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Report: U.K. preparing for military strike on Iran nuclear facilities

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posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:41 AM
'Those who the Gods wish to destroy, They first make Mad.'

The govts of the west, particularly UK and US have appeared terminally insane for a long time. After all, only a mad man or men would claim that Torture is EVER justified, but both US and UK have claimed this. Only a Mad Man or Men would claim that destroying a nation to get at one man, ie Iraq and Saddam was justified. These justifications are ramblings of Mad Men, and the majority of people, even the thickest of them have had to double take at these ramblings. Just as people sighed and continue to sigh at Blair's 'It was the right thing to do' excuses and Mr Bush's 'God told me to do it' excuses, they now are used to the unfortunate fact that their 'leaders' or 'rulers' are very much a sandwich short of a picnic and anything is possible from the Terminally Insane. On top of this unfortunate quandry we all find ourselves in, it appears that our supposed leaders also have their 'strings pulled' by people who are even crazier than them. A horrifying fact but hopefully, in time to be sorted. Even the biggest boil has to burst eventually and it tends to make and awful mess!!

One thing is certain in this life, and that is 'what goes around, comes around', and Karma always gets her Man, no matter how insane he turns out to be.........just sometimes you have to wait longer than you want to, or would like to and you know what? You don't have to do anything about it. Just step back and watch sweet Karma sweep the board!
edit on 3-11-2011 by Elliot because: spelling

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:49 AM
I hope someday they see
War, War is not to be.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 11:00 AM
Intresting posts

I think the right course of actions have been taken so far, publicly sanctions have been placed and the only effects are (as always) are on the people of the country effected, and quietly most weastern goverments where hoping that these sanctions would provide a match for social discontent and move along the arab spring, but this has not happend, so like all good intelligent agencys SIS (MI6) and the CIA with help from Mosad have been eliminating prominant scientist in Iran and using cyber space as a front in this undecleared war by infecting computers with viruses to slow the advance of there nuclear programes, and thats what we know about, and only when all these fail totally (which seem to be the case) and we reach the point that theres no turning back, you will be awoken in the night to turn the tv on and see JADAMS, Thomahawkes block 4's and small diamater bombs fall on sites around the Iranian countryside.

And then theres this to think about, Iran has no operational nuclear weapon to respond with, just updated versions of tatical battlefield balistic missiles, eg: F.O.G's, S.C.U.D and MLRS all Soviet era delivery systems that have little acuracy with conventional warheads as we saw in the Gulf war of 1991, but Iran does have a Chemical and Biolgical weapons system to turn these missiles into an effective response, even if it does cost them in the end total elimination by Trident, Minuteman or Jerrico western response...................thing do have a habit of getting out of hand very quickly.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by princeofpeace

Haha they have had the whole war planned out for years....I bet they have a battle plan to go to war with the never know..might as well have one! Good find though.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by cosmicexplorer
reply to post by princeofpeace

Haha they have had the whole war planned out for years....I bet they have a battle plan to go to war with the never know..might as well have one! Good find though.

it would seem to me that the only option open to Iran in an attack is to share the pain.

aim everything that can reach an oil field in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, etc, set the middle east on fire and go down in a blaze of glory.

if the evil Satan attack, take down it's economy, with the financial sector on life support and the economy gasping, isn't that Satan's weak spot?

at least if it brings down the financial sector, this war would have a beneficial historical effect.

and it could turn ows in a peace movement.

the world needs such dramatic political change that it's imposible to know where we're going.
lets just hope that much of the bs we now call banks and politics is swept away soon.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 11:22 AM
I'm tired of this crap. Conventional war is too expensive to fight in today's world. If Iran wants a nuclear weapon, I'd be okay with the U.S. providing them with at least one, if not 2 or 3 of them...detonated over Tehran, Esfahan, and Shiraz.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by GLaDOS
The British are not like Americans, they will get to the streets and start smashing things up again if they get dragged into another war because of the US.

Yeah I'm sure.....just like they did during the war with Iraq, both of them.

Please dont take this the wrong way, but the obviously British posters on here just crack me up:

1) First, one poster says the UK basically has no military left and everyone ":stars" showing they agree. Ok, so you're saying that your country is currently helpless? What ever happened to the mighty British Empire?

2) Second, another poster says "the british will not allow this to happen, we'll protest and riot in the streets!" Hmmm, because that really worked for you guys the last dozen riots you've had over there right? Please explain to me how you can proudly declare you have no military force to defend your country, then you say your only way of fighting back is rioting and damaging your own people and property?

This has to be the silliest stance on Iran I have ever heard. The UK is an affluent place, with beautiful cities and culture. You better hope to god you dont get invaded, the general populace isnt even allowed to own firearms!!! What will you do?

Oh yeah, expect the US to come and save you. I seriously doubt a bunch of rioting soccer hooligans will fend off a nuclear attack from one of your neighboring hostile islamic countries.

What a load of "bullocks"

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by We the People

Looks like it's not only U.K. that is preparing for a military strike, Israel too. Israeli missile test fuels talk of plan to strike Iran’s nuclear sites

Israel now has six Dolphin class submarines. These subs were, ironically, built by and purchased from Germany.

These subs can launch long range missiles like the Tomahawk (the Israeli version is called Popeye) with a range of 1,500 km and can have a conventional or nuclear warhead.

Jane's Defence Weekly reports that the Dolphin class submarines are believed to be nuclear armed, offering Israel a second strike capability. According to news reports the submarines are normally based in the Mediterranean.[19] One Dolphin was sent to the Red Sea in June 2009, which Israeli media interpreted as a warning to Iran. The Israeli Navy decided in May 2010 to keep at least one submarine equipped with nuclear missiles there permanently

So Israel can do this alone if it wants. It has an adequate air force, ballistic missile submarines and now land based missile capability (like the US Triad to ensure MAD).

I don't agree with those who say Israel is calling the shots here. If they were, they would have attacked already IMO. The US/UK is probably trying to talk them out of it by imposing sanctions against Iran.

I don't see a land invasion as possible, but then again, who really saw and believed Iraq and Libya would be invaded? Or should I say "Liberated".

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 12:01 PM
Interesting, isn't it?

On one hand you have an Israeli newspaper publishing headlines that the U.S. is throwing tougher sanctions on Iran and it's central bank (which Israel has been asking for all along) to deter Iran.

While on the other hand you have an Iranian news source publishing U.S. reports that sanctions won't do any good, like most of us already know!!

Which one looks like they're begging for a war?

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Deetermined

THe UK is certainly conditioning its population for this.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 12:35 PM
People here, because of their slant...liking to discuss the minutia of the possible conspiratorial details behind world events are getting their entertainment...but are also maybe missing the larger more important point.

It does not really matter if all of this is being steered but the U.S., or Israel, or England, or Saudi Arabia. It doesn't matter if it is the Masons, the Bilderbergs, Skull & Bones, the Catholic Church or the greater NWO. It really does not matter if it is the Lizard people, the Zetas, the Grays or the people who live inside the hollow Earth. It doesn't matter if the shadowy people pushing the buttons are from the CIA, Mosad, KBG (are they still active?) or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

The bottom line is, for us common folk (we who tend to end up getting shot and blown up), is that this conflict is coming...everybody with two eyes to see, can see it is coming.

Iran's military capabilities will get taken apart by the "coalition"...will be taken down. The clock will get re-set, from Iran's military capability's a point where they will no longer be a threat to people outside of their borders.

Just like the first Iraq war. And just like after the first Iraq war, if they continue to threaten "the West" in any way (continuing with WMD progams, sticking their noses in, in Iraq, Adghanistan, Lebanon, etc.), then there will be a second Iran war that will effect regime change.

It does not matter who is behind it...what the real reasons are...who is doing what to who...Iran's course is going to get changed.

Is there a larger game afoot? Probably. Is this action precursor to larger events...possibly global in scale? I am not sure at this point.

But the days of Iran acting as a regional power, or having designs on being something even larger...well, those days are numbered.

And just like when time was up for the old doesn't even matter if Iran really is trying to build a nuke...they are effectively already finished.

(IMHO, of course)

edit on 3-11-2011 by mobiusmale because: typo

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by JohnySeagull
reply to post by Deetermined

THe UK is certainly conditioning its population for this.

That's because they know that Iran is begging for this war and will continue their "poking" through proxy terrorist groups until it happens.

We all know that we're going to have to go to war with Iran to put an end to it. The U.S. and U.K. were just hoping to put it off longer.

If you keep reading Iranian news sources, you can tell they're trying to give the final "push" into making it happen.

Here's an example:

"Addressing a large number of Iranian school and university students here in Tehran on Wednesday, Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to the analyses offered by materialist intellectuals in which they considered the Iranian nation's victory over the US as "impossible", and stated that despite all these wrong materialistic analyses, the Islamic Republic of Iran has always gained victory and the US has always been forced to back down."
edit on 3-11-2011 by Deetermined because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 12:36 PM
Step by step, all in good time, just like was planned, western powers will attack Iran, Iran will Nuke Israel, The states will Nuke the entire middle east, China will attack North America with biological weapons. And then, and only then, when they have destroyed the majority of religious fanatics around the the world, China will step in as the New One World Government (NWO) and abolish religion, making it punishable by death.

We can only hope. Religion is and always has been the root of all evil, perpetuating only hate, racism and inequality towards the other members of the human race.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 12:43 PM
tHe uk government is making a lot of legislation changes pass through the houses at the moment ., even mps claim they cant keep up with it enough to scrutinise properly .
It seems a waste of time rattling the same old bars when actually , something else is afoot . Its an old old media trick , now quoting the DM above is the bull they come out with ,

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 01:06 PM
I live in kc and today i saw some military vehicles driving around on the streets. They were tan colored and were the mine resistant vehicles, they look like a tank. In each of them one guy was exposed from the chest up looking out the top of the vehicle. Then a second guy in the front and he is also not enclosed, but it's hard to see his head unless your infront of him. They are all in full camo and something black that covers up all their face expect the eyes.
It's cold outside and i understand why they have their faces covered. But it was such a weird feeling, different than one I usually feel whne i see military personel. They looked so serious. They were only going about 15 mph on roads you can go 35-45. They all looked straight ahead, I never noticed them move. I know it's part of their job to be serious, but their eyes... just had such a serious/focused look to them.
They took multiple illegal left turns which made following them for long impossible. Illegal because they are no L turn from 7am-6pm and so they would would just wait till the light went red and then start going. This could all be normal stuff, but with all the Iran news and the fact that there are a lot of mines in Iran makes me wonder. I got a few pics on my phone. Ill try to upload later tonight if people wanna see them.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by Siddharta

Originally posted by 547000
lol, you mean both Russia and China will have military might that can't be conquered when they try to establish world communism.

Why should Russia go back to communism? Putin is more like a tsar, even now, while he lets his puppet friend play the ruler for some time, before he takes over again. And the Russian Mafia is better off as during the times, when they were called KGB, living like the drug lords they are.

Russia never fully abandoned communism. All of the communists are still in positions of power. They were not tried for crimes against humanity. Russia's military economy is hidden, but its civilian economy is not. They're reeling in all the funds they can by opening their markets. Then, like they've done in Lenin's time and Stalin's time, they will suddenly close them all and seize the resources for their totalitarian cause. They've done this crap before, but like idiots the west still falls for it.
edit on 3-11-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by navy_vet_stg3
I'm tired of this crap. Conventional war is too expensive to fight in today's world. If Iran wants a nuclear weapon, I'd be okay with the U.S. providing them with at least one, if not 2 or 3 of them...detonated over Tehran, Esfahan, and Shiraz.

I find your statement disgusting. This is where the problems lie. Americans (and typically the rest of the 'west') are brainwashed by propaganda into having no respect for human life, and your comment shows that.

I can't wait until the day hillary clinton, bush, obama, netanyahu, and the rest of the terrorists get put away for war crimes against humanity.

This is psy-ops at work. turn off your TV and look at iran from a neutral view. You will see it is just as great a country as any other. Innocent people live out their lifes, pay their taxes, go to work, help others in need. They are humans.

Humans do not need to suffer because of an ego like yours.

Obama is the most wanted terrorist in my books (terror drones being the prime example). I can't bear what he has done to innocent people in the mid-east since he got elected. But do you see me calling for a nuke to land on the whole of the USA? No.

People != Government.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by InsideYourMind

I ddint like that statement either , being a navy vet doesnt stop him being a tool . Thats all any of them are , the state of them , f tools .

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by BRITWARRIOR

Iran is developing nuclear weapons because they know there is this Israeli agenda on getting half their country in the pretense that is their 'god given' right. Its going to happen eventually and they want to be ready for it.

But a war now is extremely a bad idea.

So bad, I cannot emphasize this enough

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 02:00 PM
This is my very first post so please be gentle with me.

There was a time when I thought global leaders wouldn’t be insane enough to target Iran with substantive sanctions let alone the idea of going to war. However, things are alarmingly very different these days and Israel, either alone or with its allies, seems hell bent on doing whatever it wants with impunity. On top of quantitative easing, it appears that the possibility of a little war might, in its own repeatedly tried and tested way, help soothe the pain inflicted by the current global economic doldrums, and might have already been fully sanctioned behind closed doors. I seriously hope not but if it is going to happen then it is going to happen… not really much we can do about it except sit back and take it. However, personally I am a believer in the concept of pre-ordination and as such I am, for the main part, of the point of view that the vast majority of unfolding events, no matter how abhorrent, insidious or terrifying they might be, need to run their course. Why? Well that’s another story altogether. Suffice it to say I don’t really fear any conflict with Iran. I may view it as an idiotic, stupid and downright dangerous proposal to put on the table but I also accept that in this complicated world of ours, things happen for a reason. With that in mind I can move optimistically onward with my own beliefs, knowing that mankind is on the cusp of a new dawn.

Kalanthius Flipside

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