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OWS Protester: …in a few days you’re going to see what a Molotov cocktail can do to Macy’s.

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posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 10:02 PM
The Occupy Wall Street is pretty much done, unless they start getting violent.

The Daily Show Destroys OccupyWallStreet Better Than Any Banker

(and ya, crappy link, but it was the best I could find)
edit on 17-11-2011 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 10:09 PM
i dont understand the fear of violence when most revolutions were violent. those in power arent gonna give up because you ask them to. the first american revolution was violent because evil people in power will kill/jail you in order to stay in power. for them its not about right or fair. its just margins and dollars.

if the best move for tptb on the chess board is violence then your peacefull protest will get violent. what were you gonna do bring hugs to a gun fight?

dont get me wrong id love to live in a peaceful world where really smart people would solve all our problems without violence. and i agree strategicaly in order to keep a movement alive and growing you have to stress non violence but how do you go from protest to actually acomplishing any real change?

was kennedy killed by some secret cabal of power? you think that level of evil/entrenched corruption is defeatable with nonviolent tatics? they would read are signs and hear our protest songs and run for the hills?

maybe violence is a viable option it would generate ratings, maybe some middle class blood on camera would shock middle america enuff to act.obviously strategicaly it would be best if the establishment was guilty of throwing the first punch.

before i get flamed for my post remember im just asking a question and instead of critisizing please put forth some tatics/strategies that would get we the people back in charge . and please remember the establishment has proven time and time again that they have no problem using violence. they fight gloves off and go with what wins thats why they are in charge.

maybe im just to cynical but at this point im thinking a lil violence might do ows some good.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by MidnightTide
The Occupy Wall Street is pretty much done, unless they start getting violent.

The Daily Show Destroys OccupyWallStreet Better Than Any Banker

(and ya, crappy link, but it was the best I could find)
edit on 17-11-2011 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

i just. it'

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 11:09 PM
i am obviously am all about a first strike,
but macys?
its stupid comments like that, that prove that ows is bs.
they WONT occupy anything actually important. like what the problem is, banks, wall street stock exchange, federal reserve, government buildings, they just occupy the streets.

just stick it to those who deserve it.

i never f***ed anybody over in my life that didnt have it coming - tony montana

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 11:45 PM
religion of peace

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by MidnightTide
The Occupy Wall Street is pretty much done, unless they start getting violent.

The Daily Show Destroys OccupyWallStreet Better Than Any Banker

(and ya, crappy link, but it was the best I could find)
edit on 17-11-2011 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

Really we are done you say?

How about you go turn on your news, oh and BTW the Daily show makes fun of everyone that's what they do! Wishful thinking eh? No we are far from done, you OWS haters keep saying we are done yet we keep growing.

Get a clue .

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

ATS is whatever you make of it, and in this case when ATS fails to be like so many online venues where OWS has 100% unconditional and overwhelming support, you don't like it.

No not at all, i dont know of any online venues where OWS has 100% support, can you verify this claim? Link me to a source? Because realistically thinking i would not expect 100% support on any venue, maybe 99% with a margin for error. I am not breaking balls because I want people to support it and i dont expect you to OWS is a choice, I am however going to put you in your place if you are blatantly lying and projecting your propaganda, assassinating the character of thousands of people you know nothing about YOUR DAMN SKIPPY!

You really should get out of the "collective" sometime and do some real estimates of those for or against, and those who just don't care.

LOL what? Well been to OWS, maybe YOU should get out and see what OWS is really about rather then pretending to know what you are talking about. Of course there will be people who dont care, this society if filled with lazy complainant people ( unlike OWS ) that have become desensitized and that is the way the PTB would have it.

If ATS were what you want it to be, everyone who opposes this movement would be banned.

Really so you think I would ban users because i expect it to be all sunshine & rainbows? This is a logical fallacy , i believe in free speech! I believe in the first amendment do you? Because you take issue with protest, what are you so worried about eh? Again say what you will but if you are dead wrong expect me to put you in check.

You should welcome opposing views, so you can learn where your movement is faltering, and especially where it is failing to win popular support among REAL people, in the Real world.

I have, and I do. But if you cant roll with the punches then throw in the towel!

What do you define as REAL people? So those people at OWS are not REAL people or
what the heck?
That was a real herp derp moment for you!

I am a REAL person from the REAL world!

Yeah they are just a bunch of holograms and card board stand ups, to you they are not real because they are against your interests isn't that right? Keep telling yourself we are a bunch of unclean hippies, pot heads, unemployed losers, you will have to come back to reality sooner or later when long term impact of OWS comes to fruition.
edit on 18-11-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by Propulsion
This guy lays out OWS for what it really is.....

That fool discredited himself right off the bat when he called OWS "a bunch of unemployed hipsters" so I cant take him seriously, he must be reading off the same script of some of our trolls


edit on 18-11-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-11-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:59 AM
Meh, the way I see it is like this:

I hope they get violent. Peace has failed just about everywhere and sitting around a park banging your stupid bongo drums and blowing whistles while holding signs isn't going to do jack s***. What is a sign to a billionaire? The guys on Wall St. just look down from their high-rise and lul at all the idiots sitting in a park which is NOT affecting them in any way. You want to make change? Storm the s*** out of the building do some damage and make em crap their pants. Let them know you're serious. Not only will this open the eyes and let everyone know that you aren't playing around any more but, it will also weed out those that are not faithful to the cause... Because really, who's going to storm a building and do some damage if they don't really believe in what they are 'fighting for'. The answer is 2 people. 1) The people who are serious and faithful and 2) the people who only want chaos. While 2 may not be so great, they are still numbers to help 1 with their cause.

So, I say, stop sitting around banging your drums and start getting physical. Wall St. doesn't give 1/2 a s*** about your signs and your demands, not until you get in their face and show them you aren't effing around any more and you want your country back.

Anyone that replies to this, don't expect a reply back from me, I won't be checking the thread enough to keep track of it probably... PM me if you have something to say.
edit on 18-11-2011 by gabbermatt because: grammarpol!

edit on 18-11-2011 by gabbermatt because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

the founding fathers weren't magical, holy or - infallible

they were a bunch of rebellious guys

our constitution isn't magical either

it couldn't happen the same way today - the world is a different place

petitioning, legislating, voting and pledging allegiance can't (and didn't) protect us from everything, and we have every right - we ordinary, common, everyday people - to take to the streets and voice our concerns

if 'squatting' in a park and 'whining' isn't dignified or prestigious enough for some, well - tough

you think the majority of people back then were all Thomas Jeffersons? That they all understood what they were fighting for - what they were trying to accomplish?

for every protest that happens on this planet, there are going to be some people who are caught up in the fervor but don't entirely understand what they're all fired up about. Do you really mean to propose that this 'sit in' is not important because some people involved are playing music and saying silly things?

I guarantee you that there were a lot of people at the war protests and civil rights marches because it was something to do and a way to pick up chicks

doesn't make the movements any less important

the year is now 2011 - and we live in a country where, well - you've seen what our choices are - are very real candidates for the highest office in the land. What got us to this point? The constitution? Our magical founding fathers? Voting? The constitution doesn't guarantee a thousand years of smooth sailing - it's the people that have to keep it going

this is what we're doing now - it's only a few months old, and what you're seeing is a nation that's starting to see - and say: something has to change

if they can't name exactly what that is yet - so much the better. It means this really is what it is - it comes from the people, not a person or an organized group with a clearly defined agenda. The beauty of this thing is it's lack of structure

though I get that that might be just my opinion :-)

dissent isn't always organized

we should try not to throw the baby out with the bathwater - murmuring and grumbling was what got this country started. Murmuring and grumbling is what will (hopefully) keep it going

give it time

edit on 11/18/2011 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by MidnightTide
The Occupy Wall Street is pretty much done, unless they start getting violent.

The Daily Show Destroys OccupyWallStreet Better Than Any Banker

(and ya, crappy link, but it was the best I could find)
edit on 17-11-2011 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

Of course the Daily Show is out to destroy OccupyWallStreet;

Jon Stewart's real name is Jonathan Stewart Liebowitz. His older brother Larry Liebowitz is the Chief Operating Officer of NYSE Euronext, the parent company of the New York Stock Exchange.

"The World is run by 300 Israelites, whom I know"
------Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister UK 1868,1874-1880

edit on 18-11-2011 by tovenar because: ...not that there's anything wrong with that

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by tovenar

Originally posted by MidnightTide
The Occupy Wall Street is pretty much done, unless they start getting violent.

The Daily Show Destroys OccupyWallStreet Better Than Any Banker

(and ya, crappy link, but it was the best I could find)
edit on 17-11-2011 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

Of course the Daily Show is out to destroy OccupyWallStreet;

Jon Stewart's real name is Jonathan Stewart Liebowitz. His older brother Larry Liebowitz is the Chief Operating Officer of NYSE Euronext, the parent company of the New York Stock Exchange.

"The World is run by 300 Israelites, whom I know"
------Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister UK 1868,1874-1880

edit on 18-11-2011 by tovenar because: ...not that there's anything wrong with that

question: what would happen if the world was run by 300 arabs that somebody else knew? or 300 africans? 300 swedes? i mean, i fail to see the rationale for mentioning their nationality when the goal of any ethnic group of people is not to be at the bottom of the barrel.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by undo

question: what would happen if the world was run by 300 arabs that somebody else knew? or 300 africans? 300 swedes? i mean, i fail to see the rationale for mentioning their nationality when the goal of any ethnic group of people is not to be at the bottom of the barrel.

If the top positions in banking AND entertainment AND politics were all in the hands of Arabs, or swedes, or peruvians....or some other group that was less than 3 percent of the population, I think people would want to talk about it. Freemasons or Mormons or whatever.

If the arab Mayor of Chicago was the little brother of the head of the biggest talent agency in Hollywood, when neither Chicago nor Hollywood were noted for a heavy arab presence, it would be interesting that two brothers from a minority group ended up helping each other.

Of if we had just elected our first Hawaiian president, and he immediately appointed only Arabs to the supreme court and to be Secretary of the treasury, when the Chairman of the Federal Reserve was a fellow arab who had worked for the same Arab-controlled bank and gone to the same school as the new treasurer; yeah, we'd be interested.

If two of the most celebrated Hollywood directors of off-beat films were Arab brothers who had gone to the same Mosque in a small suburb of Minneapolis with the future first Arab Senator of Minnesota, who only one his seat because of intense media "help" and a Supreme court decision (with THREE arabs on it), I think people on ATS would want to talk about it.

But maybe not. Maybe it would be... Anti-ishmaelean to speak of such things.

Maybe as soon as someone posted such things, he'd be denounced as an arab-hater and a Palestinian Mandate denier.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by tovenar

probably. i mean some folks don't want you to help anybody that even remotely resembles you in any fashion. if they can find a connection they will and berate you for being supportive of people you have connections to. i think that's because when the dust clears,they want to be the only ones allowed to pick who is at the top with them and of course, they will pick their kind and harrass anybody that tries to emulate them in their own sphere of influence. i think you'll find this is true from the smallest group to the largest, as well. seems it is human nature.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

nice to imagine dick chaney and donald rumsfeild hanging from a tree. but they wont happen they will just "burn nyc to the ground" hahahaa funny we will see how they recact when the pigs stop using rubber bullest and pepper spray and use rock salt shotgun shells and microwave crowd disruptuers.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 04:52 PM
All of this just my opinion...

What a dilemma we are in. One side says, "protest in peace," and the other side says, "Burn the city down..." and believes in violence. Which side is right? IMO, neither side is correct!

Violence has never accomplished ANYTHING but create more violence or breed more hate. There is an old saying that "there is no reason for war, unless peace can't be obtained through peaceful means." Yet since the dawn of time, we have never brought peace into this world. I can't think of one example in history where war has brought on peace. A perfect example is look at the holocaust survivors. WWII supposedly came to an end when America got involved to "bring peace," and after everything the Jews had been through what is the first thing they do? Go into Palestine and create another Holocaust to define Israel. They slaughtered 250,000 people in the process of trying to find a peaceful homeland. Go watch some of the brutal methods they used to push the Palestinians out, including the slaughter of children, even though they just went through this themselves. This is not an anti Jew pitch...just using it for example. What peace did all that war bring them today? They are on the verge of creating a Nuclear War (arguably), so did they ever achieve peace through the allies in WWII going to war, or their own wars with Palestinians? Nobody ever wins in has been proven throughout history.

Peace...The Dalai Lama ever get Tibet back? The Dalai Lama believes in peace, but he has the CIA in his back pocket. How about Gandhi? Arguably one of the most peaceful people throughout the history of time, and yet India has Nukes today. How far did peace get Jesus? Then there is God, who of course has Satan and the threat of eternal punishment in hell. Ask the 10 dead kids in Ohio about how their peaceful movement went.

So what is the answer? I am completely torn down the middle and struggle with this question every day! It angers me and enrages me when I turn on the news and see kids dying and hurting because of the PtB. I want to fight with everything in me to make it stop. However, I know that violence is just a reciprocal cycle that never ends until someone, somewhere, comes up with another way.

I have stated earlier my thoughts on a mob mentality, and all OWS is going to do is cause ALL of us to lose our freedoms even sooner. This is EXACTLY what they want. They want you all to dump into the streets, fight, get angry, divide, and strip you of what little you have left. You don't think martial law is coming, just wait till some lunatic starts blowing things up because he thinks he is doing it in the name of the cause. People claim we are the 99%, but probably, 1% of them are truly awake (if that). This mob mentality is going to speed up the process of a NWO even faster the more people jump on this bandwagon.

The one question I have never been able to figure out, and I ask myself more than anything, is with all the technology we have today, with the amount of brilliant people we have in the world today, how is it that NOBODY has been able to establish peace yet! If you believe in religion or ET/UFO's, and throw that into the mix...with all this knowledge, history, love, and brilliance in the world not a single person or entity has figured this out by now?

I believe 100% NWO is coming and coming very soon. I don't think it is a result of UFO's, ET's, 2012, or divine intervention stepping in any time soon. Unless people start thinking out of the box and start realizing nobody is coming to save us, we have to save ourselves, NWO will ultimately win. They have been patient, cautious, well thought out, extremely more intelligent than us, and have been planning this for a very long time. Their education and knowledge gap over us is mind blowing.

OWS is the closest thing we have to an Army (and I don't mean that in a violent way). If they think protesting, shutting down wall street for a day, or anything of the like is going to have any major impact on anything other than NWO's ultimate plan, they are sadly mistaken. All they are doing is helping NWO's plan unravel.

I think it is sad about some of the posts I have read where people are ready to use violence or go to war. Movies, TV, music, and video games have all conditioned you to think that way. Using a joystick to drop a bomb on a city is an easy thing to do, until it is you watching your little mother or wife die, or your little sister being brutally raped and tortured. Then you find out it isn't really like the video game anymore and your position suddenly changes on it.

We are at a very important bypass and it is up to each one of us to figure out a "new" way of solving these problems. Once phones and internet are turned off, which will be done, you have no way to communicate anymore. At that point, it will be too late.

I beg all of you to think outside the box and find alternative solutions...


posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 05:08 PM
As they say.. To make an omelette you need to crack a few eggs. The peaceful protesting is being ignored, and will be until it goes away. One cold snap- and it's probably an epic FAIL. Until people are forced to go without TV, Water and Food for a few days, no one will step up and do what needs to be done. By then it will be too late to avoid a bloody political revolution. I can assure you as bad as the TBTF, and Illuminati weenies may be, a wholesale revolution where heads roll on a whim will be far far worse then all but end-game NWO death camps.

There is a need for caution here: the target of any "direct action" must be well and narrowly defined as to the bad actors that need to be spanked and ousted. Otherwise, protests like this have ended up giving people like Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, and Chairman Mao a place of power when the target is too broad to attack.

God help us.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by eywadevotee

Violent revolutions have never fixed or solved the long term problems, only put a band aid on it. Unless we get to what causes the problem, instead of just treating the problem, we will always be, where we already were. Not to mention most revolutions that people think freed societies, masons, illuminati, OWO, or whatever you want to call it were behind it to begin with. Where has that gotten us? Did the American revolutionary war really free us? Who own's the fed bank then?

All we do in society is treat the illness, not focus on preventing the illness, whether it is political, scientific, or psychological.

If we have a revolution through cracking a few eggs, in the end, who holds the order? The militia? Local sheriffs? The people? The Christians? The minorities? There will be so many different agenda's, personal beliefs, ideologies, that there will never be a solution for all, without creating more hate. If we don't start addressing this problem now, we will end up right where we started, and sadly, weapons and power can still fall in the wrong hands even if NWO is defeated.

That is why we need to start thinking outside of the box instead of just looking at what we "think" is the only problem, which is "them" and not "us."

Where ever you go, there you are...

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 09:23 PM
Couple of points.

To those who say non-violence doesn't work: Does violence work? Has it worked in to end British rule in Northern Ireland? Has violence worked for those seeking a Palestinian state?

When you succeed with violence, you make your opponents into martyrs. You also stiffen their resolve, and legitimize the man bringing ALL force to bear.

IF OWS breaks into the NYSE and hangs a few brokers, what do you think the Hegelian dialectic will be for round two? A string of movies about the "Victims of the Zuccotti Reds." And the police taking DNA samples from arrestees, and holding them in a supermax facility in Colorado, without trial, "until the situation is resolved."

The heckling of school children this morning was already the death-blow for any support for OWS coming from the breeders of America.

Lenin was shrewd enough to never mess with his base. The OWS crowds don't know history, and have never read Machiavelli, let alone Klausewitz or Sun Tzu.

They may plant the social seed for a movement that will blossom in 2 or 3 years, Like the Decembrist Uprising in Tsarist Russia paved the way for revolution. But this movement is already marginalizing itself, with p.r. faux pas and anticlimax.

The best days are behind them now.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by gabbermatt
Meh, the way I see it is like this:

I hope they get violent. Peace has failed just about everywhere and sitting around a park banging your stupid bongo drums and blowing whistles while holding signs isn't going to do jack s***. What is a sign to a billionaire? The guys on Wall St. just look down from their high-rise and lul at all the idiots sitting in a park which is NOT affecting them in any way. You want to make change? Storm the s*** out of the building do some damage and make em crap their pants. Let them know you're serious. Not only will this open the eyes and let everyone know that you aren't playing around any more but, it will also weed out those that are not faithful to the cause... Because really, who's going to storm a building and do some damage if they don't really believe in what they are 'fighting for'. The answer is 2 people. 1) The people who are serious and faithful and 2) the people who only want chaos. While 2 may not be so great, they are still numbers to help 1 with their cause.

So, I say, stop sitting around banging your drums and start getting physical. Wall St. doesn't give 1/2 a s*** about your signs and your demands, not until you get in their face and show them you aren't effing around any more and you want your country back.

Anyone that replies to this, don't expect a reply back from me, I won't be checking the thread enough to keep track of it probably... PM me if you have something to say.
edit on 18-11-2011 by gabbermatt because: grammarpol!

edit on 18-11-2011 by gabbermatt because: (no reason given)

How about storming the WH, Congress, and Federal Reserve where the source is at? Don’t you think that would make more sense? One more thing, violence is NEVER the answer! As soon as that happens, the military is going to step in and put OWS in its place.” Violence begets violence”! There is no 99%! Maybe a good 5% running around saying everyone else is the same as the people protesting. Not only are you going to have to deal with the military, you’re also going to have to deal with the 94% of Americans who are fed up with the 5% making life difficult for the everyday Joe trying to do right in this country.

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