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Veteran shot in the face by rubber bullet at Occupy Oakland protests

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posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

what happened to the soldiers engaed in the Maylai massacre ? Im curious to know if they do go insane from the guilt.

These police people of today are different from you guys . These ones dont have any brain left . They are twisted beyond help. They have been reprogrammed to be beasts of the worst kind. They are not what we call human anymore . That part of them has ben removed from their minds .

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:37 PM
The land of the free.... eh
The land of the fee and the home of the slave.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by TinkerHaus

Ive had enough of your WEAKNESS!!!

Are you mentally capable to understand the difference between an ATTACK and SELF DEFENSE??

clearly you are either a suck-up, an extremely cowardly individual, or completely IGNORANT in relation to American History..
Tell me Einstein, if someone is violently attacking you would you go fetal and run your piehole?

Unprovoked Violence is wrong...Responding to violence with violence is SURVIVAL...

I can't believe how well the liberal Public Fool System, under the Dept of Indoctrination has warped you mind..

edit on 26-10-2011 by rebeldog because: spelling

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:45 PM
Nice one. Join the army, protect your country, get shot in your face, become a pariah of the system.

Go go go go USA!

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by TinkerHaus
The argument everyone is using is "HE STARTED IT!!"

How often did that work with your mom and dad? When you and your brother or sister or whatever got in trouble for pounding on each other did your parents ever care who started it?

They are trying to make you angry! They're trying to make you retaliate. The moment you do, the WHOLE THING GETS SHUT DOWN.

Let's refuse to fail by acknowledging the lessons we learned as children and applying them to the big picture.

I was taught by my grandmother, who was raised during the depression and had family die by the Nazi's (jewish), that if someone hits me......"Knock the TAR out of them".."if you start a fight you will be in trouble" "if someone attacks you and you don't FIGHT back and defend yourself you'll get it again from me."


posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:53 PM
Imagine, if he didn't go to the OWS camp and join the mayhem, he would just fine right now.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by Vitchilo
Yep state militias and armed veterans should go in front of protests with guns and see if the cops keep acting like tough guys.

I bet they wouldn't.

Good Lord man, I have NEVER heard of a WORSE idea in my LIFE! If anyone had drawn firearms in Oakland last night, that whole area would have been FLOODED with cops raring to fight in a matter of 10 minutes...maybe a lot LESS.

Oakland Police Department sent out a Multi-County Tactical Alert for mutual aid to the surrounding cities a few hours prior to the first tear gas being popped. That was what a military man would call a 'warning order'. If that had been followed up by a legitimate cry for help from OPD, the scene was already set for HUNDREDS of police units from all over the greater SF area to converge right there in the time it took to roll in, code 3 with the pedals mashed to the floor board.

How many people actually watched the live feed? Not clips...not todays highlights..but the ongoing thing across the entire evening? I did, and I know a couple others around here did as well. The protesters were NOT babes in the woods on this. Not by a LONG shot.

If they'd approached the police lines and sat down, peacefully told the cops to stick it up their tail pipes and just refused to move....any force taken against them would have brought outrage from coast to coast. However, what ACTUALLY happened was the crowd repeatedly forming a tight mass and slowly but steadily moving right to the barriers, despite warnings not to engage the Police.

I watched 5 tear gas responses and ALL OF THEM came only after the protesters came within a couple feet, as a group, of the last barriers that stood between maybe 50 cops and a few hundred people in the street...who were anything but happy or easy going.

Did the police over-react? I'm really not sure...It was so close on that line of what is right and what isn't that I can't say without having been on the street personally....but the fact that doubt even exists is the whole problem here. Sympathy won't come from the public while OWS behavior leaves the Police response an open debate as to whether it was justified or not.

Meet force with PEACEFUL DISOBEDIENCE. Don't menace or threaten the cops...EVER. Don't even crowd them to make them feel like things MIGHT just end with their positions being over-run and their families having to cope without their ever coming home again. The cops WILL react violently to restore order at ANY COST. That is their job and what society pays them to do. Don't FEED the reasons they can do it under cover of justification.

Peace and change through a just cause and moral high ground....NOT force and anarchy. We need to keep our heads if this is to succeed at even the smallest level. (Hops off my soapbox)

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by Domo1
Let me say this; I don't know if the kid was shot in the head by a rubber bullet. He very well may have been. Automatically believing that video however is ridiculous.

No one else seems to even mention this...and perhaps it isn't in the videos people put online today. It wouldn't shock me to hear it was left out because it offers a very reasonable alternative explanation to some of the wounds that DO NOT look like a "rubber" bullet to the head (too little damage if someone knows what "Rubber" bullets actually ARE).

In the lines of police behind the barricades at Oakland last night, the slow pan of the cops in their riot gear by local media caught something else that made me sit up and take notice. Every so many of them were holding Paintball guns. Of course, they weren't shooting paint....but likely Pepper Balls as they've been using in the California State Prisons now for a number of years. They HURT badly when hit and at close range to the forehead, as one picture showed, would account for a big round bloody wound without any real DAMAGE behind it. I the chaos of the CS gas responses, how many cops just opened up on everything in front of them with those non-lethal paintball guns.

Oh,.. they also had bean bag rounds out of the shotguns...but again, a shot to the head would do some real damage at close range....not just a bloody mess.

I thought I throw this out...since everyone is just assuming a cop actually fired rubber bullets point blank at head level. They're...uhh...ANYTHING but non-lethal at close range and straight into the head. I dare say some Palestinian families who no longer have relatives among the living can attest to what "Rubber" bullets do if not fired off a ricochet.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 01:21 PM
Seems to me the only way to WIN in America...and about the only way to see wealth redistribution...

Is to file lawsuits.
Lots and lots of lawsuits.

I don't want civil war because I sit here pagan in the middle of Washed in the Blood Red Jesus country.
Civil war breaks out - I gotta move fast or these mean SOGs would kill us all.
edit on 26-10-2011 by hadriana because:
edit on 26-10-2011 by hadriana because: I can't speel today and I changed a B to a G.
extra DIV

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

The popo need a taste of their own medicine. They need to be told who owns them.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Just seen the video. Where's the vet? And where's the shot of him getting hit in the face on purpose by the rubber bullet? All I seen was poor camera work and some guy/girl? being carried.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
I'm absolutely shocked at the polices response. Tear Gas and rubber bullets against a majority of peaceful protesters. It is completely unacceptable, yet I fear some on ATS will defend or justify the polices actions

You won't from me because i think we need to meet force with force, more force because that's how you win a revolution and all this talking is foreplay.

Let the police use tasers if the know some people have guns and see if they act with a bit more respect before using chemical weapons that are banned on the battle field.

Playing by the devils rules that are changed to suite the bankers is not a game i'm about to play

edit on 26-10-2011 by Master_007 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Wrabbit I appreciate your rational words and advice. I hope you can get through where I couldn't.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by rebeldog

Originally posted by TinkerHaus
The argument everyone is using is "HE STARTED IT!!"

How often did that work with your mom and dad? When you and your brother or sister or whatever got in trouble for pounding on each other did your parents ever care who started it?

They are trying to make you angry! They're trying to make you retaliate. The moment you do, the WHOLE THING GETS SHUT DOWN.

Let's refuse to fail by acknowledging the lessons we learned as children and applying them to the big picture.

I was taught by my grandmother, who was raised during the depression and had family die by the Nazi's (jewish), that if someone hits me......"Knock the TAR out of them".."if you start a fight you will be in trouble" "if someone attacks you and you don't FIGHT back and defend yourself you'll get it again from me."



If all situation could be solved with violence we'd sure have no problems as a civilization by this point.

I'm sure your grams was a nice lady, but her advice only applies 100% of the time to classroom bully situations.

We're not talking about a bully in a classroom, we're talking about police in riot gear with crowd control weapons. We're talking about a movement that will only succeed in furthering the police state if we choose to play by their rules.

They outgun us. We need to outwit them.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by rebeldog
reply to post by TinkerHaus

Ive had enough of your WEAKNESS!!!

Are you mentally capable to understand the difference between an ATTACK and SELF DEFENSE??

clearly you are either a suck-up, an extremely cowardly individual, or completely IGNORANT in relation to American History..
Tell me Einstein, if someone is violently attacking you would you go fetal and run your piehole?

Unprovoked Violence is wrong...Responding to violence with violence is SURVIVAL...

I can't believe how well the liberal Public Fool System, under the Dept of Indoctrination has warped you mind..

edit on 26-10-2011 by rebeldog because: spelling

I'm not weak. Not physically, not mentally.

You are calling for open and violent rebellion against the police. Are you mentally weak?

How do you think the OWS movement will be remembered when they turn violent and are SQUASHED in the street. You are weak. Your mind is weak. You think you have a chance by fighting the police and you do not. I am offering rational solutions to peacefully achieve our goals and you're trying to get in a brawl.

You claim unprovoked violence is wrong yet you advocate violence in a hopeless cause. The movement is not hopeless, but it will be once it becomes violent. Yes, turning violent and attacking the police is a hopeless cause.

You should read the Patriot Act I & II and realize how it applies to those of us protesting. We are potentially TERRORISTS. Do you think escalating the level of violence will really bode well for us? Do you understand the legal rights of those branded as "terrorists?"

I'm not making a personal attack against you, because I don't know you - but your ideas are feeble and idiotic. Put your money where your mouth is, I say. Get up off your can, get out to a protest, and see how far you get should you have the balls to follow through with what your mouth says.
edit on 26-10-2011 by TinkerHaus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by alienreality
I'm worried that when police start seriously abusing people, (like now), that some people nursing their rubber bullet injuries will be looking upon the police from a 3rd story window somewhere using a sniper rifle..

"worried" isn't really the word I, personally, would use

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 02:19 PM
This is getting pretty scary people. Remember you have to "be the change you want to see in the world." So if you want to fight violence with violence you really won't get anywhere. Just like someone said earlier if this can be handled just right with good peaceful intentions then the police CANNOT do anything without it causing an uproar of crazy levels. We have to leave absolutely no room for debate. If the people of OWS are 100% peaceful and still met with this kind of resistance than the world will wake up pretty darn fast. Also we have to remember that the police are trained for these kinds of situation, and I wouldn't put it past them to have planted some agents of dissent among the protesters. We HAVE to remain vigilant and we most certainly have to remain SMART about this. We can win this thing... it just has to be done right.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by TinkerHaus

These protests are ineffective because the people who have all the control are paid for by the elites (the people are most pissed off at), protesting and asking for "specific" legislation will not solve anything...the people know this. It would actually be INSANE to keep trying the same ole failed methods of "appeal" and "protest" the government is broken and because it is broken…there are very very few options left to achieve the change desired, whatever it may be…

This is why violence is ALWAYS the end result when corruption is too thick…there are no options of ridding the corruption left. We rely too heavily on TRUST in that our “leaders” will do the right thing and not abuse their power when that trust is gone the realization is apparent that you cannot ask them to suddenly fix what they broke…they are corrupt.

TPTB just don't care they have all the control and no lone president (Ron Paul) is going to be able to weed out the handful of decent judges or legislators will stand a chance at making any meaningful change at what has be come a metastasized tumor of corruption within ALL FACETS of our government...

I guarantee you this will turn violent by the end because people will finally realize how ISANE it is to continue to participate in what has become a cesspool…They realize that marching around with sign no matter how many of them, thousands, millions etc…will solve nothing.

The only thing left is violence because nobody prepared for this…nobody prepared to suddenly “up and quit the system” there is no contingency plan for individual livelihood that gives an “out” other than “violence”…

Stop paying your taxes? Uhh…most people don’t even have control of that money in the first place…most people’s taxes are taken straight out of their paycheck before they even see it. They never have the option to “stop paying taxes”…its gone before they even get it…its up to the “big business” that employs and pays people to do that…and they won’t

Taxes doesn’t even address the even deeper rooted issues of a fiat currency…

The problems are TOO LARGE and TOO MANY to solve in any traditional manner, the government cannot digest and stomach all the problems it has accumulated over its existence…and because it can’t it wont and people will give up and resort to the default primal cornered animal fight or flight response, and you will have…violence…

This is not surprising, this is not new, this is a cyclic phase of an INSANE group of beings that keep utilizing the same methods (government) that require the same concepts (control, authority, power, leadership, rulers etc) which always have and always will create corruption and abuse to the point of violence…

Wash, rinse and repeat…PEOPLE ARE INSANE!!!!

edit on 26-10-2011 by Sly1one because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 02:35 PM
Just alittle heads up for those that are going to the protest and plan on staying during the 'police state' crack downs. If they start using the truck mounted microwave guns they can be foiled by holding up a thick wool blanket. The microwaves wont be able to get through it.

And for those that think the protests were part of TPTB plan all along to help bring in martial law, I would have to say you may be on to somthing. I say this because a company I worked for in Indianapolis a few years ago started making military sound cannons (truck mounted and handheld LRADS) and microwave guns about 3 years ago. As of about 5 months before the OWS movment started my old roomate (he still works there) called and told me that they REALLY started cranking them out. He said they are painting them with urban camo colors, not desert, not forest but urban camo. That would tell me that they knew they were going to be needing alot of riot control instruments. thinks its going to get alot worse before it gets ANY better. So watch out for those microwave guns, I've heard they sting quite a bit.

Oh and the companies name is "Indy composite works" if you wanted to do alittle research.
edit on 26-10-2011 by Talltexxxan because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 03:03 PM
wow, talk about disheartening...

all these people talking about...'oh drag the wallstreet execs, police into the street and...make them realize who they work for" type comments are coming from the very people that justify the idea of martial law and a police state


get it?

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