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OWS now heckeling, following, threatening children???

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posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

I stand corrected. You are right, the picture and incident happened in Brazil.

Thank you for calling this to my attention.

Also of interest.

Is this what JP Morgan donated 4.6 million dollars to the NYPD for? “Crowd control”?

JPMorgan Chase recently donated an unprecedented $4.6 million to the New York City Police Foundation. The gift was the largest in the history of the foundation and will enable the New York City Police Department to strengthen security in the Big Apple. The money will pay for 1,000 new patrol car laptops, as well as security monitoring software in the NYPD’s main data center.


**** Again as a word of caution to parents & grandparents, DO NOT BRING your kids to OWS. The police are getting edgy and things could escalate.

Psychopaths do not play by the same rules decent folk play by.
edit on 19-11-2011 by ofhumandescent because: Admitted error...........incident in question happened in Brazil not America.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by Count Chocula

It's not that the usual suspects here on the ATS forums hate because of anything they think they believe or know, they just parrot what they hear on Fox news and Rush. It's quite comical watching them try to regurgitate that swill into coherent thoughts. After all, you can't turn chicken crap into to chicken salad so maybe we can let them have a break on that end of the spectrum.

However, what needs to be addressed is their obvious jealousy of the OWS movement. It is easy to see through words like 'dirty hippies' or 'criminals' and the context from which they spring. The Tea Party is jealous because when they see the images of a generation that will replace them they see youth and vitality. It's not hard to contrast that with a Tea Party rally where most of the attendees look like they are one Golden Corral buffet dinner away from a coronary, and the only thing they are ever likely to 'occupy' is a seat on their Hoveround.

It's a demographic certaintity that the days of the Tea Party are numbered, you Tea Partiers can get irate, you can name call, you can even wave your Walmart purchased American Flag -made in china- but what you want get is another chance, your generation sat by idly, or even complicit while this country was destroyed from within, you watched as America's manufacturing base was dismantled, along with millions of middle class jobs and sent overseas, you didnt raise your voice when the Patriot Act and Citizens United hammered home the last nails in the coffin, the out-of-control military industrial complex, endless wars, government corruption.

The list goes on and on, but the point is your days of having a voice in how this country moves forward are OVER.

soo, how's your war against the man going? ya know the war that every generation since the dawn of civilization has tried to fight? not doing yourself any favors here by blaming the baby boomers, cause they far out number you and many would be on your side. you're not too bright on this particular subject, are ya?

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 12:04 PM
I hate how because a few people act inappropriately suddenly the whole movement of "OWS" is branded with the same stroke, it's ridiculous, and besides making you look desperate, it makes you really ignorant.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by WielderOfTheSwordOfTruth
I hate how because a few people act inappropriately suddenly the whole movement of "OWS" is branded with the same stroke, it's ridiculous, and besides making you look desperate, it makes you really ignorant.

i agree. stereotyping sucks. the guy who's post i responded to above, believes everyone over the age of 29 is to blame for the current state of the nation and therefore no longer have a voice in what happens to it and that the young and vital youth of the nation are now in the sad situation of having to fix it.

if i ever heard a bigger stereotype than that it would probably be something like, all white people suck or all black people suck or all christians are child molestors or all jews are rich bankers or all muslims are terrorists or all irish men are alcoholics, or all people in the south have low IQs or women are stupid. it has to be a big one, because he's just covered the entire baby boomer generation and blamed them personally for what happened to the country. that's right man . begin sarcasm. it's the people who are corrupt! take their voices away in favor of .....of....something else. end sarcasm

edit on 19-11-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by WielderOfTheSwordOfTruth
I hate how because a few people act inappropriately suddenly the whole movement of "OWS" is branded with the same stroke, it's ridiculous, and besides making you look desperate, it makes you really ignorant.

This excuse is getting ridiculously lame. Such a cop-out. When working for a company and you blow a gigantic deal by being basically an idiot, does it reflect poorly on you? Or the company? It isn't one or the other, it's both. These people represent something, and they give it a bad name when doing stuff like this. No excuses, no free tickets. People in support of this ridiculous and pointless movement give hand-outs every single day when something like this happens by saying "this doesn't represent us!" How many of these IDIOTS have to screw up before it does represent your movement? 100,000? Because it is already well up into the thousands in regards to the amount of people being simply stupid and ignorant of others.

"a few people act inappropriately" give me a #ing break. It's way more than a few. Even I personally have been heckled by these morons when in center city.
edit on 19-11-2011 by LiberLegit because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 12:46 PM
They deserved to be pepper sprayed for refusing to unblock the roadway they all were sitting on. They do not own that road and other peoples lives don't need to be inconvenienced by a bunch of children acting like an angry mob. They could have protested from the grass and nobody would have been pepper sprayed. But the selfish little cry babies had to have it their way so they got what they deserved.

They are doing nothing more then alienating everyone from their movement. The elites they try targeting laugh while the common folks get inconvenienced on a daily basis. Guess who's getting frustrated? Not the elite bankers but the common folks around you trying to get their children to school or going to work. Try and protest like civilized people rather then mischief night on Halloween.

I can sum up the occupy movement with an accurate demographic of our population.

Angry, lazy, disorganized and ignorant.
edit on 19-11-2011 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by LiberLegit

It's not an excuss or a cop-out give me a break... You want to make comparisons? Okay by your logic I should be afraid that every Christan or priest around the corner is going to molest my kids, or maybe I should just avoid all Muslims because if some are terrorist they all are right? Oh I saw an old woman the other day stealing from the produce section at the super market, all old people must be theives as well.

Every person is responsible for their own actions, nobody is responsible for the actions of another.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 01:21 PM
So, one person following this father, who looks like he said something to a protester, is alarm to say he and all others went after the child? And then I read some of the posts made on The Blaze's comment section declaring these protesters are .. (typical classification by MOST Americans) "Terrorists". And to boot, they put this really pretty blonde bimbo in charge of reporting? Instant SALE! They could have boosted sales by throwing in "our Lord this, our Lord that, God bless aMErica" ..

What a joke. Great way to sell this lie by using children. But am I surprised by the MSM doing this? Of course not.

Personally, this news coverage deserves nothing but a nice spot in the big green dumpster out back of the local McD's. Right in the grease bin.

*spits on The Blaze and MSM*

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by WielderOfTheSwordOfTruth
I hate how because a few people act inappropriately suddenly the whole movement of "OWS" is branded with the same stroke, it's ridiculous, and besides making you look desperate, it makes you really ignorant.

Who acted inappropriately? I've seen the video and the reports. This topic is a fabrication from the start.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by RKWWWW
When OWS becomes more coherent, when they start to define what they are for instead of against, then the real 99% (the ones working like you pointed out) can make an informed decision about the movement. As it is they are vague, perhaps purposely so. They are also ripe for exploitation, witness the unions who are trying to glom on.

Why do you believe that proper financial regulation is some kind of mythical, impossible to imagine process? It is not all that hard to understand. That is what these people are asking for. It would work better for almost everyone on the right and the left. The last 30 years of corporate state management have destroyed the markets and they need to be fixed. You and everyone else will be better off if someone manages to fix this, I guarantee.

edit on 19-11-2011 by yampa because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 02:29 PM
The kids are being damaged by this, because it's scary?
Wait until they see the truth about what their world really is
and who really runs it.
- now that's scary.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by WielderOfTheSwordOfTruth
reply to post by LiberLegit

It's not an excuss or a cop-out give me a break... You want to make comparisons? Okay by your logic I should be afraid that every Christan or priest around the corner is going to molest my kids, or maybe I should just avoid all Muslims because if some are terrorist they all are right? Oh I saw an old woman the other day stealing from the produce section at the super market, all old people must be theives as well.

Every person is responsible for their own actions, nobody is responsible for the actions of another.

My entire point completely flew over your head. If a few people in OWS were acting up then we wouldn't be having this discussion. You're right, the acts of few do not reflect the acts of many. The problem is this is not the acts of a few, there are MANY people in OWS being blatantly disrespectful and rude on a daily basis. Every day is a new story. Enough people are acting up to reflect the movement as a whole. To be frank with you, I think the people who actually truly represent the movement coherently are actually in the minority. You misinterpreted my logic and spun it in the wrong direction from the beginning. I'll give you a starting point though to gauge the enormity of OWS misdoings by linking you to the Crimes of OWS thread. Again, if this particular event was the only thing OWS did wrong then you would have an argument.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 03:12 PM
I can't believe people would actually try to justify OWS this time.

Sure, you may agree with them. But don't you think it's a little bad that their daily routine of doing abosulutely nothing is starting to interfere with innocent children trying to go to school?

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by SrWingCommander

If it sounds unlikely, it like'y is not sound.

This just sounds dumb. And you'd have to live outside of New York to think it's possible. Truth is, you're average New Yorker would punch such a person int he face. Furthermore, such silly propaganda, and I'm fairly certain this is what it is, is kind of baseless if it is in witness and witness only.

Point is, They called the tea party racist, they said Jews had horns, and they used to think Black people were less than human.

Humans make up some pretty amazing lies about each other out of hatred.

TL;DR:pics, or it didn't happen.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by blupblup
reply to post by SrWingCommander

I'm sorry... but that is just absolute Bollocks... what an awful, pathetic attempt at making OWS protesters look like the bad guy again.

They say they chanted and kicked and screamed.... we don't see any of that.
None of that chanting and "Protesting" looks to be aimed at the kids.... It's just an opportunity for an anti-ows photo-op/story.

They sat the guy following the "little kid" down the road was actually following the kid.... looked to me like the dad had said something and there was a dispute between the two, I don't believe the kid was involved at all.
But they make up that he followed the kid...

I swear to god... the MSM and you people on ATS are getting SOOOOO desperate that now you're resorting to this??? REALLY???

The OWS protesters are attacking kids?? This is where we're at now??


You people are sick in the head....

Kids walked through a protest, they weren't abused or insulted.... seemed like that was the route through and they were passing through the protest....there just happened to be a protest going on...
Some guy mouthed off at a protester (although may have been a reporter, hard to tell) and got a mouthful back... and? Don't mouth off at people.


Nothing in that video backs up the story... show me proof of any or all of the claims made and I will happily accept it.
edit on 18/11/11 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

No this whole thing is a show.

OWS == Soros funded.

This is a police state exercise of authority by the tyrants.
We are being played by agents that are great at dressing up as "protests".

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 04:54 PM
This is just propaganda to discredit the protest.
and we can add this person's name to a list
of people who are a government propagandist.
or work for the government in some way.

so far the NON violence is helping to wake up the people.
and get them on our side.
an icon, catalyst, beacon, focus.
something that the people can see
that wakes them up and lets them
see the problems and evil in their lives.
And NOT just a mob of roiters.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Skippy1138

Originally posted by eleven44
Even if a small handful of protesters did this, how could you categorize an ENTIRE movement that consists of thousands of people?
Not that it would dismiss the actions of INDIVIDUALS, but blaming an entire group? Come on.

Hmmm-you mean like what was done to the Tea Party just a few short months ago on this very site??
The hypocrisy is nauseating...........

Well, that would be hypocrisy, if I ever accused the Tea Party of being radical, racist, dumb hicks. But I never did that. And the tactics being used on OWS is the exact same that were used on the Tea Party.

I was at the original Tea Party events. The ones that were organized by Ron Paul.

It is very sad that the Tea Party was hijacked and that a few 'bad apples,' per say, were used and highlighted to undermine an entire movement that had true momentum and true concerns.

But please, you have to start treating people as individuals.

Example: You just accused me of being hypocritical based on the fact that OTHER PEOPLE here on ATS condemned the Tea Party, however you never opened a respectful dialogue with me to see what my opinions on the Tea Party were.

Now you know.

And I'm sorry the Tea Party was dismantled and humiliated, just as I am sorry the same thing is happening to OWS. It's all a tactic used by TPTB to make sure that any movement with substantial ideas is quickly scoffed at and dismissed.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by buddha
This is just propaganda to discredit the protest.
and we can add this person's name to a list
of people who are a government propagandist.

lists you say? we have lists now?
on ATS? you mean, by coming to ATS and having an opinion, we get put on lists?

edit on 19-11-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 05:19 PM
hey mods, did you know your website is attracting people from all over, with various types of opinions that are now being put on lists of some kind if they disagree with anything? sounds threatening. i don't want to be on people's lists. i just want to be happy, and i would like it if everyone else was happy as well. unhappy people is not good. some people are unhappy no matter what and some are happy no matter what, and then there's the rest of us who struggle to figure it all out and get put on lists of various kinds.

i do believe that buddha is warning us that if we post on ATS any opinion against OWS, whatsoever, we will go on the "list" of government propagandists, even if we aren't government propagandists, just normal, every day people.

can i have a refund for all my time spent here since the last thing i expected was to be put on somebody's "We hate you " list.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by blupblup
reply to post by SrWingCommander

I'm sorry... but that is just absolute Bollocks... what an awful, pathetic attempt at making OWS protesters look like the bad guy again.

You should have checked first before posting, just like those who starred you should have.

I've seen two interviews of the parents today and it's happening. Your organizers are accountable unless they do something. Pretending the bad things happening are not happening is not wise.
edit on 11/19/2011 by Blaine91555 because: (no reason given)

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