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The most vulnerable suffer when fluoride is taken from water

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posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by LosTNForGotteNWayS
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

Fluoride calcifies parts of the brains including the Pineal gland permanently closing your "third eye" for good...

Problem I have with stuff like this is would mean our governments are actually smart enough to know stuff like this...and they aren't...and they drink the same water....but i like the way you think on this haha!

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by cosmicexplorer

Originally posted by e11888

Originally posted by cosmicexplorer

Originally posted by e11888

Originally posted by cosmicexplorer
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

Ya of all the conspiracies... flouride is the one i believe the least.... just as you expectancy has gone I don't see how its harmful...some people say its easier to control your mind....not buying that either

GOOD FOR YOU! Guess what? I dont care what you think or what you believe in. I DESERVE TO HAVE CLEAN FRESH WATER WITHOUT YOUR CHEMICAL IN IT! Do you understand that? Its really not a hard concept. The idea that a human being wants to drink clean natural water isnt a conspiracy theory. K? So go eat your Fluoride toothpaste all you want. I dont care what you do.


Calm down! You can buy water without fluoride in it....You have options man...........its the equivalent of arguing over preservatives in food...or having to wear seat belts.....The Gov makes some decisions....this one I don't care about...However I don't take the flu shot...thats one I do care about....we just have a difference of opinion brother.

Sure I can buy water without Fluoride in it. What about my food? Anything you buy has some sort of water in it. These people are using Fluoride water to produce the food. Its not just in the water. You cant go out to eat, you cant have a beer, you cant cook or even take a shower because its everywhere. Who regulates this? Who says how much is enough? Nobody. The more you eat or drink anything and the more you shower the more you are exposed to it. Its not just about drinking water.

Yes we have a difference in oppinion. My oppinion says that the act of using Fluoride in water started in Nazi Germany. That oppinion is fact. I should not be forced to shower in poison because some people think its okay to have it in the water. I deserve to have clean and natural water. If your oppinion states that you feel the need to have Fluoride in your life, then fine. Like I said, go buy some toothpaste and eat the whole tube for all I care.

Keep it out of the water. Do not force it on people and this debate ends.
edit on 13-10-2011 by e11888 because: (no reason given)

Eating a whole tube of toothpaste would harm you are implying that you want me to harm myself because of our difference of opinion.

So lets say we take out fluoride...lets get rid of preservatives....and alcohol has a whole for that matter cause alcohol does a hell of a lot more damage than do illegal drugs and tobacco amazes me we argue of fluoride when tobacco, fatty foods, drunk driving, alcohol abuse, and drug abuse all cause more deaths and damage to society............those are the things keeping us down...I really can't say what fluoride does..I have no idea...but its number like 12 on my list of things to worry about. Can we atleast agree that the other things I mentioned are of greater risk?

This post is about fluoride. Not drugs, tobacco, alcohol, fatty foods, etc. It doesn't matter that these things are a greater risk. Of all the things you listed, people make their own choice of using them. The point about fluoride is, it is being forced on the population. A lot of people are saying they don't see the harm in fluoridated water, but do you see any good? If you have had good oral health, do you think it's from drinking fluoridated water or because you brush and floss and see your own dentist? Fluoride is a toxic waste. It may work in toothpaste as a topical treatment, but it doesn't work from the inside out.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:00 AM
I'd say if fluoride in the water is a good thing, all countries would do it. A lot of them don't. Germany is a example, Sweden is another and both countries have a higher life expectancy than the USA or Great Britain, who are the only ones in europe who put fluoride in the water.

And it indeed is true that the Nazis were the first to put Fluoride in the water, they did in their concentration camps because apparently fluoride poisoning leads to sterilization and making the people meekly. It worked rather well.
I guess that's the reason the USA and Great Britain have low birth rates

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:02 AM
I did some quick research...I think the only country I could find that has banned fluoride is the Netherlands...And currently there has been many cases in the USA but it has been deemed lawful. I could care less either way but it would seem you wont win the court battle on this one in terms of getting it removed in the USA.

So you would have to write your congressman or woman...and really push the topic to the front of the list.

Also (this part should be under survival) can collect rain water...I keep a tub myself to collect it....not cause im afraid of fluoride but because I use it for other things.

Until then...good luck I guess

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by cosmicexplorer
reply to post by e11888

I really do understand where you are coming from with not having the option...I think the same thing about seat belts and I am cop...I hate that you are forced to wear them.

I guess I just don't believe fluoride does anything bad to you....if anything we are more aggressive and violent now than we have ever been so I don't see how it makes us docile. WE are all on this site because we want change..and we are actively debating and discussing because we aren't "docile".

I just don't see why fluoride is bad...I don't see the effects like I do with tthe other things I mentioned above which are obvious and there is 1000s of studies and pieces of data on to show how harmful it is.

Id say the days of the roman empire or dark ages were far worse in terms of just how aggressive people can really be more so than modern day. People dont need to be aggressive to survive anymore because everything is handed to them. There is no competition for that next meal, you just walk into Mcdonalds.

Im really not going to get into discussing law with a cop, but there are certain laws that are, in my oppinion, just put into place to generate revenue. However, its not a law that we need to Fluoridate the water. Infact, it should be against the law for companies to sell their waste that they are not able to dump by law to a water company to place it in our drinking water.

If you agree with me on the fact that we deserve a choice in the matter, then you should also agree with me that it should not be in our water supply. As Ive already stated the act of placing Fluoride in the water was first done by Hitler. That in itself should tell you all you need to know about it. But there have been thousands of studies and thousands of doctors and dentists that have come out and argued against it. A simple youtube search will bring you right to alot of these health professionals. The question is, with all this doubt especially by trained doctors, why is it not being looked further into? Instead, its kept in our drinking water.

As for cancer it has been going up not just in the elderly. Cancer in children has skyrocketed since the 50s. Autism seems to be more from the mercy in the vaccines than anything else really.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

I've never been clear on what the big hubbub is about fluoride in the water. We've had it there for decades and life expectancy and tooth retention has steadily increased. However you've got this faction of people, most of whom still live in their mom's basement wearing tin foil hats, want everyone to think the government is poisoning us. All I can do is stare at the screen and shake my head in bewilderment.

Give the rats the same poison long enough and eventually they'll become immune to it.
Longer life expectancy and tooth retention are probably due more to the use of modern medical practices, wouldn't you think?

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

Aside from the 1000's of health care professionals standing up and saying flouride has no benefits and may actually cause more problems. Over 3,000 American Health Professionals Opposed to Fluoride Flouride consumption by children can actually cause damage to tooth forming cells and prevent them from developing causing more problems in the long run.
Flouride also has been shown to build up on the pineal gland, the gland which regulates melotonin delivery, which according to the US National Research Council can cause sexual maturation to be affected, affects thyroid function for the worse, and cause postmenapausal osteoperosis. Flouride is not good in anyway for the people of this country except to drum up more money for the medical and pharmacuetical industry. has more great info on why

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by cosmicexplorer
I did some quick research...I think the only country I could find that has banned fluoride is the Netherlands...And currently there has been many cases in the USA but it has been deemed lawful. I could care less either way but it would seem you wont win the court battle on this one in terms of getting it removed in the USA.

So you would have to write your congressman or woman...and really push the topic to the front of the list.

Also (this part should be under survival) can collect rain water...I keep a tub myself to collect it....not cause im afraid of fluoride but because I use it for other things.

Until then...good luck I guess

I wouldnt agree with this at all. Tennesse just got it out of the water supply. As did towns in Michigan. I know there have been other places in the US that have banned it aswell. 1 person can and has made a difference when it comes to Flouride. All it really takes is bringing up the issue with solid fact behind you.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:10 AM
Fluoride put in water is not medical grade. Its Industrial Grade. Meaning it's a waste product from Alcoa smelting process to make aluminum and its got other bad things in it. Alcoa needed a way to get rid of its hazardous waste and whalllah...they thought of the idea of putting it into water systems to dumb down the people.

Go buy a big bottle of the Fluoride they put into public water systems. Video tape yourself dumping that bottle into a Lake. You'll be arrested for dumping hazardous waste into a water stream.

But it's ok to put into public water systems?......There's a line in Federal Code under the Clean Water Act. It's a FELONY for a Public Water System worker to warn you or the public they had a little accident and dumped too much Fluoride into the water or had a system malfunction.

Federal Felony.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by e11888

Originally posted by cosmicexplorer
reply to post by e11888

I really do understand where you are coming from with not having the option...I think the same thing about seat belts and I am cop...I hate that you are forced to wear them.

I guess I just don't believe fluoride does anything bad to you....if anything we are more aggressive and violent now than we have ever been so I don't see how it makes us docile. WE are all on this site because we want change..and we are actively debating and discussing because we aren't "docile".

I just don't see why fluoride is bad...I don't see the effects like I do with tthe other things I mentioned above which are obvious and there is 1000s of studies and pieces of data on to show how harmful it is.

Id say the days of the roman empire or dark ages were far worse in terms of just how aggressive people can really be more so than modern day. People dont need to be aggressive to survive anymore because everything is handed to them. There is no competition for that next meal, you just walk into Mcdonalds.

Im really not going to get into discussing law with a cop, but there are certain laws that are, in my oppinion, just put into place to generate revenue. However, its not a law that we need to Fluoridate the water. Infact, it should be against the law for companies to sell their waste that they are not able to dump by law to a water company to place it in our drinking water.

If you agree with me on the fact that we deserve a choice in the matter, then you should also agree with me that it should not be in our water supply. As Ive already stated the act of placing Fluoride in the water was first done by Hitler. That in itself should tell you all you need to know about it. But there have been thousands of studies and thousands of doctors and dentists that have come out and argued against it. A simple youtube search will bring you right to alot of these health professionals. The question is, with all this doubt especially by trained doctors, why is it not being looked further into? Instead, its kept in our drinking water.

As for cancer it has been going up not just in the elderly. Cancer in children has skyrocketed since the 50s. Autism seems to be more from the mercy in the vaccines than anything else really.

I agree in almost everything you say here mate.......especially about the law part! Some of what we do is to generate money and it is disgusting...Ive never written in a seat belt ticket in my life..

On topic....just cause Hitler did something doesn't make it bad...they experimented with alot of things..some great tech came out of it....I know there is stuff against it but there are studies for it as well....I really don't know...I haven't done any studies myself...I just don't feel the effects of it....maybe if it is linked to cancer and it gets me at age 80...well I led a good life.something else should have got me by then....I really wish we could remove lots of things from the planet..maybe even fluoride....I just can't see it effecting me....I am a pretty animated guy...maybe I just don't have a reaction to it or soemthing...

Fluoride being poisonous...sure...anything in a above required amount is poisonous...and I dont know if the FDA has set a I can see that point for sure...Im just not really buying the whole docile thing...i guess that is what bothers me most about the fluoride argument...should we have the choice to have it or not...hell ya we should have a choice...we should have a choice in about everything we do...i hate being forced anything.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by e11888

Originally posted by cosmicexplorer
I did some quick research...I think the only country I could find that has banned fluoride is the Netherlands...And currently there has been many cases in the USA but it has been deemed lawful. I could care less either way but it would seem you wont win the court battle on this one in terms of getting it removed in the USA.

So you would have to write your congressman or woman...and really push the topic to the front of the list.

Also (this part should be under survival) can collect rain water...I keep a tub myself to collect it....not cause im afraid of fluoride but because I use it for other things.

Until then...good luck I guess

I wouldnt agree with this at all. Tennesse just got it out of the water supply. As did towns in Michigan. I know there have been other places in the US that have banned it aswell. 1 person can and has made a difference when it comes to Flouride. All it really takes is bringing up the issue with solid fact behind you.

I think there have been successful trying to find the "banned" cases....Im a is what will help us win despite how boring and annoying it becoming interested in the topic now from a legal standpoint....and im trying to see how poeple "won" their case. Ill try to post some things in here when i find them.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

Personally. I think you're just trolling. Nevertheless, anyone who will spend one full day researching both sides of this topic will come to the same conclusion if they have any common sense left at all.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by cosmicexplorer

Also (this part should be under survival) can collect rain water...I keep a tub myself to collect it....not cause im afraid of fluoride but because I use it for other things.

Actually, that depends on the state you live in, and no, I'm not making this up. It was a few years back that and old arcane law was used to stop a family from capturing rainwater to use for their car wash, it was illegal for them to place buckets outside and get water for free, they had to PAY to get it from the water company.

I'm hoping and assuming it got overturned, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it wasn't. anyone recall this story? i can't find a link anywhere.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
reply to post by cosmicexplorer

Also (this part should be under survival) can collect rain water...I keep a tub myself to collect it....not cause im afraid of fluoride but because I use it for other things.

Actually, that depends on the state you live in, and no, I'm not making this up. It was a few years back that and old arcane law was used to stop a family from capturing rainwater to use for their car wash, it was illegal for them to place buckets outside and get water for free, they had to PAY to get it from the water company.

I'm hoping and assuming it got overturned, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it wasn't. anyone recall this story? i can't find a link anywhere.

Wow never heard of that...I could see an issue with people collecting and pooling water that is just sitting there...but interesting indeed...thx for the tip

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:22 AM
Ok I found some great links...i forget the rules on posting links but Ill try it anyway...this is in regards to case law on the topic which I hope some of you may find interesting. this link is an instant download of a word document that is a great read.

This link i believe has all the case law on the topic pooled into a search engine....

I will edit this post or add a new post when I find some interesting cases...preferably on both sides....this is honestly the first time ive really dove into the subject... haha i love this site

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by cosmicexplorer

im trying to find the "banned" cases

You won't find any. you will find townships that, because of public outcry, stopped their fluoridation programs or severely reduced the PPM being dumped in, but they didn't "ban" the practice, they just did what their constituents demanded, stopped placing it in there.

sodium fluoride is poison, builds up in the body, does not go away, and can potentially cause certain debilitating forms of cancer. That's a fact, no arguing will change that. the argument comes in when you are talking about how much is safe? you can't gauge everyone's drinking habits, so you can't possibly try to say those levels are safe, they are for a single glass, but they aren't for prolonged exposure.

Calcium fluoride, and even sodium fluoride, work TOPICALLY. Applied directly to the teeth. Drinking liquid with this in it goes into your stomach then spreads into your organ system and stays there. Fluoride can NOT help your teeth from your stomach, it needs to be applied directly to your teeth.

If this was actually a matter of making sure the "poor" can have good teeth, it would be much cheaper to simply supply them with fluoridated toothpaste and other oral hygene products, than it would be to dump toxic waste into the water.

but there's the catch, if they can't call that waste fluoride and dump it into the water, it's a chemical hazard and has to be dealt with, which is extremely expensive.

so instead, those companies dump that waste byproduct into barrels then sell them to your local government to dump into the water. In some cases, the barrels even declare the contents to be extremely poisonous and carcinogenic.

So lets look at this another way. You don't smoke, you don't want to breath my second hand smoke because of the health risk. I don't want to drink your toxic waste because of the health risk. You can walk away or go inside, I have to search high and low for non fluoridated water. Thankfully, as previously stated, my city water is fluoride free. bottled water? Better read that label carefully for a few reasons.

reason 1. Most bottled water IS fluoridated.
reason 2. they only have to place it on the label if they added it
reason 3. (related to reason 2) most bottled water actually comes from city water systems, which in the US, are mostly fluoridated.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

Yes sure do remember that story there was also a story over here in Aus where a business owner who used a fair amount of water put in huge water tanks to supply his business. Well the water corp over here cracked it and wanted to charge him and from what I remember the water corp won their case. that sucks arse

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

Ok most of the case law i am seeing is arguing the fact that it is seeing (like many of have already said I would find) there are health benefits in using fluoride but we take in too much since the stuff is everywhere...I wanna say one article said we get about 300% of what is needed naturally. this is a case that would be in favor of it being poisonous, harmful and may contribute to the rise in cancer.

I can't find any case law on that fluoride has made people docile.....if anyone finds something please post it.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by cosmicexplorer

I can't find any case law on that fluoride has made people docile.....if anyone finds something please post it.

Found a thread here at ATS about it, not done looking through it but it's a start:

ATS thread

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by cosmicexplorer

"I have your letter of September 29 asking for further documentation regarding a statement made in my book, "The Truth about Water Fluoridation", to the effect that the idea of water fluoridation was brought to England from Russia by the Russian Communist Kreminoff. In the 1930's Hitler and the German Nazis envisioned a world to be dominated and controlled by a Nazi philosophy of pan-Germanism. The German chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass-control which was submitted to and adopted by the German General Staff. This plan was to control the population in any given area through mass medication of drinking water supplies. By this method they could control the population in whole areas, reduce population by water medication that would produce sterility in women, and so on. In this scheme of mass-control, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place.

"Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual's power to resist domination, by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain, thus making him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him. [A convenient and cost-effective light lobotomy? --- Ott].

"The real reason behind water fluoridation is not to benefit children's teeth. If this were the real reason there are many ways in which it could be done that are much easier, cheaper, and far more effective. The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty."

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