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One Mega Watt E-Cat Cold Fusion Device Test Successful!

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posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad

Originally posted by Arken

Originally posted by LeTan
How long till the banks and profiteers buy out the plans and charge "maintenance cost" for free energy?

These first plants will cost around $2,000 per kilowatt to build one at a time, but once they are mass produced, Rossi expects the price to drop to around $100 per kilowatt installed.

But the average cost of a kWh in the US is 13 cents.

I'll be glad to sell you electricity at half his rate.


The total cost of the "Device" is $100 per kilowat installed.
In my house I need 3 KW. So an E-cat of $300 one time and for ever!

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by Arken

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad

Originally posted by Arken

Originally posted by LeTan
How long till the banks and profiteers buy out the plans and charge "maintenance cost" for free energy?

These first plants will cost around $2,000 per kilowatt to build one at a time, but once they are mass produced, Rossi expects the price to drop to around $100 per kilowatt installed.

But the average cost of a kWh in the US is 13 cents.

I'll be glad to sell you electricity at half his rate.


The total cost of the "Device" is $100 per kilowat installed.
In my house I need 3 KW. So an E-cat of $300 one time and for ever!

So your electric bill is only 39 cents a month right now?

Your math is screwed up!


posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

Maybe you live in another universe, or in a little lake, butt of ugly toad

3 Kw power installed.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 10:54 AM
i didnt look through all pages, but below is a video link that's 25min in length, pertaining to the E-cat Device.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by ahmonrarh

A secret additive, now that's interesting...

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 11:08 AM
As others have said: the customer required that the unit be entirely run as self sustained - the 2,635 kWh of energy generated over the 5.5 hours was entirely self sustained. i.e UNPLUGGED.

Here is a picture of that part of the report, note the 'Ratio between Energy produced and Energy consumed':

The external generator had to be unplugged *as a condition of sale*. The power readings released were actual work done, measured by the steam generated from the reactor. The average temperature of the water piped in was 18.3deg c, the average temperature of the steam out was 104.5deg c. The generation of steam is the same method used to drive turbines in the majority of industrial electricity production.

If you understand anything about the electromagnetic properties of nanoparticles, you will realise that this adds great credence to this experiment. Electrically heated nickel nanoparticles interacting with hydrogen gas is used here. This type of approach would be a good idea whether he's faking or not.

I haven't noticed any glaring errors in the report, but I'm no expert. The only argument here could be is - the customer is a fake too? Hard to say.. this is taking place in Bologna after all :0

The full customer report (warning: it's a .pdf):

edit on 30-10-2011 by yampa because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by Arken

an single electric kettle = 3kw .

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
reply to post by Arken

an single electric kettle = 3kw .

So that unit the size of a shipping container using only a few grams of hydrogen could boil ~170 large water kettles constantly? That is obviously enough to run a large apartment building if it can indeed be run at full output. Which other method of energy generation can do anything similar?

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 12:28 PM
So how much would one cost me..??

I run a houshold and use aprox 25-30Kw/24Hrs, maybe more
if its a really cold wintersday.......

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by yampa
So that unit the size of a shipping container using only a few grams of hydrogen could boil ~170 large water kettles constantly? That is obviously enough to run a large apartment building if it can indeed be run at full output. Which other method of energy generation can do anything similar?

Thorium plasma batteries are pretty good too, they are scalable so you can make one to power a large apartment building too.

But it looks like Cold Fusion will be even better

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul

Originally posted by ludwigvonmises003
Andrew Rossi will be dead in 3...2....1... fire.

DOE and big oil/big power and the bankers will never allow cheap and free energy sources.They want energy poverty.

Don't be silly - he'll b found a fraud sooner or later - free energy is a scam - always was, always will be

I believe Nikola Tesla found all kinds of free energy, did he not? Why are we not focused on his ideas? What gives with that?

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Miccey
So how much would one cost me..??

I run a houshold and use aprox 25-30Kw/24Hrs, maybe more
if its a really cold wintersday.......

So, at 470kW/h for this unit, that's 15 of your houses? A small apartment building then.

Dunno how much it would cost. Looking through the list of stuff he has in there, none of it looks particularly exotic or expensive. The prototypes were very rough table top things that could not cost much at all.

But it's still only generating steam. That has to then be utilised by something that converts it into usable electrical energy - you will get some kind of loss there.
edit on 30-10-2011 by yampa because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by yampa
I haven't noticed any glaring errors in the report, but I'm no expert. The only argument here could be is - the customer is a fake too? Hard to say.. this is taking place in Bologna after all :0

I thought that too, the best way to fool possible customers is by using a fake satisfied customer.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 01:28 PM
So at my end The E-Cat+Steampowerd generator at roughly 40kw
we are talking like 25-30k $.....

Thats half my yearly salary?!?!

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by Miccey
So at my end The E-Cat+Steampowerd generator at roughly 40kw
we are talking like 25-30k $.....

Thats half my yearly salary?!?!

No. If this gets off the ground, it would be very affordable in America. Do you realize how much our taxes subsidize the oil industry? Imagine if that was placed into LENR tech instead. It would be affordable for us. Completely.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 01:44 PM
The point is,

a 12 year old in school doing any random science project could produce better proof and data - it literally "hurts" going on Google and check all kinds of sites covering the e-cat and ONLY to be able to read "allegedly", "it seems", "it looks like", "according to sources", "he said..." etc..etc...

This is astonishing given the magnitude of this invention - if it were legit wouldn't we have at least ONE single piece of "hard" evidence or verified data - the basic principle of SCIENCE?

All this "allegedly", "according to...." rises a big red flag in my's all nothing but speculation and rumors. The claims are simply far out-weighing the known facts.

As a start, i am asking why he was connecting 100 of the devices since it OBVIOUSLY was such a big priority to make this 1MW generator for the customer - instead of creating a simple test set-up using ONE generator and at show proof of concept.

He is CLAIMING a lots of things but still failed to present one single device powering or heating something for a long time-frame - which, again, is astonishing since in my opinion he as engineer should have no problems making such a simple test setup.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by flexy123


If it is true that this "customer" did purchase the technology, and if they do have this new power plant up and running, then there will be many more tests I'm sure.

So why don't you just relax and watch to see what happens?

Either the "customer" will eventually make a public statement and release their data from their engineers.... or, they won't.

Either there will be a lot more news and events happening in a short period of time, or, there won't.

If a lot of time goes by with nothing more happening and no word from the "customer", then we will know it was all a big scam.

Have some patience!

Cold Fusion FTW

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 02:30 PM
I haven't read all the posts yet, so here goes;
First of all, you should be aware that Rossi was all set to build TWELVE of these units for the city of Athens a few years back.
That deal fell through for some reason. The problem was that he would not reveal the catalyst he used, so it could not be tested by other scientists.
Within 2 years, Greece gets wiped off the map.....
Were they being taught a lesson from the NWO that any large scale 'free energy' systems will not be tolerated?.
Here are some links;

1. Factories To Produce Catalyzer Modules

Italian TV segment (In English) on Rossi Catalyzer

The Silent Energy

"Cost of the energy is less than 1 cent per KwH. 10 grams of treated powdered nickel for 6 months constant output at 4.5Kw beats any traditional fuel source with the added benefit of no pollution whatsoever. "

IMO i don't have enough data to form an opinion, but i find it strange that the one country that took him seriously & went as far as ordering a 12 MW plant, then gets financially buried as a nation.....
OK now i will start reading

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by flexy123


Why don't you do some kind of science yourself and actually look at the patents and papers that surround this? If you're such a keen scientist, you should be able to infer the mechanisms and speculate about the likelihood of a genuine effect being produced by this technique. You haven't made a single scientific point.

The Standard Model can not explain this interaction, because Quantum Electrodynamics forbids photon mass to exist. If you jettison that dogma and just accept that photons (including those exchanged at the quantum level) are real particles with real mass, then add this to the already proven fact that we are constantly surrounded by these photons, 'free' energy does not look quite so implausible. We are surrounded by a potential source of energy at all times. All matter is emitting these photons. Nanoparticles are very capable of manipulating these electromagnetic interactions, as has been proven in dozens of different fields.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 02:39 PM
Here is an article from PESN (Pure Energy Systems Network). I don't know if they have a relationship with Andrea Rossi.

PESN Rebuttal

Our civilization is on the brink of total meltdown. We need this technology to go to market now. Rossi is doing that. He should be applauded, not harassed.

Now that this first customer has signed off on this technology, and Rossi will be receiving funds, he can pay the half million needed for the University of Bologna and Uppsala University to begin doing their tests, which will take 2 years. I spoke with Associate Professor Loris Ferrari at length about the upcoming testing at the University of Bologna. He will be one of the five or six professors involved. The others are Doctors Levi, Bonetti, Campari, and Villa. The first year will be dedicated to addressing the "how", and the second year will cover the "why", seeking to wrap a good theory around the phenomenon. The first report won't be out for at least a year.

Are you happy with that kind of time frame (for requiring academic sign-off first before moving forward)? Maybe if we had all the time in the world. We don't.

Over the past year, Andrea Rossi has performed around a dozen tests of the E-Cat, in which he allowed independent experts (scientists and engineers) to participate. All of these tests showed clear evidence of large amounts of excess energy. The tests that incorporated the E-Cat running in a self-sustaining mode utilizing near zero input (except the power used to operate the pumps, fans, and radio frequency generator), especially make it clear that the technology can produce massive amounts of anomalous output, in the form of heat.

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