posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 04:04 AM
I just finished reading the whole thread and I would like to add:
On the subject of ET's, there are research documentaries or interviews which lack scrutiny. So I'm pretty lenient if others don't use scrutiny.
The only really prevalent issue to bring up: the "aliens" which are discussed on the forum.
I feel more realistically discussed aliens are discussed less, such as potential extremophiles in our Solar System. More often aliens who are part of
conspiracy theories are discussed.
I don't mind and I do enjoy reading outside the box thinking on ETI's because well they kinda haven't been discovered yet, so I think it's ok to
brainstorm logically.
I do think there are some good threads that re-surface to the top consistently so that is a positive.
Where are the 2 threads on the White House Response to visiting ET's? Those didn't stick around too long either. The thread on today's BBC article has
barely any posts in it as of now.
There are good subjects that appear in the forum but don't resurface.
If more strong threads continued to resurface we probably wouldn't have an issue.
edit on 24-11-2011 by game over man because: (no reason given)