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Veteran shot in the face by rubber bullet at Occupy Oakland protests

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posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:29 AM
This is very sickening, on two parts. One, they want us to start using real weapons so that they themselves can come back with even greater force and feed there blood lusts,or they want to declare Marshall Law and put all the citities on lock down to finally establish the NAU. They'll start pulling people out of their homes tagging them for the FEMA camps and then that will be the official end of America. The protesters who are oppossed to the Federal Reserve...go to the Federal Reserve. Those that are opposed to Washington politics... go protest at the White House and Congress Hall. People in Oakland should be gathering at the state capital. So many that have different reasons why they are there are collecting in one area. Mass confusion and disorder. FIX IT!!

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by posthuman
reply to post by backinblack

I was at Occupy Melbourne when we got moved to Trade Hall; I saw at least one girl get trampled (by a horse) and fall behind police lines, no idea what happened to her. My friend was pushed to the ground then kneed in the head twice (he can't remember it, bad concussion) by the police, they kneed him because he wouldn't move after he hurt his leg when they pushed him.. =

So many maced eyes that day also, was pretty frightening tbh.
edit on 26-10-2011 by posthuman because: (no reason given)

That's all pretty terrible.

There are people on this board who will tell you that this is what a citizen simply must expect to happen when they get out there and exercise their amendment rights. You know, that right to assembly and free speech stuff they teach you in school? Yeah, you just have to expect to get teargassed and beaten and shot when you try that dangerous commie crap, sorry, ¯\(°_o)/¯ dunno lol

Then there are the other people who, no matter what, will side with the authorities in these situations and they know, they just simply know that there's no way the police are actually at fault here; instead we should blame the little guy, the unarmed, nonviolent protestor who now has a concussion and cracked rib. Yes, clearly he is to blame for the violence of the police. After all, we have laws and rules and the big man with the money and the power says that you have to follow his rules, and as the little people it is our job to just submissively accept our role.

Yeah, forget those people. I'm hoping and praying that more Americans wake up to realize who the real enemy is here, who has been exploiting them, who has been giving their own raises and bonuses as they turn around and tell you that sorry, there's no work for you this season; sorry, we need you to work unpaid overtime or else we have to let you go; sorry, even though we've turned record profit, there's no room in the budget to allow you healthcare.

Actions like the subject of this thread just lay it all out for anyone to see: a veteran (read: not a smelly weird-looking college kid) getting severely wounded by a police force cracking down in a desperate and immoral attempt to protect the interests of the powerful elite, for no other reason than his exercising his own God-given rights as a citizen of our country. When faced with this harsh and ugly truth, people will turn some amazing mental backflips to avoid coming to terms with reality. However, as this situation progresses, the truth should become all the plainer.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Really trying to understand this occupy thing. Where does it show that this a vet? Well, other than the UTube uploader saying so.

And what would make a veteran getting shot in the face more important than anybody else?
edit on 27-10-2011 by Brian2384 because: Cause I'd like to know.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by Brian2384

It's all over the news.

His name is Scott Thomas Olsen, he did two tours in Iraq.

edit: and although his status as a veteran does not make him more important than anyone else who is currently being brutalized by the police in these protests, it does make him much more relatable to plenty of people who would otherwise write off the protestors as just young, dirty hippies.

It's also ironic that although he served the country in two tours and managed to come home uninjured, now back on home soil he's been critically wounded by the police who are supposed to be protecting and serving the people.
edit on 27-10-2011 by wirehead because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:47 AM
Ante up!

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse

Originally posted by seamus

What they mean by "We are the 99%" is that they are representative of the 99% of humanity that is overworked and underpaid. As in, not the 1% that owns (read: has stolen) 90% of the wealth.

No, what they mean is that they are the socialists/progressives/liberals and in general the leftwing who want a socialist global government which they claim will control all corporations when it was the leftwingers who put the corporations in power over the U.S. back in 1913, and over the world.

What? Thats what they mean by "We are the 99%"?

And why did you link all those videos in you post?
Does it even matter in this context what the people are protesting for?

As far as i know political leaning has no impact on your right to protest.
edit on 27-10-2011 by ColCurious because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by wirehead

Gotcha, I believe the source. What's ironic is an occupier now occupying. Hmmm. Good thing we have some some respect for him now. (not that I endorse the attack of Iraq)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by TechniXcality
Ok i see your signature, and im not being sarcastic or disrespectful. But we can see that the logical conclusion of capatlism is War inc (the movie). And the logical conclusion of star wars(is communism), both being proven to result in failed leadership. So what is the true solution?

Absolute personal responsibility. The herd WILL be culled to remove those who are not willing to step up and take full responsibility for their experience. This is going to be hard for most people to accept, but then again, most people are insane.

How can man ever not be greedy?

Greed is not the problem, actually. Greed is a symptom of a bigger and more subtle problem. The problem is thinking that you are better than someone else. Don't kid yourself. You do it, too. I still do it. There are very, very few who do not, as of this writing. But that is part of the change we are feeling on the wind. The number of fully-awakened (awakened=responsible to a godlike degree) is increasing daily. I'm not there, yet, but I know I'm on track for it.

Im not a bible thumper infact, i admit i dont know. So i ask you, how can we premit the leadership of few men, to represent the whole of society?
Well, the way you see it being done now... that's "how". It's really screwed up, isn't it? Or are you saying "prevent" rather than "permit"? BTW, bible thumpers have a hard time waking up. They've been fed a corrupted version of the empowering teachings of Jesus, which tells them to "give it all to Jesus, and he'll make it all right". Absolute hogwash. You're better off not knowing ANY of the bible, than to have a head full of tainted truisms. Jesus advocated for an individual relationship with the Infinite. What's been stripped out of the bible is that you are a fractal reflection of that very same Infinite. god, I hate religion!

Enough off-topic rant, though.

As both logical assumptions seem to fail?
Both? Which? You'll have to be clear on which "both" you mean, as I can't make it out from the earlier part of your post.

How can we expect a few men(representing the whole) to ever truly represent each and every single one of us?
My point exactly. You cannot. You can only expect tyranny from any such system.You, yes YOU, are the one who is responsible for making your life everything you wish it could be. No one is holding you back, that's part of the Ego's game, to make you think that a lack of happiness is someone else's fault. I suggest the film "Revolver", for an idea of just how crafty the Ego is. Yet it is not evil. It's just part of this game we're playing.

OBTW if you do see "Revolver", see the US version (called the "Director's Cut" in Europe). It is stunningly different from the UK release. So much so that I'm convinced that there were two versions written into the script.

I am brain storming this problem right now! i'd like some help

Do you believe in an Intelligence behind the universe? If so, I can help perhaps. The links in my sig go to a site full of... transformative information. Very powerful. But if you are one who insists on seeing a dead universe where it's plain to the sane that the universe is alive, it will not help you. *puts on flameproof suit after calling all mechanistic materialist atheists insane*

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by seamus

nice ...i like was a few years ago now my accountant told me about income tax and how it was (unlawfull...illegal)not sure which...but esentially its not enforcable by law...the tax department i guess is whole other issue...

but no doubt we are are all slaves of human cattle if you like...theres a vid on the link in my sig ...a short cartoon explaining our enslavment,its quite droll but worth a watch....

i think if we see anymore appauling violence from the riot police this situation will boil over and emotions will get the better of people....and this movement has no real hope of success unless everyone ,and i mean everyone gets out there and backs em up...united we stand divided we fall..we all know the saying


edit on 27-10-2011 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: spelling

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by TinkerHaus

This isn't what I'm saying at all and your inability to understand what I'm calling for is the very reason I think we're all screwed.

Have you been to a protest? How many of you calling for violent retaliation are the same people actually out there trying to make a difference?

I DO NOT accept the status quo. I just don't think we're anywhere close to a point where violence is our only remaining option.

No, it's clearly what you're NOT saying. But it is entirely what you are implying, suggesting, intending us to understand. You may not think it's over, but it is, unless you can make concrete suggestions that will be accepted by the political elite and the common man? But when you cannot have a peaceful march, or protest, you're already in a police state.

I live in South Africa ... i'll tell you a few things about riots, and police brutality ... and an oppresive state. Unless you hate your government, you're deluded.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:03 AM
Oakland has never been cop friendly. Hell they celebrate cop killers in Oakland. with these videos we NEVER see what the accuser did its always the EVIL cops.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:09 AM
the police are turning on you?, see here in glasgow scotland, a woman was raped in her tent through lack of police! its disgusting.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by TechniXcality

good, I'm sick of your (and your nations) "we're better than you" attitude to the rest of the world and it's people, bullies always get their comeuppance yours is going to happen.

I'm not a pacifist, I took all the tests and medicals to join up when I left school and passed, I applied for a place in REME (The Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers) but was told no places were available but I could have a great career in the infantry, I told them to stuff it as running round with a gun being shouted at by NCO's was a dead end job with no career prospects upon leaving. That being said if Britain was actually under threat I would be straight down to volunteer even though I'm in my mid 40's.

If you and your like had a less aggressive and confrontational attitude the world would be a nicer place, but on the other hand if you ever decide to visit our country let me know and we can meet up and have a nice face to face "talk"

I used to love visiting your country, in fact Arizona is probably my favourite place in the world to visit unfortunately I'll never see it again because since 9/11 your nation has gone collectively mad, like a hurt child who is just kicking out at everybody in their temper tantrum

Your respect means nothing to me
edit on 27/10/11 by yellowbeard because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by MrBlueSky
the police are turning on you?, see here in glasgow scotland, a woman was raped in her tent through lack of police! its disgusting.

Rape is not caused by lack of police, it's caused by rapists.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:19 AM

Originally posted by ColCurious

What? Thats what they mean by "We are the 99%"?

And why did you link all those videos in you post?
Does it even matter in this context what the people are protesting for?

As far as i know political leaning has no impact on your right to protest.
edit on 27-10-2011 by ColCurious because: (no reason given)

Yeah...they show very well how they are the 99% by the fact that only from about 100 protesters, which is the amount of OWS people who protested for example in Miami Florida, to about at the most 2,000 or so in each city and to people like you these people represent 99% of Americans?...

Oh, and I am not saying that they can't protest, but the fact that they are not gathering more people shows they are not really the 99%, and that the rest of Americans really see what this movement is all about.

They have the right to protest, but every other American and I have also the right to show what the mayority of these people really want and who they are...

Oh and btw, do note that in my first response I said clearly that if these allegations were true there should be an investigation.

I don't condone violence against people unless they are violent, or when someone is defending his/her life or the life of his/her family.

Violence should always be the last resort and only if it is really needed such as when someone's life is at stake.

You also have a section of the OWS protesters who are protesting just for the sake of it and to cause riots and chaos and this is wrong...

edit on 27-10-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by wirehead

you telling me if there was a police presence, this woman would still have been raped? aye ok ma man!!

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
They have the right to protest, but every other American and I have also the right to show what the mayority of these people really want and who they are...


You also have a section of the OWS protesters who are protesting just for the sake of it and to cause riots and chaos and this is wrong...

edit on 27-10-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

Didn't you claim earlier in the thread that these protesters represent some sort of "leftist" agenda that not only put corporations in power back in 1914 (while somehow being extremely anti-capitalist and anti-corporatist, no doubt) but is now turning out in force to protest the corporations and banks?

Either that, or they're "protesting just for the sake of it."

Clearly, in your mind, there is no way that these are real people with real concerns... They're either representing some sort of sinister, shadowy "leftist" force (sounds real Glen Beck) or else they're nihilistic rioting anarchists who just want to watch the world burn for no good reason (sounds like the bad guys in the Lord of the Rings!)

That's a nice way to insulate yourself from actually considering the very real issues that have led to this social breaking point. If you push the people far enough, eventually they will push back, no matter how heavily you indoctrinate them to simply accept their lot in life as serfs.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by yellowbeard
reply to post by TechniXcality

good, I'm sick of your (and your nations) "we're better than you" attitude to the rest of the world and it's people, bullies always get their comeuppance yours is going to happen.

I'm not a pacifist, I took all the tests and medicals to join up when I left school and passed, I applied for a place in REME (The Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers) but was told no places were available but I could have a great career in the infantry, I told them to stuff it as running round with a gun being shouted at by NCO's was a dead end job with no career prospects upon leaving. That being said if Britain was actually under threat I would be straight down to volunteer even though I'm in my mid 40's.

If you and your like had a less aggressive and confrontational attitude the world would be a nicer place, but on the other hand if you ever decide to visit our country let me know and we can meet up and have a nice face to face "talk"

I used to love visiting your country, in fact Arizona is probably my favourite place in the world to visit unfortunately I'll never see it again because since 9/11 your nation has gone collectively mad, like a hurt child who is just kicking out at everybody in their temper tantrum

Your respect means nothing to me
edit on 27/10/11 by yellowbeard because: (no reason given)

would you prefer the red white and blue middle finger, dry or lubricated?

Intellectually i understand this is not a, reasonable argument. However im lazy drunk and eating mcdonalds, so this will have to do.
edit on 27-10-2011 by TechniXcality because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:43 AM
well mabey its time to bring out the "toy" guns imagine protesters defending themselves with airsoft and painball guns toys sure as hell alot less lethal or harmfull than teargas and rubber bullets. bu then again
cop- "theve got guns and painted the tips orange OPEN FIRE"
protester- "no no they are airsoft guns!! aaah # ruuun (shot in back)"

start of riots, killings, civil war perhaps who knows all im saying is hey police guys and gals whos side are you on? i think its time you start choosing your own side for yourself and your families.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:48 AM
Cops throw flash grenade into a crowd helping fallen protester + used rubber bullets found

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