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Worrying Observation about this generations children

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posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 07:23 PM
and things will only get worse once they're grown and believing the lies of the state they willingly go commit mass murder of innocent..
along with report those who dissent or act 'suspicious' to the state.

Unless theres an end put to the corrupt bastards in d.c's plan soon the nightmare is just beginning..

*off topic* happy birthday to your son

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 07:33 PM
The only worrying thing about todays generation is the overuse of computer games, the Internet and its social bully sights like F*#^book and lack of exercise.
9/11 hype is basically a Washington/New York thing, or maybe an American thing, tho I doubt someone in the midwest really cares. The 2 illegal wars started by the Americans should be more of a worry than an event 10 years ago. More people have been killed in those illegal wars than that 9/11 business anyway.
I was a child of the was the Vietnam war stupidity, The Cold War, Threat of Nuclear annihilation, TV reruns of every old war movie ever made from John Waynes Berrets, to Frances the talking Mule....Not to mention, TV shows like Combat, Rat Patrol, 12 oclock high, etc etc etc...Killing and war all the time.
In the 70s it was more war movies, more cop shows, and the great series The World at War, narrated by Sir Laurence Olivier..more REAL war pictures.....Watergate, Munich Terrorists, Idi Armin, other Terrorism...
Then the 80s was the Falklands war, the Iran contra deals, the Sadanistas in Americas, the crooked American deals in Central America, the British Terrorist attacks...
Not to mention in the sixties it was pop songs like, "Were on the eve of Distruction", "Im an ape man...I dont want to die in a Nuclear War..", "In the year 2525....If man is still Alive????" etc etc.

Kids of today have it easy!!!...... In my day, we had to walk at least 1/2 a mile to play the juke box, Pinball, or the new Space invaders and Galactica consoles.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by Power_Semi

Very good observation...what can we learn from this and what can we do? Simple, destroy the television set, pay less attention to media, and ensure that your kids get their education and focus on their goals rather than paying attention to brainwashing that is happening right now. Moreover, make sure they understand their values and that they fight for their beliefs as opposed to the beliefs of the Orwell propaganda.

It's hard to do, I know. But I really appreciate your observation. A HUGE eye opener and definitely something to think about for the next few years to come. Good thread & post.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:02 PM
Isn't it a scary thought? This generation of kids. They are so wrapped up in technology. They have no idea what a world with out the internet is like, with out instant access to all the information in the world is like....

And they don't know what it is like to not be constantly at war.... Poor kids...

Look at what we are doing to them.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:03 PM
I think the OP has an interesting and important observation. This is the world kids live in. It's reality. Made even more visible by various forms of media, i.e. television, internet, books, games, music. There are harsh realities being lived by so many people out there, yet there are also so many ways people are "encouraged" to ignore these realities.

I think the important thing is that it is noticed. Once you notice the problem you can try and fix it right?

Obviously, these kids are going to eventually learn about what's going on around them, to varying degrees, with differing levels of empathy, then suddenly... they're adults, lol. But I think, in order for these kids to be able to properly understand the unfolding events around them as they grow... how these events affect them (and grasp that these events are indeed affecting or will affect them in some way), that's what parents are for. Duh, right?

I dig the confucious quote.

Originally posted by SuperiorEd “The ancients, wanting to demonstrate illustrious virtue throughout the kingdom, first governed well their own states. Wanting to govern well their own states, they first regulated their families. Wanting to regulate their families, they first cultivated their character. Wanting to cultivate their character, they first set right their hearts. Wanting to set right their hearts, they first sought to be sincere in their thoughts. Wanting to be sincere in their thoughts, they first increased their knowledge. Increase of knowledge was found in the examination of things. Things being examined, knowledge became complete. Their knowledge being complete, their thoughts were sincere. Their thoughts being sincere, their hearts were then made right. Their hearts being made right, their character was cultivated. Their character being cultivated, their families were regulated. Their families being regulated, their states were rightly governed. Their states being rightly governed, the whole kingdom was made peaceful and happy.” Confucius 500 B.C.

To me, it doesn't get any more basic than that. What may be worrying though is that the desire for self-cultivation and pursuance of knowledge is [(seemingly) this may or may not actually be true] lacking in a majority of youth. There are a lot of things distracting a kid from self reflection these days, and so it's probably pretty difficult for them to gauge their actions outside of their, I guess you would call it virtual interfaces. They are indeed interacting with other people, it just may not be in the most meaningful ways, like really learning about the people they are interacting with and placing those interactions in a proper framework of a larger understanding.

I guess my point and opinion is the same as some of the other posters. Get in there with your kids. Hold nothing back. I believe they can take it. I'm betting there is a method to communicate everything that needs to be communicated to your kids, even at the earlier ages, while still maintaining the optimum comprehension. It's probably helpful to take everything a kid might be curious about seriously and honestly. Otherwise what's the point right. I dunno. I don't have kids or anything, I just know that it can be hard for a kid to get real guidance and the proper tools to achieve a clearer sense of awareness, especially with all the distractions (damn you, every thing that is awesome and distracting
.) I know it was (is) for me

Also, the world can be a beautiful place, but it can do it's fare share of FUBAR to the unprepared. Raise you're kids to be strong, but compassionate. Lol. That's an order. DO IT!

Ah, man... I'm rambling... tired. I wonder if I ever really struck my point?

edit on 28-11-2011 by Sci-Fi_entist because: (no reason given)

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posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by Power_Semi

your post reminded me of something a little 6yr old nephew told his teachers at school,"if i was a real person, you would not treat me this way"

there are many bright children growing up, they'll need an incredible education to sort out the mess they'll inherit.

also, education could be made more interesting for kids, more fun, so they could relate.
when babysitting, the kids would ask to play with the globe.
one kid with the flashlight would role play being the sun, and aim the light at the equator.
another kid would slowly spin the earth, while another globe would be the moon.
they would see and understand day and night, where morning was.
jumping up and down was gravity.

having fun, they would see where they went on vacation, where they lived, getting a sence of distances.
learn their geography.
a 5yr old boy asked "where do reindeer live", i said "scandinavia", he said, "and the north pole is all the way over there, no wonder the reindeer had to learn how to fly"

also, with sidewalk chalk, a little one can learn to make staight lines and circles, and learn the alphabet, in a backyard, playground atmosphere.

my youngest sister was amazed to learn that her little girl knew geography, i said what do you think we do when i babysit.

kids learn faster when playing, even when the subget is serious.

i see so many young people doing volunteer work, maybe there is hope.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by Power_Semi

Every generation has delt with war and conflicts this is nothing new. Just look at history world war 1 and 2,Korea,Lebanon,vietnam,Cuban missile crises,Laos & Cambodia,Libya,Grenada,panama,first gulf war and all this prior to 9/11. Theres even things i forgot to mention im sure but rest assured all these prior generations managed to grow up just fine. And if you think its rough now imagine what they went through during the cuban missile crises they had kids cowering under there desk to protect them from a Nuclear missile. Still cant figure that one out just terrified alot of kids for no practical purpose. Every generation has to deal with cconflicts its the way the world works what you thought was peace was anything but. Wars carry on only the names change but bottom line is as long as there are people on this planet there will be conflicts. Hope this helps in some strange way!

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:12 PM
I think all it's all just a bunch of political jargon re-iterating ideals we already have.

War on Terror, Drugs, Poverty, Cancer

Wars on concepts are high-resource efforts to eradicate a perceived problem that use a war metaphor to rally support. These wars differ from more conventional wars in that they do not have a defined country or person as the opponent, but rather a concept. Thus, it is impossible for the opponent to surrender, so it is possible to continue investment forever.

If anything, I think it shows how we try to make problems better by making up new slogans and misappropriate any real contribution for them instead of actually doing something constructive about them.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:15 PM
As he sits in silent slumber, asleep to the worlds device. He unwittingly sustains the subconscious test that is mankind. The agitators of the awakened few pull the strings to the hammock that provides our dreams in which we are lost.

Our next test will be ushered in, and to much dismay will seem lopsided. He will truly find his throes a heavy burden only at first pay no mind to the weight in slumber. He is asleep and will not notice.

At his sudden gasp of air will he be dislocated from his serene delusion and thrust into the despair which is the self aware. He is finally alone in his knowledge.

He is awake..........

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:15 PM
Oh, I also want to point out, that while the different forms of media can be seen as a sort of collection of blinders that keep what is really real from being contemplated, this attribute may actually be reversed in effect. You could do this by placing say, a movie or a video game in context against the back drop of real life. Or maybe in comparison to real life. If it seems like whatever particular media offering is having/could have some adverse message for your child, you could (as an alternative to not letting them view it/play it/read it/ hear it...) explain it to them. Break down the nuances of it's sophisticated philosophies or ideologies, or the intricacies of it's stupid toilet humor...

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:17 PM
i agree i also believe they will aknowledge a new definition of the word freedom. I believe our govt should be sued for false advertizing we are not free. well let me rephrase that we are free free to be oppressed free to do as we are told free to be stalked by the government for things we havent done yet. the new world freedom hahaha a big joke. If youu want to know the problem listen to the words (beacuse i know the actual music scares most people away) of KNOW YOUR ENEMY by the band rage against the machine or RATM. the lead singer to the band made his money and left to fight for freedom of oppressed people and not our govts definition of oppressed but truly oppressed people

edit on 28-11-2011 by anthaltie because: to add info i forgot

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by citizen6511
reply to post by Power_Semi

your post reminded me of something a little 6yr old nephew told his teachers at school,"if i was a real person, you would not treat me this way"

there are many bright children growing up, they'll need an incredible education to sort out the mess they'll inherit.

Ahh Yes! That's what I was trying to say... but... failed...

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:21 PM
north america is like that. the rest of the world is not in a perpetual war and couldn't care less. america is isolated in fear.

do you think george bush is hiding in fear under his desk. no. he goes' fishing and for walks in the parks and family picnics.

take a look at how they live for a clue of the state of he world. america isn't the centre of the universe. live and be happy.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:22 PM
OP, I can COMPLETELY Vouch for this
As a 15 year old, Just turned 15 on Black Friday.

The beginning of major memories start, after i remember watching the Towers fall on TV.
I was surprised, and of course, wanted to "kill" whoever did this to them.

I never thought of this world without conflict, all because i was born in this time, and never had any memory before 9/11, i have to say, i even at a small age, believe me or not, i had doubts that 9/11 could have happend, i knew USA was USA and the airplanes should never have come close to the buildings, of course my thoughts weren't AS deep as that, but i had doubts, and questions.

So these questions has rooted to me as age 10, looking at videos on youtube until a late time of 9pm (late for that age) and wondering, if this was actually an inside job, or if it really did happen. It so happend, i had stumbled on ATS a couple times a few year ago, but never actually joined the website. IT was only since about Elenin times that i joined and aactively read and wrote.

Thanks ats, i am no longer a sheeple.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by Power_Semi

Great observation...however I would argue something....I am over 30 years old and have spent my entire adult life in the infantry and now as a cop. I would argue that the world is indeed evil and that there are alot of people perfectly willing and capable to kill us. It doesn't mean we should live in a state of paranoia but ive seen the intel reports and made arrests.....our kids should be aware.

If anything I think itll have the opposite effect as to where kids will be like..."ya terrorist threat...who cares" ...and that scares me more than ever...because we put this constant state of alert just like you said, but it is overkill and Im more afraid itll numb our senses....

but all in all...great observation and post...thx mate.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:33 PM
Watch Alex Jones on Youtube,you can subscribe.We are being kept in perpetual conflict they make enemies for us to fight so we don't fight the real enemy.The evil parasitic scum of the Earth masquerading as politicians and global bankers.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by Power_Semi

That's what books are for.

Few children who become something based their world view off of what they see around them. Most who grow up to become something base their world view and priorities off of someone from long before they were born.

Simply put, only commoners care about the state of the world they live in. People who will become something see it as something that has to change.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:38 PM
When I was little I heard about the arms race. I thought people were running races on their hands. Kids don't care about adult business unless the adults bring it to them.

There has always been war. Society is just fine. Just like our grandparents recovered from Pearl Harbor.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:48 PM
I know what you mean, but im just a teenager who doesnt remember the world prior to 9-11. But it is my goal in life to stay informed and not a sheep of the herd. I dont get the best grades in school, but im educated in other things. I try to inform people of the horrible world we are being led into and how it is almost inevitble if we keep going the way we are going. The other teens seem almost hypnotized. i ask them on how they feel about the wars and its always a simple answer, " kill the iraqi's". its amazing to see how caught up they are in this Simple, Simple lie!

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by Starwise

Definitely read it. I first read it when i was 14, it changed my life.

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