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The Bible has been changed ( rewritten )

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posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:15 PM
There is an easily recognized pattern: the miraculous victories of Caesar become the victorious miracles of Jesus.
Accordingly Caesar’s clashes with the Caecilii, Claudii and Metelli mutate into the healing of the blind (lat. caecilius = blind), lame (lat. claudius = the lame) and crippled (metellus mistakenly from mutilus = mutilated)
THE EASTER LITURGY DOES NOT FOLLOW THE GOSPEL, BUT THE BURIAL RITUAL OF CAESAR (as Ethelbert Stauffer proved, cf. Jerusalem und Rom im Zeitalter Jesu Christi, Bern 1957, p. 21).

Fire does not appear in the Gospels, but it is of utmost importance in the Easter Vigil as it is in the cremation of Caesar. Nevertheless in the Gospels fire does not disappear completely: the PYRA mutates into MYRA, the stake into myrrh (which is given to Jesus with wine and vinegar respectively).
Consequently, the suit of armor of Vercingetorix, which should have hung at the trophy, the cruciform memorial of victory, at the head of Caesar’s bier, was replaced by Anthony with a wax representation of the assassinated body of Caesar, stripped of his blood splattered toga and exposed to all the mourning who perceived it as a cross.
The corresponding dates of death, the Ides of March and the 15th day of Nizan are a further chronological confirmation of the Easter Vigil representing Caesar’s death.
What emerges from the comparison is the fact that no matter what the comparison the same structures and sequences are found and differences are reduced to the simple mix up of letters. What really changes is the perception.
In respect to the persons mentioned, only two and a half of them are historically documented: Pilate, Herodes and maybe John the Baptist. Not Jesus, not Mary, not the three kings, not Peter, not Lazarus, not Judas, not Barabbas, not Joseph of Arimathea, not Mary Magdalene… Nobody.
We are tempted to look for Jesus outside of the Galilean-Judaean region, in the direction of Rome, not only because of the above mentioned parallels between the Christian liturgy and the Caesar/emperor ritual, and not only because of the fact that Rome was and still is the capital of Christianity, that Gallia and not Galilaea is the oldest daughter of the Church, but also because of clear references that argue against Jerusalem: no Gospel was ever written in Aramaic, the Greek of the presumably most ancient Gospel in particular, that of Mark, is filled with Latinisms whilst the citations from the Jewish scriptures only emerge in abundance in Matthew.
The Gospels and the other texts of the New Testament were written at the end of the first century of our era (usual dating: between 70 and 100 AD). The churches try to date them 20 to 30 years earlier to accommodate the possibility that at least the oldest Gospel, that of Mark, was written by eyewitnesses. So there are at least five and maybe even eight generations between Caesar’s death (44 BC) and the redaction of the Gospels. Time enough—for a legend to form.
Legionary veterans who had been led into settlements, they were strangers to the neighboring tribes, called pagans—‘villagers’—only the religio castrensis, the religion of the army camp, gave them a sense of security. This was portrayed in the cult of their invincible commander-in-chief who was raised to a God, to whom they owed everything, especially the arable land they were allotted. Thus they knew only one God, Divus Iulius.
This made them different from all the neighboring villagers who still venerated their local gods. This was also the basis for later conflict between Christianity and Paganism, the religion of the villagers, misleadingly rendered as ‘heathens’ by our theologians.

The proximity of languages offered a convenient breeding ground for this change with the Latin of the colonies slowly giving way to the Greek of the surroundings (with occasional emergence of the Aramaic substratum).
The political changes which occurred with Vespasian and Titus after the Jewish war, such as the necessity of integrating Jews into the empire, led to the development of a cult and texts ad usum Iudaeorum: Divus Julius became the Messiah. Adding quotes from the Biblia Iudaica, which replaced the classical one, helped to make the most Roman of all histories a Jewish story.
For the time before the Jewish war (66-70 AD) this question is to be answered unambiguously with a no. Independent of the New Testament, no ancient historian mentions Jesus before the year 70. The extremely brief and rare passages cited in the past concern a Chrestos or certain christiani or chrestiani: but it is not certain that these actually refer to Christians in today’s sense of the word. And, if they do, then the passages only testify that at the time of their origin in the first quarter of the second century.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:19 PM
The Bible is nothing more than a fabricated fairy tale written by primitive Men with weaker minds who existed thousands of years ago, as well as their revisionist brothers since then and up until now.

There is only one God, and that is The Universe. While on the subject though, Saturn controls this Solar System. The Sun (the true Son of God) gives life. Yet again, The Universe is God. Wake up to the truth, because you just read it. ~SheopleNation

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:21 PM
Like the op said, put up or shut up. In order to claim that the text was changed, you would need the originals. The oldest manuscripts we have say the same things, so why do people say it has been changed? Again like the op said, most people are willfully ignorant because the truth is scarier than fiction. Perhaps you should scrutinize the bible with the same criteria you would use for any other text. Have the works of homer been changed? Plato? By using some of your standards, no books have been preserved over the years, they all are changed and can't be trusted.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:22 PM
If the Bible was changed by the iLLuminati then so was The Torah and Qur'an

I like what Wayne Dyer says-
No such thing as Evil only ego- When God created everything he said it was good...

The real lie-
I am my reputation
I am what i do
I am my education
I am what people think of me
I am separate from everyone
I'm separate from God
I'm pretty they are ugly
I am my job
I am my accomplishments
I am what I say on ATS
I am what others say and think about me on ATS

etc etc.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by jellyfishbrains
Also chrononut and milkyway most likely believe in the war on terror too. I'd like to know it would revel alot about your character.

There is no terrorist threat. It is as minimal, random and as effective as armed nutcases who wipe out innocents based upon some fantasy they have made up about their insignificant lives.

Governments use the threat of potential terrorists and alien agents to keep their peoples in fear, uncertainty and doubt, while the people at the top siphon off riches.

.. and some other poor innocent in some distant land dies for a "cause" he can barely concieve of.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by chr0naut

ok good you gained some respect.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by manna2
I am 2 pages into this thread and I am amazed that nobody is up to your challenge.
If I can add to this a little.
As far as the gospel story goes and the comparisons some seek to who copied from who's story.
Can anyone go further back than the Mazzaroth? Kind of hard to change the stars. I believe all the ancient texts relate to the Mazzaroth for the original storylines. Yes, there is an original but most here want to start in the middle and not the beginning for their references hoping that their pre-suppositions hold up.

wow! Can I skip to the end to see if anyone took up the challenge or is thread full of blind dis-belief based on wiki searches?

As boring and repetitive as it is, you should probably read the whole thread. Questions have been answered, questions have not been answered, by both sides.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by chr0naut

I take back my previous statement. Jesus did not create the world. The bible is not a fact. How could Jesus have influenced people and stories that predate him/his story by hundreds and thousands of years. The aryan comment was meant to be offensive and a attack on how Jesus is portrayed as white, apologies should have went more ind depth with that.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by jellyfishbrains
reply to post by manna2

Really? I was unaware that the Zodiac had such deep roots in faith...

you did a wiki? lol
no, the zodiac came after the mazzaroth. It is just like all the other posers like the poser christs that came before the real Messiah came .
I know it gets confusing but it takes study to understand when you start with such deep, heart felt pre-suppositions.
The ancient Hebrews believe it came from Adam Seth and Enoch.
The Zodiac staryed in Babylon, a poser system for the mystery religions.
The mazzaroth begins with the maiden and ends with the conquering hero, leo.
180* from the zodiac.
Kind of like how later the occult wears upside down crosses in seeking to counter what Yah has done. It's all about posing and posers when it comes to the mystery religions.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:30 PM
why do christian missionarys go into africa to cause war and famine then bring cameras in aafterwards to make it look like they are saving the hungry little africans who look so helpless?

when they caused the problem in the 1st place
all in the name of the bible

those missinoarys just want to get those africans out of the woods from living free and put them in cities so they can better control them and make slaves out of them

thats proof! thats proof thatthe bible is some b.s right there

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:31 PM
Are the dead sea scrolls not proof the Bible is 100% accurate

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by jondave
Are the dead sea scrolls not proof the Bible is 100% accurate
No. The Dead Sea Scrolls are not the original writings.

But, it does show that what we have today may be what people had a couple thousand years ago.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by manna2

wtf dude yes I wikid it and no I don't care.

Are the dead sea scrolls not proof the Bible is 100% accurate

Perhaps they only date back so far. I'm trying to make these christian agenda fanatics realize the bible has been re-written at some point, because it was written by man NOT GOD, other rival bibles existed and were destroyed/forgotten/burned somewhere along the line It was most certainly changed and re written.


posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by randyvs

Several christian bibles are written each year. Even though the 'King James' is the most popular, the main bible has about a million different translations. If you look at the King James bible alone, you will find out it has been revised countless of times.

Its nothing new.

Its common knowledge.

edit on 11/27/2011 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
So many people choose to believe this poppycock and It's easy to see why. It makes their lives so much more convienient, when they just don't have to deal with the authority our Creator has over us. They can't understand that the wages for not following Gods law (Sin) is death. They also can't see that those laws are in place for our own good.
They refuse to see that sin has ruined our relationship with him and so he has stepped back and let us have at it.
So that automatically cursed us to have to toil the ground ( farm ) just to survive. When we did have a relationship with him he looked after us. I belive we were even immortal because it isn't Gods nature to create things that die.
Anyway if you choose to push this lie that says God isn't capable of procuring a message he wants us to have ?
When he can create a whole universe ? That's cool, but if you really want truth or truly believe this is a lie and the Bible has been changed ? I challenge that and ask you to prove it. No one should be allowed such a lie IMO.
But people are going to do, what they want to do. If the Bible has been changed it should be as easy as pie in your all seeing eye to prove. So don't just spray it when you say it. Prove it.

As I said you can choose to support this outward lie. Just the same as I will continue with the truth.

Gods word is indestructable.
edit on 27-11-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

Prove it, that sounds childish to be. When you add everything that as come out from Sumeria, iraq. Even if Sitchin got 1/10th right plus. Proving it is like trying to prove why how implants were put into abductees. We have to slowly chip away. There is going to be things the mainstream education are going to get right like Micheal Hiser, then he'll have to give way to Zacharia Sitchen's concept of how mythology really is reality. It might not be the x planet. There will be give and take. But make no mistake. Adam made of clay and Eve from adam's rib is just a shadow of what the original meaning is. Moses did not make those statements from his own revelation they are indeed copies. I am a christian, but not a "head in the sand christian". The day will come when there will be tons of christians that are going to wake up to reality when there is more detail from the untranslated sumerian text. No christian is going to be saved in false text. I am mainly talking of the old testament. I certainly am not talking about the detail of Jesus's birth and life etc.

There is going to be give and take. When you get people that are steeped in false traditions it will be like pulling rotten teeth. Again. Adam made of clay and eve from adams rib sounds so basic and simple compared to the way it was originally. It is just a obvious thing.

But simple reasoning is beyond people that are steeped in false traditions.. But prove it. Again start going through more and more sumerian tablets and you end up finding out more of the truth. Unless you are a blinders on type of christian.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by IblisLucifer

Yeah, give to ceasar what belongs to ceasar, for all you two centsers.......and where is randyvs in all this.

Reallly, I should ask, as his proclamation on me was FAIL.

It amazes me, what transpires on this site. At the end of the night, all those weigh in, judging there was no real answerto the OP because who really wants to read all the diatribe.... That's why this original posting I totally designed to obfuscate....we will be buried in a plethora of whatever no matter the facts we provided nor the logical arguments that supported said facts, and it is an allegory as to why I live like I do .....why care, why try.....the finer distinctions of everything you do, believe, try and suffer through the reality of will be hidden, obfuscated, skewed, and therefore, rewritten, respun, respawed and attributed elsewhere just to keep the same crap spinning in a circle, no matter how hard you try to dispel the lie, and illuminate the truth.

Some of us came here for you, and have died over and over and over

edit on 27-11-2011 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by starsystem3
why do christian missionarys go into africa to cause war and famine then bring cameras in aafterwards to make it look like they are saving the hungry little africans who look so helpless?

when they caused the problem in the 1st place
all in the name of the bible

those missinoarys just want to get those africans out of the woods from living free and put them in cities so they can better control them and make slaves out of them

thats proof! thats proof thatthe bible is some b.s right there

I don't think they go there to cause war and famine.

I think a whole load of people go there. Some missionarys, some opportunists looking for somone who isn't wary to their scams.

The opportunists cause the war & famines then leave.

The missionarys in an attempt to help stay and get blamed by ignorant people who have probably never helped anyone in their lives.

You don't establish airfields and trade routes just to take missionarys in and out.

Those sorts of things are based upon commerce.

In every instance I think you are likely to find that for every missionary, there'd be like 1000 others trying to turn a profit.


edit on 27/11/2011 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by randyvs

Originally posted by riggo1

Can You Trust the Bible Historically? - Is it a Game of Telephone? - What about the Gnostic Gospels?

What about them ? Oh not in the Bible that's what.

Actually I think you'll find both the Book of John and Revelation are Gnostic in origin.

Weird thread.....asking for proof of something and when posters respond with countless examples you respond that they haven't made it easy enough for you? What's wrong with you? Can't you click a link?

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by SheopleNation
The Bible is nothing more than a fabricated fairy tale written by primitive Men with weaker minds who existed thousands of years ago, as well as their revisionist brothers since then and up until now.

There is only one God, and that is The Universe. While on the subject though, Saturn controls this Solar System. The Sun (the true Son of God) gives life. Yet again, The Universe is God. Wake up to the truth, because you just read it. ~SheopleNation

I am in agreement with this, god is in everything. Part of everything, I "Like to think there is a divine Intelligence" but this does not fit in to the logical equation. The sun sources life here on earth., without it we die. As for Saturn i don't know what you mean are you talking about this?

Interesting, there is so much we don't know about the universe yet people in modern times cling to the world is flat ancient scribe type thinking still today.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 08:48 PM

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