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PLEASE tell me this is only the Moon and not something else!

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posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by my3911
reply to post by Brotherman

If everyone on this thread would take a look at Brotherman's "LINK2", you'll see that this is not a lens flare. If you still think it's a lens flare after viewing, then you may just be in denial. Here's the link again:


Yeah I saw this link as well, definitely something to note and investigate further as it was pretty self explanatory.. but what do I know? I know the snapshots can be manipulated a lot of different ways and I know very little in regards to the object and couldn't pick it apart if I tried.

Looking at all theories.. I'm puzzled. Lens flare? I just don't think so.

I too await.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 08:31 PM

He is correct insofar as it is not a planet; that would be physically impossible. He is also correct inasmuch as, strictly speaking, it is not a lens flare. It is a piece of ice or a circular "ding" on the plexi-glass housing surrounding the webcam. Notice how it is in nearly exactly the same place and is always exactly the same size over a period of years.[/] Seriously, e-mail the station and ask them to wipe the camera casing off.
reply to post by DJW001

You never know....could be something as simple as this.
Someone needs to call.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by ProudBird

But, let's think it through. The Moon is our nearest large Solar System companion. And, while its gravitational attraction does influence the oceans, and cause tides, there is no direct causal relationship to earthquakes, from Lunar influences.

For a long time this was considered true. Recently some rare/uncommon quakes have been associated with the Moon. These are low intensity quakes and the correlation is not that strong.

The Sun is responsible for about 1/3 of the tides. The Sun is not correlated with any quakes, nor is anything other than the Moon associated with quakes.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by my3911

we can start by trying to come to a realistic explanation as to what this massive object is in the sky that re-appeared again today.

There is no massive object out there. If there was we could all see it. The Sun is visible from almost every point on the surface of the Earth at all times. Why is this only apparent from a remote camera that has had the same problem for ages?

Do you have any idea what would happen if there were an unknown mass in the solar system? Probably not.

The image artifact in question is not outside of the atmosphere. It is not outside of the box in which the camera is housed.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by my3911
reply to post by stereologist

Your logic is completely sound. But also understand that logic cannot be had without knowledge. Ultimate logic would be to know everything about the universe our galaxy travels through. I don't think anyone on this thread can say they completely understand the universe and that our known physics is the "final answer". We are very young and still have an unimaginable amount of information to learn. We must first open our minds to all possibilities... we can start by trying to come to a realistic explanation as to what this massive object is in the sky that re-appeared again today. It's not a lens flare, water droplet, sun dog or mirage. Still waiting....

You lost me with this post. IMO, Proudbird asked an immensely relevant question as to how the object stays in the same place, while everything else in the sky "moves" as the earth rotates. Just saying "we can't know everything" doesn't address this issue. Again, why is the planet/sun/object in the same place in every image?

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by DJW001
reply to post by unchainedone

No person is god or have all knowing powers, so for people to say that it is not a planet or whatever simply because you do not understand part of it or all of it is very foolish.

But we know perfectly well what a planet is. It is a large body composed of matter in solid, liquid and/or gaseous form. We know how matter in quantities that large behaves, and we know how light reflects off of convex and concave bodies. It is perfectly clear that the artifact is not reflecting light the way a large agglomeration of matter, that is, a planet, would. Therefore it is not a planet. It is reflecting light in a fashion that suggests that it is transparent and concave. This suggests a flattened droplet between the sun and the lens. It is a perfectly simple theory. You are free to postulate that it is, say, a space ghost, as we have no idea what the physical properties of a space ghost would be. The one thing it certainly is not is a planet in the commonly accepted sense of the term.

i hear you brother, but i would argue that we do not know perfectly well anything, just because we see a planet behave a certain way it does not mean that the next second it cannot behave like something never seen before.

i guess what i am trying to say is we cannot say what it is not but only what we think it is because of past patterns that we assume are going to repeat.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by ColAngus

Again, why is the planet/sun/object in the same place in every image?

Maybe you haven't watched the images in sequence?
It does move and there is no argument about that.
Take a look at the image feed from the link... and then tell me it doesn't move.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:42 PM
ZOMG it's the sun...


posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by StarPeace

prove it, links, insightful post..., something. Its clearly not the moon so if it was shown in comparison to the moon how can it be the sun or is both the sun and moon visible at all times in antartica?

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 11:50 PM
It is rather clear that the artifact in question is not outside of the box.

It is also clear that there are no new planet sized masses in the solar system inside of the Kuiper belt.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 07:17 PM

It is also clear that there are no new planet sized masses in the solar system inside of the Kuiper belt.
reply to post by stereologist

I guess you personally have a constant view of the entire solar system at all times, through every wavelength of every type to back your statement up. That is the only way you could know for sure. You must be really amazing or really in the "know".

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by my3911

I guess you personally have a constant view of the entire solar system at all times, through every wavelength of every type to back your statement up. That is the only way you could know for sure. You must be really amazing or really in the "know".

What you state is not necessary. Any object reflects sunlight. That reflected light can be detected. In addition, any mass has a gravitational field that affects the objects near it.

You claim that is the only way you could know for sure is wrong. You should learn how objects are detected by astronomers.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:09 AM

What you state is not necessary. Any object reflects sunlight.
reply to post by stereologist

How do you know for sure it's sunlight and not something else we're not aware of... YET? Just because Einstein said energy equals matter times the speed of light squared doesn't mean his revolutionary equation is the end all be all. Seriously... you do have a concept of time beyond what you see behind your own eyes? You seem to be an intelligent person and I hope you can understand that time is only a matter of perspective. Just that alone should make you reconsider this kind of logic.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by my3911

I know this is seriously off topic.. but I couldn't resist:

I just found out I'm having a baby girl!

To make this not so "off topic".... I'll say this; I won't subject her to any of the nonsense on this site or any similar nonsense to hopefully protect her from the mental corruption all these "conspiracy" theories cause. Ignorance is bliss. I've noticed people are much happier when they're ignorant to things that are outside of their box. I'm actually striving for a simpler life... away from the concrete jungle. It's time to shape up and enjoy life! Seriously people... let's stop all of this nonsense and just live every day like it's out last. Who cares how or when we're going to advance into the next realm?! Even if there's a black whole at the edge of our solar system... WHO CARES?!



ATS MODS: Feel free to delete this post.. BETTER YET.... BAN ME ALL TOGETHER!

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by my3911

I guess you personally have a constant view of the entire solar system at all times, through every wavelength of every type to back your statement up. That is the only way you could know for sure. You must be really amazing or really in the "know".

What you state is not necessary. Any object reflects sunlight. That reflected light can be detected. In addition, any mass has a gravitational field that affects the objects near it.

You claim that is the only way you could know for sure is wrong. You should learn how objects are detected by astronomers.
we can't base extraterrestrial bodies' physics with earth's physics... there's so much more we don't know and are still learning. Are you even aware of the galaxies found by our satellites, by our scientific standards, should not exist?

I'm not saying believe everything you see online... but don't just close the door on it or you might miss all that beauty

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by MikhailBakunin

we can't base extraterrestrial bodies' physics with earth's physics... there's so much more we don't know and are still learning. Are you even aware of the galaxies found by our satellites, by our scientific standards, should not exist?

Well said and cheers to you!

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by my3911

How do you know for sure it's sunlight and not something else we're not aware of... YET? Just because Einstein said energy equals matter times the speed of light squared doesn't mean his revolutionary equation is the end all be all. Seriously... you do have a concept of time beyond what you see behind your own eyes? You seem to be an intelligent person and I hope you can understand that time is only a matter of perspective. Just that alone should make you reconsider this kind of logic.

Making stuff up does not make a point. That is all you are doing here.

The point is that 2 of the 4 known forces, EM and gravity would point out any incoming planet sized object.

If you don't understand, then open your mind and learn about these issues instead of making up fantasies.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by MikhailBakunin

we can't base extraterrestrial bodies' physics with earth's physics... there's so much more we don't know and are still learning. Are you even aware of the galaxies found by our satellites, by our scientific standards, should not exist?

I'm not saying believe everything you see online... but don't just close the door on it or you might miss all that beauty

Why do you make this claim when all of the evidence suggests otherwise? Of course I know about these discoveries. Apparently you are unaware of cosmologically thinking. Instead you are incorrectly state the current understanding of the universe.

It's rather a trite claim that there is so much to learn. Regardless of what is unknown, there is still a large body of known.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 01:14 PM
IF its in space and the sun is rising because of the earth turning then why is that circle(planet thing) staying in the same spot as the sun appears to move up in the frames?
edit on 22-10-2011 by ThePeopleParty because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by ThePeopleParty

A few of us pointed that out but got a
for our questions.

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