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The most vulnerable suffer when fluoride is taken from water

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posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 06:10 AM
when the government medicates us with their solution, we no longer have a choice in the matter. Hence, freedom of choice has been taken. And the question remains, is it really the Gov's job to medicate us...even if we are already well?

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 06:12 AM
I have to agree with all of those who said that fluoride should be an option instead of being forced upon millions of people simply because "Big Brother" thinks it is good for us. One also must consider the environmental effects of all of that fluoride that is being introduced into nature by the hand of man. Most water is not used for brushing teeth. It is used for taking showers, cooking, drinking, etc, therefore it seems unreasonable to put fluoride in all of our water in order to stop tooth decay. If you are too ignorant or lazy to brush your own teeth then that is your problem, millions of other people around the world should not have to take such risks for your own idiocy.

I think this video sums up the dangers of fluoride quite well:
The Fluoride Deception

There is talk of also adding lithium to our water as well to curb "suicides". Perhaps you think that is a good idea as well? I mean...who wouldn't want the government to force drug it's entire population?

Drug Our Drinking Water

edit on 13-10-2011 by xMoralDeclinex because: added lithium link

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 06:14 AM
I don't think fluoride is harmful or some brainwashing stuff or whatever. I however don't think it helps teeth, it also makes water taste nasty. I lived off of water from a well most of my life as soon as I got to the city and tried some of the water form the sink, made me feel sick. You can just taste the chemicals, Aunt told me to drink for the filtered water on the fridge. As for the reduction in tooth decay and life expectancy. That has nothing to do with fluoride in the water, that has to do with dentistry and advances in medicine.

Also who the hell drinks tap water anymore? Most people I know either have a filter or drink bottled water.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 06:22 AM
Just so you know, many forms (not all) of bottled water is actually just bottled tap water taken from your cities and states. Most bottled water manufacturers tell you where the water comes from on the side of the bottle. So don't get the idea that because you are drinking bottled water that it is somehow "better" than drinking from the tap. In many cases it isn't. Take a look at that bottled water before you buy or drink it. You just might find out you were overcharged for tap water.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 06:23 AM
Just as a note, I used to get sore teeth and had developing cavities etc. When I switched to fluoride free toothpaste this stopped completely and hasn't come back since. It's been at least 5 years now and I have no regrets whatsoever switching off the stuff.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by Mcupobob
I don't think fluoride is harmful or some brainwashing stuff or whatever.

Try reading the poison control label on the toothpaste.

It used to also be the only active ingredient in rat poison.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by Ex_MislTech

I'm already against fluoride in the water what more do you want from me?

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 07:07 AM
Do all you lot work for the dental assosciation or something. I think all these chemicals have gone to your brains already.The very fact the British goverment, adherently will not tell the public the exact sorce of where the fluoride comes from. All the talk about other metals such as lead,mercury,silver,and even uranium238 < thats radioactive could be assosciated with fluoride. Talk that its a bi product from fertiliser production.In the UK, the scheme has only just gone nationwide, many people including myself are strongly opposed to it. Let me run down some facts, to enlighten you.
FACT - All medical studies for and against the use of fluoride have mostly been inconclusive,more research required
FACT - Honest dentists agree that oral use of fluoride has absolutely no benefit to your teeth, only through toothpaste
FACT - The fluoride used in water, is sodium fluoride (a bi product), totally different to calcium fluoride, which is natural
FACT - Sodium fluoride cannot be broken down by the body. It is absorbed, and lingers around in your bones, organs and cells.
FACT - The Birish public have no control on the matter, because the laws have been passed at Europen Union level, and not local goverment level.
FACT - Medical administrtion through the water supply is a) Wasteful and not cost effective (most of it ends up being used to wash up, water the lawn, bathe in etc, and not drunk)
and b) Uncontollable because every individual consumes varying amounts of water each day.

All this properganda makes me sick. The fact of the matter is our human rights are being broken. Sodium fluroide is a toxic bi product which costs millions of $s to dispose of safely. So some bright spark came up with the idea that if they dilute it in the water supply, it will weaken the toxicity, and be safe. Well if thats the case, then why don't they dump it the sea, where there is billions of gallons of water? Its unsafe to dump in the sea, but its safe for us to drink? Makes absolutely no sense. Then of course there is the risk of fluorosis, but they don't care because that will create more business for the dental association, its a win win, for the establishment, but a crying shame for human kind..
Let me put my argument another way. Imagine a hyperthetical situation, please humuor with me.
You have back pains, so you go to your doctor, and tell him all about it. He says to you "Well I've got this painkiller here, but I don't know if it will work. At present there is not enough research on it, and it hasn't been approved, but I highly recommend you take it, because the goverment says its safe" You would look at him as if he had just landed from Mars, and probably tell him to stick his meds where the sun doesnt shine, wouldnt you? Well thats the exact situation we have with fluoride. Except the doctor isn't even giving you a choice, he is forcing it down your throat (literally, everybody requires water to sustain life).

Still got your heads in the sand ?? Still trust your goverment and dentists, with matters as important as your health? Watch these links : -

Yes thats right, you heard it right, rat poison!

Studies show that evidence is still inconclusive, however tests on animals, show that pregnant dams gave birth to hyperactive pups. (6mins 25secs) Studies also prove kidney damage.(8mins 25secs)!

British goverment misinterprupt, a scientific review, by the city of York, which showed more research is needed. Goverment went ahead anyway (ignored its own science, for its own gain) The Head scientist of the review, then condemned the British dental association, the British medical association, the National alliance for dental health and the British Fluoridation society.

Eustace mullins explains the history of fluoridation, including the fact that hitler used it suppress jews in the concentration camps. Earlier in this talk he also breaks the fraudulant Federal reserve system and the history of the illuminanti in amearica, a fascinating talk, and a great mind. Learn something about the truth of your country people. I highly recommend listening to all 10 parts. 4mins 02 secs

Pretty damning evidence boys, and there is alot more out there. You see I am intelligent, and when somebody tells me something, I take it at face value, and go away and do extensive research before I make up my mind. Im afraid you have all been suckered in by your goverment. I havent become a sheep yet, but I will be buying a water filter thats for sure. I suggest you do the same. Now go and do some homework and then come back at me claiming that fluoride is safe, and that your goverment is trustworthy, I dare you. Any flaming or nonsencul insults will be treated with contempt, as I dont stoop to zombie level. The truth is out there!

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by KILL_DOGG

The most vulnerable suffer when fluoride is taken from water

Aside from some tooth discoloration, which may be able to be fixed by lowering the amount of fluoride used, there is no health risk. In January, in response to the cosmetic issue, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced a proposal to change the recommended fluoride level to 0.7 milligrams per liter of water. That’s down from a range of 0.7 to 1.2 milligrams per liter, the standard since 1962, reported the Associated Press.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Typical nonsense from MSNBC , there is no health risk taking fluoride? thats pretty much not true,

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 07:08 AM
If you want to look after your dental health... brush your teeth at least twice a day.. simple as that!!

NO ONE should be forced to take medication - ESPECIALLY for something as cosmetic as "we want a nation of white teethed anchor men/women"

How much more of a dictatorship can your get than forcing medication onto a nation. Imagine if you heard that the people in Libya were being force fed medication... but because it is the US most people just think "yeah but they are doing it to help us" - those people need to take a step back and check back in to reality!!

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

All I can do is stare at the screen and shake my head in bewilderment.

Actually that's what most of us are doing reading your arrogant post. Fluoride prevents tooth decay when applied directly to the teeth via toothpaste.

Drinking fluoridated water has no benefit as you don't slosh every gulp of water around your mouth for 15 minutes.

Beyond THAT, the fact remains that the fluoride put into tooth paste, the GOOD kind, is no where near what they dump into the water supply, which is actually a cocktail of chemical waste products. As well, up until this fluoride awakening started, you could look at any tube of toothpaste and see a warning about not using more than a pea sized amount and if you do or a child does, contact poison control immediately. See, even the good fluoride is bad for you in large doses, and putting it into the water supply ensures over dosage.

As a child growing up going to grade school i had the option (because we smartly don't fluoridate the water here) to take liquid fluoride at school daily. My parents, smartly, decided against this because at the time i was already brushing with a fluoride toothpaste, and my Uncle who happened to be the chief medical officers of the province at the time, advised them against this.

And I'll be completely honest, up until my 20s I only brushed once a day.

I went a full 30 years without a single tooth issue. I made it to 30 before having a single cavity. And i was a normal sugar eating kid as well. No one I grew up with that took the fluoride can make this claim, none of them.

But they can make claims about rapid tooth decay and dental fluorosis a known side effect of fluoride poisoning in low doses.

Don't take my word for it though, take the Nazi scientists who used it to pacify the camp population while partially sterilizing them, with, wait for it, fluoridated water.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 07:22 AM
Dear OP:

If you think Fluoride is safe and healthy then go buy some and eat it yourself. The title of this thread is beyond the realm of stupidity. The most vulnerable suffer? Explain to me who in the # is stopping you from going out to the store and purchasing your poison toothpaste? Nobody in this thread is calling for it to be taken off the shelf (even though it should be or at the very least placed with the rest of the rat/bug poison). You want Fluoride? GO BUY SOME! BUT LEAVE IT THE HELL OUT OF MY WATER! How simple is that? You do not forcefully medicate people you control freak.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

Ya of all the conspiracies... flouride is the one i believe the least.... just as you expectancy has gone I don't see how its harmful...some people say its easier to control your mind....not buying that either

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by cosmicexplorer
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

Ya of all the conspiracies... flouride is the one i believe the least.... just as you expectancy has gone I don't see how its harmful...some people say its easier to control your mind....not buying that either

GOOD FOR YOU! Guess what? I dont care what you think or what you believe in. I DESERVE TO HAVE CLEAN FRESH WATER WITHOUT YOUR CHEMICAL IN IT! Do you understand that? Its really not a hard concept. The idea that a human being wants to drink clean natural water isnt a conspiracy theory. K? So go eat your Fluoride toothpaste all you want. I dont care what you do.


posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 07:50 AM
The purpose of Fluoride in the water supply is to make a docile, and complacent citizenry. The more you are dumbed down the more willing you are to eat the sh*t the TV feeds you.

Now just be a good little citizen, drink the poison, take the vaccines, ignore your slavery, and buy more crap with money you don't have. Amerika needs you (to be stupid, distracted, and in debt)

Who cares about Fast and Furious when there is a transsexual on Dancing with the Stars.....?
edit on 13-10-2011 by joerobo because: ed

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by e11888

Originally posted by cosmicexplorer
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

Ya of all the conspiracies... flouride is the one i believe the least.... just as you expectancy has gone I don't see how its harmful...some people say its easier to control your mind....not buying that either

GOOD FOR YOU! Guess what? I dont care what you think or what you believe in. I DESERVE TO HAVE CLEAN FRESH WATER WITHOUT YOUR CHEMICAL IN IT! Do you understand that? Its really not a hard concept. The idea that a human being wants to drink clean natural water isnt a conspiracy theory. K? So go eat your Fluoride toothpaste all you want. I dont care what you do.


Calm down! You can buy water without fluoride in it....You have options man...........its the equivalent of arguing over preservatives in food...or having to wear seat belts.....The Gov makes some decisions....this one I don't care about...However I don't take the flu shot...thats one I do care about....we just have a difference of opinion brother.
edit on 13-10-2011 by cosmicexplorer because: (no reason given)

Edit: Im giving you a star for arguing with me lol.....I enjoy discussion.
edit on 13-10-2011 by cosmicexplorer because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by Mcupobob
reply to post by Ex_MislTech

I'm already against fluoride in the water what more do you want from me?

I want nothing form ya, just want ya to realize that they know its bad for us
and they put it in there on purpose.

Same for GMO, same for MSG, same for mercury in corn syrup, same for BPA.

Its not all an accident.

Holdren made it clear as did Pianka.

Holdren - the science czar from hell

Prof. Pianka - genocide, its whats for dinner...

This song sums up a lot of it...

edit on 13-10-2011 by Ex_MislTech because: content

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

It calcifies your pituitary gland.
edit on 13-10-2011 by shushu because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul
There has been fluoride in water for a lot longer than a few decades - remember that the reason it was cottoned onto in the first place is that some places around the world had better dental health than others..........and hte only relevant factor was determined to be NATURAL FLUORIDE IN WATER!

From what I understand, the naturally occurring fluoride is calcium-florophosphate or something close to that. The stuff they add to water is various forms of sodium-fluoride...there is a big difference between them. The latter is a chemical byproduct and has been shown to accumulate in the body and cause various health problems. Both may show dental improvement but I will take the natural compound over the industrial (waste) byproduct.

To add: They already put fluoride in toothpaste. Why do we need it in water? I don't believe in "forced" medication. Ever read a toothpaste label? It says if eaten, call a poison control center. It seems there's plenty already in toothpaste.
edit on 13-10-2011 by empireoflizards because: Added last paragraph.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by cosmicexplorer

Originally posted by e11888

Originally posted by cosmicexplorer
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

Ya of all the conspiracies... flouride is the one i believe the least.... just as you expectancy has gone I don't see how its harmful...some people say its easier to control your mind....not buying that either

GOOD FOR YOU! Guess what? I dont care what you think or what you believe in. I DESERVE TO HAVE CLEAN FRESH WATER WITHOUT YOUR CHEMICAL IN IT! Do you understand that? Its really not a hard concept. The idea that a human being wants to drink clean natural water isnt a conspiracy theory. K? So go eat your Fluoride toothpaste all you want. I dont care what you do.


Calm down! You can buy water without fluoride in it....You have options man...........its the equivalent of arguing over preservatives in food...or having to wear seat belts.....The Gov makes some decisions....this one I don't care about...However I don't take the flu shot...thats one I do care about....we just have a difference of opinion brother.

Sure I can buy water without Fluoride in it. What about my food? Anything you buy has some sort of water in it. These people are using Fluoride water to produce the food. Its not just in the water. You cant go out to eat, you cant have a beer, you cant cook or even take a shower because its everywhere. Who regulates this? Who says how much is enough? Nobody. The more you eat or drink anything and the more you shower the more you are exposed to it. Its not just about drinking water.

Yes we have a difference in oppinion. My oppinion says that the act of using Fluoride in water started in Nazi Germany. That oppinion is fact. I should not be forced to shower in poison because some people think its okay to have it in the water. I deserve to have clean and natural water. If your oppinion states that you feel the need to have Fluoride in your life, then fine. Like I said, go buy some toothpaste and eat the whole tube for all I care.

Keep it out of the water. Do not force it on people and this debate ends.
edit on 13-10-2011 by e11888 because: (no reason given)

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