posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 08:42 AM
I have to show off one of my butterflies too, then...
Photo: Ulvetann
The photo was taken late September in Norway. I was lucky to find a flowerbed full of butterflies. Using my Nikon D70 and my Nikkor 70-300mm objective
(no pod here), I managed to capture some.
It was really sharp sun, but I managed to avoid too much exposure. I can really only find a bit of chroma in the big white spots on the wing.
And I really love the colour of the flowers! The look almost 3D.
Photo: Ulvetann
This buckshot was taken in October in Sjælland, Denmark
I really like it. Again, with the use of D70 and 70-300mm Nikkor-objective.
The annoying downside of it is, the not so perfect focus, due to using autofocus on a digital camera during sunset/shadow without pod...
I like the headgear, though...
Photo: Ulvetann
Another photo i took earlier this summer of a ducky. I wonder, at whoms table it is being served, these days?
(Duck-hunting season is on!
Edited in another pic
[edit on 26-10-2005 by Ulvetann]