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ATS: We Have Failed!

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posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

No a majority of them are all LITERALLY dirty hippies. I would call them clean hippies if they were. I don't have anything against hippies as a whole, but this bunch is a particularly useless bunch, and they also are pretty dirty.

And are costing taxpayers money and they're pissing me off.

So dirty hippies will suffice for now.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by DrNotforhire

After 16 years of service to the same company.

16 "exceeds expectations" reviews

And having a accuracy rate (yes they calculated and added in every single error we committed) my accuracy rate for a very stressful job (claim and financial data reports) was 98%

At 58 years of age my job was outsourced to someone in India.

After being unemployed for a year my benefits ran out.

I still almost nightly have nigh mares about the people and boss I worked with.

And while the government rules say there is no such thing as age discrimination - there is believe me.

Also, after working in offices 20+ years, at this point, rather than put up with the Snakes In Suits (good book, you should read it by Paul Babiak and Robert D. Hare), I think I would honestly rather starve and freeze to death.

I'm lucky I have a husband that still works (he is 67 and will now have to work until he drops dead).

The current system SUCKS and it's time for some real change.

My husband and our two friends also went to OWS and all three of them have at least one college degree and make some good money.............I'm the only one with two years of community college and unemployed (retired).

Any more questions.

BTW: We are considered middle class.

And work two nights a month at a homeless shelter. FYI: It's not just drug addicts, winos and the mentally challenged that line up................we're now seeing people homeless that last year had a job, a car, a house or apartment and were considered middle class. Whole families.

Once this corruption begins to affect you and or your loved ones, you will than wake up - by than it may be too late if it isn't already.

edit on 18-11-2011 by ofhumandescent because: grammar

I feel your situation. I'm 50 my husband is 58, same situation as yours, company outsourced to whackenhut and after 24 years smack on our arses layed off both us worked for same company he had higher level position and twice the years I had. Unemployment ends in march, he's to old and experienced.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Drezden
Nothing will come of it because of people like you..... If enough people...

One should first try clarifying ones own stance instead of pointing fingers at others for your own failures.

If the movement is trying to gain support

You're doing it wrong!

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 11:52 AM
This is what the OWS movement needed. A human being like this.

It's a great speech, especially when he gets to the part about the "operation of the machine".

It needed someone or preferably multiple people like this to get a proper discernable message from the movement as to what (I should say you the American people) the people want.

I don't see the need for the occupy movement to be taking place in some countries, like my own Australia.
We weren't hit as hard by the financial problems that hit America. So I'm not sure why it needs to be taking place in Australia.

Unless someone could explain to me why it should be. And I mean that sincerely.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 11:53 AM
Response to OP:

ATS: The people want Change and HERE's where it's happening! (HINT: it's not OWS!)

Not all change comes in the guise of people running in the streets.

I completely beg to differ with your assessment that we've failed. But there sure should be more to come!!

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by lbndhr

My heart goes out to you and your husband.

I will keep you in my thoughts.

It's happening all across America in the name of profit and greed.

The corporation you sweated for threw you to the wolves.

Things need to change.

But, unless people actively and physically protest and rebel, it's only going to get worse.

IMO, our voting system is a sham, TPTB place into power their puppets and our system is long overdue for a big change.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by LifeIsPeculiar
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

Go back and re-read that post, you completely missed the point.

I read it and understood it just fine. The OWS movement does not represent anything close to a majority. The majority of the people are quite aware of the problems in our society, are not nearly as alarmed as you, and believe all can be fixed in the ballot box. Few think there is any need whatsoever for any sort of mass change, mass protests, or any of the crap of which you speak.

In fact, rational people are pushing back very hard on "hope and change". The system is not broken. The OWS people are the broken ones.

You stand more lonely than you have deluded yourself into thinking.

You're right, there's nothing seriously wrong with the way the world functions today. War, genocide, greed, currency set up to fail. All looks fine and dandy to me!

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 11:56 AM

I don't actually support putting up arms or protesting. In all honesty, it just takes a person every day letting out one or two good deeds to make a change.

reply to post by GiftingMyThoughts

I'm right with you on this one. Voting like the choice matters would go a long way to improving things. Many people don't vote or sometimes cast their vote for superfluous reasons. The conditions we don't like are our own fault: The people of this Nation vote stupidly and they buy products that are made in China even though they know that very act kills American jobs.

The power to change everything for the better always has and always will rest with The American people. People must make rational decisions and then bear the consequences of those actions. Mistakes can be corrected only after first admitting the mistake. This Nation started its decline when Americans CHOSE to purchase the cheap products from China rather than the more expensive product in the nearby bin. Now there are no bins close at hand containing American products.

The fault has ALWAYS rested with the American citizen. Their voting habits are deplorable, their morals and ethics have eroded into nothingness, and they CHOOSE to put their fellows out of work. Then they have the gall to blame someone else!

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 11:59 AM
Nothing is over, as long as there are people living then there are ideas that will differ. As long as there are people with ideas that differ there are groups formed that will act on them. As long as there are people with ideas that differ with groups that act there will be war and power shifts and protests. In fact these protests have escalated into something negative, whether you believe its the media portraying them this way makes no difference as the majority even some of the 99 themselves believe it to be true. Its about time tactics are changed, Congrats on the bank fee prevention and to brining attention to many that otherwise had no opinions on many of these matters. It is/was not a failure in the least but is time to take a break and let the anarchist and drug addicts go back to their self-inflicted lifestyle as they do not deserve the free food they are getting pretending to be part of the movement.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247

Originally posted by galactix
reply to post by sheepslayer247

nicely said.

tho i would have rather heard what u actually did rather than your opinion of what we did not do.

u do realize that imposing your ideas of what we should or should not do (and ur disappointment in same) onto us with words is no different than imposing ur ideas onto us with arms.

it is the imposition that matters.

if u feel strongly: act.
but ur whip of guilt only serves to close my ears.

I was out there from day one at my local Occupy adding my two cents, finding supplies, rented a porta-potty, talked to a few local media outlets as to not let the whacho's get on camera and stain the local movement, and a bunch of other stuff. So I was actually out there doing what most people did not.

I disagreed with many of their actions, but instead of crying about it, I put my actions to work and talked to them, tried to make them understand my point of view.

I suppose this was a touch of guilt for me in that I wish that I could have done more. My local Occupy is about to implode, people I talk to in NY and a few smaller cities are all but done as well. There is inner turmoil within many of the camps, and it doesn't look as though it will make it through the winter.

That's my opinion anyway.

You mean you fell out with them because they didn't agree with your revolutionary ideas about how to 'slay the sheep'?

I really hate this suggestion that others are sheep. We are all compromised by the current system and it has put a huge amount of effort into confusing us and misdirecting our attention away from what is important.

It really doesn't matter if people go home for the winter, there are no rules here. If people go home, then they'll be on the internet organising for next summer, and the next and the next until we have effectively filtered out the disastrous effects of runaway economic neoliberalism.

Yesterday was a very powerful demonstration of public dissent. You are being disingenuous by trying to downplay this.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:01 PM

Because it's easier that way. Scapegoats. Who doesn't use them these days? As my teacher said back in High School, "If you're just watching, it's just as good as doing it." I understand that from some stand points, this doesn't hold true.(EX: There's a bank robber with a gun. You stopping them could result in your own death.)

People just need to understand that we're a entire community, not a single person.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by StopFearMongering

Many of the homeless and really dirty people are ex vets and the mentally challenged.

Now, go back in time, Reagan closed down 90% of the state run mental health facilities.

Would you agree with Hitler than or Ivan the Impaler, any person that is handicapped, particularly mentally should be executed, not cared for?

This is my final response to you................I just don't want to deal with you as I find you closed minded, arrogant and heartless.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

Unemployment, mass-exodus of business, manufacturing and jobs out of the country, unimaginable national debt and deficit spending growing by the moment, a government that has legislated, regulated and controlled the private sector into near economic collapse....

Who bought the products that were "Made in China" rather than those made by fellow Americans? Congress? Nay, the decline in our economy was the result of very poor choices on the part of the American consumer and the American voter.

People don't vote with any comprehension of the consequences. Congress is well known to be malfunctioning; yet, most people go out and vote for the same ones who caused the problems in the first place. Next, they blame the Congress that they maintain. Then again, they blame Wall Street instead of the Congress that blew the taxpayer money on the bailouts. Turn around again, and they vote for a communist who hates this Nation.

All of what you listed above is in direct control of the voters and the consumers. Are our hardships really someone else's fault?

The Tea Party has it right: Vote 'em out. Put fresh thinkers in. OWS serves no purpose except to soil the park.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
That's right ATS.....we have failed!

But it looks as though we are going to fail. It looks as though the NWO police state is one step closer.

The fears of an entire country; better yet, an entire planet may come to fruition.

We should be ashamed of ourselves. We should have done more.

edit on 17-11-2011 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-11-2011 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

There are some serious denying happening here, the OWS movement had no real organization, yes they had legitimate complaints but without organization they were ineffective in reaching any goal. Why did they fail to reach any goal? The lack of planning and unifying of those many complaints into a format that could be intelligently presented. No instead they opted for the "hippy movement" which if you study it they failed at that as well. Even the 60s hippies had organization in spite of all the flower power sit-in stories that have been romanticized. They had committees that would rival those committees for persons running for office they weren't willy nilly like they are portrayed on tv.

Here's another denial that's happening on this topic, any criticism of OWS received a deaf ear and sharp countering instead of taking that criticism constructively and applying it to the mission. But again there was no real mission which was why OWS supporters always interpreted any remarks not supportive of OWS as being anti-OWS. Some of those critiquing the movement would have been avid supporters in many ways if the movement applied some of those pearls of wisdom given to them and took a proactive approach to organizing itself to be an "organization". You can't be an organization as a mob.

This has to be the biggest denial, OWS can't be infiltrated. If real groups with a myriad of departments can be infiltrated why not OWS? There have been people who have exposed people in OWS as being other than who they present themselves as within OWS. What did the people exposing the questionable get in return from OWS? Emails filled with nastiness from people who say they support OWS. If they believe they have a real agenda and hope to accomplish their "agenda" then they would have seen the importance of addressing those people who are not who they say they are, not flame the one doing the exposing. At the very least consider the possibility and do some fact finding to prove or disprove for themselves.

Infiltration is not new, read any books or ask people who participated in the 60s and 70s movements and you will discover there were always people involved that were secretly working with the government and or some other organization. The arrogance of many in OWS is stifling and you wonder why things are not going well for them? Yes I said arrogance. When you wave off any notions that there may be those whose job it is to railroad those complaints so that those grievances are never corrected, that's arrogance. Since the middle-east events it has been said there were clandestine groups instigating and driving the people to their end, not the people's end but their end. That could never happen with OWS? Well it has because they've accomplished nothing but have more people wanting them out of their communities.

The other day a thread was started celebrating the inclusion of the former police captain from Philadelphia, no one seriously questioned why that police officer protested in New York instead of Philadelphia his own community. Yes Philly have a OWS and they could've used him in influencing his former peers by his protesting there but he took his stand in New York, why? No one asked why? No critical thinking by many they just said yeah he's on our side. This was the same way the marine was treated, great he's on our side and yet they knew nothing about him, nor the fact that he was believed to be a actor just doing a job.

Sitting out in the park waving signs and chanting mantras has done nothing. The time for that type of movement has long been gone and now it's time to blame because OWS couldn't resuscitate the energy and success of the 60s. I hate saying this but I do believe the movement was never intended to accomplish anything but just be a tool of distraction.
edit on 18-11-2011 by Chai_An because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

Failed? I am perplexed that there are still people in this country that believe by peacefully protesting that the corrupt politicians in Washington will change their evil ways! I mean seriously, we have so many evil aspects of government control and murder going on in the world that some folks really think that by standing there with a sign and protesting that it is going to change the way the Global Elitists think??

They have attacked us thru the food that we eat. GMO, manufactured poison.
They have killed us by allowing us to take Big Pharm medicine that we trust so much to cure us, when in fact Big Pharm has no intention of curing anyone.
We have allowed our Nations laws to become worthless as our evil ones in charge snuggle up to the United Nations and the New World Order.

There are sooooooo many to list I just can't wrap my mind around all of the things that our government has done to destroy our country!

Protesting has become nothing but a form of mind control that the powers that be have given us to THINK we have a say in what goes on in the world and if you believe THEY give a damn about what you or I think, you are asleep in a the false reality that THEY have ingrained in your mind as to how to solve these atrocious problems.

They treat us like farm animals because that is how they perceive us.

Protesting???? Sorry, but I am hunkering down and waiting for the ball to drop. I won't waste my time protesting, because it means nothing in todays world. Look at what happens to people who protest in other countries. They end up getting their heads busted or killed. I think instead of saying that the protest failed, you need to open your eyes, and realize just how meaningless you as a human being are to the ones in charge. Now you have seen how they don't care if they beat up an old lady who is protesting. Now you have seen how they have no problem inflicting pain on citizens who THOUGHT the police were there to "Protect and Serve". Start arming yourself and be prepared for when they REALLY show us how useless and disgusting they think we are. If you don't, you just may wake up when it is to late and you are standing in front of the big oven! NEXT!

Welcome to the New World Order my friend.............

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by seeker1963

I am perplexed that there are still people in this country that believe by peacefully protesting that the corrupt politicians in Washington will change their evil ways!

Me too, since all Americans have to do to correct the problem is quit voting for the same fools. But they don't. Is that the fault of Congress, or the voters? They vote for ideologies that are know failures time and again. They kept voting for "The Kennedys" even though they are well known to be dysfunctional.

Those who protest need to examine their voting habits.

Oh, by the way. It could be that some people actually like the way things work; otherwise, they'd change their votes. Maybe the OWS folks are, in fact, the minority. The ballots bear this out.

The system can be changed through the bollot box. Few avail themselves of that option.

The Tea Pert ran candidates, and managed to elect them to office. The system does work. Use it.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:18 PM
Stupid. Stupid stupid stupid.

This entire movement was stupid. I actually went out to my local one in Philadelphia. Disgusting hippies high and drunk. What a joke. Even if this movement did have sound reason and execution, nothing would ever get done. At the end of the day it is just a bunch of jobless losers sleeping in tents on public and sometimes private property. How is that going to change anything?

Look, I know some people make the argument that "they are at least doing something." When in reality they are actually doing nothing, in fact they are doing far less than you and me sitting at our computers. They didn't change one bill, one piece of legislation, they inconvenienced normal sane people trying to get to their jobs, and even drove some local companies out of business. How is that good for anyone? Ugh. Bunch of low-life rats these people are.

We are responsible for creating the corporate machine. The exact people who are at these protests are the ones who most likely voted for Obama anyways (I can guarantee you that!) You know the response I often get? "Well, what are you doing? Nothing. That's right." My response: I don't purchase a new piece of electronics unless I absolutely NEED to and my previous one is broken. i.e. cell phone or laptop. I don't run out and buy the latest greatest smart phone when the one I already have is perfectly capable. I buy my damn food locally and cook it my damn self, no McDonalds or anything. And I rarely use my car, public transportation and WALKING are all that is needed (granted I live in the city, but if I did need a car I would only get a new one every 5 or 10 years or so.)

These people are to stupid to understand that by going on Facebook, using their Mac laptops, and uploading videos form their smart phones they are feeding the very machine which they hate. Every. Single. Day. They aren't the only ones to blame, we all are. If we want ACTUAL serious change it won't come in the form of a protest, it will be the consumers turning the tables on the salesmen. We are practically eating out of corporations hands every single day, our WANTS have turned into NEEDS, our LUXURIES have become NECESSITIES. My advice? Stop feeding the machine, and you will see change overnight.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

As it turns out, there IS no local Occupy where i live, nor anywhere within a 400 mile plane trip, however I take your meaning.

There have been threads recently that I've seen that sought to unify some of the disparagement between Occupy and other Constitutionalists/Libertarians/Tea Party/World Denizens, and I think some have been successful. I think this is also an important thread, and thank you for taking the time. Anything that causes us all to actually THINK can only benefit.

I think the Occupy movement has been successful as a whole. I admit that at first, I tended toward dissecting and focusing on the smaller issues. I think Occupy has been successful, because it has become a global meme; I think the expectation of it affecting immediate change is unreasonable, however true change seems to come with first a shift in thinking and communication, and I believe the movement has set the foundation for that.

In the beginning, I struggled with my own paradigms:
1. I worked my ass off for what little I have -- why should I expect others to do any differently? I am rich in the way that matters to me -- love and piece of mind. Inasmuch as i don't make a great living, I am my own boss, and for richer or poorer, I have nobody to blame but myself. Responsibility.
2. Protest is a good thing. Blatantly breaking the law by blocking the common person is foolish.

I still believe that there is an element within many of the Occupy locations that is almost pure anger without focus. Occupy Wall Street was chosen (I believe) as a symbolic location -- the 1% don't live there or even show up there, and they aren't inconvenienced an iota by blocking traffic or anything else. There appears to me to be a facet of Occupy that wants to strike back at the thumb of oppression that has bent their backs, but it manifests as hardship for the very people they hope to welcome as brothers and sisters. The MSM, of course, LOVES to focus on this fringe that seems to me to be pure, frustrated rage. I'm not saying that the rage isn't justified, only suggesting that the manner in which it is acted out is often misplaced.

The very fact that Occupy is in the conversation and exchange of ideals and even the so-called "news" is evidence to me of the importance of the movement, because it is causing people around the globe to talk and debate. Even those exchanges that become heated and defensive have worth. I think we might look back upon this time much much later and see this era as the genesis of postive change. That is my fervent hope.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

You failed dude, i'm in the 1% so my class won. Now i've got to run i've got some lucrative government contracts i need to get bids in on.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by LightAssassin

Too bad most lack the understanding to realize that the pyramid works like this: At the bottom are the people, the resources, the production capacity and every living system on the planet. Above them are the political class, who are put into power by corporate money. Above them are the big banks. And above them is the Federal Reserve. The highest level of the pyramid is the World Bank / IMF, and the eyeball suspended above all of that? The International Bank of Settlements.

The Fed isn't the be all / end all here, though its a great start.

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