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Judge William Adams beats daughter for using the Internet

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posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by Viking9019

Do you have kids Thor? The only people who think this is ok are those who were beaten themselves or beat those smaller than themselves. THis is sadism and not discipline. My mother would get us with hot wheels tracks, wooden spoons, etc, but never did we got beaten. My fahter maybe a smack on the ass, open handed... Beating children is NOT acceptable in any society and any father who would think different can IM me for a meeting. This prick needs has ass kicked in very simple terms. I am ok with a belt to the ass 2 or 3 times even. But ti beat, repeatedly with a belt, someone over and over? He hit her over 20 times...

Also, If this child was a dog, this man would have already been arrested and jailed....our country has taken such a horrible path....

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 08:48 AM
The guy is a prick.

There is no excuse for this behaviour, none.

If you need to go at it and whack your young daughter (disabled or not) for this amount of time and with such aggression then you're pretty ******* sick in the head.

If you actually beat your kids... you have issues.

There are better ways to discipline your kids than physically assaulting them.

If this guy had done this to an adult who happened to "annoy" him, he would be in jail for assault.

But no, he did it to a vulnerable young girl who was in his care....

Big ****ing man,

I'd kick his ass if I saw him do that.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 08:56 AM
If someone was doing this to a dog on video everyone would scream abuse. Why do they not for human children?

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by mnmcandiez
If someone was doing this to a dog on video everyone would scream abuse. Why do they not for human children?

Would everyone scream abuse? If a dog repeatedly #s on your floor and you decide to whack him you would make sure no cameras were around.

He shouldn't have done it but there is a hell of a lot worse going on in this word and people really don't seem to give a damn. Imagine that.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by caladonea
This man's daughter has (cerebal palsy)....he is really out of control and needs to be held responsible for his violent actions.

What I want to know is...who filmed this? Who put this film on the internet?

I am for one believe in disciplining my children. Whether it is grounding, spanking or sentences. But I know the limitations on each punishment and which ones are age appropriate. For instance I know spanking my teenagers will not work the boys are as tough as I have to "hit" them where it hurts, I take away cell phones, driving, video games.

You do make a good point. Who was filming this. It is almost like she had set this up to get back at her parents. As far as we know it was all put on as a show for the camera but I don't know.

We do not need to interfere the general public that is, with what one does in their own home. If she felt she was being abused SHE alone should of went to someone at her school or CPS and ONLY showed this video to them and kept this matter private and dealt with privately. Now this has become yet ANOTHER media circus.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:25 AM
I should have had the sound up the first time i watched the video.

That prick hit her 17 times and mom hit her 1 time.

I just cant see all that for music or a game,I believe in the video

he said game.My wife and i raised 3 kids that were her sisters.

Her sister had a drug and alcohol problem.

These kids were mean and i never had to spank any of them

like that.18 times for a game.......I would love to take a belt

to his ass like that and see how he liked it.Man o man

a game.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Ahh, posted from the girl on twitter

it is exactly as I magic it is now, common sense wins much for ducking your head in the sand techniques and pretending to see nothing.
I don't have a cell phone, and I am not a Twatter, so I have no clue what you're talking about. Could you try to make a statement that isn't quite as vague as, "posted from the girl on twitter"?

Now, why don't you respond to the actual girl and ask her why she didn't make a series...the ritual in question was her being beaten, not of her recording it...
I don't know her. The reason that I asked you, was because you had stated directly to me, that there was some sort of a ritual taking place.

[color=A2E8C3]I find that it is much healthier to question things, as opposed to instantly believing everything that I am told. Why do you have such a problem with that? What causes you to feel that it is wrong for me to not want to pass judgement about an issue, when I don't know all of the details?

.......thats a better defense than the...erm...nothing defense of absurdity you are preforming here...but carry on...the net needs examples of how not to discuss an issue and sound reasonable.
'nothing defense of absurdity'? lmao

[color=A2E8C3]The only thing that is absurd, is the fact that you think I was attempting to present some sort of a defense. I have not defended anything, other than my own personal right to question what I have been told, and not immediately believing it just because a nameless, faceless Youtube uploader said so.

Grow a critically thinking person. OBVIOUSLY, you need to understand patterns, defenses, and general social interactions of people...
If that's what works for you, then so be it.

[color=A2E8C3]I, on the other hand, prefer to take each and every issue individually. What is gained by reaching a conclusion based on general social interactions of others, who are in no way involved with the particular subject at hand?

[color=85FFDA]Patterns cannot be accurately determined from viewing a single video. Everything has multiple sides. Regardless of what it is, nothing can be seen in its entirety by simply viewing a single video, that was recorded by a single stationary camera.

edit on 11/3/11 by BrokenCircles because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

OMG!!! I believe in discipline...spanking should be a LAST resort, and on really bad incidents...then you set the child down, explain what they did that was wrong and have a as to why you are spanking them...I am talking about younger children. This was a 16 year old, young woman. How humiliating/horrifying that must have been. Not to mention she got smart enough to catch it on tape, it happened many times before, and no wonder she has a learning can you expect your child to learn while this is going on?

There is a difference between spanking and abuse....this is abuse. Plain and simple. The mother tries to intervene, but if it were MY child I would have intervened with the pistol...or take the beating myself, so be it. This is a sicko who obviously gets his rocks off beating his young teen girl. 16 year old young women should not be "spanked" by their fathers.

My step father tried to spank me when I was 16ish...I hit him back and told him he WOULD NOT hit me...although I needed it....on more than one occasion. I am lucky that I have a loving father and a loving step-father that let my mother take care of the spanking...and when I reached a certain age...say oh 11ish...I did not get any more spankings. Spanking should ALWAYS be the last resort.

By the time she said "That's enough" he should have stopped. It should not have happened to begin with, but, you think after hearing her plead he would have a heart.

I remember being that age, it's a tough time for a young lady. Having your dad beat you like that does not make things easier....I mean how is she supposed to focus in school when she's traumatized by what she has to endure at home?

That dad is a control freak..."I'll beat you into submission" really? And the mom "take it like a grown woman"...some people should never have children. God knows what he does to her off camera...this was a lucky incident where the girl got smart and recorded the whole thing.

I hate people sometimes.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by grayghost

That she probably plays to escape the reality of her miserable home-life.
edit on 3-11-2011 by Lovelyful because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by the4thhorseman

Originally posted by caladonea
This man's daughter has (cerebal palsy)....he is really out of control and needs to be held responsible for his violent actions.

What I want to know is...who filmed this? Who put this film on the internet?

I am for one believe in disciplining my children. Whether it is grounding, spanking or sentences. But I know the limitations on each punishment and which ones are age appropriate. For instance I know spanking my teenagers will not work the boys are as tough as I have to "hit" them where it hurts, I take away cell phones, driving, video games.

You do make a good point. Who was filming this. It is almost like she had set this up to get back at her parents. As far as we know it was all put on as a show for the camera but I don't know.

We do not need to interfere the general public that is, with what one does in their own home. If she felt she was being abused SHE alone should of went to someone at her school or CPS and ONLY showed this video to them and kept this matter private and dealt with privately. Now this has become yet ANOTHER media circus.

I agree with almost everything you said, but, she might have been scared to go to a higher authority...maybe this is the way she felt she could get out?

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by BrokenCircles

My apologies...yes, its good to question things verses just snap judge them, and when it comes to violence, I tend to fly off the handle a bit initially..gut reaction and all.

Ultimately, the point I was making is that this behavior is obviously (obvious to me) not a one off incident she accidently is more than likely a pattern due to the mother and daughters response...and the camera being set up to film whatever went down. Hell, this might have been light compared to what normally happens...but, this was just assumptions before confirmation came out...and although confirmation from the girl herself did come, it is still good to keep perspective in check.

I think this guy went incredibly across the line, and even the neocon spare the rod spoil the child types around here agree to at least that...and even though this is a passionate discussion with lots of veiled insults and such going on here, it seems ultimately we are all on the same page beyond bickering about the overall arching message (don't spank verses dont spank that hard)..the real point though is that..if you use violence against an adult (16 is an adult..just legally a child) it will more than likely come back to haunt this whole event proves.

The court of public opinion will now do its job on this guy, and rightfully so. He won't learn from it would be my guess, I know his type...this isn't some secret explosive trait he sometimes unleashes, he bases his career and life out of control and punishment (his job for example). Too many things add up and anyone whom took psychology 101 will see that this guy is a meglomaniac given the actions, career choice, and even spouse choice. (real women allow men to beat them).

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by Malcher

A dog can't magically hold its bladder/poop because you chose not to be home to let it outside or lack of proper training on your part.

Plus, yes, hitting a dog like that, that many times is abuse.

I have 5 dogs and would NEVER hit them like that. They would probably start pissing themselves in fear if I did.

edit on 11/3/2011 by mnmcandiez because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/3/2011 by mnmcandiez because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by JohnySeagull
Here you go folks.

Exclusive interview.

The victim flew to New York especially to appear on Today NBC today.

edit on 3-11-2011 by JohnySeagull because: (no reason given)

From the segment:

Her mother divorced her father some years ago.

She didn't release the tape at the time or take it to the authorities because she was living in her parent's home and had a younger sister there (implying that she feared reprisals).

Her father was being threatening and abusive recently through text messages and in his contact with her, and with her mother as well. He was also threatening to have her little sister taken from her mother's custody.

Ultimately she believes that he needs help and counseling and she hopes that he will get the help he needs.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:15 AM
When I was 16, if my dad started beating me like that I would fight back........

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by MilzGatez
Now thats what you call an OLD FASHION OLD SCHOOL ASS BEATING!..... Ha, Some of you people are over reacting, As I'm going through this thread and reading some of your comments, I was waiting to see something beyond ass beating and really on some abusive shh but this? This is nothing compare to what has been done to me, to my brother, my sister, my friends,family,any old fashion hispanic family and a much more ass beating.

The other day I was chilling with my 2 boys and we took it back to the old days and talked about how we used to get dealt with for being bad, from getting hit with wooden sticks, to a cord/plug while you butt ass naked and wet, coming out of the shower and bang, a few wire whippings, getting belt ass whipping with more hits than that girl,and a whole bunch of other ways. Thats how you raise fine men and women (well with females they should get hit a little less)

The parents have the right to do this type of things. Nowadays kids just get punished and really dont know how it feels to really be corrected. Kids are out of control and it takes a good family value with some good belt ass whipping to put them straight.

I'm against child abuse but this?This isn't a big of a deal, a little ass whipping is what is needed. Its been happening for ages instead of punishing your kids and telling them to lock themselves in their room with all their tv,phones,video games. or even without any of those, a child should get a nice ass whipping when they get in trouble, this is how you put your children straight and make them into good little boys and girls.

I would call out some kind of abuse if the father hits her a few times then comes back for 2nd rounds, or 3rd rounds with more, and i mean lots more whipping than that with a few punches and kids...I'm sure half of you got more ass whipping in one single session than his daughter.

I have to tell you I felt sick watching that video, I am sorry you have been through the same kind of abuse and concerned that not only do you think its normal but in fact that its a model of how to " raise fine men and women (well with females they should get hit a little less)" and"put your children straight and make them into good little boys and girls" which leads me to believe if you have kids they will be in the same situation as that girl. I hope you don't have kids. There is a whole world of difference between a short slap behind the legs to maybe control an out of control or hysterical child and this sickening drawn out beating.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by elfie

Originally posted by JohnySeagull
Here you go folks.

Exclusive interview.

The victim flew to New York especially to appear on Today NBC today.

edit on 3-11-2011 by JohnySeagull because: (no reason given)

From the segment:

Thanks for the info...good to see she is out of that house. Does not seem like she has a learning disability..which I was told I don't know fora fact if that's true. She was probably just emotionally scarred and could not focus in school...I mean how? When the father that is supposed to support and love his daughter, beats and curses her as if she were nothing...she most likely she was that...nothing. I mean coming home and hearing this would have a huge effect on a child. Then when he gets up in her face I can't help but think he is pulling her hair. Glad she is free from that monster.

Her mother divorced her father some years ago.

She didn't release the tape at the time or take it to the authorities because she was living in her parent's home and had a younger sister there (implying that she feared reprisals).

Her father was being threatening and abusive recently through text messages and in his contact with her, and with her mother as well. He was also threatening to have her little sister taken from her mother's custody.

Ultimately she believes that he needs help and counseling and she hopes that he will get the help he needs.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:20 AM
This is disgusting, that judge should really go to jail for it..however, I agree with the posters who rightly point out the amount of outrage shown at this, and the complete LACK of outrage when we drop bombs on other countries and slaughter their men, women and children by the hundreds of thousands. Hell, we CHEER the bombing. So, after seeing the bloodlust in my fellow americans' eyes since 9/11(and before as well), I have to laugh when anyone who supported THAT gets upset at THIS.

You want to see abuse? go to gaza and see one of the houses that got the "white phosphorous bomb" treatment(courtesy of Israel, paid for by us)..ask the family in that house about it...

If any of them survived.
edit on 3-11-2011 by LightsideAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by LightsideAssassin

I'm pretty sure most of ATS hates that the USA bombs kill civilians/children.

Even the "normal" people, who cheers for bombs? This isn't 2002 anymore....... USA has woken up that these wars are all bull
edit on 11/3/2011 by mnmcandiez because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:25 AM
What kind of crazy person would do such & thing and video tape it? These people were in a position of some standing? Crazy comes in all things...but most don't create a visual reminder.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by kno22
What kind of crazy person would do such & thing and video tape it? These people were in a position of some standing? Crazy comes in all things...but most don't create a visual reminder.

She videoed it after she had had enough of being beaten this wasn't the first time. She got clever and set up a camera knowing she would get it on tape when he decided to beat her again.

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