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ATS: We Have Failed!

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posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 01:25 PM
I was logging out and I thought I should probably look at this thread before I call it quits for the day. I read the OP and I felt compelled to share this with you all, for what it is worth.

It's not over. Sometimes it just takes a while to get an old car up and firing on all of its cylinders. Not only that but there are many aspects of OWS that are new to us in terms of the technology. We are only going to get better at that. So worry not, it ain't over, and when it surges again I am willing to bet it will surge with so much force that everybody is going to be shaken by it.

Plus it is probably seasonal. All wars are fought seasonally.
edit on 18-11-2011 by Frater210 because:

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

If you want to change the government of the people, you have to change the people...and you do that ONE person at a time. OWS is/was a failure because:

A) There was no clear objective.

B) It was a house divided against itself.

C) The participants will continue to vote on the basis of a socialist ideology which is what gave us the current regime that fattened the 'Wall Street calf" AND wants to do it again! ($480 billion this time)

You want to change America? Live sustainably. Raise organic crops/or and a few chickens. And love your neighbors. I'm doing my part. Will you?

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

Star and flag for this honest thread.

I have long lamented that there is little will amongst the youth, as a whole, to confront evil. We have at least three generations that have been force-fed one world government propaganda as absolutely inevitable to replace nationalism.

This is just the beginning folks. It gets a whole lot worse under the NWO. Read the book of Revelation to discover what the results are of the acceptance of a one world government.

I was a young person during the protests against the Viet Nam war. I was there in Chicago and all across this country when the youth brought that war to an end by pressuring BigGov at every turn. I have wondered, why it has been the the youth of this nation are so disinterested in freedom and liberty? In the end I have come to believe...

Freedom fails, for lack of interest.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by RealAmericanPatriot

Communities would eventually turn against the states, even after changing our lifestyles to be self sufficient the same establishment will be in place. This would just accelerate an American revolution and may very well start to happen anyways as time goes on and more and more people realize their wallet is full of paper, not food or valuable resources.

Perhaps an exodus from major cities is in our countries future?

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 01:39 PM
"end the Fed"???????
for god sake stop that bull s&%$.
ALL BANKS are a part of it.
in england and euro we dont have a Fed.
we do have banks.
and the taxes you pay.
All of it is curup't.
edit on 18-11-2011 by buddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 01:40 PM
Don't hate the player, hate the game.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 01:42 PM

I'm sorry, didn't wall street supply the damn tissues with those mcdonalds applications this time?

#OCC never had a dream thinking they represented my version of protest, which I carry out on a daily basis until people finally discover what the F*#K it is that brings about change...

They're STILL talking politics, ron paul or bust.. wow, can I see the view master page you just clicked off of? I knew it, the twin towers, just like mine showed me as a kid...

except my view master was ripped away, and all I saw before me was Death in my face... smiling at me with fearlessness and glee. It was a sobering moment when I realized that Death was smiling at me because of the pride felt knowing that my smile was there as I looked forward, knowing that face, and the future soon to exist.

The Northern Guardians have been commissioned, and the Marker's march finally concluded. from suckling to mighty man, the sword has arrived.

I will not fail.


So long as one of four winds moves the direction... I have the hands that will make it, take it, and/ or break it.

Above and beyond all that, I'll always remain a man, even when those who suddenly see reality for what it is look up to see me smiling in their face, with fearlessness... and glee.

Then you'll understand that failure was never an option, no matter how hard you tried to. You weren't put here to fail... because your belief refuses to fail, no matter how hard the illusion wants you to.

Welcome to the next episode, here's the pen. Now write. What you record is what will exist, without fail!

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 01:42 PM
Obviously a tough topic... S+F.

I don't think that this is a "movement" in a political sense that is going to dissipate because there is no clear message, leader(s), or full media/public support. Rather, it seems to me much more like an event that is being born out of increasing frustration and destitution around the globe. It can be easy to loose perspective of the size of it if you only pay attention to what's happening in one country. There's a good chance it will only increase over time because the issue is, generally, pain more than political ideology as I see it. It may shrink along with media coverage, but some (not all) of these individuals, just here for example, actually don't have anything else to loose or any where else to go. As I said, I think that number is only going to grow. I also think many of us know this in the back of our heads, and that may make it all the more uncomfortable and divisive of a happening to discuss without more frustration because of the old punching bags of left vs right, poor vs rich, employed vs unemployed etc...

You can swap many words, sure; frustrated/spoiled, destitute/lazy, for example, but I don't think that makes the fundamental issue, plain ol' frustrated people, any different. Hey, I could be wrong and this all just hits a brick wall, and everything gets better and everyone is back to normal, but I really, really, don't think that is a wise analysis. The only thing that does worry me is the potential for some kind of civil/class warfare given this does continue to grow. If that happens - we've all been rick rolled.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by buddha
"end the Fed"???????
for god sake stop that bull s&%$.
ALL BANKS are a part of it.
in england and euro we dont have a Fed.
we do have banks.
and the taxes you pay.
All of it is curup't.
edit on 18-11-2011 by buddha because: (no reason given)

Oh, really?
You "...dont have a Fed" in England?
Read it and weep, friend:

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by romanmel

Exactly.... these people aren't stupid...

Nearly EVERY COUNTRY has a central bank... and if you follow the trail, the same people own them.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by 0zzymand0s

1) We use traceable paper ballots

Which would entirely defeat the purpose behind voting ones conscience... The reason the ballot is secret is to prevent anyone from finding out how you voted... Employers. Elected Officials. Ex's...

If you mean secure, and tamper proof, then I'm in agreement with you. Ballot secrecy serves a very real purpose.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 01:57 PM
Well imo if you give up now then you are just finding an excuse. Make this a movement that people find out for themselves is in alignment with what they see as a possibility first.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by 0zzymand0s

In the meantime, a vote for anyone is a vote to continue funneling money up the pyramid, while accepting stricter control from the top.

You parrot propaganda rather well; however, this just isn't the case. You do know that you can check how each member of Congress votes, don't you? You can, in fact, get rid of anyone in Congress just by "rocking the vote".

The Tea Party candidates have voted properly in every Congressional tally. They replaced those specifically targeted.

The system is working. As long as that is the case I will defend it with my life.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

Stop playing the victim card.

No one from ATS hit protesters with LRAD sound cannons
No one from ATS shot protesters with rubber bullets
No one from ATS sprayed protesters with mace, hit them with clubs, or put them under arrest
No one from ATS suspended the freedom of press
No one from ATS hired agent provocateurs to put protesters in danger of the police
No one from ATS infiltrated the protests with establishment money and establishment talking points
No one from ATS forced various protesters to engage in mindless consumerism (smoking cigarettes, wearing slave-labor produced clothing, eating fast-food, etc.)
No one from ATS censored END THE FED signs and Occupy Building 7 signs from appearing in mainstream media
No one from ATS has impeded the Occupy movement in any way whatsoever

Point the finger somewhere else.

Free speech isn't limited to only speech that YOU agree with.

Fighting the New World Order goes way beyond where and when you insist that I should be waving whatever cardboard sign you demand I should be marching around with.

I've been fighting the good fight for 10 YEARS, and have found some more worthy causes (END THE FED, STOP THE WARS, BOYCOTT MONSANTO and the worldwide eugenics program) to support.

Forgive me for not having the resources to jump on every new bandwagon that emerges out of every corner of the USA.

Why don't you go fight the real bad guys?

Let go of your obsession with infighting.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 02:04 PM
Who failed. Sounds to me like you've never won or been a winner.. your not succeeding unless one person envies hates or despises you. Why quit? Welcome to the stress of success. Lol... I did not fail ...

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by 0zzymand0s

We use traceable paper ballots

Electronic voting works pretty well whenever honest people are in custody of the machines. Paper ballots can be easily corrupted by even low tech people, or perhaps you have forgotton the "hanging chads"? The electronics can be more easily secured simple because paper ballots are each handled by potentially corruptable people. Given proper oversight, the machines would be much more reliable.

Not everything is connected to the Internet.

Consider helping out with the voting process. They are desparate for volunters

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by RSF77

people realize their wallet is full of paper, not food or valuable resources.

My wallet is full of paper that was left over from stocking my shelves with food and my home with precisely what I want.

Who would want to stuff their wallet with food, anyway?

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by StopFearMongering

Okay than your hippies are different than the hippies I know.

A Hippie is a person who was raised under the ideological system that came out of the tumultuous 1960's in North America and western Europe. They are either of the flower-child/baby boomer generation or that generations' subsequent offspring. They possess a core belief set revolving around the values of peace and love as being essential in an increasingly globalized society, and they are oftentimes associated with non-violent anti-governmental groups. There is a stigma of drug abuse attached to the hippies that is prevalent to this day, specifically the use and abuse of marijuana and hallucinagens. Many rock movements,poets, artists, and writers from the 1960's to today have associated with this movement, most prominently The Grateful Dead, Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin, and Phish. There are others too numerous to name. The movement, then and now, is considered a sub-culture by sociologists that associates itself with the left in all its political opinions. The conservative right often berates and abuses the opinions of people who associate themselves with the hippie movement and/or lifestyle, as the consider it dangerous and degenerative to a society to favor liberalism to such an extent.


Not one of the hippies I knew would never consider buying a $100.00 pair of shoes.

You might be talking about privileged "Preppies" pretending to be hippies.

Someone not washing, maybe buy them a bar of really nice natural (Try SoapWorksStudio, Hebaria or GreenRidge Herbals) - buy them a bar and leave it somewhere they will get it.....there are natural soaps and deodorants now along with really nice natural perfume oils (Middle Eastern people know about) that smell divine. Books, perfumed oils, I mixed and match to create my own unique scents and a little nip of wine here and there are my vices besides being a really good cook).

Some of my values I still carry as a "flower child".

No war...............the mass killing of innocent people is wrong. If someone comes at you with a gun or knife, yes you must defend yourself and your love ones. War is terrorism on a bigger budget.......make love not war.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. In my 58 years of life I have never seen anyone with a lot of real power not abuse that power to some extent. Power in the hands of a few is wrong and dangerous.

Be kind and gentle.............Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

We cannot talk about drugs on ATS. But hemp was grown by our forefathers and a certain weed that cannot be named --- in moderation --- is now finding it's place in modern medicine. But, as long as anything is illegal, I won't disobey because I am scared of big, aggressive, violent people.

All men and women are created equal. ALL

Animals have rights. And yes while some must be used for protein food............their care and death must be supervised and done in a humane manner.

All children are sacred..............ALL children deserve to be loved, cherished and nurtured.

No one should have 1,000 pairs of $200.00 shoes while 30,000 people die each and every day on this planet from lack of food and water.

There should be a job for everyone and pay scales should be more equal............people that do the real work should make more while people that manipulate and don't really do the work should make a little less.

All in all, people should simply be nicer, more gentle, more understanding - live and let live and not be so greedy and mean.

If someone is down, don't kick them - help them back up.

Be nice & play fair.

We are all connected.
edit on 18-11-2011 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
That's right ATS.....we have failed!

What may amount to being the only chance we had at changing the way we live and govern ourselves is quickly fading into the history books as a mear footnote of tragedy.

Many of you tossed the Occupy movements to the side as a political inconvenience and ridiculed the people that were willing to take a stand on principle. These people didn't want to enact a liberal socialist regime that took away capitalism and individual freedoms! They wanted a small glimpse of hope that their future would be brighter than the inside of a corporate cubical or less depressing than an unemployment line.

But when the American people needed an intelligent group of people to help formulate ideas and actions that would be effective, we sat back and called them names; pointed fingers and grimiced at the thought of actually having to step away from our keyboards and put actions behind the very words spoken on this website. The collective knowledge we possess here would have been an invaluble asset to aid in the change we all know is needed.

We can talk about change, but it now will fall on the deaf ears of those that know we are all game. By our own inaction we have labeled ourselves hypocrits. We no longer have a leg to stand on as the opportunity to act has come, and is slowly passing into the folds of American history.

To those whom did and are taking a stand, I commend you.

To those who sat idly by afraid of dirty hippies and socialists: We could have used your help. You knowledge and insight would have been invaluble in a movement where all Americans needed to toss aside the petty differences and stood together as humans.

But it looks as though we are going to fail. It looks as though the NWO police state is one step closer.

The fears of an entire country; better yet, an entire planet may come to fruition.

We should be ashamed of ourselves. We should have done more.

edit on 17-11-2011 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-11-2011 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

This is all very much bigger than what you may think. This movement has some real power behind it and it is only one half of a larger equation. There is a Right had and a Left hand to it which clamped together is only beginning now to squeeze the bug that is the crony millionaire media establishment and the political enamelers. These are your Bill O' Reilly and Chris Mathew media figures, and the political enablers are for example Mitt the Flipp and you are all lazy Obama.

To claim what you have in your OP is to claim that Murdoch, Mathews, Wolf Blitzer and Rove machine won.

Not the case.

Both sides of the socioeconomic spectrum want change, and the minority establishment are in the middle.

These are the forces that flank the small minority in the middle, and the root force/motivations at play behind the two sides that for the most part participants do not understand the whose and why behind their individual movements.

I will explain that now.

On the grassroots right the Koch funded tea party are pursuing the goal of allowing entities such as Koch industries to be able to purchase profitable publicly trade companies outright as Koch industries did with for example Georgia Pacific more often without anti trust regulations standing in the way. The Wall Street establishment and beltway bandits in DC stand in the way of buying up publicly traded companies by entities such as Koch Industries because the establishment has not the funds to do so. They have to pool their capital together, and want to make easy money on Wall Street collectively.

On the left grassroots right the Soros funded media social network system are promoting the Occupy movement so to undo Wall Street in order free up investment capital for micro loans to Main Street. This being investment banking capital derived from insurance company profits such are derived from lets say Progressive Insurance. The other part of the motivation is to promote infrastructure projects for such projects as high speed rail, think GE here.

If any media or political establishment or DHS for example or any other government officials offices are aiding the establishment to stay in power they are not appreciating the future.

It's good to see the future and be on the winning side, or sides, as that is the case in this case.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by buddha
"end the Fed"???????
for god sake stop that bull s&%$.
ALL BANKS are a part of it.
in england and euro we dont have a Fed.
we do have banks.
and the taxes you pay.
All of it is curup't.
edit on 18-11-2011 by buddha because: (no reason given)

Yes you do have a "Fed", it's called the Bank of England, and above them, is the European Central bank that issues the fiat, debt-based paper and electronic currency for all of the European Union.

We are not going to "stop that bull s&%$", and I suggest you get started with your own bull s&%$ over there in England if you wish to have a future in which you and all your friends are not serfs.

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