we stopped feeling so badly about our kids' global environment (political,social, etc.), something we seem to not be able to control, and taught them to THINK INDEPENDENTLY, RESPECTFULLY...... our youth would not be so wimpy and grow up with a real backbone and appreciation of their responsibilities as part of the human race.

I am involved with two couples, Master and PhD educated.....the first, have a 4 yr old girl who tells the parents what and when they will do whatever the issue is that surfaces....she is trying to bully me around and she has a mouth as loud as a fog horn. What happened to acting like a lady???? Her mother is a school psychologist. Go figure!!!!! Magna cum-laude to boot!!!

The second one, the grandfather is a criminal prosecuting lawyer, adopted the granddaughter because her mother, his daughter, is a substance abuser, on probation has the 18 month old and is pregnant AGAIN. He hopes that the first child will not have to go to a foster home. I wonder how he figures he will not screw up AGAIN and produce a victim of society ONCE MORE? His son is in prison too. What are these people thinking?

Nobody said it is easy to raise a family. It is our responsibility, as parents, to compensate for the horrible world out there and don´t keep on telling them how bad their world is. First of all, they don´t know any different. With this, I am not saying not to point out the evil in society. Society has been evil all along. Our kids today have way more than any of us and more tools for advancement than any of us had. I don´t feel sorry for them at all in as much as what their environment provides to them. We were being polluted in a variety of ways all along.

edit on 28-11-2011 by RomanticWildFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by satron

Please let me respectfully disagree. There are far more things for us as parents to worry about for our kid's future. War, being one aspect that harbors the ability to wipe out the world in one swoop may not be the highest on the list of priority "worries", though. I have been deeply concerned for my children since day one. What kind of world will they live in? What freedoms will they enjoy or be denied? The list is almost endless.

Also, the sheer fact that we have experienced only one Hitler with the tools available to him at the time may mean that time and the law of averages is lagging only to catch up sometime in our children's lifetime. Whenever I read about crime rates going up, I am always cognizant of the truth that there simply are many BILLIONS more people than decades or centuries past. Law of averages means there will always be that percentage of uncivil, evil, antisocial, etc individuals which will translate to more crime and travesties.

How I wish I was wallowing in the despair of simple negative thinking, but rationally I have to believe I am fully in the realm of reality and therefore I am responsible for the proper education the OP had in mind for this thread. I will gladly do my part to show my 11 year old son there is a different and better way of life. If enough of us carry through with a positive approach, all it takes is the one---the right one---who can take the idea and turn the world around with the right tools of knowledge, preparation, training, and encouragement.

This means I dutifully acknowledge the potential negative impact current world events carve into our children's psyche but I choose to do whatever I can to empower them to understand it for what it is and to strive to have a better life than I did, which is blessed, and to leave a positive legacy to their children, and so on, and.... If I don't try, I have to accept the blame for not giving my kid's my very best. Then I pray every night for all of the above.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:11 AM
My generation lived through the cold war and diving under our desks to practise escaping the bomb. It's not that stuff that does children in. It's the shyt they get from their parents. Just make sure you're nice to them and they'll be alright.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 12:23 AM
i do my best to teach my daughter about the corruption that has been building over the years. i worry that she's not as creative as i was. i was sheltered. i virtually had no parents, but everyone else was clueless too. i think my creativity came from trying to express that things were not as they seemed. my daughter finally got a real surf the web with
at least she's like me that she blows off school when she can. no more net for a while. i really try to make school seem important. that's the only sheltering i do. i'd like her to not be held back so she can get out of school and learn a trade. well, she's recently got into making fan fiction. does that count as creativity and a trade?
edit on 29-11-2011 by gentledissident because: (no reason given)

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