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The most vulnerable suffer when fluoride is taken from water

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posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 07:56 PM
Human cells will fight anything that is poison. How can anyone call this poison then try to say it is just a small amount? Our bodies are mostly water and electrical signals. Everything we do is controlled by our internal power system. When poison is pumped into our bodies it causes our bodies to fight the poison to break it down to pass it.

Anyone who supports poison in the water, air, food or environment are either not thinking or have an agenda. Makes no sense in supporting a Gov. who puts poison in the water while they kill millions of humans in other countries.

Does anyone really believe they give a damn about our teeth? We are fed poison in our food supply by GMO companies. I guess the people who support fluoride will say that GMO is better than natural food.

Peace to all

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 08:04 PM

This is what happens when there is a fluoride spill at a water treatment plant that fluoridates their city's drinking water:

Some points from the video to consider:

Plant employees were evacuated

Hazmat had to respond to clean it up in full Hazmat gear

The chemical was "quickly" eating through the concrete

The chemical poses a burn risk to skin

Does that sound like a chemical that is good for you to ingest?


Oh, YES, give me some more fluoride, PLEASE....I can't get enough of that corrosive chemical!

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 08:06 PM
Author of Opinion

"Art Caplan", Ph.D.

Arthur L. Caplan, Ph.D., is Emmanuel and Robert Hart Professor of Bioethics and director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to coming to Penn in 1994, Caplan taught at the University of Minnesota, the University of Pittsburgh, and Columbia University.

Although bioethical issues have been debated since ancient times, and public attention briefly focused on the role of human subjects in biomedical experiments following the revelation of Nazi experiments conducted during World War II, the modern field of bioethics first emerged as an academic discipline in Anglophone societies in the 1960s.

Just kinda makes you laugh with all the Nazi comments in here.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

why dont you prove to us all then. Create a video blog with you drinking and gargling an fda aproved amount of pure flouride and lets see what happens to your health and teeth in one year. Put your money wher eyour mouth is.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

Fluorides antagonize iodine...increasing the risk of iodine deficiency and related diseases.

Glandular tissue requires higher levels of iodine than other tissue...
...which can become the focus of metabolic and neoplastic disorders.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 08:24 PM
So anyway we have a Professor in Pennsylvania who feels the need to write an opinion about a fluoride decision in Florida at the same time dragging politics into it, without quoting any scientific papers or facts.
It was a piece written just to divide Americans even further.
I asked it be sent to hoax, but maybe we need a propaganda bin for these stories.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by Deafseeingeyedog
Skeptics are like tits on a bull. Useless.

Fertilizer byproducts fed to you intravenously no big deal?

Just close your mind and don't worry, nothing to fear here, move along.

in·tra·ve·nous ( n tr -v n s). adj. Abbr. IV. Within or administered into a vein. n. A drug, nutrient solution, or other substance administered into a vein

They are shooting fluoride into your veins are they?

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 09:08 PM

reply to post by NightGypsy

Some points from the video to consider:

Plant employees were evacuated

Hazmat had to respond to clean it up in full Hazmat gear

The chemical was "quickly" eating through the concrete

The chemical poses a burn risk to skin

Does that sound like a chemical that is good for you to ingest?


Oh, YES, give me some more fluoride, PLEASE....I can't get enough of that corrosive chemical!

You of course know that oxygen can kill you in pure form too, right?

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by wardk28

Originally posted by wardk28
reply to post by MathiasAndrew

I never said fluoride wasn't a poison. I said that the rate they use in water is no where near the amount needed to cause those side effects. Unless you decide to eat toothpaste, then you shouldn't be worried about fluoride poisoning.

Fluoride is in our toothpaste, it is a food additive, it is in your tap water. What do you do with your tap water? Your coffee has water, Tea has it (green tea has a boat load of natural fluoride too)the beer you drink has water in it the foods you cook...just about everything you ingest has Fluoride in it, are you still confident you're still under that recommended levels of 0.7 to 1.2 ppm?

And while you may be right there are more important things to be worried about think about this...If the government is willing to put this in the water what else could they be subjecting the US population to?

So I think the larger issue is the fact that governments, not just ours, seem to have very little regard for human life that isn't their own. That is very troubling if you ask me.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by boncho

Originally posted by boncho

reply to post by NightGypsy

Some points from the video to consider:

Plant employees were evacuated

Hazmat had to respond to clean it up in full Hazmat gear

The chemical was "quickly" eating through the concrete

The chemical poses a burn risk to skin

Does that sound like a chemical that is good for you to ingest?


Oh, YES, give me some more fluoride, PLEASE....I can't get enough of that corrosive chemical!

You of course know that oxygen can kill you in pure form too, right?

I really hate to point this out to you....but your last two posts failed to have a point.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 09:20 PM

reply to post by Buford2

Anyone who supports poison in the water, air, food or environment are either not thinking or have an agenda. Makes no sense in supporting a Gov. who puts poison in the water while they kill millions of humans in other countries.


Perhaps you just have a lack of understanding what poison is.

Paracelsus, the father of toxicology, once wrote: "Everything is poison, there is poison in everything. Only the dose makes a thing not a poison."

The term "poison" is often used colloquially to describe any harmful substance, particularly corrosive substances, carcinogens, mutagens, teratogens and harmful pollutants, and to exaggerate the dangers of chemicals.

MSDS for Caffeine:


Harmful if swallowed. Experimental teratogen. Irritant in humans. May affect CNS.

EU classification Harmful (Xn)

Health rating of level 2 on the NFPA 704. That would be in the blue square...

Oh damn, Starbucks must be trying to kill us all...

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by boncho

You of course know that oxygen can kill you in pure form too, right?

Yes, so can water if you drink too much of it.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, how is that relevant to the topic of the government feeling it's necessary to add a chemical to our drinking water that poses health risks when too much of it accumulates in our body.....especially given the fact it's already found naturally in things we ingest and it's already added into a number of products that we eat and drink as it is?

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by bphi1908

So I think the larger issue is the fact that governments, not just ours, seem to have very little regard for human life that isn't their own. That is very troubling if you ask me.


From your source, times are a changing...

From 1988 to 2008, the number of overseas clinical trials for drugs intended for American consumption increased by 2,000%, to approximately 6,500 trials. These trials are often conducted in areas with large numbers of poor and illiterate people who grant their consent by signing an "X" or making a thumb print on a form.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by bphi1908

I really hate to point this out to you....but your last two posts failed to have a point.


Neither did the posts I was replying to...

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 10:03 PM
Why does Prozac contain Flouride? What is the real purpose of the poison? Please do not say it is for our teeth.


posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 10:14 PM
LOL Boom!!!!

Originally posted by boncho
reply to post by bphi1908

I really hate to point this out to you....but your last two posts failed to have a point.


Neither did the posts I was replying to...

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 10:17 PM
LightAssassin nailed it. Great video LA

Fluoride in water and toothpaste is a deadly poison. I learned much of that info and that our flouride was a by broduct of the aluminum manufacturing process many years ago. I studied it because I wondered why as a young man every time I brushed my teeth with a fluoride toothpaste I got sick to my stomach.

Only drink water that filters out fluoride and Never use a fluoride toothpaste.

There is Never a need to use a fluoride toothpaste as long as you eat a diet rich in natural living foods with no additives or preservatives, drink lots of water, stay away from refined sugars and use a safe non fluoride toothpaste. Your teeth Will Not rot and you Will Not get cavities. I use baking soda and hydrogen peroxide when I cannot buy my good brand of non fluoride tooth paste.

It's a scam by the ADA and the AMA and your the sucker being taken for a ride. You can gain control of your health, don't let those shysters have that control!

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 10:21 PM
I have not read the entire thread, but here is my view of fluoride after doing research, is a poison that now comes imported from china.

The Chinese don't even put it in their own citizens water, but now they import the poison into the US.

So much for accountability and transparency when it comes to many instances of poison coming from China.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by boncho

Originally posted by Deafseeingeyedog
Skeptics are like tits on a bull. Useless.

Fertilizer byproducts fed to you intravenously no big deal?

Just close your mind and don't worry, nothing to fear here, move along.

in·tra·ve·nous ( n tr -v n s). adj. Abbr. IV. Within or administered into a vein. n. A drug, nutrient solution, or other substance administered into a vein

They are shooting fluoride into your veins are they?

OOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo......I get it now, because I used an incorrect word To make a point, I must not have a valid point.....

If you honestly go about thinking that, I pity you, and the people that agree with you.
edit on 10/12/2011 by Deafseeingeyedog because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 10:43 PM

All this raises an obvious question: If fluoride kills cows, and crops, and fish, and is considered a hazardous waste chemical by the EPA, then how could it be healthy to ingest?

Roughly ninety-nine percent of the municipal water pumped through any given city never ends up in the mouths of the people. Most water is used for showering, washing dishes, washing clothes, watering yards and filling pools. Almost none of the fluoride dripped into the water supply comes into contact with human teeth. It does, however, end up downstream, where it contaminates rivers, streams and ultimately the oceans of our world. In this way, water fluoridation policies have become a convenient loophole through which the phosphate mining industry can dump its toxic waste byproducts into the environment without adhering to any EPA regulations whatsoever. Phosphate mining companies even turn a profit by selling their hazardous waste to cities, then labeling it "fluoride" even though this name is scientifically inaccurate.

Watch the video The Fluoride Deception

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