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OWS is Being Played

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posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by Snoopy1978
reply to post by Propulsion

Quotes from members who support ows, I see. You building up a file on each and one of us? You can take my file and cram it up your fax machine. Tell your bosses I said hi to their mothers.

-- End Transmission --

You will NOT see this behavior come from the Tea Party! All of the posts were from ONLY 5 threads. And there are 20 I did not list! Thats says a lot about OWS here on ATS!

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 02:22 PM
There seems to be massive amounts of sweeping generalizations and hypocrisy on both sides. Everyone is being played all too easily. It was only a matter of time before the protests turned from corporate greed and workers rights to Left vs. Right, communism vs fascism and all that other nonsense. All the protesters defecate in public, have no jobs, refuse to shower and adorn their fingernails in black nail-polish. All anti-protesters fear change, are pawns on a chess-board and are system-slaves.

The Occupy movement has been subverted by extremests and communists using it as a platform to promote their extremist ideal or merely as an excuse to party and be deviants ultimately tarnishing its reputation from the get-go. The ones opposed to the protests saw this and jumped on the nearest bandwagon when a few of the more unsavory protesters were paraded around on their boob toob in the infallible media ; "All of the protesters must be just like this one." they thought. "All of those opposed to the protest is a corporate shill!" the protester thought.

The "gimmee generation", "corporate shills" etc are massive generalizations—not even your own generalizations—but they fit your views so you utilize them. Second-hand generalizations? Please....

The ease to which all of you on both "sides" have been played is very obvious. Now you fight amongst yourselves like school-children jumping on whatever "facts" will help push your agenda. You're the rabble plain and simple. You are all incapable of intelligent discussion and resort to name calling and ad hominem.
You all turned it into a left and right thing—a black and white, us vs. them thing, the only things the feeble human mind can relate to. Hows that for a sweeping generalization?

edit on 5-11-2011 by NiNjABackflip because: grammar

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by seabag

Perhaps, sometimes it doesnt matter WHO started it...perhaps sometimes 'the message is more important than the medium'....
I have no doubt the OWS movement is NOW being co-opted by TPTB....but that doesnt mean its message is wrong and shouldnt be supported.
The strength of any movement is the flexibility of its strategies. What TPTB do better than the 99% is they have mastered the art of 'going with the flow' of public opinion....they effectively work with the bird in hand while keeping their beady eyes on the end goal at all times...
If the OWS movement organizers could come up with an agreed 'end goal' then they would be able to strategize far more effectively in order to keep the movement going regardless of whomever tries co-opting it for their own means.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by seabag

No one wants to hear it. As right as you may be it will fall on deaf ears. Useful idiots might be a bit extreme but of course this movement is being controlled.

The funny thing is a lot of ATS is so desperate to be a part of this (or to in their minds create genuine change for the better) that they aren't going to listen to anyone saying they might be wrong. They aren't interested in following the money. What I really don't understand is all of the ATS'ers giving Soros a pass. It's been going on for years with this guy.

I am reminded of Jon Stuart (a self proclaimed socialist and seven figure earner) threads where everyone is always so delighted to hear him "destroy" conservatives and tout the line for the left and the OWS movement. It genuinely exposes the hypocrisy of the whole damn movement. If you are someone like Stewart, Soros, Pelosi, or just perceived to "be on the right team" (progressives/socialists) you get a pass.

Only wealthy conservatives are evil to these people. The liberals and progressive (some of which are amongst the wealthiest people on the planet) puppet masters are the sacred cow in the room.

The hypocrisy is both amusing and maddening at the same time. If the OWS movement is so concerned about the system and its flaws perhaps they should look into who the people behind the scenes are. Not just the targeted "enemies" of the movement but inside the movement itself. However I'm afraid they are too concerned with hammering the right and people who don't exactly agree with them to even bother looking at themselves.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by seabag

Still putting your political spin on a peaceful movement compromised of individuals. It does not matter who endorses it, who started it actually it. It is about what it REPRESENTS! It is based on the FACT that Wall Street and the Banks are criminals and they need to be held accountable for the crimes they have committed.

This is the Right to peacefully assemble, don't like our constitution then leave! The OWS protesters are not the problem yet at the same time the ANTI OWS propagandists keep clinging to soros as if he is relevant? While ignoring the fact these parasites "bankers" have robbed us!

Anonymous helped launch this just as much as the rest of the "liberals" you claim, well we are not politically affiliated. This was joint effort from many organizations and non organizations. Again it is not about WHO started it it is about us getting F#### every way and Sunday without Vaseline or even a kiss!

Yeah we are MAD! You are not mad enough obviously would rather sit there in your arm chair and bash demonstrators and enable the crooks at the same time. While the police encroach on our right freedom to assemble peacefully and protect the elite?

The KKK comes to a town or city and protests the police protect them from the citizens.

The Westboro Baptist Church protests and degrades a dead soldier at his own funeral, the police protect them from the family's and his fellow soldiers while grieving.

Peaceful protesters protest Wall Street and Banks , the police protect Wall Street and banks and take the offensive beating up, kettling, macing, shoot rubber bullets, flash bang grenades injuring citizens and soldiers.

Just disgusting, the anti OWS people are not doing a damn thing but remain counter productive and defend the Gangsters that robbed us all. What the heck is wrong with you? Get with the program otherwise the revolution will continue without you. And whatever happens win or lose one day years from now you will be sitting in your chair knowing you did NOTHING! Get your head our your arse, quit your job if it involves you being paid to spread propaganda because sooner or later your conscience will come back to haunt you unless you are a sociopath.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by seabag

I think you are right. It's kind of a bitter pill to swallow when you are wrong and that is what happened to me. At first I thought it was to get the attention of the guys who are doing it wrong but now it has wound up as a tool for the destruction of the republic. When it gets to the point that it is alright to destroy property and infringe upon the little guy then it is out of hand. No one has that right and I don't care who he is. It has now gotten to the point that a lot of little people have even lost jobs because of this and that is dead wrong. What if the opposing people did the same as these bums are doing. Then it's called civil war.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by seabag

Just like the Ron Paul Tea Party got hijacked by the republicans,
the OWS ppl got infiltrated by Agent Provocateurs.

This method gets you control of a group, or you trigger violence
so they can crack down on the group.

The NWO crowd realized they couldn't just gun innocent ppl down
in the street and get away with it, so they had to make them look bad first.

The best example of the NWO prior to them learning this trick was
when they were shooting peaceful protestors in India and they
jumped in the well rather than be shot.

British General orders massacre of unarmed peaceful protestors

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by Drunkenparrot

Originally posted by SLAYER69


Ad victorem spolias....

Which is why we're starting our opposition to the collectivists early! I really never thought I'd live to see this day on my own home turf, but here it is.

It makes my wicked youth seem something of a waste. going "there" to keep it away from "here", but I reckon it wasn't an entire waste - I got plenty of practice for the main event!

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by Unknown Soldier
reply to post by seabag

This is the Right to peacefully assemble, don't like our constitution then leave! The OWS protesters are not the problem yet at the same time the ANTI OWS propagandists keep clinging to soros as if he is relevant? While ignoring the fact these parasites "bankers" have robbed us!

I'll stay, thanks. Want to use the Constitution as justification? have a read of it first so that you can cease abusing it. The part you seem to be interested in is the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. Have a look at what it says before further misrepresenting it.

Just disgusting, the anti OWS people are not doing a damn thing but remain counter productive and defend the Gangsters that robbed us all.

We are "defending the gangsters" in PRECISELY the same way that you are defending the government that empowered them to do their deeds to begin with.

What the heck is wrong with you? Get with the program otherwise the revolution will continue without you.

Oh, I'll be there when it kicks off - you're not gonna like it then, either. I want no part of your "program". I much prefer freedom - for myself and my progeny.

And whatever happens win or lose one day years from now you will be sitting in your chair knowing you did NOTHING!

I've already done "SOMETHING", and was doing so most likely before you were even crapping green blotches in your nappies. I will continue to do that "something" as conscience dictates, not as YOU dictate.

Have a nice day, Mr Fawkes.

edit on 2011/11/5 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by seabag

you are definitely living in a Whole Other Country
or Alternity* IMO

[*alternate universe]

remember how the steam sorta went outta the tea-pot-y after similar "revelations" [koch bros., et al] were made public?

somebodies bein' played all right


posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 12:18 AM

Have a look at how they shut dissent down. They have shills with a playbook to quell dissent. I can give people pointers on their system! it's sad they are so going down! Die NWO die!

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 07:06 AM
Some of you may do very well to ponder the following quote...

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. -- C. S. Lewis

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:41 PM
sorry that post was bad lets see if embed works this time around.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by NoHierarchy

EXTREME T&C violation??? My ass. Nothing I said was extreme or offensive, you mods are just all hurt over the truth. GET OVER IT, STOP ABUSING YOUR AUTHORITY BY CENSORING A LEGITIMATE STATEMENT.
edit on 6-11-2011 by NoHierarchy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by undo

Originally posted by NoHierarchy

i don't blame you for being discouraged that others don't share your enthusiasm for OWS. i would just like to state, for the record, that this exact same thing happened, in reverse, when it was the Tea Party's turn at bat. there were countless threads made by concerned people, who did not like the direction the Tea Party was going in AND there were people from the Tea Party side, complaining about all the "LEFT-WING BIAS" ON THIS WEBSITE".

notice, it can't be anywhere in the middle, it always has to be one extreme or another. and why is that? because stereotypes are easier to understand. and both sides of these issues use them to prove their points, including you. so don't be getting all high and mighty about it, cause it's same old, same old, ad nauseum crap that's part of the political landscape of any political discourse. ...well, as long as people are allowed to have discourse.
edit on 5-11-2011 by Gemwolf because: Removed quoted post

I can acknowledge that... but the kind of lies/propaganda spread about OWS go far beyond most of the anti-tea-party rhetoric. People have to realize... when things go up on the front page, countless people read it and consider it. Now, I'm not against a wide range of opinions being considered, but when most of the posts I see are anti-OWS and contain the same debunked lies over and over, I get a little ticked off and suspicious. It's like when Fox News decides to be "fair and balanced" by pitting a totally scientific/reasonable person against a totally uneducated loon... it's giving credibility where there should realistically be none.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 04:57 PM

It's like when Fox News decides to be "fair and balanced" by pitting a totally scientific/reasonable person against a totally uneducated loon... it's giving credibility where there should realistically be none.
reply to post by NoHierarchy

oh that's nothing. you shoulda been there when CNN actually had a map of the USA on their news following the election of george bush jr, with the words JESUSLAND printed across the middle, after which a panel of experts commented on how polls and tests, concluded that people in red states/red cities were less educated AND (here's the clincher) had lower IQs than the people in the blue states and blue cities.

in addition, various derisions were cast upon southerners and southern states (because the stereotype has been a sledgehammer for far longer than it should), who were, not only less educated and lower IQs than the northerners, according to CNNs experts, but (and here's the part they left out) have the highest population of black people and blue cities of anywhere else in the USA.

how do areas, populated primarily by black people (blue cities in the south and bible belt) have both the highest IQs and the lowest IQs at the same time? i.don't.know. ask.CNN's.experts.

edit on 6-11-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by NiNjABackflip
There seems to be massive amounts of sweeping generalizations and hypocrisy on both sides. Everyone is being played all too easily. It was only a matter of time before the protests turned from corporate greed and workers rights to Left vs. Right, communism vs fascism and all that other nonsense. All the protesters defecate in public, have no jobs, refuse to shower and adorn their fingernails in black nail-polish. All anti-protesters fear change, are pawns on a chess-board and are system-slaves.

The Occupy movement has been subverted by extremests and communists using it as a platform to promote their extremist ideal or merely as an excuse to party and be deviants ultimately tarnishing its reputation from the get-go. The ones opposed to the protests saw this and jumped on the nearest bandwagon when a few of the more unsavory protesters were paraded around on their boob toob in the infallible media ; "All of the protesters must be just like this one." they thought. "All of those opposed to the protest is a corporate shill!" the protester thought.

The "gimmee generation", "corporate shills" etc are massive generalizations—not even your own generalizations—but they fit your views so you utilize them. Second-hand generalizations? Please....

The ease to which all of you on both "sides" have been played is very obvious. Now you fight amongst yourselves like school-children jumping on whatever "facts" will help push your agenda. You're the rabble plain and simple. You are all incapable of intelligent discussion and resort to name calling and ad hominem.
You all turned it into a left and right thing—a black and white, us vs. them thing, the only things the feeble human mind can relate to. Hows that for a sweeping generalization?

edit on 5-11-2011 by NiNjABackflip because: grammar

All I can say is….your post was phenomenal! You really got everyone thinking about what’s REALLY going on here. Your observation of this situation is beyond reproach. You spelled out the problem, laid down a solution, motivated people into action and…..wait a minute……never mind, that was another post I read. Sorry!

So all you have to add is we’re all incapable of discussion? Your post does nothing more than criticize everyone here!! You tell us that we just foolishly choose sides and stand for what we believe, and in doing so we’re being childish!!


edit on 6-11-2011 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by Propulsion

Originally posted by User8911

Yeah isn't it convenient that 95% of the people on ATS "THAT ARE" against OWS are also right wingers that don't see anything wrong with the world today.

There I highlighted the word that made your reply pretty worthless.
By creating something out of nothing got you more stars then my post.

...Although your avatar is really cute! :p

Maybe it's my english that isn't perfect but people should definitively read more before posting.
edit on 6-11-2011 by User8911 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 01:04 AM
this movement is a scam and everybody knows it!

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by TheLastStand

ATS has been ahead of the curve on this topic. Many of us have been ridiculed for pointing out the obvious connection to socialists within the current federal government (specifically liberal democrats) but it’s true. Here is the latest person to come forward in support of this theory.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV, Horowitz, a former radical leftist who converted to conservatism in the 1980s, was asked about the Occupy Wall Street protesters and their ongoing demonstrations in Manhattan and elsewhere.

“If you’ve watched their interviews you know that they’re morons. But what is behind them is ACORN, George Soros, and the core of the Democratic Party. That’s why we ought to pay attention to them.”

As to whether the Occupy movement has been spontaneous or manipulated by the organized left, Horowitz says: “I think it’s both. It’s like a chicken-and-an-egg question.

“Some of the motivation must have been that the Democrats have created this horrific situation in our education system, where you get what looks like a free ride because there are all these student loans, and it’s not a free ride.

“So you have these kids, they’ve got a $100,000 debt and there are no jobs, thanks to the Democrats. So that became an occasion, and once there’s a happening — the first Occupy Wall Street — then these big unions come in behind it, there’s money there, and ACORN. So there’s already a very organized left and it grows.

Asked about the Occupy Wall Street movement’s future, Horowitz responds that it’s fueled by the old left “that was demoralized by the collapse of socialism and was dormant for a few years, and then came back. We can expect this to go on and on in the future. You’re not going to persuade them. They’re going to be there.”


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