Wow…This thread really continues to amaze me – These last few posts are just jam-packed with some beautiful work!
I especially enjoy your long-exposure cityscapes Bandar….Simply gorgeous….
LostSailor – That second shot has a real sense of vertigo…Very cool angle!
I’ve been going through a bit of a lull…I’ve just been so busy with other things, it’s been hard to find the time….
I do have a few recent ones I’d like to share though…
I took this a couple nights ago…I jazzed it up a bit to use as a Christmas postcard to send out to all my friends and family…
U2U me and I’ll be happy to send one your way!" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>
Another one with some similar pebbles…There was a green tint in the pebbles and I edited the image to reflect that in the background…." target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>
My nephew’s sure to be a rock star one of these days – Remember that face (What you can see of it
This is actually an older one…Forgot all about it…." target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>
I took this one last month at a hotel I was staying at during a conference in Orlando….God damn I was bored – But it yielded some interesting
photos (Some of the ones I actually took
during the conference may actually make it onto a DVD
Can’t wait for Christmas though! I’ll be getting some new photo-related gadgets to play around with, along with a 75-300mm f/4-5.6 and a 50mm
f/1.8 lens
[edit on 12/7/2005 by EnronOutrunHomerun]