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New Yorkers rage over ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protestors

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posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:28 AM
The OP of this thread has been on many OWS threads and has an agenda.... they are against the movement and along with others on the site, are trying every tactic to rubbish and discredit the movement.

Just ignore them.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by Heehaw
I find the OP to be vile filth, to be perfectly honest. It's their right, and guess what? If we didn't have these rights, you'd be living in China, Russia, Korea or any number of other countries that see any form of protest as civil disobedience. You would rather give up your rights and be under the thumb of your government than actually try to change something.

See, this is where you are wrong. Your rights end where mine begin. There ARE laws about noise and sanitation for a REASON. You do not have the right to make noise all night while I am sleeping or the right to come up to my house and go to the restroom on my doorstep. There are laws against that type of behavior, because they infringe upon MY rights.


posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by TheMindWar
reply to post by jibeho

Yep I have been saying what tptb have been trying to do for a while now on other boards.
TPTB must get the majority of the people to want the police to crackdown on the public so they can imtroduce new laws. When the sheeple who teally have no idea of whats going on the world start protesting against the protestors then the police will have the excuse to crack down very hard.

Divide the people and conquer them. The sheeple should shut their mouths for they have no idea that they are being poisoned etc from tptb.

If these sheeple just took thier heads out of thier backsides and noticed the truth they would join the protestors. For god sake, the US government was an accomplice to the killing of over 3,000 of its own people!!!! These people who are angry at the protestors have no damn right to stop the protests.

They need to admit the fact that thier government and the bankers are corrupt and have to go, period.
The sheeple are total denialists, they cannot handle the truth, its easier for them to blame the protestors than the corrupt government because thier small brains cant handle the truth.

while I agree to a point, i think the disconnect is the "what to change it to" most, not all of the OWS crowd want to see a marxist type change, while the actual majority of the population do not want that change. I personally want change, but I want the change to go back to what the consitution says then reinstate term limits on congress. I do not want "the workers" to be on control of private businesses. I want the business owners to be in control of their business. Taking from one by force without compensation to give to another is just not right, morally or ethically. I also wish the OWS would stop this whole freedom of speech as long as you agree with us and if you do not agree with us you are sheeple crap. Most of the OWS do not even know why they are there and a large portionof the ones that know why they are there, do not understand anything at a actual nuts and bolts level about what they are protesting about, out the whole group maybe 25% actually know what is really going on. You are the sheeple for blindly following a movement, just to be part of a movement.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by dc4lifeskater
If they don't like them making poops and pees everywhere then tell the city to stop making things harder on them then it needs to be... put out toilets for them to use and make them pay for it, I am sure they would have no problem getting donations the problem is they are not allowed to put them in the park....

This reminds me of Veruca Salt from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory:

"I want a squirrel NOW, Daddy!"

Sorry, but it is not the responsibility of the city of NY to put out toilets on the street for people.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by SM2
reply to post by dc4lifeskater

yup, always blame someone else. The protest organizers are responsible for making sure that facilities are available, not the city. If they needed them, then the organizers should have provided them BEFORE the protest began, sorry, but thats how it works. Just another indication of the entitlement mentality, always want someone to do something for you that should be done yourself. You cant blame the city for people taking a duece on someone's front door because the dirtbags there did not think things though. It's not like they did not have the money to procure the porta-potties with all the big money behind this protest, that the supporters of the movement choose to ignore.

Yah ur probably right...So by your logic since NYC will not allow them to have the toilets they probably should have just canceled the protest and since they are trying to evict and come up with reasons to make it illegal for the protesters to be in the park at all... maybe they should just go home and forget about the entire thing because they don't have permission to be there....

But since you know so much about what the protesters have and haven't done... Ohhhh wait no your not part of OWS and you are not an organizer and you have no clue about what they have tried to get "approved" by the city.... NO one is asking the city to provide the toilets, the city is not allowing them so guess what, if I can't have a toilet then I will take a sh!it where I please and what better place to do it then on the lawn and door steps of people so that hey maybe they will get mad enough and complain enough for the city to allow toilets or for there to be more and more media coverage of OWS so that more and more people can get the message they are trying to get across...

Remember there is no such thing as bad press... good or bad as long as they are talking about OWS on the news and its getting into peoples homes and waking them up... we are winning.... and if we weren't winning then why are so many people joining the protests on a daily basis? So watch out we are coming to a neighborhood near you... Stay tuned!!!

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:48 AM
Taking a dump on someone's doorstep will seem tame in comparison to the stuff that will happen when things become violent when the global meltdown begins.

You people sitting there with your noses in the air, I hope you're prepared for when the streets burn.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by jibeho

You OP link meant the rich citizens of Wall street surroundings are complaining right? occurs they are the protest are actually against them

Poor rich walls street citizens, they are so tired of been targeted.

edit on 21-10-2011 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

I don't care what the reasons are...I don't want to live in a country where it is acceptable to harass any group of people.

I doubt the people complaining are in the "1%"...and yet they get yelled at for going to their jobs. Wait...what are the protestors protesting about...oh yeah....THEY WANT JOBS. Are they going to yell at themselves after they get them???

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by blupblup
The OP of this thread has been on many OWS threads and has an agenda.... they are against the movement and along with others on the site, are trying every tactic to rubbish and discredit the movement.

Just ignore them.

It's easy to root out the whores for the elite. I understand having an issue with people acting uncivil, but the folks that are against the protesters are clearly not believers in our rights as Americans.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

I don't care what the reasons are...I don't want to live in a country where it is acceptable to harass any group of people.

Would you prefer to live in a country where people who have worked hard for decades have had their retirement funds looted by a bunch of psychotics in suits?

Oh wait, you do.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:56 AM


posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:56 AM
Last I read, the OWS people did not attempt to get approved by the city, and I saw all kinds of video from protesters saying that the city would not provide them porta potties, so that is what I am going off of. Now, if what you say is correct and the city would not allow them to them, that is another story all together and I agree it is messed up, it still however does not give anyone the right to crap on someones property.

As far as coming to a neighborhood near me, fine, come on, protest to you're heart is content. Just do not presume to come onto my private property to spread you're cheeks,that would end badly for the individual involved. See in my state, they still value private property and rights of the property owner. I have a right to force ably remove a trespasser. As long as that is respected, carry on, have fun with you're protest, I just do not understand how any sane person with a single bit of common decency or respect could possibly just causually walk onto someone's property and drop a duece. To me this demonstrates the type of people that this movement is attracting, and I do not buy the "we represent the 99%" Maybe I should go to NYC find a protester, find their house and go drop a duece on their couch and see how they like it.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by Pregnant

Originally posted by Heehaw
I find the OP to be vile filth, to be perfectly honest. It's their right, and guess what? If we didn't have these rights, you'd be living in China, Russia, Korea or any number of other countries that see any form of protest as civil disobedience. You would rather give up your rights and be under the thumb of your government than actually try to change something.

You're so high and mighty with your "hard working tax paying people" crap it makes me sick. You've met every one of the thousands of protestors and found out that they are family-less, tax avoiding creeps? Evict the protestors? Why? Because they are standing up against billion dollar bailouts, mad printing of money, money in politics, tax breaks for the rich, the economy nearing collapse because of horrendous spending, trading, and money management by both corporations, banks, and the government? You're grotesque.

You do realise that it is also our right to express our displeasure at your movement in any way, shape or form. That is what your diatribe quoted above speaks about. So, why don't you take the lead and show us how a good protester deals with opposing views by engaging in reasonable debate.

Oh no, you can't. I forgot. Socialists fully support freedom of speech, as long as it is their own speech.

You can twist it any way you see fit. I fully agree with your right to say whatever you want, just like I have the right to call you all anti-civil liberties and filth for asking to have protestors evicted. Did I say I expect you anti-liberty creeps to be locked up? Did I say you don't have the right to voice your displeasure? Absolutely not. What I disagree with is expecting the police or any authoritative entity to evict, limit, or arrest people practicing their rights. I would not ask it to happen to you any more I would them. You're still filth.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by illuminatislave

Would you prefer to live in a country where people who have worked hard for decades have had their retirement funds looted by a bunch of psychotics in suits?

Oh wait, you do.

Did those people put their retirement funds into accounts that they thought would increase their money by RISKING it in INVESTMENTS???

Oh yeah...they did.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:01 AM
While I understand that it is becoming unsanitary, i am almost willing to bet that the store owners and restaurant owners are refusing to let the OWS'ers use their restrooms. By the way, i would much rather be yelled at on my way to work than i would have those psychotic f*cks at the white house take my money and blow it on krap that does not help me, or even affect me. I am fed up with washington and the way they run things. 'If you don't put this on your bill then i'm not voting for it...' it is bull sh*t.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:06 AM

I don't care what the reasons are...I don't want to live in a country where it is acceptable to harass any group of people.

I doubt the people complaining are in the "1%"...and yet they get yelled at for going to their jobs. Wait...what are the protestors protesting about...oh yeah....THEY WANT JOBS. Are they going to yell at themselves after they get them???

Well you better go ahead and move to another country but good luck finding one where one group of people doesn't harass another group.. If you find that place let us all know so we can move there too...

I for one do not like being harassed by the government to pay more taxes to cover bailouts to banks or to pay higher salaries to crooked members of the governments so they can give contracts to their buddies while they are playing golf at the country club at my expense.

Also the fact that you think the OWS movement is about people wanting jobs shows that you have no clue what its about therefore your opinion of OWS is invalid.

I guess all the people that are protesting like lawyers and whatnot that do have jobs are protesting because they want jobs? I have a job and I am protesting, does that mean I am protesting because I want a job enough though I have a job? HMM yah that makes good sense you are really racking up points for the people against OWS

The more people talk negatively about OWS just shows how little they know about it and it shows how out of touch with reality you really are.

I really wish this "rapture" would happen... Imagine how great the world could be if you woke up one morning and ALL of the good Christians were suddenly gone....So then after all of the church going bankers and corrupt government officials are gone maybe we can get to fixing this broken world we live in.


posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by ChemistryAdept

and why should a business owner, lets say a restaurant owner, feel compelled to spend the extra money on cleaning supplies and such for his restrooms to allow a bunch of non customers use his facilities, when this protest is almost assuredly all ready impacting his business by the loss of customers due to the protests? it is private property and he has the right to refuse anyone service, and refuse anyone entry to his property. I am sure, that if a protester was his/her costumer, they would be free to use the restrooms.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:08 AM

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by illuminatislave

Would you prefer to live in a country where people who have worked hard for decades have had their retirement funds looted by a bunch of psychotics in suits?

Oh wait, you do.

Did those people put their retirement funds into accounts that they thought would increase their money by RISKING it in INVESTMENTS???

Oh yeah...they did.

Investment risk is one thing, having someone steal your money deliberately is something entirely different... Setting someone up to fail for you to profit is not investment risk its called FRAUD. If I give you my money because you are a bank or an investment firm and you purposely lose my money or gamble with my money and you get rich from it and I lose everything that is not why I gave you my money to "invest"

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by SM2
reply to post by ChemistryAdept

and why should a business owner, lets say a restaurant owner, feel compelled to spend the extra money on cleaning supplies and such for his restrooms to allow a bunch of non customers use his facilities, when this protest is almost assuredly all ready impacting his business by the loss of customers due to the protests? it is private property and he has the right to refuse anyone service, and refuse anyone entry to his property. I am sure, that if a protester was his/her costumer, they would be free to use the restrooms.

Because we are human beings (that use to mean something) and we are americans (that use to mean something to) and actually most of the business's surrounding OWS that are locally owned are doing pretty well thanks to the protesters being there.. One pizza place is making upwards of 250 pizzas per day for the protesters that are being paid for by donations from all around the US...

The problem is there aren't that many places, there are to many people so there are not enough bathrooms to go around... So like I said if the CITY would ALLOW the protesters to setup proper toilets to use maybe they wouldn't have to go to the bathroom outside which I am sure none of them are happy about doing because not to many people enjoy going to the bathroom outdoors in front of a bunch of people...

Just be glad they aren't burning down the houses yet... just poopin on them

Also in case you didn't know small locally owned business's pay more taxes and get less tax breaks then huge companies that make billions in profits and pay virtually no taxes... Imagine that, sounds fair right?


posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by mr-lizard

Originally posted by jibeho
reply to post by jrmcleod

I call them filth because they are urinating and defecating wherever they see fit to do so. They verbally assault those walking past who are actually going to WORK without even knowing who they are abrading. Nothing but disrespect and a total lack of self respect.

This movement has lost its way already because they never had a focus. The union muscle is slowly taking over the movement one city at a time. Phase two will begin soon!! The clueless campers singing kumbaya won't know what to think when things start to get real.

Firstly your an idiot. Secondly maybe your council should provide toilets? Or maybe you could be a genuinely nice person and allow them to use your bathroom?

but then again that'd be gambling on you being a decent person, and judging by your harsh, nasty and venomous drippings - you're probably not a nice person.

He is an idiot for having an issue with people crapping on someones front lawn or door step? really? Hes not a nice person because he doesnt open up his house to complete strangers so they can use the bathroom? How about the OWS people are not nice people because they do not have the respect to not crap on a persons property and are idiot for expecting people to be just fine with piles of human dung in thier yard or porch. What kind of moron are some of these people.

To be clear, yes I disagree with most of what the protest is doing, I agree with them on SOME issues, not enough issues to just jump all in and compromise my beliefs on some other things. One thing is for sure, crapping on someones lawn is not going to gain the movement anything else but more scorn. I truly pitty the kind of person that just drops one on someone's doorstep, that shows a lot of immaturity, lack of respect for oneself and others, lack of morals, and decency. Basically this makes them all look like douche bags

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