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PLEASE tell me this is only the Moon and not something else!

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posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:07 PM

I think he meant the second sun is a really big ghost Only thing I noticed, like six months ago, was that the sun seemed to be rising like 2 hours early but only a couple mornings a week. The sun also just looks different to me, less yellow more white light. I posted something about it, got yelled at. Anyway, I definitely notice the changes in the enviornment, the energy in general, the accelerated time... I'm sure it all adds up to something if you're of the individuals who actually believe there are two suns. All I really know is what I know as fact today will change tomorrow.
reply to post by Skorpiogurl

You got yelled at? Well.....someone yelling or not....I know you will be you regardless and do not let anyone intimidate you for thinking or feeling different. That is their problem, ya know.

Maybe it is a ghost!!

The atmosphere thins and we see the true Sun before our eyes.

He also said that it comes and goes and spoke of the animals dying to perhaps be in relation. It makes me wonder what he is thinking and theorizing. Pretty fun to think about. I am not concerned with our Planet....not really. It has maintained itself and I think it will continue. It may have to eradicate the cancer that is taking over...and if it needs to do something drastic to sustain..I am all for it.

What is true today will not be that is the truth. One day a certain food is good for you, the next day it will kill you. haha.....go figure.

The Earth is changing and with this change comes change within our solar "system" as well. I am not surprised by anything..... and I happen to think we will all experience strange occurrences in our life time but this lifetime of mine has been an exceptional ride, for sure.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:26 PM
The black spot seen in the pictures here is likely not camera pixel 'damage' but the camera ignoring the unwanted light, WDR (wide dynamic range) cameras have two shutters with different speeds to advantage the best picture between light and dark areas. This one is very interesting, watch black spot turn to white spot at around 47secs, and the overall effect on the picture, and there is lens flare too.

The rest are lens flare when light is bounced back to the sensor, or a variety of reasons,
edit on 20-10-2011 by smurfy because: Add link.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by unchainedone

No person is god or have all knowing powers, so for people to say that it is not a planet or whatever simply because you do not understand part of it or all of it is very foolish.

But we know perfectly well what a planet is. It is a large body composed of matter in solid, liquid and/or gaseous form. We know how matter in quantities that large behaves, and we know how light reflects off of convex and concave bodies. It is perfectly clear that the artifact is not reflecting light the way a large agglomeration of matter, that is, a planet, would. Therefore it is not a planet. It is reflecting light in a fashion that suggests that it is transparent and concave. This suggests a flattened droplet between the sun and the lens. It is a perfectly simple theory. You are free to postulate that it is, say, a space ghost, as we have no idea what the physical properties of a space ghost would be. The one thing it certainly is not is a planet in the commonly accepted sense of the term.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by DJW001

I have to agree with you this time Woo, to be a rogue planet in that picture, it would have to be either backlit by the sun to some degree, and therefore in front of the sun to some degree, or getting another diffused light source, (not the earth) from somewhere away to the right, and all would need to be lit from the sun, that makes the sky a little crowded.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by smurfy

I have to agree with you this time Woo,

You can call me "DJ." 001 was my father.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Aestheteka
I know it's an amateur question (writing books is more my thing) but how do I capture a screen shot of a web page so that I may put it in a video?

Press the printscreen button, then paste it into a blank canvas in phtoshop, gimp, paint etc.
I always find you interesting, so I'm looking forward to this.
Or you could U2U me, if you felt like it.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by Brotherman

If everyone on this thread would take a look at Brotherman's "LINK2", you'll see that this is not a lens flare. If you still think it's a lens flare after viewing, then you may just be in denial. Here's the link again:


posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 06:25 PM

I just checked the Neumayer link and it has re-appeared in the following frame:

06:10 UTC (38/144)

You can see it in the previous frames as well, but for this to be a water droplet, as someone mentioned earlier.... well let's just say it would be an extremely resilient water droplet!

Here's the link again: LINK

Use the "Step" button to go through one frame at a time until you see "06:10 UTC (38/144)" on the bottom right.

edit on 20-10-2011 by my3911 because: Added Image

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by my3911

Can you provide an explanation (besides a camera artifact) for why it stays in one place in the photos, always framed right in same spot?

The Earth is rotating....and things in the sky appear to move across the sky, as a result.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by my3911

If everyone on this thread would take a look at Brotherman's "LINK2", you'll see that this is not a lens flare. If you still think it's a lens flare after viewing, then you may just be in denial. Here's the link again:

He is correct insofar as it is not a planet; that would be physically impossible. He is also correct inasmuch as, strictly speaking, it is not a lens flare. It is a piece of ice or a circular "ding" on the plexi-glass housing surrounding the webcam. Notice how it is in nearly exactly the same place and is always exactly the same size over a period of years.[/] Seriously, e-mail the station and ask them to wipe the camera casing off.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 06:58 PM
I've read some very intriguing, informative and... let's just say, "interesting" replies on the "object" in the sky. But I still have yet to hear or see a good explanation. May I ask you all to keep trying? I wish I had more time to research this myself, but I don't. So I'm relying on the ATS community (you all) to try and explain this anomaly.
Someone might say, "ask NASA or an Astrobiologist!" But we all know that certain "knowledge" comes at a very high price. Anyone that has certain knowledge and the credibility to confirm it are either threatened or paid quite handsomely to keep it secret. Release it and said person would basically be committing suicide in one way or another.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 06:59 PM
Chinese lantern ..

Definitely ..

edit on 20-10-2011 by Dalke07 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by ProudBird
reply to post by my3911

Can you provide an explanation (besides a camera artifact) for why it stays in one place in the photos, always framed right in same spot?

The Earth is rotating....and things in the sky appear to move across the sky, as a result.

This right here. Thank you for that.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:04 PM

Seriously, e-mail the station and ask them to wipe the camera casing off.
reply to post by DJW001

That is the best idea I've heard yet!

Has anyone actually tried to email them directly to ask WTH that big, spherical object is orbiting us? Or are we orbiting it? Or maybe it's just the DEATH STAR!

Maybe George Lucas could shed some light on this! (JK)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by my3911

Did someone say "DeathStar"??

Run! Everybody run!

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:14 PM
The object in the sky could coincide with this very easily:

I just noticed there was a 4.6 magnitude earthquake southeast of San Antonio, TX this morning, which is disturbing since I'm only a couple hundred miles from there.The earthquake was the second largest on record and extremely rare. Earthquakes occur maybe once every 30 years in Texas, but never one this big. Colorado, Virginia, Texas are all very unusual places to have earthquakes. I could see them all happening over the course of several years, but not in a few months.

Here's the link to the thread: LINK

edit on 20-10-2011 by my3911 because: Correction

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:58 PM
It's always funny when people think that an object next to the Sun can only be seen from the South Pole. That makes as much sense as claiming you have to go to the North Pole to see Polaris.

If people would pry themselves from the comfort of their computer they could go outside and look for themselves to see that there is nothing out there.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by my3911

Explain this reasoning with logic, please:

The object in the sky could coincide with this very easily:

I just noticed there was a 4.6 magnitude earthquake southeast of San Antonio, TX...

But, let's think it through. The Moon is our nearest large Solar System companion. And, while its gravitational attraction does influence the oceans, and cause tides, there is no direct causal relationship to earthquakes, from Lunar influences.

The Sun, immensely larger than the Moon, but immensely farther. No tides, no affecting the oceans, nor causing earthquakes.

Now...imagine a smaller star, at the same distance as the Sun (or even farther) Never mind that such an object would by now have wrecked the orbits of the inner, rocky planets, from its gravitational effects.

It would have even less of an influence in terms of earthquakes here on our planet...since the much, much larger Sun has none.

edit on Thu 20 October 2011 by ProudBird because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by stereologist

Your logic is completely sound. But also understand that logic cannot be had without knowledge. Ultimate logic would be to know everything about the universe our galaxy travels through. I don't think anyone on this thread can say they completely understand the universe and that our known physics is the "final answer". We are very young and still have an unimaginable amount of information to learn. We must first open our minds to all possibilities... we can start by trying to come to a realistic explanation as to what this massive object is in the sky that re-appeared again today. It's not a lens flare, water droplet, sun dog or mirage. Still waiting....

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by ProudBird

True, but what if it's getting closer to us every year? May I suggest we compare the diameter of the object from June's footage to yesterday and today's footage to see if there's any relative increase in circumference? If no one else will, I'll try and do it tomorrow when I have time.

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