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Worrying Observation about this generations children

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+59 more 
posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 04:46 AM
It was my sons 8th birthday recently, my daughter is nearly 11, and I was thinking about when they were born, when they were little, etc and made a worrying observation...

...their generation have never known anything other than a world where we are in a perpetual "war" on "terrorists" who supposedly want to kill us at the first opportunity.

I find it worrying because we who were adults prior to 9-11 can remember what the world was like before the supposed "war on terror," but their generation know nothing else, cannot conceive of anything else, but a world full of conflict.

It totally reminds me of Orwells 1984 and the never ending war, and I'm amazed at how quickly we have arrived in this situation, where an entire generation will believe that this is the normal state of affairs.

If you believe that a New World Order is being ushered in, then this would be the way to do it - not to try and change/force the opinions of people who have seen a less turbulent world, but to start with a new generation and make sure they know of nothing else...

...terrorists, man made global warming, economic collapse, etc, etc - all could be used to mould the behaviour of a society formed from the next generation.

Just a thought.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by Power_Semi

Yes, Power,

I am worried about these kids too.

Because they are so into tech that they are not into human relationships.

Here is what will happen eventually - there will be no human relationships.

End of humans.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by Power_Semi

That is a very insightful thought. I too worry that my children will grow up not being able to understand the peace that once was. I use to say to my parents and grand parents that "it must have been hard back then". Now I am afraid that my children will say "It must have been so easy back then".

I some times question, we were so sheltered by the world in my day and I saw it as bad but now I feel that sheltering might be what is good for the children...... I know sheltering a child is usually a bad idea in the long run but now I just don't know.....

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by Power_Semi
It was my sons 8th birthday recently, my daughter is nearly 11, and I was thinking about when they were born, when they were little, etc and made a worrying observation...

...their generation have never known anything other than a world where we are in a perpetual "war" on "terrorists" who supposedly want to kill us at the first opportunity.

I find it worrying because we who were adults prior to 9-11 can remember what the world was like before the supposed "war on terror," but their generation know nothing else, cannot conceive of anything else, but a world full of conflict.

It totally reminds me of Orwells 1984 and the never ending war, and I'm amazed at how quickly we have arrived in this situation, where an entire generation will believe that this is the normal state of affairs.

If you believe that a New World Order is being ushered in, then this would be the way to do it - not to try and change/force the opinions of people who have seen a less turbulent world, but to start with a new generation and make sure they know of nothing else...

...terrorists, man made global warming, economic collapse, etc, etc - all could be used to mould the behaviour of a society formed from the next generation.

Just a thought.

It's a little disconcerting raising kids in this world... I recall a time before 2001, and I do admit it was a very different world to today. Much the same as there was once a time when you could leave your car and doors unlocked at night, and kids could play outside in the street without that fear we have today.
I often wonder if the generation of today is being deliberately de-sensitized to violence and horror, you only have to look to hollywood and the latest PS3/Xbox game to see that.
I guess as parents it's our role to nurture and protect them from that violence, and to discuss with them and make them aware of the implications of what that violence means and is.
In the end we, as parents, shape what our children become.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 04:58 AM
I'm 22, and while I do remember some things about how the world was before 9-11, most of what I can remember has been post 9-11

I guess I should offer my view on things.

Well it doesn't feel too bad, I mean we're at war with bad guys who treat women like crap and give them no rights. They are nothing but religious fanatics that believe that they will go to heaven if they kill enough innocent people who don't submit to the will of "allah".

I don't really have a problem with it, I already registered for the selective service and most likely will get drafted if things heat up.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 05:00 AM
Power - You might try with your own children reading 'Animal Farm' to them It is surprising how quickly children see the resemblance to our own world. And as for Snowball and the ever collapsing windmill you might see a little twinkle in their eyes as they recognise the scenario. Nothing else need be said.

As for the perpetual game playing and computer usage, you can't change everyone, but I find turning the power off at the Mains an excellent way of stopping game playing in our house. I have older boys, in their early twenties who if I catch playing games find that we have NO electricity very quickly.. Love the look of absolute despair on their faces!! I know I can't stop them all the time, BUT I know that imprinted in their subconscious is the understanding of why game playing should be limited to an hour or so a week or month and as they play............they remember...........and remember even more when the power goes of!

Many of the highly publicised games are WAR, WAR, WAR! This generation is being 'groomed' by the powers that be to believe that WAR is what it is all about. You only have to tell them that regularly and the children will remember! I tell mine how the world was meant to be. I know they prefer that scenario to the Evil that is being foisted on them. I ask them if they want to be sheep led to the slaughter. I explain how soldiers have their hair cut on recruiting, much like lambs. Ask yourself why a soldier needs his hair cutting off. I explain all I can..........the rest is left to them to decide. But I know, deep inside, they will always remember. That is all a parent can do for the next generation.........explain the best they can.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by muse7

Please don't get drafted, Muse,

Do you really believe that killing other people is OK?

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 05:03 AM
While I do agree that everything should tried to be resolved without war, sometimes people don't understand.

Sometimes they need a good carpet bombing to get the point across to them, if that doesn't work then we bring out the Abrams A1M1 and pay a short visit to their neighborhood.

Seriously, these people will stop at nothing to spread the word of "allah". They want to take over the world, its in their holy books, and anyone who opposes them will be beheaded.

I don't see a problem with the extermination of such pieces of scum.
edit on 11/28/2011 by muse7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 05:05 AM
reply to post by fallow the light

Word of advice:

Don't shelter them from any truth, for if you do and they grow up and find out, they will despise you for lying to them.

That and their brains won't fully develop. For instance, too much sheltering increases the chance for psychopathic tendencies within the brain. A rich environment for a child, no hardships endured, can even cancel out or severely reduce the development of empathy.

Raising kids sheltered is offering ammunition to TPTB. Look at prime ministers and important-looking bank people. Which one of those scumbags who sent this world over the edge of the abyss have any form of empathy towards the people in the streets? Their sheltered raising is direct cause to their lack of empathy and subsequently, their inhumane treatment of the humans who they are supposedly 'leading'.

+3 more 
posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by muse7

Wow Muse! Listen to yourself. Isn't that the 'pot calling the kettle black'?
How is carpet bombing women and children as well as men a good thing? Don't you believe people have a basic right of self defense from maniacs who think killing is good because their brains have been addled and they have succumbed to government lies and propaganda? Deary me! I am sure they will 'learn their lesson' you want to teach them when they're dead!

+14 more 
posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by muse7
I'm 22, and while I do remember some things about how the world was before 9-11, most of what I can remember has been post 9-11

I guess I should offer my view on things.

Well it doesn't feel too bad, I mean we're at war with bad guys who treat women like crap and give them no rights. They are nothing but religious fanatics that believe that they will go to heaven if they kill enough innocent people who don't submit to the will of "allah".

I don't really have a problem with it, I already registered for the selective service and most likely will get drafted if things heat up.

Your response is the exact thing I'm worried about.

You have a naive view that the world is black and white, good vs evil, and of course, we're the "good guys" who want to stop the evil ones who want to kill us all at the first opportunity.

I have to admit that I was thinking more about children born since 9-11, but I guess people who were maybe 12 or under at that time will also struggle to remember a world where there are no evil terrorists lurking in the shadows at every turn.

I really do believe that a generation is being nurtured that believes we need to be at war because we're "good" and they're "bad" and they don't question things beyond that because they cannot conceive of anything else.

PS - what you're saying in essense is:

If they kill us for what they believe = bad
If we kill them for what we believe = good

I'd argue both are bad.
edit on 28-11-2011 by Power_Semi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 05:11 AM
Power - Muse's reply is 'shocking' in that he seems to believe the 'that'll teach 'em' mentality. I have to say, I am quite astonished. I hope we have not lost a generation of children to imbecility of an inflicted nature because if we ship troopers will have nothing on this planet. What a bunch of 'sheep'!

+4 more 
posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 05:11 AM

Originally posted by muse7
Well it doesn't feel too bad, I mean we're at war with bad guys who treat women like crap and give them no rights. They are nothing but religious fanatics that believe that they will go to heaven if they kill enough innocent people who don't submit to the will of "allah".

Erm. Your country is not at war with those people. Your country is doing big business with that country. You know the country. The one where most 9/11 attackers came from. The country your leaders visit often. The country with Wahhabi Islam as the main religious leaning. The country without a selected government but with a king.

Saudi Arabia.

If I were you I'd quickly get off that list because you have been severely ill-informed.

Go ahead, I dare you to do some research on Saudi Arabia. America's #1 Wahhabi pals.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 05:12 AM
People in England from my generation (born in the 70's) grew up with terrorism from the IRA. Whilst it did feel scary when the subject popped up either in the news or being discussed by the adults, it soon got quickly forgotten and you carry on being the kid.

Trust me, kids are tougher than you expect.

edit: Kids are more scared of the bogeyman or things that go bump in the night than what's going on in this crazy World.

edit on 28-11-2011 by JonoEnglish because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by muse7

Do you actually believe that? You have been watching the MSM waaaaay too much. Do you really think this war is over Muslim radicalism? Because I highly beg to differ. The only ones that have gained over this debacle are the american government, the oil companies and the NWO. So some A-hole and a few of his retard followers attacked us..... So we start a war we can't finish? The simple fact that we have been bombing these people for 10 years has caused them to hate us and because of our force they have no choice but to recruit soldiers to defend them self's.

When was the last time you spoke with a radical muslim that was apart of this war? Do you personally know any? Or do you just take the word of the MSM? I remember back in the mid 90s, Clinton getting a warning to fully back out of Afghanistan or they would attack us....... Hmmmmmm seems like maybe we didn't listen? ever heard of "Blow back"?

This crap needs to end and so do the lies and mis-info. Your words are sad and I hope your eyes some day open to the truth about t world around you......

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 05:16 AM
reply to post by Power_Semi
My son is 8 also.
He knows there are bad guys. But he also knows that Daddy and Mommy will take care of him and protect him. So he plays, same as any child.

It's okay.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by JonoEnglish
People in England from my generation (born in the 70's) grew up with terrorism from the IRA. Whilst it did feel scary when the subject popped up either in the news or being discussed by the adults, it soon got quickly forgotten and you carry on being the kid.

Trust me, kids are tougher than you expect.

I also am from England and the same generation as you. The difference I think is that the "war on terror" drum never stops being beaten. It's constantly on the news, in the press, etc, etc, etc.

The quite amazing difference is that the IRA did bomb mainland Britain repeatedly, there was a real threat.

The current crop of "terrorists" bombed the US once and the UK once, about 10 years ago. They have done nothing since, but we still keep on being reminded about how dangerous they are.

That has to be propaganda

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 05:17 AM
I'm 18 and my friends are around the same age. Even at my age I see an worrying observation, hearing the ignorant calls for blood and thinking that "any tailhead deserves to be killed" crap. It disturbs me, only me and my friend argue against such thoughts and we're constantly ridiculed for them. I also look at my little brother ages, 14 years old and all they do is get conditioned that anyone from Russia and The Middle East are OK to be racist against thanks to Call Of Duty. It's even worse for younger people than that as well, as you said, they've grown up in a world that has only known war like 1984, luckily I just think I missed it or, I woke up just in time.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by InfoKartel

lol I am sorry for laughing but you seem to have missed my point.....
Don't worry I won't be sheltering my kids it was a down hearten statement of how confusing this world can be and how there is not much we can do for our children but let nature take its course.

Thanx for the lecture in parenting though!

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by Power_Semi
My son is 8 also.
He knows there are bad guys. But he also knows that Daddy and Mommy will take care of him and protect him. So he plays, same as any child.

It's okay.

What bad guys.


I am not worried for the welfare of my children from "bad guys" I am worried for this generation from the belief that we need to be at war to stop the "bad guys" that comes from our governments.

Life is not so simple that we are "good" and other people we dont like are "bad".

If we bring up our kids to believe there is a world full of "bad guys" then they will also believe that we need to be at war with them.

That's the point.

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