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We really ARE alone ("Aliens" are not "E.T's" they are "E.D's")

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posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by Blue Shift

Originally posted by nightbringr
My point was that your argueing against people making up things, all the while doing it yourself. Go back and read the rest of my post to you, and you will understand.

I believe you're doing the same thing, yourself. But I don't think you understand that.

Incorrect. I simply challenged your assumption that time is not linear. You also stated that it flows in multiple dimensions. If by this you mean it flows through our three spacial dimensions we as people interact with everyday, fine. But that isnt what you meant, is it? And if it was, what bearing does that have on this discussion? Again, you were berating people for using made up facts, all the while making up your own.

Ill simply ask you to clarify your statements. Please show me the proof you have of time not being linear. To be more precise, show me why you do not believe our universe flows from "beginning to end".

edit on 9-11-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 02:31 PM
The bottom line is that there is tons of life in the universe. There is most likely life right here in our backyard with Europa, Encyladus, Mars, Ganymede, and perhaps even Titan. I love the response of some people saying that since SETI hasn't found anything yet, then we are alone. First off, what makes us so sure that more advanced lifeforms would even be using radio waves in the future? Secondly, just the odds of life being out there is so statiscally strong with the numbers of stars and galaxies that there really has to be other lifeforms out there. And third and probably most important is that life on Earth is found everywhere where there is water and an energy source and the universe is practically overly stuffed with these sources so as they say, follow the water then you are bound to find tons of life. The question isn't is there life but how much advanced life is out there? The universe is a huge life experiment constantly going on and on for forever!

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

Well well well, isn't that video a prime example of the human ego beating its chest.

This video makes one huge assumption in that human life is the definition of life. This is faulty, as human life is an example of life. Every condition they claim is necessary for life is based upon human needs. For instance, they speak of the need for the right balance of oxygen in the atmosphere, yet we have life living in arsenic. Point being? Life is what is alive, and not defined by the necessities of one species and their environment.

We have absolutely no way of knowing what conditions life has adapted to, nor should we assume that all life shares our basic building blocks.
edit on 9-11-2011 by derst1988 because: spelling

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by ElohimJD

Originally posted by autowrench

Originally posted by darkredfish
reply to post by autowrench

I take he also thinks that dinosaurs and fossils where put here by the devil to test mans faith eh?
And all those prehistoric structures.. those where put here by the devil too?

Some people are just so.... stupid.

Yes, sadly, it is the truth. He is not alone in this either. I have a neighbor who thinks the same things. What I would like to know is, how does an intelligent human being get to be so brainwashed into thinking the Earth is only 6000 short years old? Take a hard look at the Grand Canyon and tell me that. I made a post of the Polar ways of Christianity, here:
Why the Polar Opposites in Christianity?

I myself left Christianity after the people in charge refused to answer my questions. So, I looked for answers myself. I quickly discovered why Christianity does not want one to study, and research the Bible, Gods, or Christianity in general. They just want you to be afraid of Hell, and accept whatever they say as ultimate truth, and then go out and save everyone else. Ever have a Wiccan pound on your door and demand you give your life to Christ or burn in Hell? No, and you won't either. Christians have "faith," we just know. There is a distinct difference.

I am sorry the ones you went to for answers are just as blind as they claim you to be. God's truth about all the things you have mentioned are simple to explain and are in complete and total unity with the word of God as found in the bible, so long as you have eyyes to see and ears to hear.

If you are genuine in wanting to know the answers to the questions that in your past you expressed the desire to understand, I am more then happy to reveal to you what God has revealed to His servants.

However, if you are using the incorrect answers given to you by individuals that God has not revealed the truth of such matter to, in order to continue to justify your current belief structure then please remain where you are, in truth when God does give the answers mankind by nature does not like to hear what is true concerning God.

I can tell you shortly what God says is true in His word regarding these errors you have been told:

1. The Earth is not only 6000 years old, the planet is several million if not billions of years, God does not giv this time in the Bible. The 6000 year timetable is given for the lenth of time mankind has been on Earth (from Adam to the return of Jesus Christ is a 6000 year timespan).

2.Dinosuars existed prior to the re-fashioning of the Earth's surface in preparation for the creation of mankind (Creation week in Genesis). When Dinosaurs roamed this planet, Lucifer was in charge of admisitering God's governemnt on Earth, is was due to his rebellion and subsequent fall that the Earth was made void and full of choas (Gen 1:2). The Dinosaurs and all life on Earth at that time was destroyed.

Ok screw the quote and forgive my alcoholic activities but we still have crocodiles.
Are crocodiles satanic>?
edit on 9-11-2011 by Parksie because: For obvious reasons

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Parksie

Ok am new and can't reply to a quote and give in already.
We still have crocodiles though

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 03:52 PM
I knew the end of the video would spew some ridiculous religious propaganda. These "people" seem to think that only carbon based life forms can exist.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 04:06 PM
OP, could you please list those verses in the bible that say there is no life on any other planet but our own?

And could you list those verses that say aliens are not aliens at all, but are extra-dimensional beings, or demons?

Oh, and while you're at it, could you find those verses that say spiritual beings are actually inter or extra dimensional?


posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Unvarnished
We really do need an intergalactic war to happen, for once it will test us on how well we could unite with one another. Whistleblower: WWIII, a war between hostile ETs and humanity, has started

Michael Prince, an active duty whistleblower trained to be a cyborg super soldier assassin in SS and MI-6 U.K. intelligence networks, has stated that World War III, a war between hostile extraterrestrial civilizations and the human civilization has started. Armed hostilities between human forces and hostile extraterrestrial forces are now taking place frequently, Mr. Prince states.

An ET false flag operation is also planned

Humans allied with the Grey/Reptilian Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex [MIEC] are concurrently preparing a false flag ET invasion, Mr. Prince stated. The negative extraterrestrial-human alliance intent on Earth take-over is referred to as the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex [MIEC].

A war in space, and alien implants

Tolec states, "It is known by the Chief Medical Officer, and staff, of the medical team of the Andromeda Council that a large percentage of Earth's population was unknowingly implanted and negatively affected by Grey etheric & physical implant technology... meant to keep Earth humans in a state of anxiety, fear, manipulation and control.

"Though some physical implants have been found and removed by Earth physicians, at Earth’s current stage of evolution & technology it does not yet have the means to detect, measure or eliminate the Greys' use of etheric implants.

"Now, in the final cleanup phase of this war, and beyond, for Earth's freedom, the Andromeda Council medical team is working tirelessly, and will continue to do so, to clean up the mess, the implants, the resulting spiritual, psychological & emotional impact & damage, and multiple problems the Greys have created as they have unlawfully sought to enslave an unaware human population on this planet.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 04:31 PM
So Satan was controlling earth before adam and eve? Like directing the dino traffic? WTF? It's crazy how these bible fanatics don't even really care whats in the bible. They make up a bunch of bs to keep their arguments alive
edit on 9-11-2011 by biggmoneyme because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by Aestheteka
Perhaps you should read this thread -

Son, you just made my day.

End of line.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

It is likely that there are aliens in the universe, because the universe is so large.

I think that some UFOs are secret government vehicles which may use "anti-gravity" processes to travel.

People who are considering the possibility of "inter-dimensional" beings, could you define "dimension"? In physics,

the dimension of a space or object is informally defined as the minimum number of coordinates needed to specify each point within it.

edit on 9-11-2011 by devishot because: spelling mistake

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 04:50 PM
Jesus, these people really love to plug their ears when it comes to any real sort of scientific evidence. It's like arguing with a wall. I met a guy the other day who started spouting that "Aliens are really DEMONS THAT CONTROL THE MEDIA" nonsense. He had big bulgy bugged out eyes, was real skinny, and had bags the size of burlap sacks under his eyes. Looked like a meth head. I smiled and nodded and backed away. Can't win, arguing with the absolutely demented. They don't run on logic.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by ElohimJD

If you are genuine in wanting to know the answers to the questions that in your past you expressed the desire to understand, I am more then happy to reveal to you what God has revealed to His servants.

OK. First of all, please identify your God by name? I am sorry that you are a servant, perhaps I can talk to your God and obtain a release for you? Seriously, I have studied and researched the Christian religion, their Gods, they books, and their beliefs for a great many years now. I seriously doubt you could tell me anything new.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 04:57 PM
The boundary from Earth to Space or vice versa, is a human made concept. Therefore it doesn't really exist. Which means that life exists in the universe, not just the Earth. For if life can exist here, it can exist many places. The thought that there are E.T.'s sitting out there watching us is hard to imagine. Especially because of the enormous amount of energy and intelligence it would require to travel faster than light, to get around the universe. But what if these UFO's that people "see" aren't E.T.'s but E.D.'s. This to me seems more believeable. These are beings with technology from a different dimension. Much like how the Indians were unable to see the Spanish ships sailing over the horizon, people are unable to see these UFO's. Most of the time they just see the "lights" which may indicate that they can comprehend the lights from the UFO's, but not being able to see the "body of the ship" they can't comprehend this structure.

P.S. - It is said that when the Indians were on the beach, they were unable to see the incoming Spanish ships, because they had no way of comprehending these machines. But when the Spaniards appeared on shore, the ships were said to "appear before them". I have a feeling that this is whats going on now

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

it is naive to think that out of all the mathematical probability in the "observable" universe our area is the only place where the "cosmic tumblers" have fallen into place. plus this is from a statement from the whitehouse? cmon........

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 05:39 PM

As for believing in "extraterrestrials" why do you believe in them and not "extra dimensional beings"...

I think that is much more likely, after all where do you think fallen angels come from?

How are you sure they are from other planets and not other dimensions ?

have you ever considered the possibility that extra terrestrials and humans are both extra dimensional species encarnating in a present form that fits exactly to the situation that is evolving before us? this would explain why you dont beleive in e.t's but you do beleive in e.d's and you insist on correcting people that they are not one in the same, when really imperically(although im not much one for imperical data when it comes to stuff like this)it makes more sense rationally and logically to come to the conclusion that extra dimensionals have the ability to occupy a physical form; i.e any lifeform that exists with physicality.

.............just a thought

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 05:41 PM
I don't know if there are ETs out there but i have thought for a long time that some of the things people are seeing could be ED. I have heard stories of people seeing UFOs dive to the ground and disappear into the ground without a sound as if it just vanished. Also people seeing a UFO or alien and they just vanish. So there could be both. I do believe in angels and demons. Demons are supposed to be liars and deceivers. They like to cause trouble and it is working, Look how everyone on this site is talking to each other. Everyone is aloud to have their beliefs, and opinions. I thought that's what this site was about. But as soon as someone mentions God, the claws come out. I don't understand why?

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 05:48 PM
The sad part is that there is more evidence of E.T. existing then the god you believe in.
Wasn't this community created because the government has lied to us?
The government has denied many things that we're true, and physical life existing outside earth
is far more believable then something as silly as "extra-dimensional beings".

this thread fails... period.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

BS..................I suspect there is life on multiple planets within our galaxy, other galaxies, other multiverses as well as dimensions.

I trust our government and the world governments about as far as I can spit (and I can't spit very far).

I've been researching 38 years on this subject and we are absolutely not alone even at present here on Earth notice I said possibly for I as yet have no physical proof.

A very pricey book at $40.00 I am really into now (and I have no financial or personal gain in promoting this book) is The Resonant Factor by Dennis Whiteman.- it's quite a heady read and going to take me a bit to get through.

Another good book is Slave Species of god by Michael Tellinger.

Sorry, don't buy it.................our species (I suspect) was sold out a long time ago.

You might also find a book (and it's free because it was written in 1919) is Charles Fort's "Book of the Damned" you can get it here:

Another book I highly recommend is "The Gods of Eden" by William Bramley. This gentleman took 7 years of research and began writing this book with trying to explain why man goes to war against his fellow man - what he came up with was astounding.

Read, research.................the truth is out there.

Now, as a side thought, begin researching into quantum physics, there is so much we cannot see, hear, taste, touch, smell or sense and there is so much out there and within us that it defies imagination.

Never say never. Never close off your mind or heart to new ideas or possibilities. For the second you do you condemn yourself to limits.

What scientists swore was gospel truth ten years ago is now outdated.

Don't limit yourself..............and don't try to limit others.

edit on 9-11-2011 by ofhumandescent because: grammar

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 06:35 PM
Correction: We are really alone... for now.

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