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Veteran shot in the face by rubber bullet at Occupy Oakland protests

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posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 11:11 PM

Veteran in critical condition after police assault at Occupy Oakland

Scott Olsen returned relatively unscathed to America last year after serving two tours of Iraq fighting a war he was opposed to. Now he lays in an Oakland, CA hospital in critical condition thanks to a projectile fired last night by police.
edit on 26-10-2011 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

NY police begin arresting protesters

New York police officers started arresting Occupy Wall Street demonstrators who took to the streets Wednesday to decry a crackdown against fellow protesters in Oakland, California, RT correspondents reported.

edit on 27-10-2011 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

I am not saying that they deserve it or anything, but why is it that we don't see the start of the video BEFORE tear gas was used to see if it is true that the protesters were being peaceful?

Also, why is there a claim the man hit was a vet? i don't hear anywhere in the video where it is said he is a combat vet.

BTW, a rubber bullet only has a certain distance it can go up, then it must come down, how do we know that that man was not hit as the rubber bullet fell down at an angle?

There is no possible way that for example a police officer could have made a warning shot shooting in an angle upwards, or even shot downwards and it ricocheted and hit the protester?

Why do people have to assume that some police officer blindly shot an unarmed protester right in the face knowing he/she would hit him in the face?...

I am sorry, but to me it does seem that some people want to overreact and want even more violence to occur.

Yes, there should be an investigation, but until more proof comes forward, and until those who were filming this give the full video, there are more questions than answers regarding this incident.

edit on 26-10-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 11:54 PM
You also want to know what I find very telling about all of this?

Remember the Venezuelan riots a few years back, and how the police resorted to shooting with sniper rifles at some people, and even chavistas started shooting at protesters? Despite the fact that there were hundreds of thousands protesting, and in some protests up to two MILLION people in Caracas alone protesting, apart from the protests in other Venezuelan cities, some of the same people who are condenming this were saying back then that the Venezuelan protests were "some CIA made up event", and those protesters were not "real Venezuelans"...

We even heard the recording of Chavez giving the order to the Venezuelan army to use force against protesters, yet even this evidence was quickly ignored, or dismissed by leftwingers in the U.S. and around the world.

Yet now we have this mayority leftwing protests known as the OWS, and the attendance of these protests go between maybe 100 - 2,000 people or so in a few cities in the U.S. and suddenly people are claiming these protesters represent 99% of Americans when it is obvious they are only a minority?

Even other groups such as Ron Paul supporters and other moderates or more to the right in politics are only a very small portion of the protesters going to OWS, yet these people continuously claim they "are the 99%".

If in a city like Caracas, hundreds of thousands, and even a couple million of people could attend protests in ONE CITY which only has a bit over 3 million people yet some of the same people backing the OWS movement now are some of the same people claiming the protests in Venezuela were only "CIA covert operations" or even "they were just the rich protesting" or "only white people" when that was not the truth; why is it that the OWS movement can't gather hundreds of thousands to millions of people from one city? More so when the U.S. has a much, much larger population than Venezuela?

edit on 27-10-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:07 AM
apparently the legality of the protest is in question, however if i had seen one of my brothers being shot in the face regardless of where he was i would have become extremley violent and would have used deadly force to protect him at all cost.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Insert in mouth and suck it! GTH!
edit on 27-10-2011 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo said. Couldn't have said it more plainly. Peace brother.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:38 AM
All this is very upsetting to me, you see i am a republican, or was. i was raised with conservative views, However i feel something is really starting to happen, there is a feeling rising in my chest like the one that you feel when you know you did something wrong. There is a certain restlessnes in my heart. These are scary and uncertain times. Its hard to tell who's right, when everybodys wrong. The idea's that we are fed contradict themselfs, people are waking up to the reality of lie's. Quiet frankly i think my fear comes from the so called Existential crisis, on the other hand i hope it remains peaceful. In all reality they dont represent the 99 percent. right now they represent the 50 percent and 20 percent who are pacifist, and secretly want change but dont want to be involved in conflict. However there is atleast 30 percent of Americans who are happy with the system and want it to stay that way. I feel an overwhelming desire to attend one march just to see for my self. Even though it goes against everything i belive in. I will protect my family and if need America, America will not die. Are ideals are timeless and far reaching. God bless America but time's they are a changing.
edit on 27-10-2011 by TechniXcality because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

I guess we now have our answer to what the police are going to do when veterans show up. Endanger their lives with rubber bullets! What is this crap? They need to fire these cops and find some real ones.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:51 AM
This makes my blood boil!

Do they not realize that for every action there is an equal and positive reaction ? This is a powder keg waiting to explode. The people will not stand for this for much longer, the Day Of Rage is yet to come. What do these cops expect to happen? Scare everyone off and they go home and just "get over it" really ?

They could be inspiring some Timothy McVeigh's , Jared Lee Loughner's to raise the bar as i type this. I can realistically foresee these peaceful protesters being called "insurgents" in a matter of no time. This is just blatantly obvious that the people behind the curtain have lost touch with the masses in thinking this Gestapo / Third Reich type of police force will work out for the best. No this can and will lead to the catalyst of a type of civil war. But this war wont be brother against brother, a class war far outnumbering the handlers. Aghhh the make HULK want to SMASH!

Make HULK angry!
edit on 27-10-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Rubber bullets, tear gas and flashbangs against a peaceful crowd? Cowards.
Even in a violent situation the police wouldn't use such measures here in the EU... they would engage violent elements within the crowd and pull them out.
This is just cowardly and inappropriate

reply to post by JIMC5499

Originally posted by JIMC5499
If you are stupid enough to stick your head in a hornet's nest, you have to expect to be stung.

Perfect citizen of the future Orwellian state
Enjoy your slavery.
edit on 27-10-2011 by ColCurious because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by hopenotfeariswhatweneed
i really didnt think this movement would escalate the way it has,...these kinds of incidents are really going to turn those sparks into some serious much as i hate corporate greed i fear we are playing into their is what drives greed ...if only there was a way on mass for the people to starve them at their own game.....i realise its not practical but if only we could just get togethor,stop paying taxes..period,grow our own foods ,become a self sufficeint society...i know im a dreamer


There IS an answer to the conundrum we find ourselves in. The problem began long ago when individual men of small mind left it to other men to make the decisions for them that would affect their lives. I don't have to trace the arc of history for you; you already know that those who got this power wanted more and more of it. Eventually money came into being, and the bright idea of lending with interest. This is called usury. Usury is unlawful. I didn't say illegal. It's unlawful. "Neither a borrower nor a lender be" "The borrower is slave to the lender", and it is implicitly known by the powers that were that slavery is no longer to be tolerated.

The answer is in my signature. Please read the article about the solution to the financial crisis. The life it saves could be yours. If the site is down, try in a couple of hours. There are a lot of "mysterious" outages with that web hosting company.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:11 AM
I'm glad more people are waking up to the fact it really is becoming "us against them" hopefully it'll get more bodies out making their viewpoint heard.

On a side note, with the way some of the posters on here talk surely this US forces veteran should have been able to catch the rubber bullet in his teeth, spit it back at the police taking a bunch of them down and then take the rest of them out using a small twig

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:11 AM
Don't worry there will be another 50,000 veterans from Iraq on their way home for Christmas, maybe they can lend a hand at the OWS protests...the question is on whose side.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by seamus

Originally posted by hopenotfeariswhatweneed
i really didnt think this movement would escalate the way it has,...these kinds of incidents are really going to turn those sparks into some serious much as i hate corporate greed i fear we are playing into their is what drives greed ...if only there was a way on mass for the people to starve them at their own game.....i realise its not practical but if only we could just get togethor,stop paying taxes..period,grow our own foods ,become a self sufficeint society...i know im a dreamer


There IS an answer to the conundrum we find ourselves in. The problem began long ago when individual men of small mind left it to other men to make the decisions for them that would affect their lives. I don't have to trace the arc of history for you; you already know that those who got this power wanted more and more of it. Eventually money came into being, and the bright idea of lending with interest. This is called usury. Usury is unlawful. I didn't say illegal. It's unlawful. "Neither a borrower nor a lender be" "The borrower is slave to the lender", and it is implicitly known by the powers that were that slavery is no longer to be tolerated.

The answer is in my signature. Please read the article about the solution to the financial crisis. The life it saves could be yours. If the site is down, try in a couple of hours. There are a lot of "mysterious" outages with that web hosting company.

Ok i see your signature, and im not being sarcastic or disrespectful. But we can see that the logical conclusion of capatlism is War inc (the movie). And the logical conclusion of star wars(is communism), both being proven to result in failed leadership. So what is the true solution? How can man ever not be greedy? Im not a bible thumper infact, i admit i dont know. So i ask you, how can we premit the leadership of few men, to represent the whole of society? As both logical assumptions seem to fail? How can we expect a few men(representing the whole) to ever truly represent each and every single one of us? I am brain storming this problem right now! i'd like some help

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

What they mean by "We are the 99%" is that they are representative of the 99% of humanity that is overworked and underpaid. As in, not the 1% that owns (read: has stolen) 90% of the wealth.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by Donkey_Dean

Insert in mouth and suck it! GTH!
edit on 27-10-2011 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

Wow...yeah good response... I asked for evidence, and instead of being civil about it you want to be a jerk. Alright, but don't cry to momma when you don't like my next response to you thou...

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:19 AM
don't worry folks....they have bailed out greece and europe tonite and stock market is soaring

meanwhile police nationwide here push ordinary citizens over the edge to riot

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:23 AM
Occupy protests are the start of WWIII. People that don't have vs. those that do. The system needs to change, but those that control the system are those people that like it the way it is - because they are those that have.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by yellowbeard
I'm glad more people are waking up to the fact it really is becoming "us against them" hopefully it'll get more bodies out making their viewpoint heard.

On a side note, with the way some of the posters on here talk surely this US forces veteran should have been able to catch the rubber bullet in his teeth, spit it back at the police taking a bunch of them down and then take the rest of them out using a small twig
Dude im tired of you, im a trained infantry man. You are a dick wad who talks # at every chance on Americans. Go away if you are not a part of the solution you are the problem. Ill tell you what the pacifist society that our governments have trained you and my society is the cause. If you knew anything about the military forces it is this, we operate as a trained team, the weakest link in that team is our standing. Because most of society is not taught to think this way hero's rarely arrive. But to me you are an American hater; you are a judgmental, condescending prick who feeds on his chance to say f u to America. You know nothing about philosophy you are a nay say'er, I have no respect for you.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by seamus

What they mean by "We are the 99%" is that they are representative of the 99% of humanity that is overworked and underpaid. As in, not the 1% that owns (read: has stolen) 90% of the wealth.

No, what they mean is that they are the socialists/progressives/liberals and in general the leftwing who want a socialist global government which they claim will control all corporations when it was the leftwingers who put the corporations in power over the U.S. back in 1913, and over the world.

Another member made a thread and posted the following video of Alan Grayson "explaining what the OWS movement is all about"...

And the following is what the mayority in the OWS movement want, as well as the organizers...

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